One Punch Man TV |OT| Just an average guy who serves as an average hero.

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Don't know whats worse, people endlessly posting open manga spoilers in HxH or JoJo threads or people endlessly bickering back and forth about a green haired girl in this

Anime threads are a mistake ... people just like to harp on the negative and it dominates the conversations.
Anime threads are a mistake ... people just like to harp on the negative and it dominates the conversations.

Nah it's cool if people want to talk about what they don't like but its just been going in circles for like 6 pages and the fanservice/whatever discussion is so tired at this point
See, I can actually get behind people who take issue or are made uncomfortable by Puri-Puri-Prisoner. That taps into some shit. Which is unfortunate for an otherwise interesting character

Russ T

Nah, I was still keeping Puri-Puri-Prisoner in mind.

I guess fair enough although I don't know how you could begin to justify saying a woman drawn like a girl is worse than the only openly gay character in the series being in prison for molesting children.

Anime threads are a mistake ... people just like to harp on the negative and it dominates the conversations.

The vast majority of this thread is people praising the show unreservedly.

So, what? You get mad when you see some criticism?


Nah it's cool if people want to talk about what they don't like but its just been going in circles for like 6 pages and the fanservice/whatever discussion is so tired at this point

That and no one actually makes a well thought-out argument, most of the time. Or worse, they make bad arguments.

Edit: It's interesting how much worse Murata made Pri-Pri-Prisoner with that extra gaiden chapter. If you just followed ONE, he's not nearly as bad.


Junior Member
See, I can actually get behind people who take issue or are made uncomfortable by Puri-Puri-Prisoner. That taps into some shit. Which is unfortunate for an otherwise interesting character
Yeah, he's a molester. That's not cool.

It's also incredibly regressive for homosexuality.
I guess fair enough although I don't know how you could begin to justify saying a woman drawn like a girl is worse than the only openly gay character in the series being in prison for molesting children.
He attacked grown men, for one thing, not children. I already said his characterization is troubling.

It's not just her look. It's that she embodies anime clichés and tropes and the fact that she's drawn and characterized the way she is simply for fan-service's sake. She's the least funny hero we've seen. She's the least interesting. She's just grating, which is a shame since there aren't any other female characters to care about in this anime, which is also an issue.

The lone female character who has gotten any screen time is a petulant woman-child drawn like a little girl and sexualized. That's fucking awful.
That and no one actually makes a well thought-out argument, most of the time. Or worse, they make bad arguments.

Edit: It's interesting how much worse Murata made Pri-Pri-Prisoner with that extra gaiden chapter. If you just followed ONE, he's not nearly as bad.

Same with Darkshine. They were probably always supposed to be like that but Murata can obviously convey that via the art far better.

Russ T

Maybe I'm reading bad translations - it's entirely possible! - but I could've sworn he specifically said "young boys" at least once. (EDIT THE SECOND: Haha, wow, sorry, I forgot we're talking in the anime thread. Yeah the anime definitely did not harp on the young boy part. Although he does comment on Genos being cute, but I don't know off-hand how old Genos is supposed to be.)

EDIT: And yeah Darkshine is pretty fucked up, too, although that I can at least chalk up to Japanese ignorance and their insular society. It sucks, but it's significantly less problematic when they do it than when the West does it. I feel like that kind of defense only works when it comes to accidental (at least I hope it's accidental) racism. Sexism and homophobia can't be defended for the same reasons because they still have lots of women and gay people!


Junior Member
Maybe I'm reading bad translations - it's entirely possible! - but I could've sworn he specifically said "young boys" at least once.
In the anime, he said he was imprisoned for repeatedly attacking cute heroes.

Maybe the manga makes it even worse.
EDIT: And yeah Darkshine is pretty fucked up, too, although that I can at least chalk up to Japanese ignorance and their insular society. It sucks, but it's significantly less problematic when they do it than when the West does it. I feel like that kind of defense only works when it comes to accidental (at least I hope it's accidental) racism. Sexism and homophobia can't be defended for the same reasons because they still have lots of women and gay people!
It's 2015. There is no excuse.

Russ T

In the anime, he said he was imprisoned for repeatedly attacking cute heroes.

Maybe the manga makes it even worse.

Yeah I edited that into my post, totally forgot we were talking in the anime thread, haha. Sorry about that.

I'd still argue that the predatory gay-man stereotype is far more disgusting than Tatsumaki, but, well, I have my reasons for that. Everyone's different.

It's 2015. There is no excuse.

I'm not excusing it. I hate it. I definitely absolutely hate it. I'm only saying it's easier to accept. (For me.)


Junior Member
Yeah I edited that into my post, totally forgot we were talking in the anime thread, haha. Sorry about that.

I'd still argue that the predatory gay-man stereotype is far more disgusting than Tatsumaki, but, well, I have my reasons for that. Everyone's different.

I'm not excusing it. I hate it. I definitely absolutely hate it. I'm only saying it's easier to accept. (For me.)
And to be fair, the anime has never shown him attack anyone. He has been overly affectionate, but media have been doing that with heterosexual relationships forever.

Aside from his affection, they've shown him be funny, heroic, caring, and empathetic (when he was saddened by the bad review in the newspaper). Far more depth than Tornado has received.
I disagree entirely. What keeps OPM from getting stale is the additional cast and their characterizations.

Of course they make the show interesting but the characterization that goes on doesn't seem to improve the story telling. Pri Pri is a good example: what does he do to improve or make the show less stale? His scenes ultimately go no where because he's useless in the grand scope of things. Characters like Lincenceless Rider, Genos, and the antagonists need development because they matter to the story or to Saitama with either contrast, growth, humor, etc. The most interesting S heroes, to me, appear to be ones that aren't anything more than their name like Watchdog or Pig God. They're filler or exposition speakers before Saitama shows up and does his thing. Having a show centered around a guy who can beat anyone with one punch is the biggest problem because these guys don't matter but they're here for shits and giggles or to world build. Saitama's strength is why Licenceless Rider is as cool as he is.

Have them be background noise because that's what they actually are.


Junior Member
Of course they make the show interesting but the characterization that goes on doesn't seem to improve the story telling. Pri Pri is a good example: what does he do to improve or make the show less stale? His scenes ultimately go no where because he's useless in the grand scope of things. Characters like Lincenceless Rider, Genos, and the antagonists need development because they matter to the story or to Saitama with either contrast, growth, humor, etc. The most interesting S heroes, to me, appear to be ones that aren't anything more than their name like Watchdog or Pig God. They're filler or exposition speakers before Saitama shows up and does his thing. Having a show centered around a guy who can beat anyone with one punch is the biggest problem because these guys don't matter but they're here for shits and giggles or to world build.

Have them be background noise because that's what they actually are.
You're saying that as though Puri-Puri-Prisoner has spent more than ten minutes on screen in the ten episodes that have aired.

He's probably been on screen for five to seven minutes. It's not as though he's slowed the pacing of the show.

You can dislike his character all you want, but your reasoning is just absurd. He is there for background.
You're saying that as though Puri-Puri-Prisoner has spent more than ten minutes on screen in the ten episodes that have aired.

He's probably been on screen for five to seven minutes. It's not as though he's slowed the pacing of the show.

You can dislike his character all you want, but your reasoning is just absurd. He is there for background.

He's not actually background if he's referencing things from previous episodes. After the Seaking fight you see visual sadness after he reads the paper. Why does the show need this? He referenced the Seaking on combos as well.

The S class dudes just appear to be filler because, well, the show protagonist can 1-shot them all. It's a very difficult balancing act because either Saitama shows up and it's over instantly or we see jobbers duke it out with villain jobbers. Either or this criticism will appear. Saitama is the best and worst thing for the show.


Of course they make the show interesting but the characterization that goes on doesn't seem to improve the story telling. Pri Pri is a good example: what does he do to improve or make the show less stale? His scenes ultimately go no where because he's useless in the grand scope of things. Characters like Lincenceless Rider, Genos, and the antagonists need development because they matter to the story or to Saitama with either contrast, growth, humor, etc. The most interesting S heroes, to me, appear to be ones that aren't anything more than their name like Watchdog or Pig God. They're filler or exposition speakers before Saitama shows up and does his thing. Having a show centered around a guy who can beat anyone with one punch is the biggest problem because these guys don't matter but they're here for shits and giggles or to world build. Saitama's strength is why Licenceless Rider is as cool as he is.

Have them be background noise because that's what they actually are.

They're entertaining to watch in their own right, I don't need them to affect the main story. I don't particularly care about Genos or Saitama in a special way, I could just as easily watch the others for episodes upon episodes. The end result doesn't matter because the content is enjoyable by itself.

I see this all the time with other series, people saying 'get on with it', 'who cares about these characters, where's the protagonist' and I will never understand it. World building, to me, is one of the most important things in fiction, so every ounce is worth it.


Junior Member
He's not actually background if he's referencing things from previous episodes. After the Seaking fight you see visual sadness after he reads the paper. Why does the show need this? He referenced the Seaking on combos as well.

The S class dudes just appear to be filler because, well, the show protagonist can 1-shot them all. It's a very difficult balancing act because either Saitama shows up and it's over instantly or we see jobbers duke it out with villain jobbers. Either or this criticism will appear. Saitama is the best and worst thing for the show.
Because like any good media, they're giving him depth.

Just because a character is background doesn't mean he has to be one-dimensional.

For some reason, you aren't grasping that.


Thanks to that link,I just realized they made the Softbank Otousan has brother that's a beluga. lol.

Dogs and Dolphins are part of the same family. Man, I don't want to see their parents.


Anime threads are no different from any other thread.

Stop elevating anime as if it's treated differently.

Was just having fun with that one quote.

The vast majority of this thread is people praising the show unreservedly.

So, what? You get mad when you see some criticism?

Nah, I criticized Pri Pri Prisoner earlier than you did, I made my point and stopped though. I mean there's a difference between making a point and harping on and on and on and on.. because nobody wants to read the same point made over and over and over again.

Russ T

Was just having fun with that one quote.

Nah, I criticized Pri Pri Prisoner earlier than you did, I made my point and stopped though. I mean there's a difference between making a point and harping on and on and on and on.. because nobody wants to read the same point made over and over and over again.

You're right, talking about things is shitty, we should all just be screaming into the void instead of having conversations.


i'll be sure to be just as dismissive when you have complaints it's very mature and definitely makes us all look like reasonable humans
I'm sure it's also very reasonable to have 15 pages of people raving and complaining about the same 2 things. but please do, looking forward to your dismissiveness~


You're right, talking about things is shitty, we should all just be screaming into the void instead of having conversations.

Shrug, everybody has different tolerance points, but I find the conversation to be dull and repetitive, points were made ... no need to repeat them.

Russ T

I understand, but I think it's pretty rude to just tell everyone to stop talking about something. When I go into a thread and see something I don't want to talk about, I either come back later, or post about something else in the hopes someone will respond! Either way, the thing I'm uninterested in will go away eventually.


The discussion always just amounts to "I don't like thing"

You have someone that agrees and you guys are just saying the same thing

someone disagrees and the argument goes in circles and nobody's mind gets changed

and it just goes on an on until we're told to stop or someone stops caring


Junior Member
The discussion always just amounts to "I don't like thing"

You have someone that agrees and you guys are just saying the same thing

someone disagrees and the argument goes in circles and nobody's mind gets changed

and it just goes on an on until we're told to stop or someone stops caring
You just described the Internet. Congratulations.


You just described the Internet. Congratulations.

Not really, there are lots of other things to discuss besides things we don't like, dunno why y'all want to "discuss" (read: complain) about things you don't like rather than things you do, etc

Russ T

That's really just untrue. There've been a lot of posts (not just mine!) that go into it way more than simply "I don't like it". Just because you disagree and want to keep whining about people whining (which is, yes, exactly what you're doing) doesn't mean everyone has to listen to you.

I think it just comes down to, if you don't want to talk about it, ignore it. It's not hard. Being rude and telling people to shut up about a specific topic is not constructive.

But it's not really worth going back and forth on this again.


That's really just untrue. There've been a lot of posts (not just mine!) that go into it way more than simply "I don't like it". Just because you disagree and want to keep whining about people whining (which is, yes, exactly what you're doing) doesn't mean everyone has to listen to you.

I think it just comes down to, if you don't want to talk about it, ignore it. It's not hard. Being rude and telling people to shut up about a specific topic is not constructive.

But it's not really worth going back and forth on this again.

Never told anyone to stop

Just saying that people like to say that they're discussing things when they're really just saying the same thing over and over again

If that's what you want to do then have fun


Junior Member
Not really, there are lots of other things to discuss besides things we don't like, dunno why y'all want to "discuss" (read: complain) about things you don't like rather than things you do, etc
Yes, really.

Anyway, I've read through the pages. Plenty of people have talked about the art and the fight scenes and how awesome Atomic Knight was and the funny moments from the episode. Should we only talk about that?

Characters are the most important part of any media. It makes sense we'd spend a lot of time talking about the characters and their characterization.
Best moment of episode 10 was when Saitama ask for some tea during the meeting.
Legitimately laughed out loud at that. Such a great character beat.

Russ T

Never told anyone to stop

Just saying that people like to say that they're discussing things when they're really just saying the same thing over and over again

If that's what you want to do then have fun

You might not have said that outright, sure, but other people have while expressing similar sentiments. And even if you're not asking for it directly, your posts complaining about other people's posts have an implicit "STOP!" attached to them. They also have the unfortunate consequence of disrupting the conversation at hand, which can have the side affect of preventing people from getting deeper and really diving into things, thus contributing to the very thing you're complaining about!

Even if that isn't your goal, it sure does happen all the time.

And there's a lot of nuance to the discussions I've been a part of, at least, but it's easy to dismiss them as "the same thing over and over again" when you don't want to see them in the first place. Maybe think about it from someone else's perspective instead of your own.

Just... ignore it if you don't like it. That's what most people do, and it works well...

And that's about all I have to say about that. (Read: That's way more than I ever wanted to say about that. Seriously, I'm done. Ugh, worst.)


You might not have said that outright, sure, but other people have while expressing similar sentiments. And even if you're not asking for it directly, your posts complaining about other people's posts have an implicit "STOP!" attached to them. They also have the unfortunate consequence of disrupting the conversation at hand, which can have the side affect of preventing people from getting deeper and really diving into things, thus contributing to the very thing you're complaining about!

And there's a lot of nuance to the discussions I've been a part of, at least, but it's easy to dismiss them as "the same thing over and over again" when you don't want to see them in the first place. Maybe think about it from someone else's perspective instead of your own.

Just... ignore it if you don't like it. That's what most people do, and it works well...

And that's about all I have to say about that. (Read: That's way more than I ever wanted to say about that. Seriously, I'm done. Ugh, worst.)

I'm allowed to complain about posts when others straight up insult other posters in the thread. It doesn't disrupt any conversation because i'm not butting in. You are free to continue talking to whoever you were talking to, even if someone says something about it

Everything about tatsu earlier could've been avoided if certain posters just ignored it but that didn't happen did it? Weird huh?

but yeah, i'll be done with this for real unless someone tries to attack me again

carry on


Well, I certainly don't disagree with this! If that's all you were doing, then I clearly misunderstood your posts...

dude i'm just talking about everyone basically implying that if you like tatsumaki then you're a pedo

that shit is fucking annoying and untrue

i'm fine with people talking about characters they don't like and stuff

but then posters like wickedlahari saying shit like you gotta have a warped mind and squalor calling that one dude fucking disgusting

don't see how that shit's acceptable

Russ T


like i literally just agreed with you and then called myself out on it you don't need to yell at me ):


Junior Member
And I don't see how it's acceptable to sexualize a character whose proportions and features are more reminiscent of a child's than an adults, but oh well.

The only reason her design is like that is to appeal to a certain kind of anime fan.

Her design and characterization have no merit in any other capacity.



like i literally just agreed with you and then called myself out on it you don't need to yell at me

No i'm not yelling at you, just explaining what i meant since you said you misunderstood my posts

I don't really have any beef with you
Criticism is great. It's wonderful. It drives the medium forward.

Complaints are great. They let you relieve tension over something bothering you. They let you relate with others over something getting in the way of your enjoyment.

Both are great and should be a part of any thread.

But also...just because you critique or complain doesn't mean it's well thought out, worthy of discussion, important or interesting. Not everyone has to listen to your complaint if it's garbage. Most people in threads know how to disseminate a worthwhile complaint or opinion from a useless, shitty one.

Everyone is free and invited to complain and critique as much as their heart desires. But just cause everyone has an opinion doesn't mean everyone has an opinion worth listening to.

Watchdogman da bess.

Russ T

I don't think Watchdogman has had any action even in the webcomic (although I just learned today I'm not all caught up when I thought I was!!!!!!).

I wanna know what he can do!
Of course they make the show interesting but the characterization that goes on doesn't seem to improve the story telling. Pri Pri is a good example: what does he do to improve or make the show less stale? His scenes ultimately go no where because he's useless in the grand scope of things. Characters like Lincenceless Rider, Genos, and the antagonists need development because they matter to the story or to Saitama with either contrast, growth, humor, etc. The most interesting S heroes, to me, appear to be ones that aren't anything more than their name like Watchdog or Pig God. They're filler or exposition speakers before Saitama shows up and does his thing. Having a show centered around a guy who can beat anyone with one punch is the biggest problem because these guys don't matter but they're here for shits and giggles or to world build. Saitama's strength is why Licenceless Rider is as cool as he is.

Have them be background noise because that's what they actually are.
This isn't a shounen, and if you're approaching this as if the point is for the protagonist to show up and fight shit you're going to be progressively disappointed as the series grows. It's extremely premature to call Puri useless in the "grand scope of things." This show is about to end on an arc that's only now introducing the core cast of the series. These aren't "filler" characters. The comedy that drives the story, that kept it entertaining and allowed it to become so popular, is built on their interactions with the world as much as Saitama's.
And I don't see how it's acceptable to sexualize a character whose proportions and features are more reminiscent of a child's than an adults, but oh well.
If you are creating an arbitrary spectrum from Child Emperor to Puri Puri Prisoner, I suppose she's more reminiscent of an imaginary cartoon child than an imaginary cartoon adult, despite her imaginary cartoon age. Is she sexualized though? Just for wearing a tight outfit? Nobody does any of the slapstick tropes like tripping and falling into her boobs. How tight is too tight a dress? Should she simply not exist?
The only reason her design is like that is to appeal to a certain kind of anime fan.
Are you Murata? Can you confirm this?
Her design and characterization have no merit in any other capacity.
Have you taken a survey of everyone on the planet and tabulated the objective merit results?

I really don't meant to dismiss an opinion you're perfectly entitled to. Criticism is fine and healthy and inspires depths of discussion. But entering a discussion in a condescending manner of "my opinion is a broad objective truth and everyone else is a degenerate" immediately derails an anime thread to shit.

Russ T

This isn't a shounen, and if you're approaching this as if the point is for the protagonist to show up and fight shit you're going to be progressively disappointed as the series grows. It's extremely premature to call Puri useless in the "grand scope of things." This show is about to end on an arc that's only now introducing the core cast of the series. These aren't "filler" characters. The comedy that drives the story, that kept it entertaining and allowed it to become so popular, is built on their interactions with the world as much as Saitama's.

Yeah, and even these aren't all of the characters to be introduced. There are quite a few that won't really show up until after this arc is over, and even if they're already introduced, many won't have any major roll. Which is a shame, really. that's the problem when you only have 12 episodes, I suppose.


The side characters are necessary to provide a reasonable gauge to compare the villains against Saitama. Like when Sea King was on a rampage you weren't thinking "phff Saitama is going to body this dude, this is a waste of time", it was more like "damn this guy is really strong, he's whooping all these S rank heroes!"

You wouldn't have great moments like the Rider guy standing up to the Sea King against all odds or Genos saving the girl from acid.

So Tatsumaki is a reasonably strong S rank hero who can one shot dragon tier threats... you know shit will get real when something comes which makes her look irrelevant.

Also unlike DBZ, power levels aren't end all be all. Side characters can be more useful in certain situations. Maybe there's a villain who can't be harmed by physical attacks or one that can control humans.. in that case a character like Genos would shine. It's all about how they write the stories going forward.
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