Any good PS1 2d shooters on PSN?
Dodonpachi, Zanac x Zanac, R-Type Delta, G Darius, Einhander to name a few
All on JP PSN, but they will play on any region PS3
Any good PS1 2d shooters on PSN?
Dodonpachi, Zanac x Zanac, R-Type Delta, G Darius, Einhander to name a few
All on JP PSN, but they will play on any region PS3
Currently I am playing in Colony Wars for the first time. I don't know maybe I am very poor gamer or this game is so fuc...incredible, impossible hard. As a matter of fact I finished game in 2h, but it was bad ending with all main missions loses by me.
I beat this year - according to fans of Souls games - hard game - Bloodborne, but in comparision with Colony Wars, BB is like a piece of cake.
I am totaly stuck. Spend over 3,5h playing in 2 act (Gallonigher) and trying to beat Navy fregate. I can't. Once I was very close to beat it, was only one time.
Any advice? Maybe I can't beat this game. Maybe my skills aren't enough. I know there are cheates and codes, but that's not for me. Rather I abandon this game than use it. Unfortunately there isn't easy mode in this game.
I really wish the video would stop cutting to a close up of his face talking.
A matter of taste I guess but I don't mind it. I like to know who's doing the analysis and lots of YTers never show their face. What I really appreciate is how Derek just lets the content do the talking. I have never once laughed at or been the least bit entertained by the schmucks who edit in dumb little asides or pictures or who act all angry or crack jokes. Hardly any gamers on YT are actually funny or clever. Only guy who is even close to having a "personality" that I find entertaining is Mark at CGR, but that's because he's actually being himself.
Well the glaringly obvious choice is Alundra based on what you've said, but you're on top of that. Honestly I haven't played enough of the RPG library to give you really specific recommendations, perhaps someone else will be able to.Yeah, there are countlessly many, but it's difficult to find which are really good choices for me. While I do enjoy FFIX, I typically prefer more active RPGs like the Mario & Luigi ones or the amazing Lufia 2 which is packed to the brim with puzzles. Often, RPGs are just fights + story, which I like a lot less if it isn't an SRPG.
EDIT: Oh and on a related note, for 3D games, is there a good third party controller that has the d-pad and the left stick switched?
or look at some of the RPGs (honestly there are so many I'm not even going to bother listing them, google will net you hundreds of lists).
What the.... howOn PSP I have FF Tactics, but I found it rather bad
Platforming: Skullmonkeyshere. Now those games basically are everything I could come up with myself so I figured I'd ask for some gems I might have forgotten in here. In order to get good recommendations, I'll list my favourite genres and my favourite games within those genres:
- platforming (Mario series, Sonic series, Banjo-Kazooie, Rayman series)
- Action-Adventure (Zelda series, Metroid series, Sphinx & Cursed Mummy)
- RPG (Lufia 2, Fire Emblem series, Mario RPG series)
- arcade (F-Zero series, Monkey Ball series, Crazy Taxi series)
Do you have any recommendations for me? There are still two likely candidates, which I want to rule out: Spyro, because my experience with the first game was enormously bad, both mechanically, and regarding the use of the collectathon gameplay concept, and WipEout, because I'm extremely picky with controls in arcade racers. It must absolutely not be floaty, I need full control.
EDIT: I also already have Klonoa on Wii and don't like tank-controls, so horror action-adventures that play like Resident Evil 1-3 are not for me.
I'm confused by this too, the game is great!!!What the.... how
I'll explain it quickly to you because you asked, but I don't want to cause any trouble or lengthy discussion about it, after all, it's an appreciation threadWhat the.... how
I already have Sould Reaver for Dreamcast and want to play it soon, if I like it, I guess Blood Omen is a good choicePlatforming: Skullmonkeys
Action-adventure: Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, MediEvil
RPG: Wild ARMs, Breath of Fire III, Xenogears
Skullmonkeys has some similarities to Rayman I'd say. 2D side-scrolling and challenging, but all done in claymation style. Very funny game. I don't know how hard it is to find though. I don't think it's on PSN.
Blood Omen is like a 2D Zelda but in the gothic horror/fantasy style with a mature storyline (actually mature and not "gore and tits lol so edgy"). Loading times suck but it's the only serious drawback. It's available for cheap on PSN. Soul Reaver, the sequel, is actually like Zelda too, but the 3D one. A semi-open world like the 3D Zeldas, but with little to no hand-holding whatsoever, heavily puzzle-oriented. Once again great writing and VA. And yeah if you like Super Metroid and never played SotN (what's wrong with you?!), then that one is mandatory.
If you like Lufia I'd recommend Wild ARMs, it's got similar action-style puzzles and it's a very fun JRPG with great music. I don't know if BoFIII and Xenogears would be your type, but they're among the best of the era really, and definitely both in my top 10 JRPGs of all-time.
I keep eyeing Parasite Eve, and its sequel on PSN, but I never pull the trigger as I keep waiting for them to go on sale. Sony has trained me to wait.
I played the first one years ago, and remember liking it a great deal, especially since the combat system has similarities to my favorite game, Vagrant Story. I can't recall if I ever tried Parasite Eve 2.
They are on sale this week. $2.99 each.
Oh lucky you, Dreamcast version of SR is the best one. Blood Omen was first, and it's more like the 2D Zeldas in term of gameplay. If you can endure the loading times it's very worth it for the story and atmosphere.I already have Sould Reaver for Dreamcast and want to play it soon, if I like it, I guess Blood Omen is a good choice? SotN I haven't played yet, right, that's because I don't like the SNES Castlevanias all too much, they are too much slow action for me. Wild ARMS also seems to be an interesting recommendation, especially since you say it has similar puzzle style as Lufia. I'll have a look into it tomorrow!
He already said he doesn't like tank controls, SH1 has tank controls like RE. Then you recommend FF8 which is utter trash, and two games you haven't even played (hint: I have and they're not actually that good)? smhYoshi you should definitely try MGS1 and Silent Hill if you haven't played yet. Medievil is great too. I heard good opinions about Fear Effect 1&2. If you have FF9, why not FF7 and 8?
MGS1, SH1 and FF8 are one of my favorites games of all time. Highly recommended.
Oh lucky you, Dreamcast version of SR is the best one. Blood Omen was first, and it's more like the 2D Zeldas in term of gameplay. If you can endure the loading times it's very worth it for the story and atmosphere.
Wild ARMs is a classic. Amazing soundtrack too!
He already said he doesn't like tank controls, SH1 has tank controls like RE. Then you recommend FF8 which is utter trash, and two games you haven't even played (hint: I have and they're not actually that good)? smh
FF7 is OK, but there are better RPGs on the PS1.
I would think so, I opened a few of the original d-pad only and dualshocks back in the day and you could swap the X,O, etc. buttons. I've never opened the PSOne controllers, but I'm guessing they're the same on the face buttons.anyone know if the buttons on the PSOne pack-in congraller (dualshock with rounded end plug) can swap buttons and d-pad with the standard OG digital PS1 pad?
anyone know if the buttons on the PSOne pack-in congraller (dualshock with rounded end plug) can swap buttons and d-pad with the standard OG digital PS1 pad?
Turns out Yoshi isn't a big FF fan, so, so much for that. I still don't get why someone would recommend a game they haven't even played,'re seriously going to get on someone's case about their recommendations and then totally dismiss a game the person might like as "utter trash". wow.
Also this.To be fair, it IS FFVIII.
If it's the feel you're after, I believe you're better off swapping the rubbers.
Turns out Yoshi isn't a big FF fan, so, so much for that. I still don't get why someone would recommend a game they haven't even played, though.
Its a sad day when hearing someone doesnt like tank controls... So many great games just out the window for them. Damn. Not passing judgment of the person. Its just damn sad they cant play these wonderful games.
I believe shmups has this on their lists, though I'm not at my computer to check.Anyone got a list of North American released PS1 vertical shooters that retained their tate display modes?
People, go vote for your favourite 5th gen games if you haven't done so already! The lack of participation is mildly troubling to me. xD
The PAL Suikoden 2 fixes some glitches from the NA VER as well.What the... the PAL cover for Suikoden is the original Japanese art?? EU > NA confirmed
On the other hand, that BoF III PAL cover is absolute rubbish. The NA one was generic but at least not eye-gougingly bad like this one, haha.
People, go vote for your favourite 5th gen games if you haven't done so already! The lack of participation is mildly troubling to me. xD
You need to make one comment on one item, that's the only requirement. Geez...I hate the requirement to add text to your choices. I just want to make a list be done with it.
It's the reason I avoid most voting threads. Too lazy.
Not everything deserves reading or deserves to be read. I get the premise, to engender discussion. But I've discussed gen 5 ad nauseam already.
Anyone played Strider 2? Curious if there are any impressions on it and if it's worth picking up. Online reviews seem to be mixed to good, but it's apparently short. Is it worth picking up?
It's pretty fun. I never liked to play on any difficult mode, just turned everything to easy and ran through slashing everything. Always had a good time with it, and yeah it's short, you could beat it in an evening no problem unless you want to make it hard.
Ebay price seems kinda dumb but it's $5 on PSN.
Just remember Strider 1 disc is Strider 2, and Strider 2 disc is Strider 1. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
It's pretty fun. I never liked to play on any difficult mode, just turned everything to easy and ran through slashing everything. Always had a good time with it, and yeah it's short, you could beat it in an evening no problem unless you want to make it hard.
Ebay price seems kinda dumb but it's $5 on PSN.
Just remember Strider 1 disc is Strider 2, and Strider 2 disc is Strider 1. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Does anyone know if the arcade version of Strider 2 was 60fps?
Anyone played Strider 2? Curious if there are any impressions on it and if it's worth picking up. Online reviews seem to be mixed to good, but it's apparently short. Is it worth picking up?
they fixed that on the PSN release too.
I just got Dino Crisis!