Twilight Gap
Can I start complaining now?
Santa beards or bust!
too easy
Can I start complaining now?
Santa beards or bust!
Golgoroth challenge will be challenging. Count on it.
2 dedicated gazers, 1 to clear adds. Leaves you with just 3 for dps on the boss compared to 5 with the single-gaze strat.
This was the way we did it when KF came out, but people who have only done 1-gaze will struggle initially.
Does anyone wanna do golgoroth hm a few times?
I can run one if we get a group
Kill it with firefound a spider in my shoe
who wants to see?
I see you made it into the second half of the show. Yeah, Rossiu turns into a major jackass after the time skip.Naaaamiiiii i fucking hate Rossiu's guts![]()
open at your own peril
Fuck Quelaag! It was the one boss I rushed through in Dark Souls.Spiders are nice creatures!
Wait... fuuuuck RUN NAMI RUUN
Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.
Well Golgoroth is the love child of an ogre and a spider...I wish there were mods for Destiny.
Would replace gorgons with spiders.
Crota's Abyss - fill it with spiders.
Oryx's ogres? Nope....big fucking spiders.
Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.
Some people forgot Hard Crota and Skolas with burns.
Well Golgoroth is the love child of an ogre and a spider...
Yeah but where is the spider? I want to fight a spider boss in Destiny.
Oryx did us (me) a favor and killed it with fire. He only kept G around cause it looked more like an ogre than a spider. He also killed G's ogre parent though for laying with a spider.Yeah but where is the spider? I want to fight a spider boss in Destiny.
People going on about how they have jobs and lives and shit and how the "1%" doesn't understand them and how they can't dedicate 8 hours a day to Destiny.
Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.
Some people forgot Hard Crota and Skolas with burns.
Fuck Quelaag! It was the one boss I rushed through in Dark Souls.
And then Miyazaki had to outdo himself with a certain enemy from Bloodborne.
Pretty much. Majority of the people ride the LFG train to Oryx-ville and that can be a very bumpy and frustrating trainride depending on the passengers. I think everyone has experienced a struggletrain like that. Now imagine having that uncertainty every week. Since challenge mode is automatically incorporated it highly limits what Bungie can do with the fights too, since the raid should still be beatable even if you don't beat the challenge requirements.
Datto has always been ahugebit of an elitist when it comes to Destiny, which is fine, but he should just fucking accept Destiny is never going to be *that*.
I wish there were mods for Destiny.
Would replace gorgons with spiders.
Crota's Abyss - fill it with spiders.
Oryx's ogres? Nope....big fucking spiders.
I always lol when people bring up this argument. Using myself as an example, I have a job, go to Uni, hang with friends, go to the gym, watch a hella load of sports and I've still managed to get my Hunters to 317, I've done everything in the game and gotten all the best shit. Looking at the time wasted on Destiny website, I've put 1085 hours into this game, which is 2.4 hours a day on average (I wish I had the median but oh well), which is far from 8 hours a day on average (for someone to have 8 hours a day playtime they would need to have played at least 3592 hours). I've probably spent more time in the past year browsing DestinyGAF threads then actually playing the game.
So no, unless you have young kids having a job or "a life" isn't a valid argument, I have all that shit too and I've managed to do everything just fine.
He's way wrong here.You and I both know that Miyazaki can't do no wrong.
Nothing worse than a struggletrain, and as you said that, most experience it every week trying to complete one raid. Hopefully Bungie doesn't listen to Datto's elitist perspective. Sometimes he's right and sometimes he's wrong. He's wrong here.
Stop quoting that abomination pls
Us mobile users dont get the option to see it or not D:
I'm on mobile. I can see it as clear as day.Im on mobile and i still had to click the spoiler tag
Stop quoting that abomination pls
Us mobile users dont get the option to see it or not D:
I'm on mobile. I can see it as clear as day.
Engrams? Replace with spiders
Legendary marks? - Legendary spiders
Every emblem has a logo of a spider
Want to log in to Destiny? Eat a fucking spider first
I'd like to keep photos on tho.
I feel like clicking the destiny thread I shouldn't have to worry about creepy ass spider photos
i agree but i think you went a little too far on that last part
how about i just make it my avatar?![]()
Perhaps Bungie's biggest mistake was the ''name'' of this mode. It's not a third difficulty, it should be more likely called ''Bounty raid''.