You guys think Araki remembers that Jo2uke double Yasuho saw like a million chapters ago?
This reminded me about the guy in Gappy's flashback way back in chapter 5. Still no explanation on him, so he might just be lost to the void.
You guys think Araki remembers that Jo2uke double Yasuho saw like a million chapters ago?
If anyone can find a pic of Araki dressed as Rohan I'd appreciate it.
Why not use this?
I say that the OT's profiles should be limited to the characters shown in whatever prerelease official art we get
What a bizarre choice.Finally got some time to watch the anime. Caesar Zeppeli is the greatest Italian man since Christopher Columbus. My favorite character in anything ever. What a guy.
What a bizarre choice.
Finally got some time to watch the anime. Caesar Zeppeli is the greatest Italian man since Christopher Columbus. My favorite character in anything ever. What a guy.
Why not use this?
I'll always love that Okuyasu's power is so overpowered but he's just too dumb to use it. What a fun character.
I'd think they all will. I mean, Sho Hayami voiced Vanilla Ice in the Capcom game, and they got him back for Vanilla Ice in Stardust Crusaders. (Yet didn't voice Vanilla Ice in ASB, but is voicing him in EoH) He also of course voices Pucci in ASB and EoH.Okuyasu is definitely my favorite Part 4 character right next to Josuke. He's my favorite JoJo Bro by far.
Wataru Takagi did a great job voicing him in ASB and I really hope he comes back to voice him in the anime. Hell, I hope that most, if not all, of the Part 4 VAs for ASB an EoH come back for the anime. They were all pretty fantastic.
Soooooo pretty much the only good option for another SBR character we have left is Wekapipo isn't it :|
Two Diego's is a MASSIVE improvement for SBR.
I'm mad.
Who else would you put in from Part 8? Part 8 is 90% extremely odd Stands that don't fight face to face.
Who else would you put in from Part 8? Part 8 is 90% extremely odd Stands that don't fight face to face.
Soooooo pretty much the only good option for another SBR character we have left is Wekapipo isn't it :|
w-was soundman deconfirmed
why man
Who else would you put in from Part 8? Part 8 is 90% extremely odd Stands that don't fight face to face.
When Vanilla Ice became playable, yes, but before that, he was voiced by Kishi Yūji (some of Kishi's lines even curiously remained in later versions).Sho Hayami voiced Vanilla Ice in the Capcom game
Pucci is actually voiced by Nakata Jōji, in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes of Heaven. Probably Because their Vanilla Ice is now voiced by Hayami, like in the TV series.[Hayami Shō] also of course voices Pucci in ASB and EoH.
Born This Way & I Am a Rock would be cool.Who else would you put in from Part 8? Part 8 is 90% extremely odd Stands that don't fight face to face.
Actually, how close are we to everyone being revealed? We still don't have Diavolo & Anasui confirmed, being the final two characters from ASB not confirmed for EoH.
Who else would you put in from Part 8? Part 8 is 90% extremely odd Stands that don't fight face to face.
And this is why David Pro should stay being the main JoJo studio, folks. Nice find.Hello JoJoGAF. I'm new here and look forward to discussing JoJo related things with you all. Not sure if this has been mentioned here but I recently went back and watched all of Stardust Crusaders and something I thought was pretty cool caught my eye during DIO's World Part 2. During the sequence when Jotaro finds Joseph if you look really close at Jotaro's expression right as DIO uses Za Warudo he looks pissed off.
Here he is at one second.
But then if you look at his face again when time is about to restart his expression is different. He looks worried/horrified, as if he witnessed the whole thing.
Here he is at four seconds.
I'm not sure if this was intentional or not but this helps reinforce that Jotaro could see what was happening during stopped time from when he learned about it from Joseph. This makes the following sequences flow better. Jotaro places the magnet on DIO and during the first time stop in their battle this prevents DIO from finishing Jotaro off while also letting him experience stopped time once more. Then by the next time stop Jotaro is able to move for an instant and pierce Za Warudo. And as the fight went on he learned to move better within the stopped time. I think this might have also been present in the manga. I'd have to go back and check. I just wanted to put this out there cause it makes me appreciate the fight between the two that much more.
I don't get what this pic implying, even without power up Dio will easily body those 4 even if ganged up together.
We're getting a seventh episode of Rohan. Really looking forward to it.
characters wondering how the fuck did he get into heaven.Dead