Jamestown (1-4 players)What are some of your favorite games that are same screen co-op fun?
Crimzon Clover (1-2 players)
Jamestown (1-4 players)What are some of your favorite games that are same screen co-op fun?
Which is why i posed the question earlier on what some of the best/better ones are. I know they are out there but its such a chore trying to sift through steam and what not trying to find the gems.
i mean, out of all the ks old school rpgs eternity seems like it's interested in modernizing a bit.Mm I think I need to check up on it more, I mean it is a gametype that I really do love.
I did preorder PoE: Champion edition though! I couldn't resist when it cost the same as the Hero Edition.
i think it's fine in some cases, but the way it's haphazardly used is kind of sick when talking about delicate stuff like that.A vast majority of communication in any visual medium (film, art, games) is done through 'visual shorthand' like this [same in 'real life', too, really].
Jamestown (1-4 players)
Crimzon Clover (1-2 players)
I have it on my wish, but I removed it today. Metacritic scores are not good, and Guardian of Light was just boring after a while.
Actually the fact it's two hours long could be a positive things,but I prefer taking this from a bundle or 90% off.
Well I think I might be a liiiiittle crazy.
Still I did say to myself 'only buy 5 games this year' and now that 3 down on the list with only one of the AC's and Arkham Knight to go. Of course seeing as the year is barely 2 weeks old I better be fucking strong willed not to go spending crazy like every other year.
Also as a plus point I forgot that reward tier games, if you already own them, give you a dupe in your inventory. So I've got a butchered copy of San Andreas with missing tracks and kneecapped resolutions options to foist on someone!
I hope that is region free on nuuvem, I will buy it day 1 for 30
Zombie Army Trilogy is available for pre order as well.
Have they removed the swastikas or why can I pre order it from germany? Is there a censored version?
Is there only one preorder Tier for GTAV? I thought there would be more.
moved to firefox after having a few issues with chrome and here i find that every so often going to a game's steam store pages crashes firefox entirely? anyone had that happen?
is that the enhanced steam bug?
i mean, out of all the ks old school rpgs eternity seems like it's interested in modernizing a bit.
at least when it comes to interface, all the games i've played have either been hell (dead state, wasteland 2, divinity) or just were so streamlined you didn't have an inventory (shadowrun)
i think eternity will be old shit done better, which is what i really wish the other devs would've done as well.
i think it's fine in some cases, but the way it's haphazardly used is kind of sick when talking about delicate stuff like that.
The former. Hence "Zombie Army Trilogy" and not "Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy".
moved to firefox after having a few issues with chrome and here i find that every so often going to a game's steam store pages crashes firefox entirely? anyone had that happen?
is that the enhanced steam bug?
Bros for life[/QUOTE]
Crazies to the end!
[quote="Phawx, post: 147768878"][IMG]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/2810250/rounders-pay-him-o.gif[IMG]
Didn't realize tinypic was banned[/QUOTE]
They have a habit of resigning urls so that nice innocent picture say of a rabbit could turn into some much, much worse.
So there is no Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy anywhere?
That's a bingo. Apparently Rebellion grew sick of making two versions.
I like how right after that whole Master Race thread there's now a hype train picture which says PC Master Race on the front and a bunch of people can't wait to get on it. I also don't understand what's going on in there in general and why they are excited despite me myself looking forward to W10 but that's a minor point.
Anyone has tried H1Z1? I kinda want to bite the bullet, but I'm a bit burnout on early access games.
Didn't realize tinypic was banned
That's a bingo. Apparently Rebellion grew sick of making two versions.
Read somewhere on GAF that tinypic pics was replaced by porn pics automatically.
Crazies to the end!
Wait what is this then:
From the FAQ in the Steam forums
.ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Kagemusha, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
AVADON 2 --MB-1032A403511B0B84- Taken by NingenJanai
Skyborn --MB-B2673FB7F405BC9A- Taken by NihonTiger90
Depth Hunter 2 --MB-80F63DCEB27849AD- Taken by Baron_Calamity
So Sakura Angels is being sold for $7.49.
Who here wants to spend $7.49 or their regional equivalent to find out how bad it is for the rest of us?
So Sakura Angels is being sold for $7.49.
Who here wants to spend $7.49 or their regional equivalent to find out how bad it is for the rest of us?
There's only one app and one sub (excluding the four-pack for discussion's sake), so either that's outdated info or there are two versions but Rebellion forgot to upload/put up the modified one intended for Germany.
Bah, I got gifted it, so I can't join you as a crazy. How disappointing!
Wait it's already out?
I'm disgusted by all the people who will now with excitement express they pre ordered GTA V, all over the internet.
Let me get this straight:
They - deliberately - want to give money for an at this point unavailable product, produced by a company who doesn't give a fuck about PC gamers.
That company made the game available to console gamers - TWICE - and can't get enough manpower together to finish the PC version on the deadline they published officially.
Yes, I will buy GTA V myself.
No, I won't buy it before release. Not even in the first month after release.
When the first price drop is available I will buy it.
That seems weird. Could the game itself check from where its played and load that data accordingly? The devs said german version is censored just 2 days ago on the forums.
So Sakura Angels is being sold for $7.49.
Who here wants to spend $7.49 or their regional equivalent to find out how bad it is for the rest of us?
I nominate JaseC.
It's set up like Max Payne 3: pre-order now to get the most rewards (bonus cash and San Andreas). I'd expect the bonus cash to be given the flick come February 1st (which is when Tier 2 kicks in) with Tier 3 having just San Andreas.
Wasn't there a big ballyhoo about this game where the developer did a quick turnaround and created a pay-to-win business model?
Well if you're going to try running it at full pelt on your PC I'd say that is far more crazier!
Saying that the specs at the required end are quite low but I couldn't get GTA IV to play nice on my Q6600, even when it was clocked to 3.8ghz. Even turning every setting right down would still wig out from time to time. Though when I upgraded to a 4670K, even with turbo off and at 3.4ghz stock the difference was massive. Be interesting to see how things have progressed from IV to V. What I do find funny is folks saying 'Max Payne 3 was a great port'. Yeah sure it was, for a linear, enclosed shooter. Open world is a whole different kettle of fish in terms of demands but L.A. Noire ran pretty stellar on my old and current PC. I guess we'll see in a couple of months time.
Sorry if asked before but is GTA V on Nuuvem for Steam or really a Social Club Only Game?
Atenção: Chaves serão ativadas no Rockstar Games Social Club somente!
Urgh I should have guessed.
Please Valve, let me have control over how my library appears. Saying that where do you stick Episodes? Do you put it after IV or at the end like a separate entity?