so the ToO HC is just better in all stats way?For Noomi:
Can you boost both range and stability in the PoE HC after leveling it up?
so the ToO HC is just better in all stats way?For Noomi:
10 minute nightfall... good times.
Got my 2nd horn on the 1st run. RNG is so cruel.
Starting a NF.
Two spots to join.
PSN: ethomaz
It's what saves me in CrucibleI can pop a grenade on a doorway or some wall that people will have to go through to get to the Control Point etc and if it doesn't kill them outright it usually takes them down to next to nothing, making for easy kills. A lot of post-mortem stuff too
Just range. With that perk equipped, it matches the Jewel's the ToO HC is just better in all stats way?
Can you boost both range and stability in the PoE HC after leveling it up?
How is everyone finishing these NFs so fast? This one looked like a pain last time I tried it.
You got a cipher to drop from killing a 34 boss or skolas (but it probably didn't pop on your screen since your inventory was full). That's why variks thinks you have the bounty to turn in to him. Since they don't go to the postmaster, there's nowhere for you to pick this bounty up to give to him to begin the next phase.
I believe the next time you get a cipher to drop, you'll get 2 (happened to me yesterday), but you have to get another to drop before you get the one you just missed. Just make absolutely sure you have at least 2 bounty spots open on your 34/35 poe runs from now on.
I think the burns are different this time... it was much faster today than the first time it came up.
You do not know what you are missing, i started playing last wednesday when i got sick, and have no words. Without a doubt the best game i have played in a good view years, basically this is gonna be my benchmark in which i am gonna measure games from now on. For the size of the team and the budget, cdproject has created a masterpiece. There are some bugs and glitches , but the size of the world, attention to detail, enormous amount of content just squash those negatives. Best of all you are going to play it on pc, so jealous, think i am gonna start saving for one.
Final call for gorgons.
Hey Fam what's the ideal perk roll for Low Grade Humility? I got one yesterday after crushing several cause I'm dumb and didn't think it was anything special.
* I had no clue the Similars Wrath had been updated!!! I crushed one I got last week cause I thiouht it was the same pee shooter I already had. So dumb is Truelize
* where are these elemental Fallen weapons dropping? PoE 35?
I thought Bungie said they fixed the cypher bug.
I thought Bungie said they fixed the cypher bug.
Are you still at normal or hard now?Final call for gorgons.
Thanks for the checkpoints!Final call for gorgons.
Hidden Hand, Unflinching, Shortgaze/Ambush.
I'll join on you if you don't mind.
Are you still at normal or hard now?
The point is that they SHOULD be on walls. Throwing a lightning grenade at the floor is wasting roughly 80% of it's damage area.
All three are double strength, hive, and heavy ammo.Please, tell me the boots Variks is selling have heavy ammo.
Can I be happy with Short Gaze & Ambush, Outlaw, Unflinching and Hand Laid Stock?
That's hella solid right?
Can I be happy with Short Gaze & Ambush, Outlaw, Unflinching and Hand Laid Stock?
That's hella solid right?
Thanks for the Invite. I'm AFK atm. Maybe next time.Sure.
Yeah there seems to be a lot of unknowns about it right now. The patch was supposed to fix this issue, which it partly did (you got the bounty even with a full inventory), but now you can't proceed. Before the patch, you would've never known you got the bounty and variks wouldn't have the option for you to pick a gun at all (even though you still can't select one now). They need to patch the patch!Great, I did 35 yesterday and none dropped. I'll try 34/35 today and hope I get them. What a stupid bug. Postmaster exists for a reason, Bungie.
Thanks for the info. Apparently no one else here knows about it.
I have never seen so much misinformation with Destiny, as I have with this Cipher. So much bad info is out there that it's hard to know what is official and what is just word of mouth with a terrible source.
I'm a good example that it's clearly not fixed.
Patch notes from the last hotfix:
"Fixed a bug in which the Elder Cipher Bounty could not be acquired if your Bounty inventory was full"
Running NF. RedFury03, 2 spots.
Patch notes from the last hotfix:
"Fixed a bug in which the Elder Cipher Bounty could not be acquired if your Bounty inventory was full"
Thats what I ment, sorry.
So the damage area goes mainly straight out of it?
I only have a titan, pisses me off that iv been using it wrong the whole time lol.
Thanks for the tip![]()
So I made a couple of quick videos showing off how awesome the Lightning Grenade is again.
All videos are less than 30 seconds long.
Here are the two originals from before (if you hadn't seen them):
You people and your elemental primaries :-/
Her Benevolence has higher base aim assist than previously reported, plus with it being re-rollable it makes it a Tier 1 sniper, probably the best in the game with Shortgaze/LongView slr10, hidden hand, quickdraw/snapshot/injection mold, and unflinching.
Injection mold is a bit better, and outlaw isn't that useful in PVP. But the first perk isn't as useful as Unflinching anyway. Shortgaze/Unflinching is what really matters.
I was a fan of ambush until recently when shortgaze became the new hotness due to people talking about aim assist. It really is a lot better.
I have clown cartridge / shortgaze / injection mold/ unflinching. Hidden hand is better probably but the aim assist is already great, and I'm a big fan of Clown Cartridge. With the new PVP special ammo economy, it's actually pretty useful
This whole conversation started here: I suggest you watch a few of these
Well I guess now I need one of those. It drops from the PoE chest right?
Yes. I've opened about 4 chests and got 2 of them already.
Good stuff. Now I can use my Stranger's Rifle in elimination![]()