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Destiny |OT37| Everything Old is New Again

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Golgoroth challenge will be challenging. Count on it.

2 dedicated gazers, 1 to clear adds. Leaves you with just 3 for dps on the boss compared to 5 with the single-gaze strat.

This was the way we did it when KF came out, but people who have only done 1-gaze will struggle initially.


Oh hey! Challenge mode came out, eh? Neato. Anyone doing a Hard Mode run today around 4:30 PM EST and need a Titan? It could be fun to...

...wait... you just do the fight the same damn way we've always done it.... Huh? Does this mean there have been people who have had the same person take the Aura every time? Or does it just basically mean now you really can't die if you have the Aura because it could jump to someone that already had it? How strange....

...but really, I'm down for a run. Might as well get a free 320.

E92 M3

For once, I think people are bitching for no reason. So many still wipe at Warpope just trying to beat it. Inherently, there is nothing Bungie can do without making it cheap. Also, Bungie shouldn't balance the game for people like myself that play it everyday.
Golgoroth challenge will be challenging. Count on it.

2 dedicated gazers, 1 to clear adds. Leaves you with just 3 for dps on the boss compared to 5 with the single-gaze strat.

This was the way we did it when KF came out, but people who have only done 1-gaze will struggle initially.

datto will beat it in 20 minutes and complain that there werent enough doors


I would agree with Datto....

.... IF.....

... challenge mode would give out only cosmetics and/or brag items.

But as soon you put usable gameplay - progress items, or in this case 100% 320's (including artifact, which is so far the only way you can get it post 310), then it becomes a necessity to progress your character, thus making it ''mandatory'' to complete, every week. Ever since HM was released, who does NM? Virtually no one.

Who would run HM, if we had Challenge mode giving better loot every week? No one would.

Another weak argument, made by this Youtubers, is the ''ease to get 320 items''. To this i say: how do you then explain getting RNG 320's in HM?
You might do the same HM raid, but person A gets a 310, while person B gets a 320. FOR THE SAME THING!

Is this more fair then ''easy'' 320's?

I am as hardcore as it gets in Destiny, but i can just be happy we have this challenge mode, so i can finally infuse gear. It's not like i need to infuse just ONE item per slot. I have multiple items, which i want to infuse! And i can't right now, due to the fact, my RNG was more crappy then not.

Perhaps Bungie's biggest mistake was the ''name'' of this mode. It's not a third difficulty, it should be more likely called ''Bounty raid''. Basically you get a ''bounty'' from a boss, to kill him in a ''specific'' way, thus eliminating creativity in terms on how to defeat an encounter. For completing the bounty you get a 320, which is ok, since we all have been complaining about the RNG gate in the HM drops.

A true ''hardcore'' raid is a good idea on paper (actually i would love this!). Just give some cosmetics (ship, shader, emblem, different artwork, emotes etc.) and not actual loot and casuals would be fine, they would not complain.
Problem with making a super hard mode, which gives 320's or any special gameplay gear, is that ANY MODE, no matter how difficult will be, would become a DRAG, once it's on farm status. That's why, i would love something super hard, but not necessary to do every week.... three times per week!

The same people who are complaining now, have been complaining about the RAF program Bungie did, because they were gated out from ''in game items'' and for them, it would be ''fine'' if items were just cosmetics.
I found their logic quite hypocritical, if you compare what they said for the RAF items.

E92 M3

Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.

Some people forgot Hard Crota and Skolas with burns.




E92 M3

Spiders are nice creatures!


Sky Walker

Bungie needs to add Challenge Mode to ToO: reach the lighthouse without buying/using any boon. 320 weapon+320 chest/helm/leg/glove+special emblem are guaranteed drops.


Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.

Agreed. People with a regular raid group don't realize how good they got it.

All I know is I gave it a few attempts yesterday before having to go and I still don't have the 320 artifact and weapon... now that most people from here have done it who fuckin knows if I'll get it now.


Those pics. Please delete :(


Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.

Some people forgot Hard Crota and Skolas with burns.

Pretty much. Majority of the people ride the LFG train to Oryx-ville and that can be a very bumpy and frustrating trainride depending on the passengers. I think everyone has experienced a struggletrain like that. Now imagine having that uncertainty every week. Since challenge mode is automatically incorporated it highly limits what Bungie can do with the fights too, since the raid should still be beatable even if you don't beat the challenge requirements.

Datto has always been a huge bit of an elitist when it comes to Destiny, which is fine, but he should just fucking accept Destiny is never going to be *that*.


Yeah but where is the spider? I want to fight a spider boss in Destiny.
Oryx did us (me) a favor and killed it with fire. He only kept G around cause it looked more like an ogre than a spider. He also killed G's ogre parent though for laying with a spider.


People going on about how they have jobs and lives and shit and how the "1%" doesn't understand them and how they can't dedicate 8 hours a day to Destiny.

I always lol when people bring up this argument. Using myself as an example, I have a job, go to Uni, hang with friends, go to the gym, watch a hella load of sports and I've still managed to get my Hunters to 317, I've done everything in the game and gotten all the best shit. Looking at the time wasted on Destiny website, I've put 1085 hours into this game, which is 2.4 hours a day on average (I wish I had the median but oh well), which is far from 8 hours a day on average (for someone to have 8 hours a day playtime they would need to have played at least 3592 hours). I've probably spent more time in the past year browsing DestinyGAF threads then actually playing the game.

So no, unless you have young kids having a job or "a life" isn't a valid argument, I have all that shit too and I've managed to do everything just fine.

Bungie has to think about people that LFG and groups that always play together. It would be categorically wrong to balance the game for groups that play together every week. One thing Bungie have been doing right with TTK is not making cheap difficulty.

Some people forgot Hard Crota and Skolas with burns.

Meh, you're not giving LFG groups enough credit, sure there will be the usual terrible bunch that you run into, but most of them are ok. Anyone who spends the time going online to look for people to play with can at least be seen as a semi-hardcore player of the game.

E92 M3

Fuck Quelaag! It was the one boss I rushed through in Dark Souls.

And then Miyazaki had to outdo himself with a certain enemy from Bloodborne.

You and I both know that Miyazaki can't do no wrong.

Pretty much. Majority of the people ride the LFG train to Oryx-ville and that can be a very bumpy and frustrating trainride depending on the passengers. I think everyone has experienced a struggletrain like that. Now imagine having that uncertainty every week. Since challenge mode is automatically incorporated it highly limits what Bungie can do with the fights too, since the raid should still be beatable even if you don't beat the challenge requirements.

Datto has always been a huge bit of an elitist when it comes to Destiny, which is fine, but he should just fucking accept Destiny is never going to be *that*.

Nothing worse than a struggletrain, and as you said that, most experience it every week trying to complete one raid. Hopefully Bungie doesn't listen to Datto's elitist perspective. Sometimes he's right and sometimes he's wrong. He's wrong here.


I wish there were mods for Destiny.

Would replace gorgons with spiders.
Crota's Abyss - fill it with spiders.
Oryx's ogres? Nope....big fucking spiders.

Engrams? Replace with spiders
Legendary marks? - Legendary spiders
Every emblem has a logo of a spider
Want to log in to Destiny? Eat a fucking spider first
I always lol when people bring up this argument. Using myself as an example, I have a job, go to Uni, hang with friends, go to the gym, watch a hella load of sports and I've still managed to get my Hunters to 317, I've done everything in the game and gotten all the best shit. Looking at the time wasted on Destiny website, I've put 1085 hours into this game, which is 2.4 hours a day on average (I wish I had the median but oh well), which is far from 8 hours a day on average (for someone to have 8 hours a day playtime they would need to have played at least 3592 hours). I've probably spent more time in the past year browsing DestinyGAF threads then actually playing the game.

So no, unless you have young kids having a job or "a life" isn't a valid argument, I have all that shit too and I've managed to do everything just fine.

Yea lifechecks on game forums always make me lol. Was funny reading that one thread a few months ago where i mentioned that 40 hours of Destiny was a drop in a bucket and somebody asked me if i had other shit going on. The expansion had been out for 6 weeks at that point. You're bound to play the game for 40 hours within that time and then go on to play it for much longer.


You and I both know that Miyazaki can't do no wrong.

Nothing worse than a struggletrain, and as you said that, most experience it every week trying to complete one raid. Hopefully Bungie doesn't listen to Datto's elitist perspective. Sometimes he's right and sometimes he's wrong. He's wrong here.
He's way wrong here.

Can't wait for whatever spider enemy he has waiting for us to die to in Dark Souls 3


I'd like to keep photos on tho.

I feel like clicking the destiny thread I shouldn't have to worry about creepy ass spider photos
Engrams? Replace with spiders
Legendary marks? - Legendary spiders
Every emblem has a logo of a spider
Want to log in to Destiny? Eat a fucking spider first

i agree but i think you went a little too far on that last part

I'd like to keep photos on tho.

I feel like clicking the destiny thread I shouldn't have to worry about creepy ass spider photos

how about i just make it my avatar? :p


Perhaps Bungie's biggest mistake was the ''name'' of this mode. It's not a third difficulty, it should be more likely called ''Bounty raid''.

Yep, 100% agree.

As soon as the 'Challenge' mode name was found yootoobers went off in wild speculation, designing their own 'challenging' boss encounters and hoping Bungie would come up with something that can challenge them.

Expectation management.

Or lack there of.

The HM is easy for lots on here, its easy for slayerage, datto, stabie, driz and giggle (not Goth, because he needs a carry) with groups of great players. Some of you guys are in the top 0.01% and they cannot make a challenge for you. Even the NM isn't easy for lots and lots of people.

People want a challenge? help others that can't do it blindfolded. So much respect for the people on here that do just this, you guys make the Destiny community great.

The 'challenge' mode fixed the crappy loot without burning all the content in week one. It just needed another name.
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