Someone please gif the reactions on talking dead to the sneak peak. You'd think Carl cured the virus lol. Amazing.
Yup, that was great lol
Carl on Talking Dead next week too, heh.
Someone please gif the reactions on talking dead to the sneak peak. You'd think Carl cured the virus lol. Amazing.
Carl on Talking Dead next week. Wonder who dies...
Yeah, this needs to happen.Someone please gif the reactions on talking dead to the sneak peak. You'd think Carl cured the virus lol. Amazing.
Carl on Talking Dead next week. Wonder who dies...
And Carl's gonna be on Talking dead next week lol
Carl on Talking Dead next week. Wonder who dies...
Someone please gif the reactions on talking dead to the sneak peak. You'd think Carl cured the virus lol. Amazing.
EDIT: nvmOMG that "Everybody Ate Chris" line on Talking Dead/the internet got a HUGE laugh out of me. So awful and yet so funny.
Just from that preview, it seemed possible next week.
OMG that "Everybody Ate Chris" line on Talking Dead/the internet got a HUGE laugh out of me. So awful and yet so funny.
Yeah, that was hilarious.
His virginity.
Death flags
for Carl the boy after he gets it
Maybe Jessie is the one abusing the kids. Sam broke her owl sculpture as revenge.I don't think the dude is really beating his wife. Its too convenient. It let's Rick do what he wants which is kill that dude and get the girl. Maybe Carol is just projecting and Rick is just too eager to accept what she's saying. Then he kills the guy and its a huge problem.
Or maybe its exactly what it sounds like.
I'm calling it now on who dies next episode
Carl's Girl friend
Fuck...So, the guests for Talking Dead after the FINALE areScott Gimple and Norman Reedus.
if the person sasha is shootingIt's like this show wants to piss me off but then againthat preview could be misleading like before
"I need to speak with you, all the black people around me are dying"
I think he's a fantastic actor. it's making me hate the fucking shit out of him.That priest is an annoying actor
No time, saving ammo, needed to distract the walkers, etc?why didn't they shoot aiden in the head as the zombies were descending rather than let him get eaten alive?
Ok Pete is suppose to be no good drunk but every morning he has a beer. Where the hell does get the stash? The cliché store?
Damn two black person already. Gabriel next to feel the wrath of Rickism
Good episode
ok the black characters dying has to be on purpose now right
What if comic spoilersSasha's the one to blind Carl with an errant shot?
Real talk. Michonne might want to orchestrate a supply run for some skin bleaching cream
So long, Noah. They never did much with your character but at least that bug eyed face you made when you threw yourself against the glass right before the zombies ripped you apart made me laugh out loud.
I know it would eliminate alot of the holy crap moments, but for god's sake can these people stop going off into the woods alone? Abraham was in the military right? Hopefully he starts mandating the buddy system in that construction group.
Gotta love Gabriel condemning Rick and his group as "Satan" when he's the guy who locked out his congregation when they sought refuge from the walkers. Hope he gets called on that too.
Curious as to how they'll handle things with Deanna and Pete. If Aiden's friend (can't remember his name) lies and blames Aiden's death on Glenn and the others it could really interesting to see how Deanna deals with that situation. As for Pete, goddamn Carol with the off with his head stuff. Her advocating for murder is understandable given her past, but way too harsh...especially considering the guy is a surgeon. Guessing Jesse and her kids go stay with Rick for awhile so Rick can keep her safe, and by keep her safe I mean tear dat azz up.
ok the black characters dying has to be on purpose now right
someone in this thread might've mentioned that - what with him being the one who rips the bible apart, perhaps he is the one (maybe even unknowingly) disguising himself as the light, when he is the satan.And fuck Gabriel. What he doesn't realize about his whole "Satan disguises himself as a false beacon of light " or whatever is he thinks he's talking about the group but he's really talking about himself.
what was the guy trying to convince deanna of? he was saying something about abraham to her, but I couldn't make out what he wanted her to think about. couldn't really hear it properly actually.
what was the guy that was stuck in the pole saying?
what about everyone else that dies on the show
oh, well he's right.He wanted Abe to lead the construction team
the damn thing?Steven Yeun did the damn thing in this episode.
Poor Noah
Gabriels a bitch