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Black Lives Matter shuts down a Bernie Sanders rally

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She's part of BLM

Actually she's a part of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, worked with Nader for a while, and now Sanders. She talked to Sanders about what he can do better when approaching BLM.

But I've already played this song and dance with you particularly, and I don't feel like talking to a brick wall tonight.
I really hate the idea of if it's really important then it's okay to force a candidate to talk about x through storming a stage. There are avenues for this. Protest outside. Use social media. Direct it with questions at debates.

There are lots of homeless people. Plenty starve all the time.

If they charged the stage, no one here would be defending them or saying he should have addressed their issues specifically or talked to their parties.

People are slighted in this society. We should try and fix this. Ruining speeches from the most progressive guy who isn't even going to win, doesn't make you look good to anyone and accomplishes close to nothing other than some lip service to shut you up.
People in this thread have been entertaining the same stuff.

You seem really, really eager to skip past the point where we acknowledge that individual people will do different things, like how the actions of these few people in the event aren't representative of BLM as a whole, and straight to the point where the matter becomes a life or death "us vs them" scenario.


Actually she's a part of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, worked with Nader for a while, and now Sanders. She talked to Sanders about what he can do better when approaching BLM.

But I've already played this song and dance with you particularly, and I don't feel like talking to a brick wall tonight.

Rude bro, we've never had beef, or at least if we did you were vague and mysterious about it like you've been all thread.


Read my edit, I was referring to your mind-reading of my intentions.

Why not get caught up in political messaging? That's literally the thing that gets a candidate elected.

Do I think O'Malley is a more liberal politician who'll actually do more for black folk than Sanders? Absolutely not. But that doesn't change my opinion that O'Malley's been a lot smarter about this. And people thinking that messaging is something that Sanders shouldn't have to worry about are being just as short-sighted as the people who were arguing that black people need to "do their homework" on Sanders when the Netroots thing happened.
Why not get caught up in political messaging? That's literally the thing that gets a candidate elected.

Do I think O'Malley is a more liberal politician who'll actually do more for black folk than Sanders? Absolutely not. But that doesn't change my opinion that O'Malley's been a lot smarter about this. And people thinking that messaging is something that Sanders shouldn't have to worry about are being just as short-sighted as the people who were arguing that black people need to "do their homework" on Sanders when the Netroots thing happened.

Nobody outside of the absolute diehards thinks Sanders is going to be president, probably including Sanders.


You seem really, really eager to skip past the point where we acknowledge that individual people will do different things, like how the actions of these few people in the event aren't representative of BLM as a whole, and straight to the point where the matter becomes a life or death "us vs them" scenario.

Funny, because folks in this thread have been awfully willing to paint all of BLM using these random people for the majority of this thread. I like how y'all are now taking the individual stance now that the Sanders supporters are going off.


So again it all comes down to flash over substance. Put up some crap plan paying lip service to BLM while spending your career locking up black youth and throwing away the key (Hillary had 3 strikes, omalley had zero tolerance) is the key to BLM support.

"Zero tolerance" O'malley and "3 strikes and you are out" Hillary are the candidates BLM deserves.


They have galvanized thousands of black youth and created conversation where there previously wasn't any. They have single-handedly made it "cool" to fight for black rights again. They have politicians so butt-twisted that many are now thinking of concrete ways to make their stances of black issues clear. More precincts are instituting body cams at accelerate rates.

Sure, racism hasn't been abolished, but BLM has been incredibly successful thus far.

As an African American Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for Civil Rights for everyone. He humanized the struggle of him and fellow African American's because it was real to him. You seem to be an advocate for BLM so in this thread you have taken the role of an Ambassador to the BLM. So the bolded above actually struck a chord of discomfort in me.

I want to understand that discomfort. I believe, and have believed since I was a child, in the words Martin Luther King, Jr. gave in his "I have a Dream" speach in elementary school. Rascim hate has always followed me because I am a white guy that had a black step dad and 4 mixed brothers. 3 of which were incarcerated under false charges drummed up by racist cops, 2 of which are still in prison because of the three strikes rule Hillary supported so many years ago.

They lived in the town Archer Florida . Archer has history as town that was settled by one of the people who survived the Rosewood Massacre, Mahulda Gussie Brown Carrier. Bo Didley is also from Archer. Let me tell you something about Archer. There is nothing more hated in the white or black community there than a mixed child. My stepdad was also a tyrant. Who used abused drugs treated her like property. He had that mean spirited reverse racism thing going on himself. My mother is still undergoing PTSD from him (he beat her and held her hostage for 20 years. She was 30 before she learned how to drive or was allowed to get a degree and that only after he retired and wanted her to get paid to buy weed and crack.) My brothers turned to the street to get out the house. They were stupid kids and broke the law and created a relationship with cops who hated them, white ones and black.

In the case of my brother Christopher, street alias is Little Archer, he was picked up by the cops one night walking home from his girlfriends house. He spent the next few months waiting to turn 18 in the Sherrifs county jail, so he could be tried as an adult. He turned 18 in there.

During his trial, I walked passed the Sherrifs that were on duty during the man hunt (home invasion of a known drug dealer), and were colluding in the hallway against him during a break making sure their testimonies matched. They didn't realize I, a white college student, was his blood kin. I sat on the bench and listened, horrified. It was just another bullet in the lawyer's gun which could barely hold any more bullets at the mokery of the charges.

In the end, after hearing all the testimony and how they were led to my brother by the "search dog" the judge threw out the case never letting it get judged by the jury. It was tainted from end to end, even if my brother did the crime- which he maintained he didn't- they hadn't made a proper bust from top to bottom. The lawyer I hired (I was a poor ass college student at the time) destroyed the cops on the stand. The court assigned wanted him to pleade guilty and take 10 to 15 years with possible probabtion instead of 25 to life. The jurors came to us and said they were sorry they had to see something like this in 2003. The Jury members were white and black folks, young and old from Gainesville. The District Attorney was almost put up on contempt of court charges as he stormed out of the court after the Judge saw through the sham. That judge was a last minute replacement out of retirement because iirc the other had come down with the Flu. My brother coudn't defend himself on the stand btw... his jaw was wired shut after a prisoner shattered his jaw conveniently waiting for trial. My brother was 17 years old when that happened... and 6'2. He wasn't released for 2 weeks after he was declared innocent. Because of that convenient "fight" that got his jaw shattered got him time. By fight I mean he turned around one day and a fist happened to be there. Cops came to their door once he got released from the Sherrifs office which was a town over in Gainesville. They would say things like, "Don't worry you'll be back in there soon if we have to make something up." That was a black female officer. He was supposed to play Basketball for the Highschool I had went to.

So I am no stranger to racism. I am no stranger to the system being stacked against minorities. The south in many places is no more closer to having racism abolished as Vegas is of being devoid of prostitution. I have seen how racism destroys with my eyes. I have seen 'good men' by all account of their peers do things so attrocious to another person and not even bat an eye at how evil and devestating it is to another person. I've seen Marijuana's legal status put away people (friends) who do nothing more than partake in something a US Senator could do with a bottle of Bourbon. I hate the very essence of it. Christopher to this day cannot get a job that doesn't involve flipping burgers, making cold cut sandwichs or picking fruit with migrant workers. Not with his record. He's now just another statistic of a clinically depressed person who has an uphill battle to create a life for himself and struggle for happiness. Which means he just retreated into the person people of authority in society, the so-called peace officers, told him he was. I'll be honest he is a pretty shitty person now and he is starting to act just like his piece of shit father.

My other two brothers by my late stepdad are in prison to this very day. In seperate facilities in Florida. One was a minor and was put into prison for something he didn't do. I am not going to go into the travesties that are those two's lives. I won't see Jesse until 2031 and Frakie until 2019. I have no faith they will be able to turn their lives around. Frankie has a daughter.

But I will be honest. With all the negative memories I have with cops and all the bullshit acts of violence happening around the country that bolded remark above makes me just as sad inside to see Why is that? Because Black Rights mean nothing without Rights for everyone. To say something like it being "cool" to fight for rights of black people now. It sounds like Black People's biggest problem were Black People and not racism and alienation. I think that is my biggest grip with your wording unless that is what you are actually saying. Lots of lives have been lost in many cities over the last 20 years due to riots after a cop has killed an African American in cold blood and gotten away with it. Are you saying because it wasn't cool that Black People weren't bothered fighting for rights? Because if I am to agree with BLM then I want to take it on its face as it is just a movement to make sure that when the law- which do actually cover most needed Civil Rights for everyone with Transgendered needing some help in those areas- enforces its BLIND JUSTICE foundations and treats every life with propriety.

I'll be honest royalan, your posts in this thread, and I read and scrutinized and rewrote this post many times to give you a fair shake, make BLM out to be self important and dismissive towards all the work that has gone into creating a better America over the last 30 years.

There is also a lot of dismissive culture about Martin Luther King, Jr. going on in this thread. I don't see why just because a man can be flawed and his image distilled down to street signs as token reminders one can easily dismiss his work and words. I see a lot of dismissive behavior and revisionm being popular today. His words touched a lot of people in his time and in ours. To many it was the seed of truth and it holds root to this very day in me. So kindly fuck off.

The society needs to attack root causes of racism and alientation. I do believe socio-economic differences are one such way. If the economic engine's don't turn and water gets into gas line then you corrode the internals. If you don't break it down into its components, soak it in Kerosene and hit it with the wire brush you are just going to have get another 5000 miles from the engine before you will need to break it down again.

I think any movement in the digital age must come from the same blanket of equality that Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for long ago. If you don't fight for something other than yourself then the wins you get will be wins that are little more than common sense compromises that were just as economical to conclude as necessary as being 'right.' This country needs more than that.

@OP I fail to actually see what constructive outcome these women were trying to achieve. Honestly, it is embarrasing. Anyone trying to defend it I really feel are naive. Hillary Clinton supported a state of mind in my state of birth adopted and put 2 out of 3 brothers in prison and she doesn't get this type of treatment. Those women might well be put on a wall for treason if they tried such a thing with her. I didn't even know about Bernie Sanders' history with Civil Rights until today. I am not even Democrat So thanks BLM, you created a vote for Bernie once I go check his voting history as Senator. If he makes it I'll vote for him. If he doesn't I'll pencil him in.

By the way, I live in Birmingham, Alabama now and it is quite possibly the least racist city I've ever lived in. I have never seen so many Mixed families walking proud, hell even afluent black families, in my life. With over a million people in the metropolitan area you are bound to have your gheto's, white flight from older areas and red neck racists (Cullman up i65 I hear is KKK country) but I am living in a place that has so many nationalities intermingled I feel it is actually more progressive than most northern states. In fact, the big racial divide here seems to be, in my observed opinion, more socio-econimic or based on school zones... a big problem created by No Kid Left Behind.

Lived hear for 5 years, just bought a house. Was going to move to Portland or Seattle but something about Bham is great.

I don't think I have ever heard any form of the 'Ennn' word that wasn't from a rapper coming to the BJCC.

#EveryLifeMatters #PrisonGuardsNeedCamerasToo


Funny, because folks in this thread have been awfully willing to paint all of BLM using these random people for the majority of this thread. I like how y'all are now taking the individual stance now that the Sanders supporters are going off.
Folks in this thread have also been using the same 3 people to make the case that Bernie needs to do more for BLM. Those 3 people aren't even BLM.

No matter what Bernie does, if anyone claiming to be BLM protests Bernie, the usual suspects will be saying Bernie isn't engaging enough. Even the Seattle BLM doesn't support the protest.
Folks in this thread have also been using the same 3 people to make the case that Bernie needs to do more for BLM. Those 3 people aren't even BLM.

No matter what Bernie does, if anyone claiming to be BLM protests Bernie, the usual suspects will be saying Bernie isn't engaging enough. Even the Seattle BLM doesn't support the protest.

Oh don't act like you give a damn after this post.

So again it all comes down to flash over substance. Put up some crap plan paying lip service to BLM while spending your career locking up black youth and throwing away the key (Hillary had 3 strikes, omalley had zero tolerance) is the key to BLM support.

"Zero tolerance" O'malley and "3 strikes and you are out" Hillary are the candidates BLM deserves.
Funny, because folks in this thread have been awfully willing to paint all of BLM using these random people for the majority of this thread. I like how y'all are now taking the individual stance now that the Sanders supporters are going off.

Please stop grouping people that you disagree with in the same group that you internally call the "enemy". You're reminding me of how policemen operate.


He and his group of protesters are attention-whores, here is why:

They know Bernie is on their side, they know he is a good fella. He simply needs to bring the issue stronger in their opinion. They also need to know that any bad news in an election can destroy a candidate, especially someone like Sanders.

But no, they want to see the world burn just to have their 15 minutes of fame and a candidate talking about their stuff. They want the validation now, the results now. Unrealistic and childish.
The economic issue is more widely popular, doesn't mean he doesn't care about race. It's simply campaigning smartly. So yeah, STFU and vote is indeed what you should do because it is the most effective thing to do.

Hasn't he fucking used the economic issue to highlight how bad Hispanics and Blacks have it when it comes the youth unemployment?

Of course, one can say he can do more, and I don't think any sensible person is saying no to that. I am left confused at what more some want from him, now? He is speaking about all of these issues, and we have a LOT of real fucking problems, and the only thing I see is we really have so much to deal with that people like Bernie get shat on for being unable to really attack the mountain of uh ohs we have. There are way too many issues going on at once in our social climate that some things do take the backburner, but Bernie is still the only candidate trying to give them all some level of acknowledgement. Remember, he's still the only one who, on some level as a candidate running, has acknowledged the upcoming crisis of technological unemployment, which will begin to be a problem for whomever becomes president. He's trying to acknowledge every conceivable issue.

When in human history have we had so many problems that we're literally on the cusp of social and objective ruination of our world? We're in that arena, folks.
Bernie obviously should have a thicker skin to engage the shouting, jumping women who bum-rushed the podium and demanded they speak during his allotted time.


This is groundhog day for left wing political factionalism - they'll eat themselves alive whilst the conservatives come to power.

I don't think you need to worry that much. I would like to see Republicans win the WH, but a civil war is currently happening in the party. In the past, eventually most have grudgingly come together to support the nominee. Even McCain and Romney who were not exactly loved by many on the right. Not sure that will happen this time.

Although I do think conservatives will continue to focus on state races and Congressional races where they certainly have more influence and power especially in mid term elections.


Unless Bernie becomes a BLM single issue candidate, it's not enough. BLM Seattle apologizing to Bernie doesn't mean anything, as long as anyone protests Bernie, he isn't doing enough.

To be fair, black lives do matter a whole lot to O'malley and Hilary. They built their careers caring for black lives by providing 3 meals, clothing and a place to stay for the black youth.


Please stop grouping people that you disagree with in the same group that you internally call the "enemy". You're reminding me of how policemen operate.

lmao I'm still going to keep laughing at how this shit only started after Bernie's supporters decided to go all in.
he's not getting the black vote unless he wins the nomination. he could pay out reparations and hillary would still get 90% of the black vote. he is considered a racist old man who wants you off his lawn.

anyways, has this been posted?


That's definitely not what she said, but y'all are too busy framing her as crazy/embarrassing/doesn't know what she's talking about/other smokescreens that are typically said when black women make people uncomfortable.
Unless Bernie becomes a BLM single issue candidate, it's not enough. BLM Seattle apologizing to Bernie doesn't mean anything, as long as anyone protests Bernie, he isn't doing enough.

To be fair, black lives do matter a whole lot to O'malley and Hilary. They built their careers caring for black lives by providing 3 meals, clothing and a place to stay for the black youth.

Yeah this isn't helping either. BLM and Bernie have similar goals, so I don't see why there can't be an agreeable solution for everyone. It's been less than 12 hours since this news broke and people started ripping into each other. That's too little time to call anything a lost cause.


That's definitely not what she said, but y'all are too busy framing her a crazy/embarrassing/doesn't know what she's talking about/other smokescreens that typically happen when black women make people uncomfortable.

what are you talking about? i didn't say anyone said anything. i posted a video of the two protestors speaking to the crowd.


That's definitely not what she said, but y'all are too busy framing her as crazy/embarrassing/doesn't know what she's talking about/other smokescreens that are typically said when black women make people uncomfortable.
What are you responding to? He replied to the quoted poster and then also posted a link to the video. Didn't say anything about its content.


Then what about the first line? Where have you heard people call Bernie a racist that wants people off his lawn?

that's just my opinion of the situation. but there are people are twitter saying "i walked with MLK" is the new "I have a black friend" which means "i'm racist"


It's ok man. It's just a collection of individuals that don't reflect on all Bernie's supporters.

Now let me tell you about how these women have ruined the whole BLM movement, you see
Lol, like the exact opposite narrative isn't also being posted here.
I just find it repulsive. Bernie's track record both on his voting record as a senator and what he's done throughout his life isn't just some dream that he forgot to mention in the campaign, everything he talks about circles back to lower classes, this is blacks, as well as every other major minority block in America.

What really bothers me is that Hillary has been in major support all throughout her career of garbage initiatives that essentially punish us through drug referendums and incarceration, only crawling back to secure a voting block.

I can tell you now, the majority of the black vote who support her now don't even know her platform, only who she is by proxy and who she is related to.

Its absolutely disgusting as a black male having to watch people being led around by this pony show.
Took the words from my mouth.


As an African American Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for Civil Rights for everyone. He humanized the struggle of him and fellow African American's because it was real to him. You seem to be an advocate for BLM so in this thread you have taken the role of an Ambassador to the BLM. So the bolded above actually struck a chord of discomfort in me.

I want to understand that discomfort. I believe, and have believed since I was a child, in the words Martin Luther King, Jr. gave in his "I have a Dream" speach in elementary school. Rascim hate has always followed me because I am a white guy that had a black step dad and 4 mixed brothers. 3 of which were incarcerated under false charges drummed up by racist cops, 2 of which are still in prison because of the three strikes rule Hillary supported so many years ago.

They lived in the town Archer Florida . Archer has history as town that was settled by one of the people who survived the Rosewood Massacre, Mahulda Gussie Brown Carrier. Bo Didley is also from Archer. Let me tell you something about Archer. There is nothing more hated in the white or black community there than a mixed child. My stepdad was also a tyrant. Who used abused drugs treated her like property. He had that mean spirited reverse racism thing going on himself. My mother is still undergoing PTSD from him (he beat her and held her hostage for 20 years. She was 30 before she learned how to drive or was allowed to get a degree and that only after he retired and wanted her to get paid to buy weed and crack.) My brothers turned to the street to get out the house. They were stupid kids and broke the law and created a relationship with cops who hated them, white ones and black.

In the case of my brother Christopher, street alias is Little Archer, he was picked up by the cops one night walking home from his girlfriends house. He spent the next few months waiting to turn 18 in the Sherrifs county jail, so he could be tried as an adult. He turned 18 in there.

During his trial, I walked passed the Sherrifs that were on duty during the man hunt (home invasion of a known drug dealer), and were colluding in the hallway against him during a break making sure their testimonies matched. They didn't realize I, a white college student, was his blood kin. I sat on the bench and listened, horrified. It was just another bullet in the lawyer's gun which could barely hold any more bullets at the mokery of the charges.

In the end, after hearing all the testimony and how they were led to my brother by the "search dog" the judge threw out the case never letting it get judged by the jury. It was tainted from end to end, even if my brother did the crime- which he maintained he didn't- they hadn't made a proper bust from top to bottom. The lawyer I hired (I was a poor ass college student at the time) destroyed the cops on the stand. The court assigned wanted him to pleade guilty and take 10 to 15 years with possible probabtion instead of 25 to life. The jurors came to us and said they were sorry they had to see something like this in 2003. The Jury members were white and black folks, young and old from Gainesville. The District Attorney was almost put up on contempt of court charges as he stormed out of the court after the Judge saw through the sham. That judge was a last minute replacement out of retirement because iirc the other had come down with the Flu. My brother coudn't defend himself on the stand btw... his jaw was wired shut after a prisoner shattered his jaw conveniently waiting for trial. My brother was 17 years old when that happened... and 6'2. He wasn't released for 2 weeks after he was declared innocent. Because of that convenient "fight" that got his jaw shattered got him time. By fight I mean he turned around one day and a fist happened to be there. Cops came to their door once he got released from the Sherrifs office which was a town over in Gainesville. They would say things like, "Don't worry you'll be back in there soon if we have to make something up." That was a black female officer. He was supposed to play Basketball for the Highschool I had went to.

So I am no stranger to racism. I am no stranger to the system being stacked against minorities. The south in many places is no more closer to having racism abolished as Vegas is of being devoid of prostitution. I have seen how racism destroys with my eyes. I have seen 'good men' by all account of their peers do things so attrocious to another person and not even bat an eye at how evil and devestating it is to another person. I've seen Marijuana's legal status put away people (friends) who do nothing more than partake in something a US Senator could do with a bottle of Bourbon. I hate the very essence of it. Christopher to this day cannot get a job that doesn't involve flipping burgers, making cold cut sandwichs or picking fruit with migrant workers. Not with his record. He's now just another statistic of a clinically depressed person who has an uphill battle to create a life for himself and struggle for happiness. Which means he just retreated into the person people of authority in society, the so-called peace officers, told him he was. I'll be honest he is a pretty shitty person now and he is starting to act just like his piece of shit father.

My other two brothers by my late stepdad are in prison to this very day. In seperate facilities in Florida. One was a minor and was put into prison for something he didn't do. I am not going to go into the travesties that are those two's lives. I won't see Jesse until 2031 and Frakie until 2019. I have no faith they will be able to turn their lives around. Frankie has a daughter.

But I will be honest. With all the negative memories I have with cops and all the bullshit acts of violence happening around the country that bolded remark above makes me just as sad inside to see Why is that? Because Black Rights mean nothing without Rights for everyone. To say something like it being "cool" to fight for rights of black people now. It sounds like Black People's biggest problem were Black People and not racism and alienation. I think that is my biggest grip with your wording unless that is what you are actually saying. Lots of lives have been lost in many cities over the last 20 years due to riots after a cop has killed an African American in cold blood and gotten away with it. Are you saying because it wasn't cool that Black People weren't bothered fighting for rights? Because if I am to agree with BLM then I want to take it on its face as it is just a movement to make sure that when the law- which do actually cover most needed Civil Rights for everyone with Transgendered needing some help in those areas- enforces its BLIND JUSTICE foundations and treats every life with propriety.

I'll be honest royalan, your posts in this thread, and I read and scrutinized and rewrote this post many times to give you a fair shake, make BLM out to be self important and dismissive towards all the work that has gone into creating a better America over the last 30 years.

There is also a lot of dismissive culture about Martin Luther King, Jr. going on in this thread. I don't see why just because a man can be flawed and his image distilled down to street signs as token reminders one can easily dismiss his work and words. I see a lot of dismissive behavior and revisionm being popular today. His words touched a lot of people in his time and in ours. To many it was the seed of truth and it holds root to this very day in me. So kindly fuck off.

The society needs to attack root causes of racism and alientation. I do believe socio-economic differences are one such way. If the economic engine's don't turn and water gets into gas line then you corrode the internals. If you don't break it down into its components, soak it in Kerosene and hit it with the wire brush you are just going to have get another 5000 miles from the engine before you will need to break it down again.

I think any movement in the digital age must come from the same blanket of equality that Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for long ago. If you don't fight for something other than yourself then the wins you get will be wins that are little more than common sense compromises that were just as economical to conclude as necessary as being 'right.' This country needs more than that.

@OP I fail to actually see what constructive outcome these women were trying to achieve. Honestly, it is embarrasing. Anyone trying to defend it I really feel are naive. Hillary Clinton supported a state of mind in my state of birth adopted and put 2 out of 3 brothers in prison and she doesn't get this type of treatment. Those women might well be put on a wall for treason if they tried such a thing with her. I didn't even know about Bernie Sanders' history with Civil Rights until today. I am not even Democrat So thanks BLM, you created a vote for Bernie once I go check his voting history as Senator. If he makes it I'll vote for him. If he doesn't I'll pencil him in.

By the way, I live in Birmingham, Alabama now and it is quite possibly the least racist city I've ever lived in. I have never seen so many Mixed families walking proud, hell even afluent black families, in my life. With over a million people in the metropolitan area you are bound to have your gheto's, white flight from older areas and red neck racists (Cullman up i65 I hear is KKK country) but I am living in a place that has so many nationalities intermingled I feel it is actually more progressive than most northern states. In fact, the big racial divide here seems to be, in my observed opinion, more socio-econimic or based on school zones... a big problem created by No Kid Left Behind.

Lived hear for 5 years, just bought a house. Was going to move to Portland or Seattle but something about Bham is great.

I don't think I have ever heard any form of the 'Ennn' word that wasn't from a rapper coming to the BJCC.

#EveryLifeMatters #PrisonGuardsNeedCamerasToo

Is this post real? It is late and I am tired.


Can someone fill me in on why BLM seems to have such a beef with Sanders?
There are BLM chapters everywhere and no head or leader of the movement. So it's not like all BLM activists support or are behind this.

The clowns disrupting Sanders rallies are most likely goons backed by Hillary or her monied supporters. I mean you can seriously just pay a bunch of goons to wear BLM T-shirts and disrupt a rally. This is not a reflection of the movement in general.
Regardless of the importance of the topic, jumping up on the stage and demanding the mic and having someone shouting "let her speak" the entire time is not the right way to go about this. All it's doing is forcing them to increase security.


Those protesters are the definition of SJWs who do more harm than good.

Bernie has walked the walk on racial issues, not just talked the talk. He is one of the last people you should be protesting. Disagreeing with his priorities, yes- but he's not an enemy of racial justice by any sane definition.

I don't think this is a Hillary false flag- too much risk to her if she's found out, and I don't think she's sweating Bernie unless he gets closer. He's still a longshot. Also Hillary doesn't want Bernie going 3rd party or his supporters staying home or voting Green in anger.


Can someone fill me in on why BLM seems to have such a beef with Sanders?

Sanders (along with O'Malley) got interrupted by BLM protesters at Netroots Nation, a progressive political convention put on by the Daily Kos. This happened for no other reason than it was a convenient venue for BLM to take hold of a platform; it's a grassroots-y low budget affair where candidates can hobnob with their online fundraising base, and security is presumably minimal. Sanders supporters took to social media to express their displeasure, and to point out that this is a somewhat self-defeating thing to do. BLM champions on social media then argued that the largely white Sanders supporter base was taking black support for granted. It became quite a kerfuffle, and, as arguments on social media do, it's gone on for weeks and become increasingly virulent.

Because O'Malley has no supporters, no one took to social media in his name after NN, and he's been left out of the entire thing, which is presumably quite bittersweet for him.


BTW I was wrong about BLM Seattle apologizing.

Apparently the older page was ran by a 16 yr old for who was contacted by BLM to walk back the apology. She deleted the apology and renamed her page.

The page created yesterday is apparently the real BLM page, the one with the #BowDownBernie press release. Apparently they didn't need the social media presence till yesterday and those protester do represent BLM.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So... mission accomplished? If what these protesters are doing is working, why the controversy?

I'm not saying he only talks about economics. But saying racial inequality is an economic issue and not a racial one is dismissive.
Is it dismissive, or is it the result of a legitimate difference in political beliefs and values? What would you think if Communists started protesting civil rights groups/speakers for perpetuating an economic system that they believed could only ever result in poor minorities remaining trapped in entrenched poverty and disadvantage?


Here is the press release.

PRESS RELEASE: Black Lives Matter Seattle ‪#‎BowDownBernie‬ Action
MEDIA CONTACTS: Marissa Johnson (360) 840-6234 blacklivesmatterseattle@gmail.com
Black Lives Matter Seattle organizers and supporters take over Bernie Sanders’ rally at Westlake on Saturday, August 8, 2015.
Today BLM Seattle, with the support of other Black organizers and non-Black allies and accomplices, held Bernie Sanders publicly accountable for his lack of support for the Black Lives Matter movement and his blatantly silencing response to the ‪#‎SayHerName‬ ‪#‎IfIDieInPoliceCustody‬ action that took place at Netroots this year.
Bernie’s arrival in Seattle is largely significant in the context of the state of emergency Black lives are in locally as well as across America. The Seattle Police Department has been under federal consent decree for the last three years and has been continually plagued by use-of-force violations and racist scandals amongst their rank and file. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has refused to push any reform measures for police accountability, not even the numerous recommendations of his self-appointed Community Police Commission. The Seattle School District suspends Black students at a rate six times higher than their white counterparts, feeding Black children into the school-to-prison pipeline. King County has fought hard to push through a plan to build a $210 million new youth jail to imprison these children, amid intense community criticism and dissent. The Central District, a historically Black neighborhood in Seattle, has undergone rapid gentrification over the past few decades, with Black people being displaced from the only neighborhood that we could legally live in until just years ago. While white men profit off of the legalization of marijuana, our prisons are still filled with Black people who are over-incarcerated for drug offenses.
This city is filled with white progressives, which is why Bernie Sanders’ camp was obviously expecting a friendly and consenting audience for today’s campaign visit. The problem with Sanders’, and with white Seattle progressives in general, is that they are utterly and totally useless (when not outright harmful) in terms of the fight for Black lives. While we are drowning in their liberal rhetoric, we have yet to see them support Black grassroots movements or take on any measure of risk and responsibility for ending the tyranny of white supremacy in our country and in our city. This willful passivity while claiming solidarity with the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement in an effort to be relevant is over. White progressive Seattle and Bernie Sanders cannot call themselves liberals while they participate in the racist system that claims Black lives. Bernie Sanders will not continue to call himself a man of the people, while ignoring the plight of Black people. Presidential candidates will not win Black votes without putting out an explicit criminal justice reform package. As was said at the Netroots action, presidential candidates should expect to be shut down and confronted every step along the way of this presidential campaign. Black people are in a state of emergency. Lines have been drawn in the sand. You are either fighting continuously and measurably to protect Black life in America, or you are a part of the white supremacist system that we will tear down in the liberation of our people.
On this, nearly the one year anniversary of the ruthless murder of Mike Brown, we honor Black lives lost by doing the unthinkable, the unapologetic, and the unrespectable. Out of radical love for our Black brothers and sisters, we put our lives and our bodies on the line to testify to their persecution and resilience. We join together in Black love to #SayHerName and declare that #BlackLivesMatter, understanding that our love will disrupt the complicity and corruption of our anti-Black society; GOP, Democrat, and otherwise.
There is no business as usual while Black lives are lost. We will ensure this by any means necessary.
With the strength of our ancestors and for the future of our children,
Black Lives Matter Seattle Co-Founders
Marissa Johnson and Mara Willaford
Why not get caught up in political messaging? That's literally the thing that gets a candidate elected.

Do I think O'Malley is a more liberal politician who'll actually do more for black folk than Sanders? Absolutely not. But that doesn't change my opinion that O'Malley's been a lot smarter about this. And people thinking that messaging is something that Sanders shouldn't have to worry about are being just as short-sighted as the people who were arguing that black people need to "do their homework" on Sanders when the Netroots thing happened.

I may have missed it in the chaos of the thread, but how has O'Malley been smarter about this? There is video footage of O'Malley saying, several times, that "white lives matter" during the Netroots kerfuffle. I can't think of a dumber response.
I may have missed it in the chaos of the thread, but how has O'Malley been smarter about this? There is video footage of O'Malley saying, several times, that "white lives matter" during the Netroots kerfuffle. I can't think of a dumber response.

It's because he allowed a conversation. He messed up in that conversation, definitely. Of course mr. tough on crime would get it awfully wrong.

But he went in looking for a conversation, looking for a better idea of what's going on.

I'm not voting for him in the primary. Never planned on it. The funniest part of this whole thread is that I'm still picking Sanders in the primary. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let him or his supporters slide when they act up.
That's definitely not what she said, but y'all are too busy framing her as crazy/embarrassing/doesn't know what she's talking about/other smokescreens that are typically said when black women make people uncomfortable.

Of course it makes people uncomfortable when a random person hijacks a rally that people spent time out of their day to attend and proceeds to call them fucking racist. How can you possibly defend her?
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