Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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Trin is my favorite, but I'd never want her to win because I always look forward to the filth that comes out of that woman's mouth after she gets eliminated.
Dragon Ball Z was the reason I hated anime for over a decade. Shit just dragged on too long. I specifically remember during the Goku/Frieza fight, Frieza mentioning that Planet Namek was going to blow up in like 10 minutes, then a whole fucking episode goes by and it doesn't blow up. I always prefered the goofy shit that goes on between arcs rather episode after episode of guys yelling and throwing energy waves at each other. Fuck that shit, when I got back into anime it was all moe, all the time.


I'm more convinced every day that Dragon Ball is, and always was, garbage.

I'm a fan of Dragon Ball Z now because without its awfulness we never would have gotten Dragon Ball Abridged. Which might very well be the greatest thing the internet has ever produced.



Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I enjoy how enraged people still get when Dan says something dumb about something they like on Twitter. Except when he talks about soccer, then it is justified.
in Dan's defense, I don't think Avengers was a memorable movie at all. I liked watching it but I mean it's CG things beating each other up for 2.5 hours with a few jokes here and there


The irony of it all was that he wasn't even being that harsh, and admitted that he liked the first film and will see this one.

Whatever. I guess some people just desperately need validation for the stuff they like.


in Dan's defense, I don't think Avengers was a memorable movie at all. I liked watching it but I mean it's CG things beating each other up for 2.5 hours with a few jokes here and there

it was a fun movie that was a culmination of years of Marvel movies combining all these big actors together. it was awesome. people are so damn jaded these days. makes me sad.
The irony of it all was that he wasn't even being that harsh, and admitted that he liked the first film and will see this one.

Whatever. I guess some people just desperately need validation for the stuff they like.

I know, I'm right with him. Fun movie, completely forgettable. something something naked hulk, robots on flying sleds, agent Carter gets shot

it was a fun movie that was a culmination of years of Marvel movies combining all these big actors together. it was awesome. people are so damn jaded these days. makes me sad.

I don't know what to tell you. I literally can't remember what happens in the movie.


Unconfirmed Member
Where's that picture that Game Informer guy always posts when Dan goes on one of those troll sprees?

Not that I liked Avengers all that much myself.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I watched the Avengers movie, had barley any idea who anybody was (I mean besides the names I guess) and all I remember is things blowing up. And I actually KNOW that there is more to the movie then this unlike most Michael Bay movies. But man, I can't remember anything.
I bought Sentris on Steam to support Samantha but it's one of the few games that makes me motion sick. So I've never played it outside of a couple minutes.
I never understood why Avengers was so beloved. It just seemed like a Transformers-tier story with better actors. I actually liked Thor quite a bit though, and Nolan's Batman trilogy was awesome.


As someone who was lukewarm on the Marvel movies, I thought the Avengers movie was straight up boring. And I didn't think I had an unpopular opinion.
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