So beside your primary pawn. Pawns you hired don't level up with you? So basically you just hired new pawns every now and then.
I see that there is a feature to bookmark pawns you used in the past. Why?
Can someone explain the multiplayer? What can you do? Just download other people's characters?
Still waiting for my key from GMG... *grml*
I think that is a bit odd. I got mine quite a long while ago, which was fairly surprising since usually they wait till a few days before launch. Contact their support
For example Scarlett Kisses. I have to press LB to go into bow mode, then if I press Square, it will arm Scarlett Kisses. Pressing LT will fire it. But after that, it doesn't go back to normal arrow. If I keep pressing LT, it will keep using Scarlett Kisses. I have to let go of LB to unarmed the ability. I'm not sure if any other abilities of the bow is the same or its just SK.It depends on the sort of ability. There are some abilities that are basically fire'n'forget (like Cloudburst Volley), but there are others that have a continuous use (like Sixfold Arrow). The ones that have a continuous use are usually better spent actually using repeatedly as opposed to firing off a single salvo.
For example Scarlett Kisses. I have to press LB to go into bow mode, then if I press Square, it will arm Scarlett Kisses. Pressing LT will fire it. But after that, it doesn't go back to normal arrow. If I keep pressing LT, it will keep using Scarlett Kisses. I have to let go of LB to unarmed the ability. I'm not sure if any other abilities of the bow is the same or its just SK.
So beside your primary pawn. Pawns you hired don't level up with you? So basically you just hired new pawns every now and then.
I see that there is a feature to bookmark pawns you used in the past. Why?
So for classes that uses bow. Unless I'm missing something, when you use a special ability. (Using a controller)
It continuously lock in that ability until you actually let go on Left Bumper. And while you're holding LB, your stamina doesn't recharge?
Kinda pain in the ass to LB zoom in with a bow, use ability then having to zoom back out and then in again to shoot normal arrows.
I was just wondering if it is working as intended or did I missed something.Fooken hell man, just play the game.
So I impulse bought this and I really have no idea about anything on this game (rip grammar).
What's the best way to have fun when it becomes playable?
So I impulse bought this and I really have no idea about anything on this game (rip grammar).
What's the best way to have fun when it becomes playable?
So I impulse bought this and I really have no idea about anything on this game (rip grammar).
What's the best way to have fun when it becomes playable?
Is there a Dragon's Dogma Gaf Steam Group?
So I impulse bought this and I really have no idea about anything on this game (rip grammar).
What's the best way to have fun when it becomes playable?
still on sale anywhere?
winter sale nuked my monies
still on sale anywhere?
winter sale nuked my monies
still on sale anywhere?
winter sale nuked my monies
still on sale anywhere?
winter sale nuked my monies
So if I understand correctly, this game polls both the keyboard and controller at the same time and has 1-5 key mapping.
So if you have an Xbox one controller + chatpad you could use that, plus 1-5 at the same time?
Also, the Elite controller paddle would work wonders for sprinting in this game.
Elite+chatpad could be great. (although windows 10 required for the elite app)
Some screenshots of a basic ENB config:
Some screenshots of a basic ENB config:
I'm still going back and forth on using a steam controller or an X360 controller for this. On the one hand, the extra paddles on the steam controller would be great for item hotkeys... On the other hand the placement of the main buttons on the steam controller is less than ideal.
Looks good but load times become horrendous. Might have to put the game on my ssd
On PS3 you could do both, spam the button that "arms" the attack or arm it and spam the attack buttonI was just wondering if it is working as intended or did I missed something.
I used to play Rift as an archer and you press a button to fire an ability not to armed it then fired with a different button.
But I guess that's the way this game works.
Edit: sorry I meant Threefold Arrows. I mistaken it for the dagger ability Scarlett Kisses.
Q) Will I be able to manually remap buttons when using a gamepad? [*NEW* Jan.8]
A) Yes and No. For XInput-compatible controllers (it'll display as Xbox 360 controller in-game), there are six presets you can choose from. For DirectInput-based controllers such as DualShock 4 gamepad, you can manually reassign individual buttons as you see fit.