Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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I'm in Australia, received this email a few hours ago with this. PS4 version btw not steam.

I don't know if it's correct or what time zone they mean.
10PM will be 4hrs45mins from this post.

that time matches up with NZ @ Midnight






Not really fast travel. Instead of selecting a point where the chopper drops you off you have to go back into your chopper which brings loading times and a small cutscene each time. Then you have to reopen the missie menu and from there u can get dropped off.


I was thinking the same yesterday. I really wish you could call the chopper and immediately give it an order to fly you to the next drop off point. The weird thing is, when you call the chopper inside mother base, you can press square and it lets you do exactly that.


No problem.

Basically it works like GZ, but with the added level of wherever your spotted only insta-alerting this smaller area. if you're spotted and miss your 1-2 second window to neutralise the enemy then every guard in the area is insta-alerted. And a guard with a radio will call HQ to alert the whole region.

But 'area' is not always the same size or shape.

If you're spotted in a town of 15 buildings and 9 guards, then one shout will insta-alert all of them (just like in GZ.) However, they will have to radio out to other bases to alert the region and get backup.

If you're spotted out on a road in the middle of nowhere, by two guys walking along, then only those two guards insta-alert. There are no other guards nearby to get alerted, too. The alert sounds don't happen, and it's actually only these two guys who are alerted to your presence. Nearby bases etc. will have no idea, until one of those guys radio in. So if guards are isolated enough, getting spotted isn't a biggie as long as you take them out before they finish their radio message.

Basically it's insta-alert by proximity. Only nearby guards get insta-alerted, and this is just like GZ. But unlike GZ, guards in further away bases/outposts won't be alerted until someone radios up to them.

Thank you for the explanation, didn't realize they can call for back up from outside bases, I thought each base is isolated, so this is new to me, that's cool.
But actually if you were infiltrating a small town
(like the first mission)
and was caught with no reflex, it is pretty much instantly all hell break loose.
Yea, that's why I will still play with reflex mode on, but after SomTervo's explanation it make more sense to me how they structured the world and the alerts mechanics.
Does beating GZ really grant me anything substantial going into TPP? I beat GZ on PS4, but will be playing TPP on PC. I preordered, SD so I got GZ for free on PC, I just haven't put in the time to beat it again.

So what's the deal, do we know yet what the completed saved game transfer will yield?


Has anyone been able to transfer their Ground Zeroes save yet? Still unable to connect to the servers here.

Wondering if they've even been live at some point, hoping for a smooth launch.


There are designated drop off points. Its a bit weird and hard to explain.
You can get picked up after one mission and dropped off near the next.
This requires loading out to a menu.

Or you can use the cardboard box shipping method. It still loads but its faster than going through the menu.

Alright I'll play around a bit with it. It sounds like it isn't ideal, but at least there are ways.

Has anyone been able to transfer their Ground Zeroes save yet? Still unable to connect to the servers here.

Wondering if they've even been live at some point, hoping for a smooth launch.

Don't think the servers will be going live until this afternoon/this evening UK time. Just a guess.


Has anyone been able to transfer their Ground Zeroes save yet? Still unable to connect to the servers here.

Wondering if they've even been live at some point, hoping for a smooth launch.

Considering the servers still aren't live (guess they will go live on release day), you can't transfer the save file because you need the server to be online to download the save.
I was thinking the same yesterday. I really wish you could call the chopper and immediately give it an order to fly you to the next drop off point. The weird thing is, when you call the chopper inside mother base, you can press square and it lets you do exactly that.

As great as MGSV game, in some way, it kinda shows that this is the developer's first ever open-world game.

For as many as the great things that the devs do with the open-world game design that differs it from other open-world games, there's one or two annoyances that you'd think they'd notice from the get-go, like audio mix-up in the open-world when you play cassettes or the helicopter travel quirks.


So based on your experience, if Camp Omega were now done with TPP's mechanics, if a guard spotted you in the Admin area, would the east and west camps near the bottom count as part of the insta-alert or would they be in the Radio zone?

Not quite, because Camp Omega is still pretty small. It's hard to describe without showing you on a map!

Say Camp Omega was part of a far larger island with 3 other bases on it.

If you're spotted in Camp Omega, the entire camp is alerted at once. Every guy knows your there. But the other 3 bases have no idea. Then one of the guys at Camp Omega will get down on one knee and radio HQ, who will then alert the other 3 bases on the island, and truck more soldiers over to Camp Omega for backup (usually this is called off if you lose the soldiers, which is most of the time. Backup only really becomes an issue if you keep fighting/being loud).

Exactly the same thing will happen if you're spotted in one of the other 3 bases on the island.

However, if you're spotted in the countryside between Camp Omega and the other 3 bases, then there is no big alert. No alarm. The guys who spot you see you, and shout 'contact!' but nobody hears. One of them gets down and begins radioing. If you take him out before he finishes - great job, no alert. If you fail to take him out before he finishes, the 4 bases on the island (including Camp Omega) will become alerted, and enemies will start scrambling to come get you.

Thank you for the explanation, didn't realize they can call for back up from outside bases, I thought each base is isolated, so this is new to me, that's cool.

Yea, that's why I will still play with reflex mode on, but after SomTervo's explanation it make more sense to me how they structured the world and the alerts mechanics.

No worries - slightly better explanation above.


As great as MGSV game, in some way, it kinda shows that this is the developer's first ever open-world game.

For as many as the great things that the devs do with the open-world game design that differs it from other open-world games, there's one or two annoyances that you'd think they'd notice from the get-go, like audio mix-up in the open-world when you play cassettes or the helicopter travel quirks.

It seems like they really want you to explore the world on foot.
Instead of getting the heli to fly you around.

Although it doesn't make perfect sense.
By the way, emblem customisation question/spoilers :

How do you unlock the
emblem? I'm not liking the options available atm, and the sooner that emblem is unlocked, the better.

However, if unlocking it is through story progression, don't give an answer when/which mission, pls.


Does anyone have that great phone wallpaper background, the red mockup of Shinkawa art plus the big V etc? The red one?

It's somewhere in the Review thread, like page 70 or something, but I can't find it for the life of me.
Here ya go:

Thanks Dawg. I was inspired to learn how to make backgrounds transparent and merge layers in Photoshop last night. Since I can't play yet...


The game would be a nightmare without reflex mode.

Guards must of got contact lenses for this game.

I turned that shit off as soon as I booted the game up, same thing for GZ. You still have a couple of seconds to react if you get spotted at close range. Plus your awarded extra points for turning it off.


I feel like i'm the only asshole who can't play the game right now.
Fuck konami and their 'no preload' bullshit for steam users.


Make sure you're diligent in checking out all of Mother Base, more specifically the main platforms. There's something that's available for you to check out pretty early on that shouldn't be missed.


Not quite, because Camp Omega is still pretty small. It's hard to describe without showing you on a map!

Say Camp Omega was part of a far larger island with 3 other bases on it.

If you're spotted in Camp Omega, the entire camp is alerted at once. Every guy knows your there. But the other 3 bases have no idea. Then one of the guys at Camp Omega will get down on one knee and radio HQ, who will then alert the other 3 bases on the island, and truck more soldiers over to Camp Omega for backup (usually this is called off if you lose the soldiers, which is most of the time. Backup only really becomes an issue if you keep fighting/being loud).

Exactly the same thing will happen if you're spotted in one of the other 3 bases on the island.

However, if you're spotted in the countryside between Camp Omega and the other 3 bases, then there is no big alert. No alarm. The guys who spot you see you, and shout 'contact!' but nobody hears. One of them gets down and begins radioing. If you take him out before he finishes - great job, no alert. If you fail to take him out before he finishes, the 4 bases on the island (including Camp Omega) will become alerted, and enemies will start scrambling to come get you.

No worries - slightly better explanation above.

Thanks again, so if you are spotted in Camp Omega you are pretty much screwed, after all there is no way to prevent the back up as there are 30 soldiers around the base and obviously you can't stop them all from calling reinforcements.


could never
Make sure you're diligent in checking out all of Mother Base, more specifically the main platforms. There's something that's available for you to check out pretty early on that shouldn't be missed.

Can you PM this? just in case I have missed it.


Don't think the servers will be going live until this afternoon/this evening UK time. Just a guess.

Considering the servers still aren't live (guess they will go live on release day), you can't transfer the save file because you need the server to be online to download the save.

I figured, was just curious if they were up for a brief moment already because of a screenshot I saw on Twitter. Played like a fiddle again I guess.

Thanks Dawg. I was inspired to learn how to make backgrounds transparent and merge layers in Photoshop last night. Since I can't play yet...

Time to update my avatar too. :O


I turned that shit off as soon as I booted the game up, same thing for GZ. You still have a couple of seconds to react if you get spotted at close range. Plus your awarded extra points for turning it off.

You are a braver man than me.
The amount of times reflex has saved my ass is huge.
I would find the game a nightmare of frustration without it.


I turned that shit off as soon as I booted the game up, same thing for GZ. You still have a couple of seconds to react if you get spotted at close range. Plus your awarded extra points for turning it off.

Amen brother. No reflex mode and the chicken hat will never be donned no matter how stuck I am. That stuff would ruin the game completely.


So the time for the download on steam is supposed to be September 1st at 2PM Australian Eastern Time. The store page for Phantom Pain however is telling me otherwise. Anyone else worried as fuck right now?
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