:lol What utter rubbish. You don't credit a man with "saving an industry" when all he did was keep the status quo of what his predecessor setup and put into place. What a disgusting twist. I'm not saying Obama did nothing but claiming he saved the industry is absolute liberal rubbish. The man has accomplished a lot in his terms as president, we don't need to lie about and embellish his accomplishments."All he did" in the case then is save the auto industry? Without the extension, they would have died. I didn't say Bush didn't contribute.
This shit ain't funny. I'm going to echo the Berlusconi comparison and say all Trump is doing is lowering the already abysmal level of public debate and normalizing this kind of vile nonsense.
:lol What utter rubbish. You don't credit a man with "saving an industry" when all he did was keep the status quo of what his predecessor setup and put into place. What a disgusting twist. I'm not saying Obama did nothing but claiming he saved the industry is absolute liberal rubbish. The man has accomplished a lot in his terms as president, we don't need to life and embellish his accomplishments.
My favorite part of that clip is how at the end he says "I couldn't care less. Not could, but couldn't.
He instantly wins points, just like everyone does with me, for not screwing that one up.
My guess is his main goal is to generate headlines and bail.
Donald Trump, who leads the polls for the Republican presidential nomination by a wide margin,
Seriously? This is so sad.
How low will the bar go by the time this show is over?
See, and here you are not understanding what actually happened. Sometimes, when you want to confirm your own biases, that's just what you do!
First of all, under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act - the one Bush is responsible for - GM got some $9.5 billion, Chrysler some $4 billion.
Under OBAMA he formed the Presidential Taskforce on the Auto Industry, and he didn't merely "extend" the benefits - he gave the auto industry a total of $21 billion ($16.5 billion to GM, $5 billion to Chrysler). This required huge political capital, and without it the auto industry would have literally died.
To say Obama didn't save the auto industry in addition to Bush is simply revisionist nonsense.
The next GTA will feature a Trump-like character, mark my words.
america is a sad country.
Mmmhmm sure. Eyes. Yeah that's it. He just chose to say "whatever" instead of eyes. If he had meant to say vagina he would have actually used the word vagina. Because Trump is the kind of straight shooter who will publicly use the term vagina when criticizing a female reporter if he wanted to. But eyes, they're just whatever.
Or maybe butthole. Maybe he meant to say she had blood shooting out of her butthole. That wouldn't even be sexist, men have those too. See there's a simple explanation, move along folks nothing to see here!
I know perfectly well what happened but thanks. Bush was voted down by his republican congress and had to use TARP funds he wasn't supposed to use for anything but for the banks to pay for it. Obama just pushed through what he already did since it was a full republican congress cockblocking it. Just because it's a different amount than what Bush did doesn't mean he was the trailblazer and "saved an industry". Again, I never said Obama did nothing but you say save the industry like he was the trailblazer and the only reason they exist. Bush set everything in motion and gave out money, Obama just extended it. All you did was prove exactly what I've been saying.
He said eyes...in the actual full quote...
Not that I'm a fan or a defender, but it's possible he pulled a Bush-style phrase bungle.
Honestly, considering everything else he's said, he probably would've just said "she's on her period" if that's what he actually meant.
Republicans finally found someone to clearly articulate their message.
This Megyn Kelly shit is making me so conflicted, on one hand Trump is a mysoginist probably rapist bigot piece of shit,on the other hand Kelly facilitated the discourse that allowed the guy to get there in the first place. Its karma, but its still shit.
Yep, that crappy generic sleazy piece of shit is the only character the Houser brothers can do right.
Good thing you aren't. I hate this sentiment so much.I'd vote for him if I was American.
Comedy genius.
Having no filter does nothing useful for policy making.I want him as president, not because he's the right person for it, but for once, to see some honest unfiltered answers, instead of a series of dodges and non answers.
And prior to all this, I didn't even like Trump, but the media trying to sabotage him heavily, has made me like him instead.
And was he correct, was she on her period?
If this guy can run Toronto...
Then Trump can easily run the United States.
If this guy can run Toronto...
Then Trump can easily run the United States.
I think Trump will be the first ironically elected president of the US
As a Torontonian it feels sort of nice that the US has their own Rob Ford now.
Ending two bonkers wars.
Saving the auto industry.
Stopping and reversing the greatest economic downturn since the depression.
Implementing the most comprehensive healthcare reform in 40-50 years.
Making a groundbreaking Nuclear Deal with Iran.
A phenomenal new joint climate deal with China.
I could literally go on all day, until you'd be shivering in a corner for all your stated ineptitude.
Not liking what he accomplished is not the same as not accomplishing anything. By any definition, what the president has accomplished is monumental, particularly in light of the grotesque, vindictive Republican congress. Whether or not you agree with how he accomplished these things or think these things should have been accomplished at all is another debate, one I'm sure you'd also be unable to adequately argue.
Or he could have not given them that money and the auto industry would have continued to flounder. But he didn't. So technically, he literally saved the auto industry. Whether he continued someone else's policy or not is irrelevant because he still made the decision to do so.