Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

Well HP Ice is fairly common on Thundurus so Sceptile might not be the best counter.

mega sceptile is 70/85 on the special defensive side. Will try a defensive set, I guess...
252+ SpA Thundurus Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 128 SpD Sceptile: 74-88 (41.8 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
To add to this:
128+ SpA Sceptile Hidden Power Rock vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Thundurus: 90-108 (58.4 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
128+ SpA Sceptile Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Thundurus: 96-114 (51.6 - 61.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I think it qualifies as a counter.
**Fixed 2nd calc. Forgot HP EVs.
I'd guess if this becomes standard that Thundurus will start running a more specially defensive set than usual, which means if you partner a strong physical attacker with Mega Sceptile, thundurus is no issue. Time to breed a god tier Sceptile.
That size walkthrough thing is mindblowing. Some pokemon are stupidly puny while others are surprisingly huge. Some are smaller/bigger than you would think.

edit: and wailord killed me lol
Don't go defensive with Sceptile. You wouldn't be playing to its strengths at all. If you want a Thundurus counter there are better options.

with 145 base speed and Sp.Att, and two pretty strong STABs, I think it's viable. Will have to tweak my set appropriately once I see the standard VGC Thundy set, but it should only give me more Sp.Att and/or Spe to work with.
**I'd need enough speed to outspeed garchomp. Might be cutting it close.
If I was to try and make an all Dark team, while also considering that I have zero competitive battling experience, how likely am I to be destroyed in every single match I played?

OMG Aero

I have a quick question about how shiny Pokemon are determined.
I'm gonna hatch some eggs in Pokemon Y because I have the shiny charm in that game, if one of the eggs hatches into a shiny Pokemon then I revert to a previous save and transfer that egg over to Alpha Sapphire so it has my trainer number from that game will it still hatch into a shiny?
I recall reading somewhere before that each trainer has a hidden value that determines whether an egg will be shiny or not so it's different per person.
If I was to try and make an all Dark team, while also considering that I have zero competitive battling experience, how likely am I to be destroyed in every single match I played?

Literally every match with a bulky garchomp or strong fighting pokemon.
**Actually, with hydreigon garchomp isn't as big of an issue.
Hmm...fighting type attacks are pretty common and fairies exists soo....yeah.

I forgot about fairies. They would also wreck face. I think Azumarill beats every dark type in the game...


If I was to try and make an all Dark team, while also considering that I have zero competitive battling experience, how likely am I to be destroyed in every single match I played?

Hmm...fighting type attacks are pretty common and fairies exists soo....yeah.
Literally every match with a bulky garchomp or strong fighting pokemon.
**Actually, with hydreigon garchomp isn't as big of an issue.

What about Weavile too?

Hmm...fighting type attacks are pretty common and fairies exists soo....yeah.

I could use something like Drapion to counter Fairies and resist Fighting, as well as maybe Honchkrow or Sableye to counter Fighting? I don't suppose many of those Pokemon have great competitive credentials though, I don't really know.
What a PITA is Landorus, Sheer Force + Life Orb + boosted Earth Power, Psychic, Focus Blast. How do I stop this thing?

*Besides Cresselia, that one I'm looking to get a shiny, so the stats will probably be crap.
What about Weavile too?

I could use something like Drapion to counter Fairies and resist Fighting, as well as maybe Honchkrow or Sableye to counter Fighting? I don't suppose many of those Pokemon have great competitive credentials though, I don't really know.

I'm not sure weavile can OHKO a bulky garchomp, tbh... and garchomp OHKOs weavile so I'm not sure. You'd have to design your stat spread specifically around garchomp, though.
I could use something like Drapion to counter Fairies and resist Fighting, as well as maybe Honchkrow or Sableye to counter Fighting? I don't suppose many of those Pokemon have great competitive credentials though, I don't really know.
Sableye is very good. I've seen Drapion work, as well. Oddly, I think Murkrow is better than Honchkrow due to bulk.
What a PITA is Landorus, Sheer Force + Life Orb + boosted Earth Power, Psychic, Focus Blast. How do I stop this thing?

*Besides Cresselia, that one I'm looking to get a shiny, so the stats will probably be crap.

need a dedicated special wall such as


I have a quick question about how shiny Pokemon are determined.
I'm gonna hatch some eggs in Pokemon Y because I have the shiny charm in that game, if one of the eggs hatches into a shiny Pokemon then I revert to a previous save and transfer that egg over to Alpha Sapphire so it has my trainer number from that game will it still hatch into a shiny?
I recall reading somewhere before that each trainer has a hidden value that determines whether an egg will be shiny or not so it's different per person.
It won't be shiny. As you said every Pokemon gas a shiny value and every trainer has a shiny value. If they match the Pokemon becomes a shiny
Gonna start breeding this Sceptile:
Sceptile-Mega (M) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 72 Def / 132 SpA / 52 Spe
Modest Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Quick Guard

Think I'll pair it with Azumarill. Not sure what else. Perhaps Rotom-H.
Damn, I've been looking at some teams and looks like I will have to get some pokemons just to check the common things, like Talonflame.

Can't believe that I'll have to put a Venusaur and a Rotom on my team, dear lord.

I'm not sure what metagame you are planning to play in, but keep in mind that Sheer Force Landorus is at this time not legal for play in any ranked in-game ORAS meta.

EDIT: Oh, and Venusaur does not like Lando's Psychic one bit.

Snap, forgot about Psychic too. But he's not legal? Don't one of the Battle Maidens use him? I'm planning on fighting in Battle Spot, so I'll be following those rules.
Damn, I've been looking at some teams and looks like I will have to get some pokemons just to check the common things, like Talonflame.

Can't believe that I'll have to put a Venusaur and a Rotom on my team, dear lord.

Snap, forgot about Psychic too. But he's not legal? Don't one of the Battle Maidens use him?

He can't be caught with Sheer Force in XY or ORAS, so you can't have one with a pentagon. The pentagon is required for a lot(all?) of the ranked game modes. This only concerns some online game modes, though including Battle Spot in ORAS.
He can't be caught with Sheer Force in XY or ORAS, so you can't have one with a pentagon. The pentagon is required for a lot(all?) of the ranked game modes. This only concerns some online game modes, though including Battle Spot in ORAS.

So I won't have to deal with it? And only pentagon pokemons?

Thanks again, that's a nice app/feature.

EDIT: Damn, some pokemons are like identical to smogon. If only I could think a strategy for myself, I bet some would get surprised.
Oh man, if only you knew some of the mons I'm testing for the upcoming tourney...

I'll probably end up using primarily bog standard shit with a couple obscure "techs" like last time.
The problem with gimmicky strategies is that they're reliant on your opponent's lack of knowledge. You have to be really creative.

This Normalize strategy is an example of one creative idea that took many people by surprise.

I wasn't exactly talking about gimmicky strategies, just not the same Aegislash/Talonflame/Rotom W/Kangaskhan/Greninja/Garchomp/Gengar that almost everyone has. I understand that they were chosen for a reason, and some are counters for others, but still...

And lol at the video, I kept wondering "why did he kept attacking the Gothitelle?"


The problem with gimmicky strategies is that they're reliant on your opponent's lack of knowledge. You have to be really creative.
And you have to get a good workflow going because if you're not constantly changing up your gimmick you lose your advantage. It's always fun to see people's thought process break when they come up against something unfamiliar though.

-Looks at Dustox's stats-

...Not even Quiver Dance can save it. Well maybe good for Special Defense.
Breed a Venomoth and name it Dustox, you'll be better off
And you have to get a good workflow going because if you're not constantly changing up your gimmick you lose your advantage. It's always fun to see people's thought process break when they come up against something unfamiliar though.

Breed a Venomoth and name it Dustox, you'll be better off

I did want to Masuda a Venomoth!
Not sure when I'll get around to it, my last Masuda made me feel...cautious.
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