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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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Besides doing it with the console, is there a way to go offline in the game? Some option I'm missing?

It lags the menu like crazy when you're connected.
About 15 hours and 14 missions in so far and I'm having a blast. The game feels unfinished in a lot of respects, particularly how sparse and dull the open world is, but the controls and overall gameplay are damn near perfect. It's a good example of a game that falls flat in a lot of aspects but has one (in this play the gameplay) that is so far and away a 10 that it brings the game overall to a 9 or 9.5. It's pretty interesting.

One area the game has fallen flat so far is the boss fights. I might be prejudging since I've only had two so far,
which are Quiet and the Metal Gear fight/escape,
and those might not even be considered as such.
The Metal Gear one was a huge drag, though. I ended up getting him caught on a pile of sandbags at the beginning and spent 20 minutes trying to escape but the game wouldn't let me continue since he never ran through all of his scripted events. He just stood there unmoving while I ran across the map.

So yeah, great game, though it feels simultaneously polished and unpolished, which is a hard thing to grasp.


My fears are quelled tbh. I don't mind the less focused story so far (only on like Mission 7 - the
Honey Bee
one) because the actual gameplay is extremely deep and addictive. LOVE stealth in this game. I like the open world too - reminds me of SotC and I like listening to tapes while traveling.

Elaborate on this? I'm still early in the game.

At each base (not including small 3-5 man checkpoints) is an orange raised platform with a signpost next to it. Sometimes these are hard to spot but once you've found one it's much easier.

Go up to the sign post and you can take the 'Invoice' for that base.

Do the same at other bases - find the smallish orange cargo platform, take the invoices.

Once you have the invoice for two bases, you can then get in a cardboard box and sit on the cargo platform, hold Triangle/Y to fast-travel to other cargo platforms. You need a base's invoice before you can travel to it, however.

Just a tip, you don't need to chopper extract in free roam. Just hit select and choose return to ACC. This will take you directly to the chopper.

This is brilliant. A game changer for me. Removes the occasional horror of being stuck in the open world.

Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.


So I came across two wolf pups within a span of about two minutes riding D Horse on my way to a mission. Is that a common thing or a glitch?

Haha. You're meant to take the wolf pup. The game is trying to tell you that.

funny thing: No Rank at all. I got a rating and tons of GMP and such but my rank was and still is just "-"

You broke... Whatever it is that's supposed to give you the grade. Kaz?


Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

Harry Gregson-Williams only produced the music.

It's one of the worst MGS soundtracks, IMO. I can only recall a few songs. It might have less to do with the music, and more with how it's placed, because I can only really recall the
music and the music when you're escaping with


What the hell, the game doesn't checkpoint at motherbase. I played for >30 minutes, listening to tapes, finding diamonds and doing target courses. And then I dropped from the top of the intel platform by accident and died. And it brought me back right at the beginning: the target course I completed wasn't completed anymore, the tapes I listened to were marked as new again, etc.

Why :(


Found Final Countdown, pretty bad ass to use on a killing spree.

Its in

Afghanistan, at the hilltop compound in the east. Side Op 7 takes you there.
Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

I'm guessing you didn't follow that the entire context of the game was BB and Miller rebuilding back what they lost and getting revenge at Cipher? lol. Also, HGW is the music producer.

Harry Gregson-Williams only produced the music.

It's one of the worst MGS soundtracks, IMO. I can only recall a few songs. It might have less to do with the music, and more with how it's placed, because I can only really recall the
music and the music when you're escaping with

It's a fantastic score just not used much, only in cutscenes while the ingame music is subdued mostly. Infinitely better than PW but not as good as the first 4.


Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

tbh I actually like this open world a lot better than most because it doesn't bullshit me a la Ubisoft and its "HERES 10 MILLION ICONS GO HAVE FUN".

edit - I liked SotC's too for the same reason


Asked this earlier, apologies if I missed a reply, but has anyone found a way to attach an underbarrel grenade launcher to an assault rifle? It doesn't seem to be on the tree, but on one of the tips screens I could swear I saw a tip saying it was possible.


tbh I actually like this open world a lot better than most because it doesn't bullshit me a la Ubisoft and its "HERES 10 MILLION ICONS GO HAVE FUN".

But they sort of do this, especially as you level up your 'Intel' team and have more Side-Ops available.

Caja 117

At least Im not alone in The ending credits and opening credits for every episode, I really hate it, it really breaks with the imersion of the game.
Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

The Open-World is great. It's just not going for the same things that things like GTA or AC are going for. It's not an open-world that's built around "Here are a thousand things to do! Get to it!" It's an open-world with staggeringly good level design that acts as a sandbox to allow you to do a few specific things in any way you want to.

Unlike GTA, which is built around giving the player 30 different things to do, but still only usually one way to do each of those things, MGSV is built around giving the player one primary thing to do, infiltrate bases, but giving you 30 different ways to approach it.


Okay, so I have collected these tips, are there any other?

- Square while aiming = changing between primary and secondary weapon.
- Be prone and hit R2 = hug DD.
- Prone + triangle = goes into stealth prone.
- While sprinting hitting R1 = knock out enemy with a punch.
- Bottom left corner of touch pad brings you directly to the AAC after a mission.
At least Im not alone in The ending credits and opening credits for every episode, I really hate it, it really breaks with the imersion of the game.

This is probably my biggest complaint with the game. But I've been skipping the end credits at least, I assume I'm not missing anything there. Probably GOTY right now for me. Have about 18% completion. We'll see if it holds up.


I kinda feel like it's better not to think of this as an open world game. It's "open world" in the way that something like FFXI was open world - fairly restricted. It becomes a lot more enjoyable if you think of the areas as just massive levels, and compare it instead to older MGS or Splinter Cell games rather than true open world titles.

There are still a shitload of approaches and options at your disposal, but there are definitely times when you're funneled into a choice of maybe 2 or 3 entrances, rather than just being able to climb a cliff and get right in. It's kind of more fun that way though, if things were truly, 100% open, you could bypass almost everything.

At least Im not alone in The ending credits and opening credits for every episode, I really hate it, it really breaks with the imersion of the game.

I wouldn't mind if it were just for the actual staff that made the game, but WHY did they feel the need to tell you every goddamn character that's going to show up?! Like in Episode 6 - shit would have been so much crazier if I didn't know
Skull Face and the zombie unit were going to show up, but instead I knew it from the start and was like "alright got the weapon, ohh here comes the mist, surprise surprise."


tbh I actually like this open world a lot better than most because it doesn't bullshit me a la Ubisoft and its "HERES 10 MILLION ICONS GO HAVE FUN".

I agree. It seems the open world is just to serve as atmosphere and to give a sense of scale to the environment. There's no BS about there being some racing mission or collection hunt or whatever else is in modern open world game design these days.

Still, I think the world being half the size would have given the same effect but oh well.


The Open-World is great. It's just not going for the same things that things like GTA or AC are going for. It's not an open-world that's built around "Here are a thousand things to do! Get to it!" It's an open-world with staggeringly good level design that acts as a sandbox to allow you to do a few specific things in any way you want to.

Unlike GTA, which is built around giving the player 30 different things to do, but still only usually one way to do each of those things, MGSV is built around giving the player one primary thing to do, infiltrate bases, but giving you 30 different ways to approach it.

I think his complaint about open world is related to how it's during free roam, not how it's during mission/side op.


Comparing the open worlds in this to those in SOTC isn't too far off. The open world was there not to distract you but as a way point to your objectives. Guess this gen is too conditioned to iconville and picking up animus fragments.

Okay, so I have collected these tips, are there any other?

Bruh you're trying to make me smack DD? Is this for puppy DD?


Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

Did you read my response? Sure looks like you ignored the 10 others who responded to your post. It's your opinion but it's miles off the mark imo.

1. Mother Base isn't a hub. You don't need to go there at all if you don't want to (bar one mission ever 5 or 10). And it's useful for a couple of things I won't go into.
2. The level design is god-tier. I agree there is quite a lot of blank space in the open world, but it's incomparable to Destiny. The actual levels are huge and more intricate than the best level in Destiny by far. And there are ways to avoid the open world travel, more than in Destiny (horse, vehicles later in the game, cardboard box fast-travel, helicopter) and even then you can listen to tapes to keep yourself fully engaged.
3. I don't think any of the missions are 'filler' per se, but I agree there are too many of them. However, once you start a side op or two usually they turn out to be really fun and unique, and you chain a few of them at once.
4. Have you listened to a single tape? We don't really need to care about any of the characters, but they all have plenty of backstory and history, and are almost all really well written.
5. The voice acting for Miller and Ocelot isn't amazing, mainly because it's similar, yet.
6. A lot of the music is great, idk what you're on about.
7. You can easily not fiddle about with things or level things up. You might feel compelled to, but you don't have to. Just focus on doing some side ops or a main mission or two and you'll have a great time.

Caja 117

This is probably my biggest complaint with the game. But I've been skipping the end credits at least, I assume I'm not missing anything there. Probably GOTY right now for me. Have about 18% completion. We'll see if it holds up.

Oh thank you, didnt knew you could skip them, Regardless is more the pause between each main mission i guess, but, is a very litle complain so far in what i consider a masterpiece.


Subete no aware
Oh wow, so if a specialist is killed at mother base then you lose him forever? Why would you make it so that these guys can be killed if it's impossible to get their skills again?


Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.

Actually, the open world is refreshing. Its so nice to not have 10,000 points of interests and random bullshit time trials and filler all over the place. The side ops have been fun imo.


Can someone post in a spoiler tag the number of the mission where Eli is encountered? I'm getting so impatient to meet him.


But they sort of do this, especially as you level up your 'Intel' team and have more Side-Ops available.

Absolutely not comparable to Ubisoft open worlds.

Which I tend to enjoy more than TPP's boring ass open world (well, with Far Cry 3 and 4, don't play other Ubi games)


Did I lie tho? The open world is one of the worst in current-gen gaming, the hub base is nothing, tons of filler missions, there's little reason to care about any of these characters outside your prior attachment to them in other games when the main character is a cipher(lol) and Miller/Ocelot might as well be the same mentor voice(they certainly sound the same), I can't remember any of its original music(was Gregson-Williams involved at all?), and ya can't just play the game cuz there's half a dozen things you gotta level up and fiddle around with.
Why are you ignoring the game play that's as rich as it is to play even with these filler missions? It's got so much more to it than Destiny in that regard. Even without upgrading anything, the depth is crazy. You're simplifying too much in trying to compare the two. You aren't entirely wrong, though. I just think it's stretching.


I agree. It seems the open world is just to serve as atmosphere and to give a sense of scale to the environment. There's no BS about there being some racing mission or collection hunt or whatever else is in modern open world game design these days.

Still, I think the world being half the size would have given the same effect but oh well.

Atmosphere - my god.

I was going on horseback to my mission (about 3000 meters away - I was jamming to Kids in America to pass the time), moved uphill through a mountain path, and came across this huge valley in the desert. A full moon was hanging overhead, giving the whole scene a really cool tone as Boss rode across the desert on his own. There was just something really awe-inspiring about it. Genuine "woah" moment.


Also I really wish food mechanics were back, I really miss eating from MGS3. It would also fit this game best of all - the feeling of surviving in this huge open environment by eating mice and sheep and stuff would be really good.

Plus you would have a good excuse to raid guard outposts - Snake's hungry, bitches.
I'm guessing you didn't follow that the entire context of the game was BB and Miller rebuilding back what they lost and getting revenge at Cipher? lol.

No I got that part. But that's not a story; that's a context. That's a starting point.

tbh I actually like this open world a lot better than most because it doesn't bullshit me a la Ubisoft and its "HERES 10 MILLION ICONS GO HAVE FUN".

edit - I liked SotC's too for the same reason

See, people say that, but they do this anyway? They don't point out all the Anti-Air radars and comm towers and hundreds and hundreds of things they encourage you to collect, but its there. And as you iDroid/Intel levels up they're always telling you about more and more filler missions to do. Hope you have the poorly-advertised fast travel or one of the few pre-determined helicopter drop-off points activated or its gonna be a BITCH getting there. Hope you have D-Horse unless you like running 1000m(and then sneaking past another outpost and running into walls cuz mountains EVERYWHERE).


So, guys, other than the ending evaluation (Rank S,A,B,C...etc), what does being stealthy offer compared to just doing the mission normally?



Asked this earlier, apologies if I missed a reply, but has anyone found a way to attach an underbarrel grenade launcher to an assault rifle? It doesn't seem to be on the tree, but on one of the tips screens I could swear I saw a tip saying it was possible.

You get the opportunity later on to customise weapons. Keep an eye out for relevant side ops.


motherfuck, i screwed up seconds from getting to the door in the powerplant where you need to go and got shot to death in moments


Subete no aware
Yeah, I think you can replay missions and extract them again. I repeated mission 8 a bunch of times and the mission specific guy I extracted always showed up on the rewards (motherbase?) screen.

Just do the mission again and confirm for us xD
I actually asked on GameFAQs and the guy there said it doesn't work. :/
It looks like Malak's Anesthesia Specialist is unique too, so I can't ever make the high level tranq guns.
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