Felt like this since the weekend.
Wtf, I just noticed she slurped a noodle
Felt like this since the weekend.
Wtf, I just noticed she slurped a noodle
Can you find the secret behind this gif?
It's almost a bit sickening how much this L~A person tries to post the first thread for every single bit of Nintendo-related news, no matter how insignificant. And I'm fairly certain they're doing it for their own ego too, not just to be nice.
There is a guy smoking in the background
When is Aiko's ban ending tomorrow or friday?
Look who showed up on my doorstep today!
So many Mio figs!Look who showed up on my doorstep today!
So many Mio figs!
Nice collection
Sölf;149640503 said:Currently sitting in the university. Lecture ended half an hour earlier, now I have to wait until the enxt one starts. Bleh, I am bored. >_>
Look who showed up on my doorstep today!
Good morning
Also morning all!
Hey buddy
What is this from?
Look who showed up on my doorstep today!
Ooo very nice!
Which figure is that?
Also morning all!
Made by Clayz. It's fairly big, being that it is 1/6th scale.
She's got the correct rice bowl, and I'm not sure if you can see in this pic, but Elizabasu actually has real strings.
Sölf;149672480 said:She has the rice bowl? Good, the most important thing is there then.
Sölf;149672480 said:She has the rice bowl? Good, the most important thing is there then.
It's the first thing I check when I take her out of the box!
Made by Clayz. It's fairly big, being that it is 1/6th scale.
She's got the correct rice bowl, and I'm not sure if you can see in this pic, but Elizabasu actually has real strings.
I've slept more in the last few days than I've been awake. Fuck migraines.