
she's an absolute animal in bed... Thst was also a factor... we would argue like crazy and then she would remove her clothing and pounce. It was like she got off to arguing with me. Pathetic... In fact we had huge arguments because I'd turn her down, and she would punch the wall or dresser screaming "I want to fuck!!!" And so I'd go downstairs and she would take her clothes off and masturbate on the couch near me to get me in the mood or grab me. Sex was great I guess but she was absolutely insane and told me she wanted sex so much because it was the only time she ever feels loved or wanted. Nightmare...
Her dad cheated on her mom and destroyed the marriage so she was beyond insecure. She was having sex with a 22 year old at 16 and when she used to work at dairy queen she would have sex in the back room on a daily basis with her manager. She had a train run on her at 17 and one of the guys was a second cousin or some crazy shit (she claims she didn't know).
She used to tell me she would cheat on her ex all of the time and love it when he got upset. Said she enjoyed it when men felt they were used by her...
I was told all of this after getting married.... It was too late then. She said "I just wanna be honest with you". Yea ok.. Thanks for telling me you're s huge whore after you got a ring. My own fault.. I saw the red flags, she could give a bj like a porn star... I'm an idiot