Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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that puzzling face

Previous OT

Developer: DeNA
Publisher: Square Enix
Price: Free (with IAP)
Platforms: iOS & Android
Release Dates:
  • Japan - September 24, 2014
  • Canada - March 17, 2015
  • US/Europe - March 26, 2015


Final Fantasy Record Keeper casts you in the titular role of "record keeper", playing a young boy named Tyro <whatever you want> in a library where records of the games in the franchise have started disappearing, and it's up to you to restore order.

You recruit characters from the games,
attempt to
collect epic loot
like Josef's Giant's Gloves (II)
, battle enemies, play out events, vanquish villains
multiple times
from the games in the franchise and ultimately attempt to get to the bottom of the mysterious situation.

Combat is pure 2D-sprite based ATB Final Fantasy, and the older and newer entries have been lovingly conformed to this format. The game starts off easy enough, but balloons into near-absurdity at end-game, where juggling abilities, soul breaks (limit breaks) equipment and the ever-overpowered Friend Summon system to effectively come up with strategies to progress.

This game requires a time investment and some modicum of reading up on best-practices, etc.


(Thanks Einbroch I'm lazy)

Is this game pay-to-win?
It's more "pay to advance faster". You do not unlock characters by a gacha system. You can only recruit new characters by advancing in the story. The gacha system in this game is to gain weapons and armor. You gain Mythril by beating stages, and Mythril is used to roll for weapons and armor. You also find weapons and armor from enemies, but this in generally weaker than the stuff from premium rolls.

So, what's the drawback?
It has a stamina system. It's actually pretty fair compared to other games, but it's there. You rarely have to take breaks if you simply follow the main story path.

Why should I play this?
It's super nostalgic. Classic Final Fantasy characters, classic Final Fantasy music, it just oozes nostalgia. It's also probably the best Final Fantasy smartphone (non-port) game. It's fair, it's fun, and it's free. Give it a try.

Why not the Japanese version then?
It's not like you can't. In fact, JP service is just as fun, and actually ahead in terms of progression and features. On the other hand, the global version has the JP version as a blueprint, and allows one to plan in broad strokes what the next few weeks might look like. Depends what you're looking for, I guess. Most of the OT plays on the global/EN version.

This game is extremely laggy on my device!
As of Dec 14th 2015 with the new UI, if you're experiencing menu lag go to Menu > Config and switch to Simplified Display. Should make it faster to navigate the menus. (Thanks MicH)


(Thanks Shouta, etc)

- Make sure you spend your orbs and crystals on raising the level of your abilities. It's really important because they all have limited usage and low level ones only give you 2-4 uses which make it harder to go through the much longer dungeons in the game. So do not forge more than 1 or 2 until you get them to a sufficient level.

- You receive characters by defeating certain dungeons. For some of the high profile ones, they'll have a weekly dungeon that comes up and stays around for awhile. So do not worry about not getting Tidus or whatever now or spending money on Mythril to restore your stamina. Take it slow as you'll have time. Also, the game periodically has mega-events that give you wildcards to unlock from a plethora of characters and Memory Crystals.

- All of the characters are pretty different so make sure you're setting up balanced teams. The Elite dungeons are tough and the later ones will really require you to be prepared for them as some of the bosses will have ridiculous amounts of life and strength.

- When starting out, 2-3 star gear is fine to keep and upgrade to ++ levels But as you get more gear, especially the 4 and 5 star pieces, it's OK to fuse or sell them for gil. Despite being able to upgrade the star level of gear, their base stats and growth are fro them their original star form. So a 2 star gear can be raised to 4 star but it's stats won't be nearly as good as a native 4 star piece. Same with 3 stars that were made into 5 star gear. Native 5 star gear willb e stronger in the long term. Gil is a more difficult resource in the game to get so just start phasing out old gear as you get a bunch of stuff.

- Characters resonate with their individual worlds and get a level bonus making them stronger there. This is really nice but be careful about spreading your time and experience between chars too thin. IMO, it's more important to raise a char to higher levels and break their level limit with their memory crystal as it makes them far more usable overall.

- Record Synergy is a significant power boost. Characters, as stated above, but more importantly gear. The numbers work out that a 2++ (farmable 2* equipment combined twice and upgraded to the maximum) with Record Synergy generally is on the power level stat-wise as a non-Record Synergy 5* item. A 4* Synergy item will often outright outclass a non-Synergy 5*. DON'T THROW AWAY ITEMS JUST BECAUSE THEY APPEAR TO HAVE SLIGHTLY LESS STATS.

- THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB IS: Never, ever pull relics (especially with cash) with the intent of getting a specific item.

- A good medium term goal is to get Black Mage, White Mage and Summoner to 50, to unlock their 2nd Record Materias, which recharge 1 use of each school per stage. This is bread and butter for lv80+ dungeons and events to have enough gas left in the tank when facing the boss. On the flipside, BM/WHM/Summoner themselves really, really suck, so this is a huge chore.


(Again, thanks Einbroch)

iOS link.
Android link.
Official page.
Wikia with basic information.
English Wiki with a lot of information.
Japanese Wiki of the above link, but it's in Japanese (and has content not available to the west).
Steamed Pork Bun FFRK site - a very useful (but non-halal) site with previews of upcoming events.
FFRK subreddit

Nerdery corner (Hard data, thanks Reddit)
Quick Info Spreadsheet useful for e.g. ctrl-f "5 - support" for finding who you can stick Full Break on, etc. Also sortable columns for stats, etc.
Battle Mechanics & Formulae - WHAT DO THEM STATS DO DOC?
Battle Multipliers database for at-a-glance checking and comparing effectiveness of buffs/debuffs/etc.
Auto-updating (& underused) 4* Orb Droprate spreadsheet Results can be off due to low sample sizes esp. for newer entries, but a good resource overall regardless.
Event List Maintained event list of past/present/future (thanks JP) events along with dates/forecasted dates/etc.
Datamined Gacha Banner Images for planning when to save and when to splurge.
Enlir's FFRK Database another comprehensive lookup



Wow, I didn't even realize Hammers were a weapon type until I noticed how crap Galuf's weapon selection is.

Also I've gotten 3* items twice in a row from the daily draw. my luck is improving, yay!(?)



I held off going after Summoner's Memory Crystal for a good while because I didn't think I could take this fight... And in the end, I won it a step away from death thanks only to luckily inflicting Slow a turn or two earlier, enough time for poison to finish Seymour off. I was totally out of abilities besides a couple uses of Tempo Flurry by the time he was at half HP in his second phase and had to wear down the rest of his life just with poison and Tidus/Wakka's physical attacks. What a drag.


Wow, I didn't even realize Hammers were a weapon type until I noticed how crap Galuf's weapon selection is.

Also I've gotten 3* items twice in a row from the daily draw. my luck is improving, yay!(?)

Most monks only have dagger and fist so he has a leg up on them.

There aren't many hammers, though; I think the highest ones are 4*. I have a 6* Sledgehammer++ that does really well in XII realms or I'd never use them.
Sweet, thanks for the new OT, Falk!
Don't get perma-banned now!

I have 350 or so mythril saved up for orb fest/lucky relic draw. Lots of rage potential. :)


that puzzling face
Don't get perma-banned now!

It's ok I have a working list now

1) Don't ask people to go for Burger King in dota2 threads
2) Don't randomly call people's avatar "really ugly"
3) Have a little more self-control around reveal periods for projects I'm involved in rather than opting for GAF suicide-by-mod


that puzzling face
Doing OT2 made me JUST realize that OT1 had Developer: Square Enix, Publisher: DeNA for these past 6 months.

We've all been living a lie.


Pretty productive day today, most I've played in quite a while.

I started today with 71 mythril and finished with 81, just doing classics and elites that i'd missed, and I've still got a lot more to do! I also reached 120 stamina which means I'll get 8 runs of the heroic orb dungeon in per refresh, which is nice.

I'm going to be so much more powerful after orb fest, it's exactly what I need to catch up. I'm gonna craft Meteor and Odin, craft and hone Blizzaja, Curaja and probably hone my other -aja spells, hone Valefor to R3, level up all my characters and get a shit ton of relics from the lucky draw. It's going to be sweeeet.


remember me
Dark bahamut elite. What the fuck. I guess I will come back with a full level 80 team in 6 months. Wasting 100 stamina was fun.



As usual, keep your expectations low. You have no guarantee to get enough orbs for everything you want to craft (aside from the mandatory orb drops for first time completion and mastery I mean), and remember that the gacha hates us. That being said, I hope that you will end up lucky.

@johnsmith: Yeah, D.Bahamut is brutal. Not that hard once you know how to handle him, but that whole painting is nasty: long dungeon, flans which love to come in groups of 3 to 4 and which absorb every element, making Quake useless, and you need everyone to be fully healed (and with a lot of RES and/or HP) before beginning the last stage, otherwise D.Bahamut will OHKO most of your team.
I'm going to be so much more powerful after orb fest, it's exactly what I need to catch up. I'm gonna craft Meteor and Odin, craft and hone Blizzaja, Curaja and probably hone my other -aja spells, hone Valefor to R3, level up all my characters and get a shit ton of relics from the lucky draw. It's going to be sweeeet.
Is Odin actually useful in Record Keeper then? He always felt situational at best in the Bahamut not better?

I was going to blow my Mythril on the event too but all this hullabaloo about Lucky Draw has RUINED my plans!


As usual, keep your expectations low. You have no guarantee to get enough orbs for everything you want to craft (aside from the mandatory orb drops for first time completion and mastery I mean), and remember that the gacha hates us. That being said, I hope that you will end up lucky.
Ah yeah I know, I'm guaranteed to get Meteor and Odin though, due to the guaranteed orbs, and as long as I get some 4* and at least 1 unique soul break item i'll be pretty happy, I think that's a reasonable expectation for 3 or 4 11-pulls. *shrug*

Is Odin actually useful in Record Keeper then? He always felt situational at best in the Bahamut not better?

I was going to blow my Mythril on the event too but all this hullabaloo about Lucky Draw has RUINED my plans!
If the enemy resists insta-death then it does huge damage instead. Not sure about whether Bahamut is more powerful, but the orbs required for Odin are less in-demand I think. If Bahamut IS more powerful it isn't to a degree that makes it more worth it.

The insta-death chance will be super useful as trash mobs get more annoying.

EDIT: I was wrong, Major Lightning Orbs are used for Full Break. Still gonna craft Odin anyway though.


that puzzling face
I'm taking my chances and going all-in with Full Break tbh. Pressure Point will get me through anything that has too-annoying one-mob waves with like 20k hp

100 gems pull on Enhancer's banner was a shitty Wyvern Claws (my most pulled item I think). Now 0/29 on 100 gems pull, I officially entered the "under 5% chance of it to happen" statistic.

The ball is in your court Elty!


that puzzling face
... Is Kefka supposed to have a second phase that isn't triggering due to a bug or something?

He died in 4 turns after casting 3 spells. A failed Confuse, and two Blizzagas that AOEd for 500.

edit: I guess no break resistance makes for not-stronk ++ fights.

edit2: ... the dragons too. I didn't even bother changing my RMs back to WHM/BM/Sum RM2s. Literally the same loadout.

Helps that Ice guy isn't even resistant to Water though.

I literally did not lose a single medal through the entire barrage of +, ++ and +++

edit3: Now I'm thinking that I should have just done the +++ during Orbfest if I pull a 5* weapon because these Scarletites man :|


Kefka and the dragons all have abilities that will murder everyone if unmitigated, but the only real challenge they pose is in not getting screwed by RNG since they also don't resist break.

edit2: ... the dragons too. I didn't even bother changing my RMs back to WHM/BM/Sum RM2s. Literally the same loadout.

You wouldn't actually want to switch anyway that since they are both absorb each other's weaknesses.


that puzzling face
Bro when you run Valefor/Meteor/Bioga/Waterja/Diaga that's 5 extra casts.

I concede that if they had more stats, swapping out for Firagas/Blizzagas/Watergas would have been optimal, but as it is, was easily hitting 9999 non-vulnerability since they didn't have Break resist + Mental Breakdown. Like I said, it didn't really even matter.

You wouldn't actually want to switch anyway that since they are both absorb each other's weaknesses.

Specifically though Ice Dragon does not absorb Water. Heck, he doesn't even resist water. He just eats it for 9999 to the face.


Bro when you run Valefor/Meteor/Bioga/Waterja/Diaga that's 5 extra casts.

I concede that if they had more stats, swapping out for Firagas/Blizzagas/Watergas would have been optimal, but as it is, was easily hitting 9999 non-vulnerability since they didn't have Break resist + Mental Breakdown. Like I said, it didn't really even matter.


Specifically though Ice Dragon does not absorb Water. Heck, he doesn't even resist water. He just eats it for 9999 to the face.

Fair enough. I had nothing but fire/ice -ga spells and -ra strikes except for one waterga so I didn't even try to use anything that didn't hit a weakness.

These bosses need to up their resistance game.


that puzzling face
Decided I'm going 1 Maduin 1 Valefor. Even if Valefor ends up slightly easier to farm, too many other good abilities use 4* Wind.
Well, those battles ended quickly, I guess that I will farm Ice Dragon until a few hours before Orb Fest begins. I have 150 Mythrils saved for it, if the Lucky Draw thing really comes out tomorrow, it will mess with my plan so hard...


edit3: Now I'm thinking that I should have just done the +++ during Orbfest if I pull a 5* weapon because these Scarletites man :|

Did + and ++, no medals lost. Indeed, easy. I'm gonna leave +++ for later, even if it means 40 stamina wasted during orbfest. These 20 giant scarletites have been a problem. I only finished Belias today in hopes I would get something to use them (even if from free daily draw) before the end of the event.

My inventory has 270 slots and 46 are upgrade items already. I don't want to increase space just to fill with more upgrades because of the separated inventory in the new UI.

Thanks for the new thread.


I've really been neglecting abilities. What are some abilities that I should make and hone during the orb festival?


I'm running out of 2* abilities to sell - anyone else dump mythril on expanding ability inventory yet? I've only done it for equipment (so much scarletite ...)


I'm running out of 2* abilities to sell - anyone else dump mythril on expanding ability inventory yet? I've only done it for equipment (so much scarletite ...)

I'm at 140/150. I hit 150/150 recently so I finally sold some of the unhoned 2*/3* dupes I had from event rewards.


I'm at 140/150. I hit 150/150 recently so I finally sold some of the unhoned 2*/3* dupes I had from event rewards.

I don't know why I haven't, I suppose I should ... maybe after I find out how much mythril to blow on orbfest/lucky draw.


that puzzling face
in before dena purposely hid the banner till the last minute so that people who had planned X amount of orbs for Orbfest need to $$$ for the 1/2 price banners.


Holy shit, Kefka was the easiest EX boss ever. The only thing he did was tickle me with poison.

What's up with these EX battles? These are laughably easy.


that puzzling face
I think Kefka is a case study on why ++ and +++s need Break Resistance to not be absurdly impossible to tune.

Like I can imagine a scenario where people were bitching too much about Break Resistance, and mobage got tired of it, threw this together and said "here you go, see how absurdly stupid it is to not have Break Resist on the superbosses" since it's literally the difference between ~3k AOE and ~400 AOE just from mitigation.


@johnsmith: Yeah, D.Bahamut is brutal. Not that hard once you know how to handle him, but that whole painting is nasty: long dungeon, flans which love to come in groups of 3 to 4 and which absorb every element, making Quake useless, and you need everyone to be fully healed (and with a lot of RES and/or HP) before beginning the last stage, otherwise D.Bahamut will OHKO most of your team.

The flans, like Dark Bahamut, actually don't absorb poison element. Also, Meteor and Valefor are your friends.


Yasss coming back now that I'm more caught up. I unlocked Zell and I'm still saving for dat VIII banner.


I make a post about how I'm probably putting down FFRK after Orb Fest, and then I get Kaiser Knuckles for Sabin (one of my favorite characters) along with a second Mystery Veil from the two $1 pulls on these Terra banners.

What dark sorcery is this


@Falk: Hum hum, sure, sure. Idon'tbelieveyou.gif, yada yada.

A word of caution: Terra's Boss Rush requires you to bring Water, Fire and Ice abilities for medals, and begins with Air Force.

Air Force is nasty. Immediatly put up some mitigation and Power Break it (the one on the far left side has an AoE Magical attack too, Thermal Ray or something similar, so you may want to Magic Breakdown it too), otherwise you will die very quickly. Arguably the most dangerous fight of the boss rush, since every single one of them spams AoE attacks. You may want to use one charge of your Sentinel Grimoire or Lunatic High RW for this one, seriously.

Death Gaze is just cheap. It will begin the fight by casting Death. If it misses, just use Magic Breakdown and kill it ASAP, then carry on. If one of your character dies, well, just S/L.

The Dream Stooges aren't too hard. Keep mitigation up (Shellga notably), use one charge of Kirin if you brought it, and kill them one after the other. Don't forget to use Waterja on the one on the upper side of the screen. Quake or Valefore will be quite effective here. Magic Breakdown them one after the other (or just Carbuncle I guess if you brought it and have at least one charge remaining for Wrexsoul).

Wrexsoul is annoying. He doesn't have that much HP, thanksfully, but if he begins to possess your characters, the battle can drag on for a while. I would advise to bring Carbuncle + Kirin, and Power Break the adds while whacking your characters to make Wrexsoul appears. Not hard, just annoying.

The ++ boss fight pits you against Kefka. Nothing really noteworthy: he hits hard with AoE magical attacks. Just use Slow and Magic Breakdown on him ASAP, and kill him with whatever works for you (mage meta, Advancetaliate, etc).

I didn't attempt yet the +++ fight... Which is actually a mini-boss rush against the Ice Dragon and the Red Dragon. Yes, that Red Dragon from Locke's event. I am not especially looking forward to it.

Important notice: no boss whatsoever in these fights resist Breaks!


that puzzling face
Importanter notice: If you bring Runic you virtually only have to do the first two bosses.

Then you Runic your Meteor or Valefor guy on #3 and #4

RIP boss rush
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