I tried FacetrackNoir and found out it's very light dependent. Or at least in my experience it is. I like to play in a pitch black room and it didn't work very well. TrackIR on the other hand has been fantastic with the game, and I feel like it's lesser of a game without it. That's how good it is in my opinion.
The facetracking option/module of facetracknoir does need good light yep. It just uses your camera to track your face and judge your position based on that so if it's a bit dark and fuzzy, it's not going to work super well.
I like playing in a dark room with this.
TrackIR itself is really expensive but you can use just the clip they sell (or make your own) that has the 3 IR lights. And a webcam that can track at a fast rate, one of the ps3 eyetoys works well, 75fps at 640.
The facetracknoir program itself works with the ps3 eyetoy (1/2 models - need to remove filter without damaging lens) and the trackir lights (the clip you can buy separately), even though it's called noIR. It confused me a bit to begin with.
Very easy to use once you've fiddled with it for a while. Works great.
--This post explains it well:
You just need to grab a PS3 eyetoy ($9) and a horribly overpriced $30 track IR clip (or if you're feeling DIY, you can try to build your own out of LEDs). Facetracknoir works roughly as well as TrackIR after setting it up properly with these two items, at a fraction of the cost.
There are a multitude of ways to configure Facetracknoir's damping settings, so sensitivity should not pose a problem. Light sensitivity itself is a non-issue if you put some negative film or cut up an old floppy disk and place it over the camera to block out all light except the infrared LEDs from the track clip pro.
Been using this setup for a year or two now and it's been great. Of course if you have money to throw away just grab TrackIR and save yourself some time. ($150 vs $40)
Yeah, I imagine the HOTAS is the big difference there, heh.
I'm actually doing ok with the 360 controller, I just wish I could add some more buttons on the bottom for strafing. One nice workaround is to remap your d-pad so it works as front/back/left/right thrust when landing.
I thought about getting a 3DConnexion Space Explorer:
but from what people said on the forums it might be overly touchy for this purpose. I haven't seen anyone demonstrating it for space combat yet, although there was one person using it to slooowly move around.
Thanks for the nice extraction site location, will check out that place tonight.
I reckon that space explorer might be decent to control thrusters, especially with FA off. I've not used it though. It may depend on how the software works and if it's really picky about different degrees of rotation counting as a separate input as opposed to an axis - but it seems like it'd be okay in that respect, unlike mine.
The buttons seem a tad small for something if you need to switch your hand from the throttle back to it. I do something similar with a toy that's no way near as fancy and cool, but has some extra large buttons and a dial
New Evideo from Isinona (from yesterday..already posted..?)
Anyway, I love the Esound design, the guy doing it must be a genius.
Awesome. Will watch tonight, cheers for the headsup.
I've been trying to find Resource Extraction Sites for hours and nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
Filter for systems with extraction economies.
Look for a system with extraction economy that has ringed planets.
Go there.
Even if it's not on the navigation list, drive to within 1000ls of the ringed planet and it should show up on your navigation list.
I live near the equator =D I just couldn't get it not too really sensitive. Even with my head still it looked like I was driving a car over many tiny speed bumps lol.
Hmm might be worth turning up the smoothing slider and enabling one of the filters like the accela filter, which is just below the smoothing slider - you need to stop tracking to turn filtering on or off. You can move the smoothing slider while tracking.

These are my curves but they're for sitting in front of a monitor and the ps3 eyetoy (with the trackir clip, not face tracking):