STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Firewatch gifs


Can't wait. Haven't heard much from them in a long time. Was hoping to get the game sometime this year rather than next

Excited for this. Really hope they don't go anywhere near horror territory. Just plain fire-watching duties, hunting pyros.
Some Battlefront "skills". Casually ending a jetpack-joyride (WebM 5MB / 6 secs)
Fun but very hectic. Like I told buraindo while we were playing, now I'm even more interested in Battlefield 4.


So I bought Darkest Dungeon on Oct 3rd and now it is on significant sale. I requested a refund through steam for the difference even though I've played over 6 hours. Do they generally tend to accept requests like this?

No, if you were under 2 hours they would but otherwise they seem to be sticking to the rules these days for the most part.

And they never refunded the difference, they would just give the full refund and you could re-buy at the reduced price if it was still available.
yea i'd also like to get a bit more info on that

The latest patch a bit back made dead bodies appear as corpses and made combat a bit tougher. Because the dead bodies on the floor would be in the way of attacking the other enemies in the line of combat.

Really it just takes some getting used to.

There was some other things but that was the big one.
I'm selling a bunch of cards and I'm debating on what to get as my 800th game, Darkest Dungeon and This War of Mine are the two I'm considering. What do?


The latest patch a bit back made dead bodies appear as corpses and made combat a bit tougher. Because the dead bodies on the floor would be in the way of attacking the other enemies in the line of combat.

Really it just takes some getting used to.

There was some other things but that was the big one.

So its fun or not :D


I keep checking the Campo Santo twitter hoping for a Firewatch release date. I'm really looking forward to it.

Steam-related, has anyone been having problems with nicknames getting deleted? There's one person in particular that I'm convinced I have nicknamed 2-3 times now, and Steam keeps deleting the nickname when I get beta updates. Other people still have their old nicknames as usual.
see that tales of the borderland is on sale... was thinking of buying it but I most likely won't play it now and itll be cheaper down the when I will anyway. Maybe during the winter sale. Besides I got LiS, everyone seems to rave over that one.

Most decisions can be decided by a coin.

nice haircut bro


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Mind: Path to Thalamus -- MB-0DC2B65693C8F48A - Taken by dave is ok
Back to Bed -- MB-91E2E8C9E7C935DE - Taken by LordCommanderNooooo
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) -- MB-3013FF662CF01D2C - Taken by gabbo
Party of Sin -- MB-A80C6D80EC51AE1E - Taken by Mikurden
airport simulator 2014 -- MB-A7A4195C4AFC56B7 - Taken by Baron_Calamity
Particulars -- MB-AC9737900F02481A - Taken by gurm3n
Ironclad Tactics -- MB-64AE889A96BD5238 - Taken by redlacs



Excited for this. Really hope they don't go anywhere near horror territory. Just plain fire-watching duties, hunting pyros.
Some Battlefront "skills". Casually ending a jetpack-joyride (WebM 5MB / 6 secs)
Fun but very hectic. Like I told buraindo while we were playing, now I'm even more interested in Battlefield 4.
Well, I'd like some tension... mystery or horror, either is fine by me.

Yeah I hope it's not scary. I have at least one friend who refused to play it if it's scary, and I hate scary/horror games. I want lower tension and mostly exploration and humor and mystery, instead of a nightmare game in the dark with tension or jump scares that I can't/won't play. :(

Of course that's selfish since there are lots of people who WOULD like that, but then again maybe there are a few people who want a wilderness game without it as well. I still want to play The Long Dark when it comes out.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Indie dev's angry rant demonstrates the stress after being Kickstarted

Having never heard of Elysian Shadows -- a 2D RPG that was Kickstarted for PC, mobile, Ouya, and even Dreamcast -- I stumbled across the above video of one of the developers, Falco Girgis, seemingly going off. Apparently one of the team members took a year's salary from the $185,322 earned on Kickstarer and didn't perform any of the work he was supposed to, and now Falco is stuck doing it all.

So Falco decided to post this video to vent his frustrations, or is this just all satire? The video's description reads:

"The Misadventures in Game Development is a spin-off side series based on the Adventures in Game Development, featuring a unique mixture of comedy, satire, self-loathing, and sarcasm brought to you by that one (sexy, good looking) dude developing the engine, toolkit, and now gameplay and scripting, and everything fucking else that needs to be coded for Elysian Shadows.

Follow us on a journey of self discovery as we venture through hell and back again, taking a cold, hard look at life in the shoes of an indie game developer crunching for an upcoming Kickstarter release."

Turns out Adventures in Game Development had previously been written about by former Dtoid editor-in-chief Dale North who called the series "great." Falco himself had posted a cblog here at Destructoid talking about the game and video series as well.

So is this an angry rant from an indie developer at the end of his rope, a satire, or something in between? I'm not sure, but to me it feels like a little bit of everything.

If you're reading this Falco, I hope your asshole recovered and you're able to find food.


Go EVGA or go home. Yes I am a slobbering fanboy of theirs but their warranty is second to none.

ASUS are great with customer support in the US but really shit in Europe and is largely dependent on where you made your purchase how lucky you'll get.

Gigabyte have upped their game the last couple of years and do direct support and RMAs now but I had a nightmare with a motherboard RMA.

MSI Lightnings are usually very good cards but don't know what their support is like.

ASUS is on my no-buy list after their "no-defect" monitor policy advertised on websites and reviews which seemed to guarantee that the monitor was so good they'd exchange it for even just 1 dead pixel (only reason I decided to order it on an online shop instead of going to a physical store). Turns out it was the usual bullshit minimum n# of dead pixels so they refused to fix my monitor.
I don't care how good their hardware might be, fuck them up the ass, lying pieces of shit.
I bought a guitar, RIP 2nd 980Ti dreams.

Anyone used Rocksmith before and found it helpful during the learning process or is a tool you pull out later?
This is why you should never give your money to inexperienced persons of any job, not just game development. Would you hire a brand new unknown construction developer to build you a house who then comes to you a year later saying that the crew he hired did absolutely nothing and he did not even check on their work at all?

Yeah. If it really happened like that, I actually wonder what shitty business owner the employer is...


Anybody else having a problem with today's update? It keeps wanting to download an update for the Controller, and asks me to restart Steam. Three times in a row now, for the same update, over and over.
Go EVGA or go home. Yes I am a slobbering fanboy of theirs but their warranty is second to none.

ASUS are great with customer support in the US but really shit in Europe and is largely dependent on where you made your purchase how lucky you'll get.

Gigabyte have upped their game the last couple of years and do direct support and RMAs now but I had a nightmare with a motherboard RMA.

MSI Lightnings are usually very good cards but don't know what their support is like.
Yeah, dat 5-year-warranty! Both EVGA and MSI has great support in Taiwan, they even have a "pick up faulty hardware from your home" service(first three years for EVGA, only first year for MSI, but after that you could just send your stuff to the nearest convenience store).

Asus is awful here, people complained about the attitude of support people, and repair quality.


Yeah I hope it's not scary. I have at least one friend who refused to play it if it's scary, and I hate scary/horror games. I want lower tension and mostly exploration and humor and mystery, instead of a nightmare game in the dark with tension or jump scares that I can't/won't play. :(

Of course that's selfish since there are lots of people who WOULD like that, but then again maybe there are a few people who want a wilderness game without it as well. I still want to play The Long Dark when it comes out.
Well, Sean and Jake had a very clear vision for this game, so they'll make what they want to make either way.

The only thing we can hope for is that it's compelling enough to get us to play and enjoy the experience, no matter the direction they eventually end up in.
Personally, it's a tool I used later on (not that I was any good when I started), but you should also be looking at videos/lessons outside of it. Eventually, you'll be as good as a ten year old
Oh I know, plan on using Justinguitar at first but I wasn't sure whether I should order Rocksmith now or later.

And I have a 16 year old sister who plays guitar relativity well(she's been at it a few years) which makes me feel bad, lol. Have to start somewhere though, and I'm really excited to start practicing and learning.

Got one of these Epiphones, pretty attractive!
I came into a little wad of Steam money. I am feeling AAA but will probably wait for the sale.

I still got money in the wallet earmarked for Lightning Returns. Damn SE.


I bought a guitar, RIP 2nd 980Ti dreams.

Anyone used Rocksmith before and found it helpful during the learning process or is a tool you pull out later?

I'm a fairly accomplished guitarist, and was given both an old and new Rocksmith as a joke. I found them to be quite counter intuitive, mainly because the focus (at least for me) was on trying to follow everything on the screen, and not paying attention to what I was actually doing. For a song I never played before, I found I hadn't actually learnt the song by the end, but could play it by reading the screen only. There is also the issue of not being taught how to improvise and how to actually create anything. Perhaps this is the view of someone who shouldn't be using it though (which I don't other than that first day). The tips for technique are great though. They are thorough and well shown in the new one. However you could just watch the whole thing on youtube if you wanted.

It's probably a nice way to start, but I wouldn't rely on Rocksmith alone.

I think there is a lot to be gained by mixing and matching these things though. Just make sure to try looking up a slow simple song via a tab, and learn to play it. Start super slow with a metronome and keep building up. Then try more difficult songs as you go. Learn some scales, check some youtube vids when you get stuck or confused. Mess around as well, you'd be astonished what you can do.


Playing Black Mirror, getting frustrated by parts that aren't explained that you can do them, specifically that right-clicking on a fireplace does something different from double-clicking or left-clicking, whereas it doesn't do something different with every other point. Charging on though, this game's getting beaten...
see that tales of the borderland is on sale... was thinking of buying it but I most likely won't play it now and itll be cheaper down the when I will anyway. Maybe during the winter sale. Besides I got LiS, everyone seems to rave over that one.

nice haircut bro

Why'd you not tell me there's not a new South Park this week? I am disappoint.
not really, was surprised though
I like it, much better than my 1 on the sides and back, 5 on top.
Oh I know, plan on using Justinguitar at first but I wasn't sure whether I should order Rocksmith now or later.

And I have a 16 year old sister who plays guitar relativity well(she's been at it a few years) which makes me feel bad, lol. Have to start somewhere though, and I'm really excited to start practicing and learning.

Got one of these Epiphones, pretty attractive!

you can get Rocksmith 2014 for a little over $6 on Funstock Digital right now with code OCT-COUPSITE-HOT10

(you'd just need to get the Real-Tone cable...dunno if just any guitar-to-usb cable would work)
Been playing a lot of Beat Hazard the past few days. Still awesome. Wish the guy would make a sequel. Workshop being behind a paywall is douchy though.
Played a few rounds of battlefront, didn't like it. My team was hot garbage, 5 rounds in the domination style match and my team didn't score a single point cause they sucked. I'm not saying i was pro or anything but it was like i was the only competent one in my team, got the 2nd highest kills and was the only one in my team that ever even activated the pod. Then i tried one match of the other mode and it puts me into a lobby that was spawn trapped, quit it right away. That totally killed the game for me, I might try it again tomorrow, if not I'm gonna uninstall it.

here's not a new South Park this week? I am disappoint.
not really, was surprised though

MANNNNNN I was so fucking pissed. I was looking forward to it :(
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