Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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So according to Steam this will unlock for me tomorrow at 8PM :(
I guess I wont play until Wednesday then...


according to konami it will unlock at 5AM BST


Anyone know how to initiate a preload on a non-primary PS4? When I go to the store page, all I get is the countdown, no Download link :(
Ima gonna try and give a few helpful tips here, but hopefully without spoiling too much. I'll put tags on things that might be 'TMI' status for some.

- It's generally a good routine to scout out a base during the day, then infiltrate at night. Tag every enemy from a vantage point, and lay markers on points of interest to you like soldiers to fulton, resources and things to sabotage.

- Think carefully about what you're spending GMP on and how it'll help you in the field; don't be too much of a shopholic. Try and get your GMP in the red at least once though, you get a cutscene, although this also happens for low morale.

- Lack of fast-travel options getting you down? Keep an eye out for the bright orange cardboard box posts. There's usually one at each major outpost. You have to manually get to it and collect the address, this then opens it up as a box fast-travel option.
Also, blow up the AA radars, and you get a helicopter landing zone open up on that base.

- Keep an eye on the 'troublemaker' detrimental stat with some of your soldiers.
These guys will start fights and put others in the sickbay, which fucks with your grade for that sector and constantly causes guys to drop in and out of active service. The way to counter this is a) Don't have troublemakers on your squad period, or cleverly b) Have an even number of them, this fixates the troublemakers on each other and doesn't bring other guys into it!

- Do the
'Legendary Gunsmith' side-ops when they appear to unlock
Weapons Customisation.

- Unlike Peace Walker, Miller auto-assigns all your staff for you, even when the roster is full he'll switch 'em out appropriately so you rarely HAVE to look at your staff list. When all sections are completely full the worst spares will show up in the Waiting Room. Maybe fire these scrubs, although whenever MB expands they'll happily slot into the extra spaces. Press square on PS4 to select a guy, and hold square and ^ or v to quick-select a ton of soldiers at once, saving time from dismissing/moving them individually.

- On the iDriod map, press ^ and v to scroll through some quick options like removing all markers and setting a landing zone. This is good for managing Quiet later and doing other quick things.

- Try and tranq Ocelot on MB. ;)

- For the love of God listen to the tapes, they provide both important lore and political context to what you're doing.

- A lot of people are worried about missing DD and Quiet. Don't. It's designed so you'll almost definitely run into them at some point. Kojima got your back.

- Once you unlock the conflict operations (outer ops), make sure you're doing them constantly, especially the key ones at the top of the list. This will bring in a steady supply of men, GMP and resources. Some of them require
vehicles which you need to capture for yourself, but must upgrade the Fulton to do so.

- Nothing has more success in specifically finding your objective in a base, then interrogating fools.

- Empty magazines are actually OP in their own small way. Enemies will always turn to notice them when thrown, so if you're in a situation where a guy is walking towards your general direction, throw a mag and it'll give you a small window to stun/shoot/hold up/kill him.

- Always drop into your mission area on the horse, the walker or a vehicle unless you know you're REALLY close to the objective, because running for goddamn miles is a pain. As fantastic as DD and Quiet are, they can't get you about fast; save them for the actual mission, not the traversal.

- Shower often, there's more perks than you think.
Giving you more Reflex mode time for one.
Quick question for early copy owners,

Are you allowed to play as members of your motherbase staff immediately? Is it any different than the system in Peacewalker? How customizable are they this time round? can you give them helmets, masks, etc.

Also, how to they figure into cutscenes, are they replaced by Big Boss? or are they even playable in main missions?
A couple of questions.
1. When you release an old comrade since he sucks does big Boss still say "you're fired" like in peace Walker?
2. Was that info about being able to resist camp omega if you have a GZ save shenanigans?


How many of you accidentally ended up in the spoiler thread when actually wanted to go to the OT? :-|

Happened to me a couple of time, I kept just reading as normal thinking I was in the OT. Never read anything too bad though, still annoyed though :(


Ima gonna try and give a few helpful tips here, but hopefully without spoiling too much. I'll put tags on things that might be 'TMI' status for some.

- It's generally a good routine to scout out a base during the day, then infiltrate at night. Tag every enemy from a vantage point, and lay markers on points of interest to you like soldiers to fulton, resources and things to sabotage.

- Think carefully about what you're spending GMP on and how it'll help you in the field; don't be too much of a shopholic. Try and get your GMP in the red at least once though, you get a cutscene, although this also happens for low morale.

- Lack of fast-travel options getting you down? Keep an eye out for the bright orange cardboard box posts. There's usually one at each major outpost. You have to manually get to it and collect the address, this then opens it up as a box fast-travel option.
Also, blow up the AA radars, and you get a helicopter landing zone open up on that base.

- Keep an eye on the 'troublemaker' detrimental stat with some of your soldiers.
These guys will start fights and put others in the sickbay, which fucks with your grade for that sector and constantly causes guys to drop in and out of active service. The way to counter this is a) Don't have troublemakers on your squad period, or cleverly b) Have an even number of them, this fixates the troublemakers on each other and doesn't bring other guys into it!

- Do the
'Legendary Gunsmith' side-ops when they appear to unlock
Weapons Customisation.

- Unlike Peace Walker, Miller auto-assigns all your staff for you, even when the roster is full he'll switch 'em out appropriately so you rarely HAVE to look at your staff list. When all sections are completely full the worst spares will show up in the Waiting Room. Maybe fire these scrubs, although whenever MB expands they'll happily slot into the extra spaces. Press square on PS4 to select a guy, and hold square and ^ or v to quick-select a ton of soldiers at once, saving time from dismissing/moving them individually.

- On the iDriod map, press ^ and v to scroll through some quick options like removing all markers and setting a landing zone. This is good for managing Quiet later and doing other quick things.

- Try and tranq Ocelot on MB. ;)

- For the love of God listen to the tapes, they provide both important lore and political context to what you're doing.

- A lot of people are worried about missing DD and Quiet. Don't. It's designed so you'll almost definitely run into them at some point. Kojima got your back.

- Once you unlock the conflict operations (outer ops), make sure you're doing them constantly, especially the key ones at the top of the list. This will bring in a steady supply of men, GMP and resources. Some of them require
vehicles which you need to capture for yourself, but must upgrade the Fulton to do so.

- Nothing has more success in specifically finding your objective in a base, then interrogating fools.

- Empty magazines are actually OP in their own small way. Enemies will always turn to notice them when thrown, so if you're in a situation where a guy is walking towards your general direction, throw a mag and it'll give you a small window to stun/shoot/hold up/kill him.

- Always drop into your mission area on the horse, the walker or a vehicle unless you know you're REALLY close to the objective, because running for goddamn miles is a pain.

- Shower often, there's more perks than you think.
Giving you more Reflex mode time for one.

Thanks for this, I knew most of them, but damn... those orange cardboard box posts you speak about are news to me.


A couple of questions.
1. When you release an old comrade since he sucks does big Boss still say "you're fired" like in peace Walker?

No it's just Donna Burke saying "Staff dismissed".

Do any of you guys know if there's a way to travel within an area in a chopper without loading to the ACC "zone"? I can't find an option for the chopper to drop me somewhere as I get on it.
A couple of questions.
1. When you release an old comrade since he sucks does big Boss still say "you're fired" like in peace Walker?
2. Was that info about being able to resist camp omega if you have a GZ save shenanigans?

1. No :(
2. I don't know this yet, haven't come across anything and GZ transference has been down all the time for me.


I've done one of these, but how do you make the others appear?

Have you completed them and then returned to the ACC? Usually that'll trigger the dialogue that'll begin the others.

I attempted them semi late though, so maybe I'd satisfied all the unlock conditions and then once I finished the first of the missions I unlocked the others.
Yes please pay attention to the cardboard box shipping option, there is one form collect at every base, it's on the sign at the fast travel spot. I did not know this until 25 hours in after I had visited every base, now I have to go back and collect them all.

No you can't send out other base members on a mission until you unlock the combat division. I haven't tried it yet.
No it's just Donna Burke saying "Staff dismissed".

Do any of you guys know if there's a way to travel within an area in a chopper without loading to the ACC "zone"? I can't find an option for the chopper to drop me somewhere as I get on it.
AFAIK, you can only do that in MB. My best guess is that riding the chopper from point A to B in large hostile maps either proved too complicated (managing pathfinding, avoiding hot zones, etc) or could have given an unfair advantage (mow down objectives by riding the chopper?)
But yeah, that's glaringly absent and probably the reason the box network is there.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
How many of you accidentally ended up in the spoiler thread when actually wanted to go to the OT? :-|

Me too. PM'd a moderator the suggestion to change the spoiler thread's title to "[SPOILER THREAD] Metal Gear Solid V", but so far it hasn't changed.

Moderator-senpai, please notice me.


I'm losing faith in Best Buy's release date delivery considering no shipment notification yet. I may briefly end up with two copies as a result...
The no steam preload thread was closed, now I'm reading all kinds of shit in here I don't really want to know. Not spoilers, but I was avoiding this thread to go in as fresh as possible.
Yes please pay attention to the cardboard box shipping option, there is one form collect at every base, it's on the sign at the fast travel spot. I did not know this until 25 hours in after I had visited every base, now I have to go back and collect them all.

No you can't send out other base members on a mission until you unlock the combat division. I haven't tried it yet.

Can you elaborate on this? i've beaten the game and still dont fully understand why only some bases have these.


The no steam preload thread was closed, now I'm reading all kinds of shit in here I don't really want to know. Not spoilers, but I was avoiding this thread to go in as fresh as possible.

Same here. Migrated to the OT because the "PC waiting thread" has been closed. Still better than the impressions and spoiler threads ofc :D


AFAIK, you can only do that in MB. My best guess is that riding the chopper from point A to B in large hostile maps either proved too complicated (managing pathfinding, avoiding hot zones, etc) or could have given an unfair advantage (mow down objectives by riding the chopper?)
But yeah, that's glaringly absent and probably the reason the box network is there.

Thanks! I didn't know about the box network, so it should help make up for it.
It's a small thing but I wish there was an option so you don't have to tap X to exit every loading screen, it would make the process of going between areas a little smoother.


The no steam preload thread was closed, now I'm reading all kinds of shit in here I don't really want to know. Not spoilers, but I was avoiding this thread to go in as fresh as possible.

Apologies. Unfortunately, this is now the best thread for us with the game to discuss gameplay and mild tagged spoilers.

I try to stay away from the spoiler thread as much as I can. There are major spoilers there that I haven't even encountered yet in the game, including the ending.
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