Only for fusion dance.
With earrings, you can do whatever.
Is there a reason why Future Trunks is seen as the best character in the show in this thread?
I don't mind the blue hair but I want Gohan to achieve it.![]()
i think they look neat
and my boy geta has it too, so there's still hope he'll be the one to finish off Freeza
Vegito and Potara fusion only exist because Toriyama didn't want to steal Fusion Reborn's thunder by having Gogeta appear in the manga first.
Haven't heard of this before. ANything more to it
The concept of fusion is also a form of leveling up. How did that concept come to be?
If I remember correctly, I was talking about how, as a concept, theres nothing stronger than a Super Saiyan, and Katsura-kun (Masakazu Katsura-sensei), who I usually just joke around and say idiotic things with, said, Theres no choice but for them to fuse, then. So I said, Whoa, sometimes even you say something good. Its the first time youve ever made yourself useful. (laughs) Thats how that plot point was born.
What about the concept of the Potara?
That was simply, since Fusion was a plot point that was already taken by one of the movies, I was wondering what I should do; I had always been drawing earrings [on Kaiōshin], so I thought, perhaps I can use these
Had you drawn them from the beginning, thinking that youd use them as a fusion item?
No, not at all. They were just for decoration.
Seriously at the end of the buu arc Vegeta accepts he sucks and that Goku's better.
And they even followed through in battle of gods
I know at the end he's like "next time I get the power up" but I thought he was just fucking around
I wonder if the real reason why we aren't getting Goten and Trunks is that Toei realized they forgot to age them in the last movie.
I wonder if the real reason why we aren't getting Goten and Trunks is that Toei realized they forgot to age them in the last movie.
Well Battle of the Gods was what... 3 years after the defeat of Buu?
Toriyama made new designs for the entire main cast this time. I guess he didn't want to make some halfway older designs for them though. This is 5 years after the Buu Saga, so they'd need to look older, but also younger than in the end of Z. It also likely doesn't help that his new art style makes everyone look younger.
Pan is 4 at the end of the series so this has to be about five years after Buu's defeat.
Pan is 4 at the end of the series so this has to be about five years after Buu's defeat.
Is that from the new movie?
It's from battle of gods but in the extended edition.
Hell no, I'll take anything over that ridiculous AF shitI almost wish Dragonball AF happened so we could get some new transformations that didn't look lazy as FUCK.
I almost wish Dragonball AF happened so we could get some new transformations that didn't look lazy as FUCK.
Because he's better than the alternatives?
Don't sweat it.
We went from this:
to this:
in like 3 years.
Trunks and Goten still have some leeway,
Half-Saiyans don't age like normal Saiyans from what we've seen.
But Gohan looked like a normal pre-teen. Future Trunks was also in an in between stage in History of Trunks (about what he should look like in this movie).It gets brought up in Jaco. Apparently Saiyans stay in their small bodies until adulthood where they suddenly rapidly grow.
Gohan is a half breedBut Gohan looked like a normal pre-teen.
Add it to the inconsistency pile, I guess.
Chichi was the exact same age as Goku at the start of DB.
How long after Battle of the Gods does Revival take place?
I'm certain the only reason Trunks and Goten weren't older was simply for fan service showing them in the form everyone remembered/wanted to see.
I rewatched the movie last night since it was free on Xbox video. Gohan suddenly appearing in his battle outfit was kind of jarring. Shit at least show is Great Saiyaman costume on the ground like they did for Trunks and Goten.
Also, I'm calling it now. This movie Vegeta and Goku get to a similar power level. Next movie they become God Gogeta.
Will the movie be in Japanese in theaters in the US?
no it will be the english dub just like battle of the gods was.
October 7th for dvd release of RoF