PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Holy hell, Mitch drowning with white people. Maybe Trump could actually get somebody primaried.
People are seriously upset there's protests at the airport Trump's arriving at. I really couldn't give a shit about unifying with the nazi president right now.
Pence has the highest approval among white people? White people quit embarrassing me.

Slightly off topic. However, during this whole confederate statue removal discussion. It got me thinking where are all the Union soldier statues? The more that I think about it, the more I realize I have never really seen any union memorials and statues compared to the Confederate ones that are wide spread. You'd think the Confederacy was the one to win the war not the Union.
To add to that poll, that outfit has an R lean according to 538. So maybe find a good candidate for Kentucky?
PPP's last poll of Kentucky was horrible for McConnell, just 18% approval to 74% disapprove. They had him losing to a generic Democrat 44-37 as well.

Given Kentucky's strong Republican lean, I imagine most undecideds would end up voting for McConnell, but just for comparison Rand Paul (with a not-great 39/47 approval) beats a Democrat 50-38, not far off from his 57-43 spread last year.
Holy hell, Mitch drowning with white people. Maybe Trump could actually get somebody primaried.

Not surprised. Congressional leaders tend to be unpopular. Add in the failed health care votes which are likely to upset you regardless of your position. Ryan at least got something through his chamber to keep the conservatives pleased.
Pence's numbers are roughly what I'd expect for Generic Republican, perhaps shifted down a bit for the Trump association. Unless you follow politics closely or are from Indiana, it would be easy not to know anything about his extremism.
If he's running again then he'd better tailor his message towards minorities rather than hoping that "We need to break up the banks" will carry him to a win in South Carolina.

I would also think that groundwork has to start now, if not very soon, if he wants minorities in the south. Can't just abandon campaigning in the area in a primary, then be shocked older minorities didn't go for you.
Every north korea thread you can tell people who have never taken a world politics/International relations class and get all of their geopolitical news from soundbites, "conventional wisdom" or propaganda
If he's running again then he'd better tailor his message towards minorities rather than hoping that "We need to break up the banks" will carry him to a win in South Carolina.

This is not supported by that chart, I mean you could be write but there is no support for this in the chart beyond just presupposing that
It's supported by him going even w/ white people but losing black people 3:1 in the primaries.

2016 says nothing about 2020 with bernies support. He's not going to be running against clinton

He's extremely popular, the most popular politician among minorities today. I don't know why we're supposing that he needs to radically change his message. It seems pretty popular.

And this meme that he sucks with minority issues, is nonsense. His politics and policies are great, the polls seem to reflect a lot of people feel the same.


2016 says nothing about 2020 with bernies support. He's not going to be running against clinton

He's extremely popular, the most popular politician among minorities today. I don't know why we're supposing that he needs to radically change his message. It seems pretty popular.

And this meme that he sucks with minority issues, is nonsense. His politics and policies are great, the polls seem to reflect a lot of people feel the same.
I don't see how the primary votes in 2016 say nothing yet favorabilty polls in 2017 do with regards to 2020.
Bernie's biggest boost if he runs next time would be being able to better hug Obama more than he was able to last time. Running against someone who was his successor didn't allow him to do that and I think, outside of his tone deaf rhetoric at times, is really the single biggest thing that hurt him with black voters the most. There were so many times during the debates that when Bernie went after Hillary she would basically say "well Obama did that too so if you are criticizing me you are criticizing Obama", which, turned out to be a pretty successful tactic on her part, and Bernie didn't have much of an answer for it. Bernie basically went in hard as much as he could but every time the subject of Obama came up he knew he had to pull way back because saying anything that came off as too critical of him would be really bad for him. And it was.

I agree with Kiblar that he needs to rephrase his message for southern voters as well regardless.. I think saying something along the lines of "politicians soft on the big banks won't tell them they can't throw out a black small businessman's loan application because their name sounds too ethinic." Instead of just "break up the banks because their bad" is something he probably has to do.

Many of the largest corporations and banks directly profit off of being able to discriminate and keep minority workers wages low. It wouldn't be hard to pitch that as he basically has been already.
Hilary Clinton was also extremely popular with African Americans and Obama outmaneuvered her in the end as well. If Bernie actually is planning on running and isn't refining his plan in the south he will lose again
Good to see the NYT do another Russia revelation bottle-clink.gif combo with WaPo, then return to pivot-bating in the next day's headlines, in four days we'll hear from the salt of the earth Texas trumplovers, impressed with his hurricane handling and unconcerned by the just-released N***** tape or whatever.
52% say Trump is intelligent.





If you think of intelligence as a spectrum, he is. He's a conman of the highest order and he sold his con to enough people that he zipped by all the other GOP candidates and ending up winning in the end. Even in his business dealings. You can argue he's not good at business, but he's good at constant litigation and squirming out of bad business deals.

everyone's gotta be good at something though. Even if it's selling snake oil.
2016 says nothing about 2020 with bernies support. He's not going to be running against clinton

He's extremely popular, the most popular politician among minorities today. I don't know why we're supposing that he needs to radically change his message. It seems pretty popular.

And this meme that he sucks with minority issues, is nonsense. His politics and policies are great, the polls seem to reflect a lot of people feel the same.

If he does well with minorities this time then he will do well in the primaries. If you understand this why did you post "Yeah, nominating bernie is gonna kill dems with minorities...."

Seems like you're just asking a rhetorical question or taking shots.


If you think of intelligence as a spectrum, he is. He's a conman of the highest order and he sold his con to enough people that he zipped by all the other GOP candidates and ending up winning in the end. Even in his business dealings. You can argue he's not good at business, but he's good at constant litigation and squirming out of bad business deals.

everyone's gotta be good at something though. Even if it's selling snake oil.

No, he's literally not good at remembering words or saying them. Cmon.

This again just proves that people are strongly invested in the capitalist fallacy that Trump's success must necessarily imply his merit. Anybody can look at Trump's behavior for five minutes and understand that he is not intelligent.


2016 says nothing about 2020 with bernies support. He's not going to be running against clinton

He's extremely popular, the most popular politician among minorities today. I don't know why we're supposing that he needs to radically change his message. It seems pretty popular.

And this meme that he sucks with minority issues, is nonsense. His politics and policies are great, the polls seem to reflect a lot of people feel the same.
a) Bernie won't be running in 2020 because Elizabeth Warren will probably stalk him 24/7 if he entertains the idea.

b) As we saw in 2016, popularity and who people will prefer to vote for are not things that correlate 1:1..
Why is chuck schumer so unpopular?
Because congressional leaders are almost always unpopular.
If he does well with minorities this time then he will do well in the primaries. If you understand this why did you post "Yeah, nominating bernie is gonna kill dems with minorities...."

Seems like you're just asking a rhetorical question or taking shots.

I'm taking shots the the people who think bernie sucks with minorities rather than clinton just being better last year


NK launched a missile over Japan yesterday, Trump is visiting Texas today while a hurricane is still hovering over the state, and for some reason we are talking about 2016 and 2020 again.


Yeah, nominating bernie is gonna kill dems with minorities....

Who is even making this claim?

I'm taking shots the the people who think bernie sucks with minorities rather than clinton just being better last year

This actually makes very little sense. I thought Clinton was a terrible candidate with low popularity across the board. What, specifically, made her way better than the most popular candidate in the country with African-Americans? Especially when she was probably still not as popular as Bernie with them? This is actually something that deserves some real consideration!


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
.@foxandfriends We are not looking to fill all of those positions. Don't need many of them - reduce size of government. @IngrahamAngle
8:26 AM · Aug 29, 2017

I mean, saying that nominating Bernie would kill the Democratic Party with minorities is really just a straw man. Nobody is saying that.

Obviously his high favorability is an asset should he choose to run in 2020, but there's a big difference between having high favorability and winning an election, particularly in a primary when many people are choosing between multiple candidates they view favorably (and keep in mind it's likely the people running in 2020 don't have super high name recognition right now). He still needs to put in the work of campaigning and winning votes. If he does so he'll be a formidable foe. If he writes off the South the way he did last time, he'll have dug himself a hole he can't climb out of.

Why is chuck schumer so unpopular?

Congressional leaders tend to be unpopular in part because they serve as proxies for people to express their dissatisfaction with Congress in general.
Most people fooled by him are actively looking to be fooled. Plus, public perception is bolstered by a media trained to pick apart statements by officials for meaning and impact on future policy, since his utterances have neither of those things, the media analysis tries to impart a deeper meaning on them. Folks like Haberman give him headlines that ask if his strategy on X will be effective, yet they know from interviews that he's a drooling toddler unable to say anything of meaning.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
.@foxandfriends We are not looking to fill all of those positions. Don't need many of them - reduce size of government. @IngrahamAngle
8:26 AM · Aug 29, 2017


How about someone asks him to run down those positions and explain why we don't need each one of them individually?
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