Has it unlocked on Steam yet like that Konami PR guy said?
It's not happening according to NZers. Wait 16 hours
The Konami guy corrected that Tweet later on anyway. This was a loooong shot
Has it unlocked on Steam yet like that Konami PR guy said?
Your Game order is due for delivery on Tuesday 1st September
We were expecting to deliver a parcel to you today; however, we have not yet received this parcel from Game. As soon as we get your parcel, we will send you an email with your new delivery details. Until then, please contact the sender for more information.
Sorry, your Game parcel has not arrived with us; we'll let you know as soon as it does and confirm it's on its way to you
It's not happening according to NZers. Wait 16 hours
The Konami guy corrected that Tweet later on anyway. This was a loooong shot
Has it unlocked on Steam yet like that Konami PR guy said?
I've been blessed with the gift of updated info! The time players are now able to download and play #MGSVTPP PC is now 12 AM ET 9/1
As a New Zealander, you got me good Konami. You got me good.
Thanks for the PM!
Not sure if anyone's seen this pic, thought it was funny and worth sharing lol.
Your info is outdated. This is what he said most recently:
Anyone else waiting on the Collectors Edition from Game? Received email on Friday saying:
Fair enough, I can live with release day. But had this email on Saturday from DPD saying:
Clicking on the tracking link says:
Thanks for the PM!
Not sure if anyone's seen this pic, thought it was funny and worth sharing lol.
Your info is outdated. This is what he said most recently:
I'm terrible with time zones, how long until this?
I'm terrible with time zones, how long until this?
Didn't see a thread about it but is it true that there is no data on the retail version of the PC version and people buying it need to download the same amount of data as people going digitally?
I'm terrible with time zones, how long until this?
I am BALLS DEEP into this game and fuck it is so good still
fnduofnMKF why is it so good
I really enjoy it. The open world is EVERYTHING. It puts so many other open worlds to shame. The story is fantastic (even if it's slightly less prominent) and yeah
A little less than 16 hours from now.
I love how Big Boss is portrayed as just the most slimy sleazeball in that pic. Like a big-bellied, heinous fucking guy. (Barney or the Mayor, right.)
How do you disable the comm thingies (stuff with blue lights) without alerting people? The only way I can figure out to destroy them is by blowing them up, which is obviously not very stealthy.
How am I supposed to kill 16 hours? Do I really need to go to work today?
People in NZ paid for day 1 release only to get the 'privilege' to start their download the middle of teh day on Sept 2?
Complete bullshit.
Everyone should refund their pre-orders.
Asia/Japan gets their copies later than the NA/EU. It's 27 hours till the game is out for us.
What a bummer, I was looking forward to getting the retail version but now it just makes no sense at all.
How do you disable the comm thingies (stuff with blue lights) without alerting people? The only way I can figure out to destroy them is by blowing them up, which is obviously not very stealthy.
Not sure if anyone has found the answer to this yet...
but what happens when I fulton new soldiers and my MB is already full? I've noticed my waiting room is always empty. Always. Does the game fire them without my permission?
Does anyone know why some guards I fulton get put into the 'brig' section of motherbase so I'm unable to assign them. I have some A+ rank guys in there I really wanna assign :/
Blowing them up is the only way. But if you tag them with C4 and then detonate from a distance, you can create a useful diversion without blowing your cover as a large chunk of the guards will go directly to that area. You only lose your stealth bonus at the end of the mission if you actually get spotted by a guard iirc.
He looks how I play.
Scumbag murderer.
Does anyone know why some guards I fulton get put into the 'brig' section of motherbase so I'm unable to assign them. I have some A+ rank guys in there I really wanna assign :/
I read somewhere that your worst performing soldiers get 'fired' automatically. Not sure how true that is though.
This is false if you're talking about using explosives.
Would be nice.
How am I supposed to kill 16 hours? Do I really need to go to work today?
Would they be able to fire your buddies?They will be fired when you get new soldiers and you have no more space. You can lock certain soldiers though to not get fired.
Shooting them with a gun would still cause an explosion though, no?