i used to be team veronica back in the day but maan betty in this archie reboot is too much. no way can veronica match up to her when she finally gets more play in the story.
i used to be team veronica back in the day but maan betty in this archie reboot is too much. no way can veronica match up to her when she finally gets more play in the story.
i used to be team veronica back in the day but maan betty in this archie reboot is too much. no way can veronica match up to her when she finally gets more play in the story.
i used to be team veronica back in the day but maan betty in this archie reboot is too much. no way can veronica match up to her when she finally gets more play in the story.
Have we actually seen Fiona Staples' Veronica?
Beast is probably just a traitor like usual.
In the issues, or just promo art? Because I don't remember her being in either issue.
EDIT: I completely forgot that scene. It feels like about 60 years since the last issue of Archie.
I had went to SDCC for a years before I started to talk/interact with creators. I'd always avoid going through Artist Alley. Just in the past two years, that's where I spend the majority of my time. Besides, who goes to SDCC for comic-related stuff anyway??
Lovin' what you got, tim. Especially that B'wana Beast one.
What issue did you finish on? Spoiler tag the momentGuys, Deadly Class is an emotional roller coaster. I'm not sure who I love and who I hate. It's a super fun read though. Think I have an issue or two that wasn't on sale to read.
It might even be Dark Beast.
I think it would be kinda hard for him to join a team at the moment.
Guys, Deadly Class is an emotional roller coaster. I'm not sure who I love and who I hate.
Safest just to assume that they're all self-serving assholes.
Yup great artistFiona Staples also drew this lovely cover a while back
I forget what happened to him, but it doesn't matter, it's vanilla Beast.
I don't see Medusa doing anything that's going to really position her as a villain.
I'm not entirely convinced that Willie is a shitbag.I think he is just a poser. Who has lied and lied and ended up in this situation so now he has to act like a hardman.
Is there a big version of that recent inhuman run coming out or did I imagine that?
Marvels newest heroes are born! The Terrigen Mist spread worldwide, triggering latent genes and transforming normal people into Inhumans! But as the mysterious Lash takes an unwanted interest in the new Inhumans and the newly transformed Flints world falls apart, Medusa finds herself ruling the Inhumans alone, her husband Black Bolt believed dead. When the Unspoken stages a coup, Flint and his fellow NuHumans must step up and embrace their destiny! Meanwhile, Black Bolt is alive, allied with his mad brother Maximus but why? What is the Ennilux Corporation, and how does it affect the Inhumans future? Lash continues his recruitment drive, but what is his true agenda? And the scheming Lineage, lurking in the background since the beginning, finally shows his hand. All the complex threads come together for a truly Inhuman climax! Collecting INHUMAN #1-14 and ANNUAL #1.
344 PGS./Rated T+ $34.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-9557-3
Trim size: oversized
Issue 14What issue did you finish on? Spoiler tag the moment![]()
Everyone does come off as some kind of unlikable.Safest just to assume that they're all self-serving assholes.
There is:
Issue 14.where Marcus thinks Saya killed Maria and I think he's deciding to kill her. Maria getting poisoned was maybe the biggest punch for me in the series so far though
Everyone does come off as some kind of unlikable.
Team Betty is strong in Fiona Staples artstyle. But Veronica is fierce.
I actually ordered a sub from Archie Comics - first 14 issues for 32 bucks. Value.
Just wanted to chime in and share in the love for the Archie re-boot and Staples' art. I'm not sure how Archie goes on without Staples - her character designs have been 100% on point.
Waid and Staples' plan for Veronica has to be out of this world, for no other reason than Betty is already a supernova. For Archie's "choice" to be difficult (and for us readers to care about that choice), it has to be that way. I'm looking forward to it.
Have there been any previews of the art after Ms. Staples leaves?
Dunno if I wanna add it to my list or not until then.
Annie Wu is doing #4:
Doesn't her Veronica look a lot like Kate Bishop? Not that that's a bad thing.
Veronica Fish is doing #5 and #6, and possibly #7 as well:
They've said artists will be rotated on a regular basis.
Would probably help if you listed what you own.
Annie Wu is doing #4:
Doesn't her Veronica look a lot like Kate Bishop? Not that that's a bad thing.
Veronica Fish is doing #5 and #6, and possibly #7 as well:
They've said artists will be rotated on a regular basis.
Pretty sure Fish is the full time artist after Wu
Veronica (great name, too!) really captured the youthful, energetic vibe we were looking for, so it made perfect sense to have her step in and finish out the first six-issue arc. Veronicas a real hidden gem. Mark my words shell be a star before shes done working on these two issues.
Pellerito says the first twelve issues of the series are mapped out, and the publisher will continue to tap rotating artists to keep the book going. So far, its three-for-three in terms of bringing on women to do art for the series, though he didnt indicate if thatll be the trend after Fish finishes her issues.
That moment hurt me deeply.i was so glad all my faves made it through that big fight and the dad stuff on the bridge and then those final few pages hurt. Taking away my favorite character from me
Everything since is like ...no please. Think about this.
Right, I thought things would kind of even out and get normalish, but that happened and then 14, everything seems like it's going to shit now. I feel you on Maria, she was my favorite too
Neither am I 😖All of that looks great, but I'm not at all a fan of rotating artists.
Especially worse if they change in the middle of an arc.
I'm sure it's easier to convince these artists to do 1-3 issue stints than to get them to commit to being a series artist. They were never going to get Staples or Wu as a full time artist.
Maybe they can get Ms. Wu when Black Canary gets canceled in 3 months.
I don't really want it to be canceled though.
I though Fish was a mainstay?
I think her work appears to be the perfect middle between Staples and Wu, so that'd be disappointing
You are very welcomeMaybe if we'd all backed that Kickstarter, we could have got Fiona off Sega (thanks MuddyDonut, now I will always call it that).
Episode 30 of MGS5...that's more like it.