Did you play RoS on the PC?after hundreds and hundreds of hours on the PC and ps3 version, the ps4 version lured me back in. I cant quit you diablo 3. I just started doing bounties and rifts at 70
psn: wickwire7
Finally 100%ed it now.
Feels good man
Trying to get an Akkan's set together for my Crusader. I actually have 4 out of the 6 pieces, and all are from gambling.
Two of the pieces have gem sockets, two don't. My question is, in using the Mystic, can you choose any (blue) magic stat in trying to get a socket or does it have to be a specific type of stat? If a specific one, what type?
I picked up Ultimate Evil on Xbox One during the previous holiday sale and I've got my Crusader up to level 65. I have a few questions some of you long time Diablo fans may be able to answer.
- What are "seasons" in Diablo? And do consoles get them?
- What does the future of Diablo look like? Another D3 expansion on the way?
For every item, notice how the affixes are grouped. On most Legendary or Rare, you'll probably see four properties listed first, then a faint yellow dividing line followed by two more affixes (yes, there are exceptions to this, and you'll eventually recognize them). These groupings are first by Primary Affixes and the second grouping is Secondary Affixes.Two of the pieces have gem sockets, two don't. My question is, in using the Mystic, can you choose any (blue) magic stat in trying to get a socket or does it have to be a specific type of stat? If a specific one, what type?
Just got the game. Anyone got tips on how I can level up fast?
So after spending some time with the console version I have to say its quite good. I thought the PC version was the be all end all of D3 but man this version is just so damn quality. Great graphics, great framerate, great IQ, great controls, great interface, oh and finally no carpal tunnel!
Lol!! Even the thought of playing D3 with a K+M causes my hand to tremble. Sounds like it can get quite excruciating
Anyway let me know if ya need any gems or mats. I'll send over some other sader gear later.
So those treasure goblins and their mythical portals. I've been running non-stop through Core of Arreat trying to get a portal to spawn. But no luck. Any other recommendations on good, linear and quick places to try and farm?
Did you play RoS on the PC?
I'm considering buying it for the ps4 since its still on sale. Played a lot of RoS on the PC and enjoyed it a lot but just dont like sitting infront of the computer after a long day of work. Is it easy to find public games on the PS4?
Hi all, I am playing on Xbox One and got a quick question.
Sometimes I get an instruction that I can add/attach a socket to a weapon but how do I do that?
Only downside seems to be rampant cheats/hacks on the console side.
Does blizzard plan on adding leaderboards and seasons to the console version in the new patch?
With all the hack and cheating going on doesn't it make those features pointless or do they have a plan to take care of all the hacking?
Lots of good information.
So jealous. I've got the shoulders and boots, after literally hundreds of hours of grinding.![]()
This is the first game that my wife and I have truley enjoyed playing together in couch co-op. It is an absolute joy. When it comes to games, we both have alpha personalities and usually end up fighting where to go and what to do but the design of this game is perfect. Thank you holiday sale!
Cooldown reduction (and therefore probably also resource cost reduction) are additive in how the reduction values are applied, rather than totaling all values for one net reduction amount. This is done to ensure that having 100% reduction is impossible, and also reduces the efficacy of reduction with more gear that you stack for it.Another general question, in regards to how the game calculates different sources for stats and adds them together.
Does it just add them, or is it a +/- of the total number/percentage?
Cooldown reduction suffers from diminishing returns, the formula is like this: 1-(1-cdr1)*(1-cdr2)*(1-cdr3) and so on. If you have 8% cooldown reduction from paragon, 20% cooldown reduction from skills, and 6% cooldown reduction from an item, your entire cooldown reduction is not 34% but 1-(1-0.08)*(1-0.2)*(1-0.06) = 1-0.69184 = 0.30816 (or 30.816%).
Cooldown reduction (and therefore probably also resource cost reduction) are additive in how the reduction values are applied, rather than totaling all values for one net reduction amount. This is done to ensure that having 100% reduction is impossible, and also reduces the efficacy of reduction with more gear that you stack for it.
From here: http://www.diablofans.com/forums/di...2430-ros-faq-reaper-of-souls-frequently-asked
I was torn on this because it's a hassle at some point to constantly switch gear since leveling is so fast through Adventure Mode. After the second alt character, my rule of thumb is to keep only keep helm with socket (for %exp), weapon with socket (+dmg), and chest with 3 sockets (main stat) to reduce the amount of gear swapping.Is there any point in keeping low leveled legendaries for your current class? I am leveling up my crusader and am like 50 or something (already have a 70 demon hunter), and don't even like getting legendaries when this low cause I know it's gonna be useless in 5-10 levels from now, feels like a waste of a legendary if only for mats. Also can legendaries come in every level? Like I could find the same weapon as a level 20 and then a level 70?
Sorry to hear that. Not to rub it in, but actually picked up the Pauldrons yesterday, so have five pieces now (just need the Pants).
Have you tried to gamble? That's how I've found all of mine. I know you can find pieces on drops, but have rarely found set pieces on drops, I've had the most luck with Kadala.
Ugh, I guess that's one way to do it. I've got 180 more bounties left for that particular achievement, so guess I'll go that route to see if I can get any of the Akkan set.
If you want to do the bounties for the achievement, do so. But just to let you know, the best way to get blood shards is through rift runs.
Save up at least 100-200, pick an equipment slot (that you need for Akkan's) and go on a gamble run. Keep hitting it until you hear that loud CHING!, then you know you got a legendary. I think all the equipment slots for Akkan's cost only 5 shards, there may be one that is 10.
I've been pretty successful so far. Not sure exactly how many shards I've gone through, maybe 2000 tops, for all 5 pieces.
Give it a try, hope it works well for you.
Socketed str SOJ or that FurnaceIf anyone on ps4 needs any sader/str based gear, let me know.
If anyone on ps4 needs any sader/str based gear, let me know.
You set me up good with that Akkhans set so thanks man. I'm gonna be farming for the ring of royal grandeur so I start making builds work, so not looking forward to this.
Sup D3 friends I put a face to my name lol, so you can know me lol, real pic january baby!!
Will be bakc to D3 in a couple of months maybe.
Just farm some Act 1 bounties and by no time you will have the RORG, do it on T6 though![]()
Got a question regarding the PS4 version. Is it normal for that version to have some pretty heavy ghosting / screen smearing issues? It looks pretty awful on my TV while other PS4 games don't.