Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.

Question: How do you do that lunge attack?

I know how to sword throw but I can't remember the lunge (unless it's just L + light attack vs. strong)
Speaking of moves and stuff, wanted to write down some of the stuff I noticed regarding the game mechanics after going through the multiplayer, especially in comparison to Solo-Play.

- Guarding with your gun and not having it be reserved melee open is so useful because other people in multiplayer will whip out their melee weapon much faster than enemies in the campaign do, what with their obvious animation of stopping to pull out their weapon. Considering I didn't use it nearly as much with my firearm during the campaign, this was a bit of a wake up call once I got into one of the drill modes.

- In campaign it felt natural to take on a melee dude at close range while gun enemies at long range, maybe rushing the latter if there was no risk of dying. In multiplayer, it's actually more useful to make use of the inverse of that tactic, because mashing the light or heavy attacks will leave open so much. Ton of my kills came from blocking and dodging enemy melee and then shooting them as they're still in their recovery animation.

- The jump attacks and melee shots feel next to useless because of how hectic fights can get and how much those moves leave you open during the wind up. In campaign the chances of landing those two moves is much higher because of how the AI is set up, but in multiplayer sometimes a jump attack won't instantly kill a guy (even from behind). The most fun melee moves in Solo Play have ended up being the least used moves in multi, and that's a bit disappointing for me. But then again maybe I've just not found a right method of using them.

- Sliding is so useful just to close the gap on an enemy, though the tricky part with that move is you're locked into a particular attack coming out of it based on what you have equipped. It comes off as strange, because during most other manuevers, be it running, sprinting, jumping, what have you, you can switch between guns and melee instantly with the press of a button. But doing so during the slide takes you out of the slide and I've bitten it quite a few times starting out. You kind of have to think a little bit in advance what method of attack you want rather than reacting in the moment. But MAN, is it ever satisfying when you're sliding on your ass and pop a dude's head off as you pass by.

- In the campaign, playing the game felt like a weird, janky third person shooter with melee combat mixed in seamlessly. In multiplayer, that still applies, though in this context it became more clear to me that there was more influence taken from modern FPS design then there was modern TPS. You go through a match sprinting all over the place, pulling up iron sights as soon as you see an enemy cross your path, and it feels a lot more like Call of Duty than it does, I dunno, Uncharted maybe. This explains why so little cover is actually used or why there isn't even a proper cover button or actual blindfire. It's both good for the kind of game and pace they were aiming for, though it's admittedly kind of misleading all because of the game's perspective and what people assume is part of that. Especially if you went through solo-play and had to sit behind cover to heal up from enemy fire.

That's what I could remember just off the top of my head, might mention more interesting observations about the systems as I keep playing it in the future. The campaign will definitely introduce you to the controls and how to be proficient at them on a basic level, though there are certain tactics that you won't pick up there without first playing the multiplayer because of how players behave compared to AI.
That looks really fun.

I've been playing this game since friday, and I must say, I'm having an awesome time with it.

Like, the animation, effects, and art direction are pretty poor, but the gameplay is great in mp.

Honestly, you can tell Itagaki still has it. You can tell the game went through development hell, but the game just plays very uniquely.The maps are huge, and there are a ton of platforming and gameplay possibilities when mixing the shooting and melee combat that just isn't possible or a consideration in other shooters. I can't find any problens with the map design either, so far its kind of awesome.

The single-player is deelply flawed. But even there, you can feel the great game design lurking underneath the surface, as you realize that winning requires almost ninja-gaiden style attack and evasion experimentation in boss fights and encounters, but is bueyed

Even the story is better and more cgarming than I expected. I never expected to even like Ivan, but Ivan the terrible is a badass with a heart.

Not sure I could recommend the campaign, but so far, I would whole heartedly recommend the multiplayer.


Is it a GAF clan yet?

ok clan created - Jmizzal(GAF)

You can search and join it

I'm pretty good, just level 5 and still finish at the top most of the time lol


I was seriously going to buy at a price drop but now I feel like I have to get at full price before it sells out FML. To bad BB didn't get any so I could at least use GC.


Loves Robotech S1
so i caved and bought the NA version just to play mp again. i've spent way too much on this game.

if anyone sees Ran online, that's me. add me to your favorites. :)


Tried to join (John_Matrix) but it's not coming up for me.

I'll see if I can add you
I didnt have to entry thing set up, you can prob join now

I seen you in some of my matches earlier too

It says this person can not be invited because they do not own a fortress in an area or a neighboring, area where your clan owns a fortress lol

My clan is set to be in SoCal, so I guess you have to be near there or something


Just joined your the clan as well. Name in the game is: VanyaHell

Man I'm worried this game will die so soon though which would be horrible because the multiplayer is amazing. I could only find one small game at this hour which makes sense but is telling of the game's lifespan.
Sucks so much the multiplayer servers are region locked.

Went on this on the weekend in the UK, and I was lucky to get more than five people in a room. And a few of those games were freaking terrible because the "high ranked" players were in fact just being n00b tubers and spamming rocket launchers and grenade launchers.

Sucks so much for the players just starting out as well, because there's a really fun game hiding there but they don't get to experience it because they're being blown to shit every time they step out of the shadows. Such a frustrating experience, and it's ruining what little on-line community there is left in the EU.

(Screw *any* death that involves fire. It takes so much longer to re-spawn when you've been set on fire than any other time - helps raise your blood pressure :p)

Also, glad to see more people are finally getting to realise us EU gaffers aren't crazy, and those reviews were particularly brutal and unfair towards this game.
Just joined your the clan as well. Name in the game is: VanyaHell

Man I'm worried this game will die so soon though which would be horrible because the multiplayer is amazing. I could only find one small game at this hour which makes sense but is telling of the game's lifespan.

Ive joined the clan as well. In-game name is Iris, but Nintendo ID is AllseeingEye.

Regarding matches, Ive been playing all day,there's almost always a deathmath game and a team deathmatch game going, but Ive never seen a single person enter a Cargo Capture lobby. I really hope the Watermelon and chicken modes are popilated when available.


Region locked servers? Why would anyone do that in fucking 2015, what the fuck

I don't know why the Drill mode servers are region locked, but the Siege mode is a more persistent world. New servers for new players gives them the opportunity to claim territory as clans are starting to build up.

Although allowing players to choose servers isn't the biggest of asks, especially when there are no bot matches. Being in Australia makes it terrible to find games with the dwindling Euro player base.

They (Valhalla) said to ask Nintendo (to pay) for a better server solution for the small player bases.

Ninja Dom

Nice game. I'm playing through the Single Player campaign and I thought the whole jail break first level was very well done actually. Game is good.
It says this person can not be invited because they do not own a fortress in an area or a neighboring, area where your clan owns a fortress lol

My clan is set to be in SoCal, so I guess you have to be near there or something

Ah ok, I'll see if it will let me change areas this evening then.


I just did a hold order at for my local store. Is the gold order reliable?
Shouldn't be a problem. If you receive an email confirming it's ready, then you're set.

Keep in mind that many received only 1 copy, and since they have to put it on the floor, it might be gutted.


Gold Member
Shouldn't be a problem. If you receive an email confirming it's ready, then you're set.

Keep in mind that many received only 1 copy, and since they have to put it on the floor, it might be gutted.

Yeesh... I guess I have no other choice.


i've been waiting in the matchmaking lobby for ages. Team Deathmatch. Is this game really this dead? NA btw

Try pressing Y instead of A when choosing a mode. Pressing Y does auto skill matchmaking or something idk. I did it once and I found a whole bunch of people.


I was seriously going to buy at a price drop but now I feel like I have to get at full price before it sells out FML. To bad BB didn't get any so I could at least use GC.

Go to a Gamestop. they likely will have an opened new case, argue its opened and therefor is used, and after arguing a bit they will knock down the price $10.
Nice game. I'm playing through the Single Player campaign and I thought the whole jail break first level was very well done actually. Game is good.

While I thought the Jail scene was ok to start, it is also the first level where you get to see how cheap feeling and especially cheap sounding the guns are. It is also a point where you first see how poor the enemies blood explosions look, and start to see how poorly animated and buggy the enemy AI is, so I didn't have a great first impression.

But It wasn't until around mid-way through the second level that things started to really click for me. That's the first time I died, and I started to understand that the game was trying to teach me to grow some balls, and really charge in and mix up the gun and sword play. For as poor as the AI looks in this game, they do their job just fine, and the core of the game is classic Itagaki through and through.

I find that the Campaign is actually really well paced, the story is more interesting and entertaining than I expected, and the gameplay is quite well balanced and tough but fair in that Itagaki way. It does remind me of that special spice that Team Ninja is missing now. It's just too bad that Valhalla doesn't have the tech, art, animation, and budget of the old Team Ninja games. This game could have been something truly special if it didn't go through development hell.

I'd actually love to see Itagaki give this style of game another crack, nothing plays like it, and it deserves to be done right. Here's to hoping the free-to-play PC game is successful enough that Valhalla gets to keep polishing and expanding the game. Really looking forward to playing on PC.
Just picked up this game today and I'm pumped to go home and try it out. Sounds like the multiplayer is legitimately kind of fun. I wonder if GAF people are the only ones online


Gold Member
Shouldn't be a problem. If you receive an email confirming it's ready, then you're set.

Keep in mind that many received only 1 copy, and since they have to put it on the floor, it might be gutted.

So I called Gamestop to confirm if they're holding it for me. They are but the rep also told me that they indeed only received one and is already gutted for display... Oh well.


So I called Gamestop to confirm if they're holding it for me. They are bit the rep also told me that they indeed only received one amd is already gutted for display... Oh well.

Yeah if your getting in store its going to be gutted for sure I just got back with mine and others have said thats what they got too.


Just picked up this game today and I'm pumped to go home and try it out. Sounds like the multiplayer is legitimately kind of fun. I wonder if GAF people are the only ones online

There are others out there other than GAFers but not too many. Join the GAF clan!
I think Itagaki might have been right about the gamepad. Is anyone else noticing an overly large deadzone for the right analog stick in multiplayer? I think this may be the main reason reviewers were saying they had a hard time aiming.

Also, any chance someone can confirm whether the deadzone is lessened on the Pro Controller? I don't currently have one, but I'll try to borrow it and report back.


I think Itagaki might have been right about the gamepad.

Is anyone else noticing an overly large deadzone for the right analog stick in multiplayer? I think this may be the main reason reviewers were saying they had a hard time aiming.

Also, any chance someone can confirm whether the deadzone is lessened on the Pro Controller? I don't currently have one, but I'll try to borrow it and report back.

I can't tell honestly, the Pro Controller definitely makes the game way more comfortable to play though. I think the aiming has less to do about the dead zone in the controller and more about how it's sensitivity was designed. The problem lies in the game's design. I want my sensitivity high because turning corners and doing dope slide maneuvers while turning in the other direction feels amazing. If they just made a second option for the first-person aiming sensitivity then this issue may have been resolved. The problem is the fact that I want to be able to turn quickly but also have the aiming feel tight at the same time. Seems like getting the best of both worlds is not possible unfortunately.
I think Itagaki might have been right about the gamepad.

Is anyone else noticing an overly large deadzone for the right analog stick in multiplayer? I think this may be the main reason reviewers were saying they had a hard time aiming.

Also, any chance someone can confirm whether the deadzone is lessened on the Pro Controller? I don't currently have one, but I'll try to borrow it and report back.
I recently got a Pro Controller in preparation for this game, and just messing with both controllers yeah the gamepad's deadzone is larger. Sticks on the pro controller feel much tighter by comparison. Though the aiming is still finicky in general, it is generally improved on a pro controller.


I think someone mentioned before that you need to start shooting from the hip first once you've got your sights on someone then pop into ADS instead of just popping into ADS. It takes a bit getting used to but I think considering the blend of styles here, it's necessary to take advantage of how the game functions.


I ordered it, getting it Thursday.
I know I could've just download it but the Wii U will be a novelty in a few years and this game will be a rare gem.
From what i've seen, it looks really fun and doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't, pretty straight forward.


I use the gamepad and don't see any sort of problem with it and I do fairly well. I will be buying a pro controller soon anyway so I can coop Yoshi with my wife. Ill see about joining the gaf clan. I'm a merc at the moment and was thinking of joining someone.
I can't tell honestly, the Pro Controller definitely makes the game way more comfortable to play though. I think the aiming has less to do about the dead zone in the controller and more about how it's sensitivity was designed. The problem lies in the game's design. I want my sensitivity high because turning corners and doing dope slide maneuvers while turning in the other direction feels amazing. If they just made a second option for the first-person aiming sensitivity then this issue may have been resolved. The problem is the fact that I want to be able to turn quickly but also have the aiming feel tight at the same time. Seems like getting the best of both worlds is not possible unfortunately.

That makes sense, I've been struggling a bit with the aiming, but having separate sensitivity sliders would be nice. Hopefully this isn't an issue on PC, or Valhalla patches the game to include it at some point. It would be great if Valhalla could include a Deadzone slider, similar to GTA.

I recently got a Pro Controller in preparation for this game, and just messing with both controllers yeah the gamepad's deadzone is larger. Sticks on the pro controller feel much tighter by comparison. Though the aiming is still finicky in general, it is generally improved on a pro controller.

Thanks for checking that out. The deadzone on the gamepad felt large to me. It's a far cry from the almost negligible deadzone on PS4 and X1. Even if this doesn't completely fix the issue, it's nice to know it helps.

I think someone mentioned before that you need to start shooting from the hip first once you've got your sights on someone then pop into ADS instead of just popping into ADS. It takes a bit getting used to but I think considering the blend of styles here, it's necessary to take advantage of how the game functions.

Interesting, I've been choosing guns with less spray and trying to use more hipfire. I will try this out.

Ninja Dom

While I thought the Jail scene was ok to start, it is also the first level where you get to see how cheap feeling and especially cheap sounding the guns are. It is also a point where you first see how poor the enemies blood explosions look, and start to see how poorly animated and buggy the enemy AI is, so I didn't have a great first impression.

But It wasn't until around mid-way through the second level that things started to really click for me. That's the first time I died, and I started to understand that the game was trying to teach me to grow some balls, and really charge in and mix up the gun and sword play. For as poor as the AI looks in this game, they do their job just fine, and the core of the game is classic Itagaki through and through.

I find that the Campaign is actually really well paced, the story is more interesting and entertaining than I expected, and the gameplay is quite well balanced and tough but fair in that Itagaki way. It does remind me of that special spice that Team Ninja is missing now. It's just too bad that Valhalla doesn't have the tech, art, animation, and budget of the old Team Ninja games. This game could have been something truly special if it didn't go through development hell.

I'd actually love to see Itagaki give this style of game another crack, nothing plays like it, and it deserves to be done right. Here's to hoping the free-to-play PC game is successful enough that Valhalla gets to keep polishing and expanding the game. Really looking forward to playing on PC.

Nice write up.

I am shocked that the game reviewed as badly as it did. Almost as if there was some sort of agenda against Itagaki. I'm having a blast. I admit I am only on the second mission (Panama) and I'm playing on Normal. No multiplayer yet. I wanna master the single player. Shame the game doesn't have a combo meter with the melee attacks.
Just bought this game, physical copy.

I'm actually kid of looking forward to playing this game, despite the bad reviews, the vibe of this game is what sold me on this game; a nintendo published game, that involves a situation of an Russian Terrorist, drones, and mutating/enlarging boss, this game is fucking weird, I love it!

Buying this game is like being apart of a club, this a club about one of the weirdest games on one of the weirdest consoles.


Ah, thread's alive again. Have fun guys. It's possible the MP will be dead in a few months but in the meantime you will get tons of entertainment out of it.

Still sad how the European community turned out.
Nice write up.

I am shocked that the game reviewed as badly as it did. Almost as if there was some sort of agenda against Itagaki. I'm having a blast. I admit I am only on the second mission (Panama) and I'm playing on Normal. No multiplayer yet. I wanna master the single player. Shame the game doesn't have a combo meter with the melee attacks.

I wouldn't say that I'm shocked about the low review scores. I think if anything, it shows that most reviewers are hugely swayed by presentation and visuals, and that a lot of them probably spent almost no time at all in the great multiplayer. The game looks like a 2-4 on the outside at times, but it has a good design foundation.

I think the other thing working against it, is that both the shooting and sword play on their own aren't great. The swordplay holds up better, but while the gunplay plays fine and smooth, especially when you get used to it, the sound effects, the animation and the feel of shooting, the enemy hit reactions and the poor visual effects when an enemy get shot just feel cheap and poor.

It's only when you mix the two that the gameplay really becomes something else, becomes exciting, and you start seeing the balls-to-the wall, brash Itagaki style. I find it to be an incredibly interesting game to behold.


Anyone have any luck at anywhere other than Gamestop?

Seems like it'll be harder to find a copy than I thought with the scarcity of this thing, and 15GB is hard to swallow for digital.
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