Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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wait, so there is a fast travel spot in every single hexagon??? holy shit

are the land marks anything in particular? id love to get some more fast travel spots!

Just explore like you normally would, you most likely have a bunch already. Cave entrances, notable mountains, lakes, plains, beaches, etc. Probe hexes don't have them for obvious reasons.

Oh, and it makes traveling around New L.A so much easier. You can teleport straight into the Barracks or to the Concourse (or anywhere else). Just walk around all the districts once and you'll get the New L.A. landmarks in no time.


So for the hexes with the mission icon, does that mean you can pick up a mission in that hex, or that there is just a mission from somewhere that takes place in that hex? I feel like I've scoured a few and haven't found a questgiver.
Alright, got my first skell and...


Halp plz!


Oh my god, those Skell Lvl 50 prices. I didn't notice the first time that it was almost 4.5M for the best Skell and I thought it was 450K, like the level 30 one...

Ok, hopefully level 30 Skells will be enough for chapter 12...


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Just got the skell and it wasn't what I was hoping for. I can't fly and I am constantly scared of getting oneshoted by enemies when running around.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I'm finally at Chapter 4, however it has been around 10 hours. To be fair I did do a long affinity quest before this (the one where
Lin repairs the engine leak

Am I running behind in this game compared to the most other players?

You're probably on par, if not faster than most of us. I think I'm at ~18 hours and just started Chapter 5. You just have to two requirements before starting Ch 5, and both can be done pretty quickly if you don't dick around.

I think if you ONLY did story missions and the required stuff to do to unlock them, I bet you can breeze pretty quickly through this game. Same as the original game.

Of course, the game WANTS you to play leisurely and not rush through the game.... it's deliberately designed that way.


We still only have two people. I took down the room for a while. Sent you a friend request

I've gotta go run for a bit but I'll be up for it later, I'm going to start collecting GAF NNIDs so I can start dipping into the multiplayer stuff more. I'm still really hazy on a lot of it, like I have no idea why there's sometimes squad missions and sometimes not.


Just got the skell and it wasn't what I was hoping for. I can't fly and I am constantly scared of getting oneshoted by enemies when running around.

There aren't that many enemies that will one shot you. Usually you have plenty of time to abandon the skell if you need to or just drive away since you're so much faster than enemies. I will admit the first couple of times I got oneshot I completely panicked and mashed the qte button and failed it horribly. It's a pretty easy one to hit so just don't panic and you should be fine.

Oh and make sure to join the prospectors division so you can get the free salvage ticket everyday.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I've gotta go run for a bit but I'll be up for it later, I'm going to start collecting GAF NNIDs so I can start dipping into the multiplayer stuff more. I'm still really hazy on a lot of it, like I have no idea why there's sometimes squad missions and sometimes not.

Your current squad has to clear the "monster hit lists" on the Squad mission list to unlock a new squad mission to appear. If you clear all five of the,, then you get another special mission (?)


I just managed to swim all the way to Sylvalum at Level 21. The sheer size of the place is enormous especially considering I haven't even finished with Primordia yet...

... I think I'll go back there when I have a Skell.
I just did the same thing, as it was required in an affinity mission. This plafe looks awesome! However it's way out of my league (lvl20 in chapter 4), so I'll go back to exploring Primordia. I still am under 5% in Noctulia and Oblivia and 30% in Primordia. This game is huge!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
What're the best ways to level in this game? I thought I was doing well, but then the boss fight in "A Friend in Need" handed my ass to me, and getting 20% survey in Noctilum means heading into an area where level 21/22 enemies take a long time to kill (despite me being level 20).

Any recommendations for new weapons and armour? The shop in armoury alley seems kind of mediocre.
Oh dear, that Skell battle theme is absolutely horrid! Autotune ear torture of the worst kind. First the NLA themes and now this. Why are they doing this to me?!? :-/

This game desperately needs whoever did the soundtrack for the Metroid Prime series.
Doing the quest "Weaponized" with
. I killed the first ones just fine but the
giant turtle
is kicking my ass at level 18. Any special tricks for it?


I personally wouldn't say they're balanced no but the game is forgiving at least and lowers the difficulty if you're struggling in a boss fight at your current level and with your current party.
so which are the strongest classes.

also I'm not sure if the arts I spend BP on remain usable if I change class? If not it feels like a waste spending BP before I reach the better class.


Doing the quest "Weaponized" with
. I killed the first ones just fine but the
giant turtle
is kicking my ass at level 18. Any special tricks for it?

I accidentally picked the 'lower difficulty' option after wiping to it a few times, that did the trick...still mad, though.

Feels like the best way to fight that kind of enemy on foot is to topple it a lot. Maybe set party members to ranged only and focus on its legs.


Just got to Goetia and she's wrecking me big time.
I'm level 16. Any tips?

That was the fight that finally forced me to go through my gear and swap armor out and look at the arts I was using and upgrade the ones that I used regularly (to at least level 3, you should have plenty of bp). I think I was about your level and with my gear improved and my arts level I was able to squeak by. Also make sure you are using R+Dpad Up to make your teammates focus on one target so you can clear out the adds as quickly as possible.
3 times attempting to kill the ganglion thay show up furing Phog's affinity mission, 3 times a level 65 tyrant showed up and ripped me a new ass hole what the hell.


3 times attempting to kill the ganglion thay show up furing Phog's affinity mission, 3 times a level 65 tyrant showed up and ripped me a new ass hole what the hell.

if you watch him for a bit he patrols that whole area in a circle at sanic speed. I pulled the bad guys back out of his path.


What frames is everyone using?

I'm in Mastema and have Elma in Amdusias. I'm wondering if it's even worth using medium or light frames?
Doing the quest "Weaponized" with
. I killed the first ones just fine but the
giant turtle
is kicking my ass at level 18. Any special tricks for it?
If you die a few times, it will give you the option to lower the difficulty. No shame in doing it, especially since you're locked into the quest otherwise.

For real tips, switch out your equipment to high ether resistance, since his most damaging attacks are ether attacks. If you're this early like me, you've probably got Sakuraba equipment that has awful ether resistance.

Even with higher ether resistance, those attacks still hurt a lot, so it's best to try and stop them altogether. I would recommend going after his antennae first, since those (I believe) are tied to his ether attacks. His mouth may also be; unsure. But if you take out his stomach first, then he starts relying more on his remaining appendages, i.e. his antennae and his hard-hitting ether attacks.

BassForever said:
3 times attempting to kill the ganglion thay show up furing Phog's affinity mission, 3 times a level 65 tyrant showed up and ripped me a new ass hole what the hell.
Ah, that was great. What I did was go around, and take them from the opposite side, luring them away from the tyrant's patrol route. Engage, and their skell will come at you pretty quick, so just focus on that until it's dead, then the grunts will have come closer so you're not fighting near the tyrant's route.


3 times attempting to kill the ganglion thay show up furing Phog's affinity mission, 3 times a level 65 tyrant showed up and ripped me a new ass hole what the hell.

I was just complaining about this yesterday

fuck that maaan

I'll tell you what I eventually did:
sneak around the back of the dudes and lure them away from where the tyrant crosses. use ally commands to stay back if necessary
On Chapter 5, I am absolutely loving this game!! There are some annoyances but it's just so fun and beautiful. Monolith got Xeno X mostly right


How do i get more skell fuel, Will it just refil when i get mirinium?

I believe you can refuel it at the terminal in the barracks, but I haven't had to do that yet. It refills automatically (though very slowly) when you are not in it and when you bind enemies during combat it refills very quickly.


I just did the same thing, as it was required in an affinity mission. This plafe looks awesome! However it's way out of my league (lvl20 in chapter 4), so I'll go back to exploring Primordia. I still am under 5% in Noctulia and Oblivia and 30% in Primordia. This game is huge!

I'm about 50% with Primordia. The fact that so much is inaccessible before you're high level/have a good Skell annoys me slightly but at least I have things to look forward to. I just wish there was a way to mark things on your map for later, it's too easy to forget a cool cave because you discovered it at a low level.


I'm about 50% with Primordia. The fact that so much is inaccessible before you're high level/have a good Skell annoys me slightly but at least I have things to look forward to. I just wish there was a way to mark things on your map for later, it's too easy to forget a cool cave because you discovered it at a low level.

I think it has a pretty good balance. I explored most of the world before getting a skell without too much trouble. You just have to be aware of your surroundings and remember that you can install a probe while being attacked so you can mash the button and get it installed before you die.
All right I've gone through all of the yellow dot objects/hexagonal areas with shit to use field skills for. And outside of having to level up my biological skill to something not at level 1 (mechanical and archaeological are at level 4) I have a total of (including shit I already had):

3 Research G1
3 Research G2
2 Research G4
2 Research G5

I still have to go with my flying skell to the other two final continents, but I just want to emphasize how I now have like a million mining probes. This game REALLY doesn't want to let you have research probes. It's almost cruel how you get a million mining and like almost no research. And yeah if I see a yellow dot on the map I try to go for it all of the time. I still have like almost no research probes.

This is almost mean. After I finish with whatever I can grab in the final two continents I'll keep refreshing the mission board and see which basic missions give research probes as rewards. Because I need more money.
Doing the quest "Weaponized" with
. I killed the first ones just fine but the
giant turtle
is kicking my ass at level 18. Any special tricks for it?

Aim for the thing on the very tippy-top of its head. It's designed to make you have to use the rifle they gave you that mission.

It still takes a while, but if you're doing that and nailing your soul voices, he should eventually go down.


All right I've gone through all of the yellow dot objects/hexagonal areas with shit to use field skills for. And outside of having to level up my biological skill to something not at level 1 (mechanical and archaeological are at level 4) I have a total of (including shit I already had):

3 Research G1
3 Research G2
2 Research G4
2 Research G5

I still have to go with my flying skell to the other two final continents, but I just want to emphasize how I now have like a million mining probes. This game REALLY doesn't want to let you have research probes. It's almost cruel how you get a million mining and like almost no research. And yeah if I see a yellow dot on the map I try to go for it all of the time. I still have like almost no research probes.

This is almost mean. After I finish with whatever I can grab in the final two continents I'll keep refreshing the mission board and see which basic missions give research probes as rewards. Because I need more money.

Yup same story, though you've got more than I have. Don't even have 3 of any level, so no linking for me.

Annoying too. I'm broke after buying skells for everyone. Dx


Is no one doing the global nemesis or what

You don't have to be 60 to do it, just really have a skell

Timeout or lose you get free tickets, Timing out is best but still. I need tickets :(


I would take so many more screenshots if they had a way to automatically remove the ui or a quick single setting. I'm too lazy to go through and switch it all off individually every time.


I'm thinking we should start lobbying congress and the UN to make fashion gear mandatory in any RPG/open world game from here on out.

Being able to run around with whatever gear you want on whilst still having your highest level gear on underneath is amazing.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Yup same story, though you've got more than I have. Don't even have 3 of any level, so no linking for me.

Annoying too. I'm broke after buying skells for everyone. Dx

Leave your game on while you're at work for a day. Return and have $$$
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