I just hope V is a console game. I don't care if it's last-gen. V deserves better than handheld relegation.
I just hope V is a console game. I don't care if it's last-gen. V deserves better than handheld relegation.
I just hope V is a console game. I don't care if it's last-gen. V deserves better than handheld relegation.
Atlus USA survey about game audio
Possibly considering dual audio more in future?
They want us to pay more for dual audio. Considering how expensive their games are in here, that just means I'll buy even less of their games day one. I was going to take the survey, but since I'm not that passionate about dual audio I think I'll just skip it. Sorry.
I just hope V is a console game. I don't care if it's last-gen. V deserves better than handheld relegation.
How much involvement did Kaneko have with SMTIV again?
Next to none, by the sounds of it. He helped with the scenario, I think?
Hello, yes, this actually happened in Persona Q:
(After Yu was put to sleep by an enemy)
Nanako: Big bro, wake up! There's a scary monster!
Yu: I'm sorry I ate... your flan...
...the added DLC navigation actually adds even more unique lines from the characters? Holy shit, the amount of missable dialogue in this game is awe inspiring.
Well not exactly... Yu will always say that when he falls asleep, it was just a nice coincidence.
Maybe cross between N3DS and Wii U. I really want HD Kaneko on my console.
Maybe cross between N3DS and Wii U. I really want HD Kaneko on my console.
I don't think that answers the question that was being asked.In an interview, Atlus's Masaru Nanba noted that "Risechie" would not translate well into roman letters for the west, and that the French-sounding "Risette" was chosen instead. This also changed hercatchphrasemidnight channel introduction from "Rise-Cheese" (りせチーズ Risechīzu) to "Push Risette" (as in "push the reset button").[52]
hercatchphrasemidnight channel introduction "Rise-Cheese" (りせチーズ Risechīzu)
Kanamin Kitchen
In an interview, Atlus's Masaru Nanba noted that "Risechie" would not translate well into roman letters for the west, and that the French-sounding "Risette" was chosen instead. This also changed hercatchphrasemidnight channel introduction from "Rise-Cheese" (りせチーズ Risechīzu) to "Push Risette" (as in "push the reset button").[52]
Urusai!Can I push the reset button so I never have to hear Rie Kugamia's Rise again?
You think we'll ever see kaneko lead the art direction again? Or will doi be the main artist for the series from IV?
good to know that was just as annoying in japanese as it was in english
-There's probably one of the most hilarious scenes in the Persona series in this movie, you'll recognize it.
So I guess there's no P4D update today?
Next to none, by the sounds of it. He helped with the scenario, I think?
--I really like how they handledThey ruined the Makoto x Yukari moment at the beach. ):< I mean come on, why does Aigis gets to hug him? Okay you guys know I dislike Aigis so of course I would dislike her Orgia Mode momentKen, Shinji and Koromaru. It's a lot different from the game but I think it's also better. The shock from admiring Shinjiro as an awesome guy to then realizing that he's a murderer? Wow. They really made Ken a lot more sympathetic in this.And really like what they did with Makoto and Ken's relationship. .) In the original game there was almost nothing of it, I really wanted to sit down with Ken and talk with him. Though I did lose a lot of respect for Makoto when he didn't stop or asked Ken what the hell at their goodbye, and how he ignored Akihiko until the last moment to kill the wheel. Suffer, Makoto, suffer from watching Shinji's photo at his funeral!
and new costumes have been added
Again no new costumes for Kanami. We only saw one alternative costume for her so far, I guess the other ones are meant as a surprise or something like that?
Next week should feature Naoto's video, given her placement in the character section.
and new costumes have been added, as well as a buying guide, that is useless for 90% of us, but you can at least see the various preorder bonuses.
And the mystery new track has been removed from the song list.
Or they didn't bother with any more for her because they know that nobody would want to play as her anyway and effort is best spent on the investigation team.
My money is on PV2 next week.
Is there any reason to expect PV2 before the Bluray stuff included in DAN?
Is there any reason to expect PV2 before the Bluray stuff included in DAN?
I mean Dancing All Night PV2.
Look at Kanji go. Can't wait to beat the shit outta the dance floor with him.
Only the sales of IV could make that case.
In an interview, Atlus's Masaru Nanba noted that "Risechie" would not translate well into roman letters for the west, and that the French-sounding "Risette" was chosen instead. This also changed hercatchphrasemidnight channel introduction from "Rise-Cheese" (りせチーズ Risechīzu) to "Push Risette" (as in "push the reset button").[52]
and new costumes have been added, as well as a buying guide, that is useless for 90% of us, but you can at least see the various preorder bonuses.
And the mystery new track has been removed from the song list.
IV did really really well, highest debut for a megaten game in the west too(I think).