STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Yeah, I need to remember to do that if I'm ever going to beat it on hard

The other bit of strategy that helped out a lot is to never buy the items that only give you charge, only purchase health-up items. On a lot of runs I was buying everything, and realizing that I would often have way more ammo than I would ever need, especially if I got the upgrade that allows you to recharge from gems. Health is way harder to get, and thus a much better investment.


On a semi related note, now that this campaign is over, the new fig campaign for Consortium: The Tower has started:


I thought the first game was super ambitious and interesting, and this looks a lot more polished.

looks pretty cool, interesting that they'd use fig considering how fig doesn't seem to be making the same numbers as kickstarter


is Adorables multi only? It's very unclear to me

edited: I wish devs (and valve) started being very transparent about it, it's about damn time.

edit2: apparently it has some singleplay modes after all.


X-box controller or Playstation Controller with Xinput wrapper. Avoid the Steam Controller with a 10 foot barge pole. It doesn't work out of box and any controller-enabled title that works with the 360 controller will make you go "why am I bothering with this instead of an Xinput controller" 10/10 of the time. So that leaves the ones that aren't controller enabled which is a mixed bag.

This guy is like the most consistently wrong poster I've ever seen. It's amazing.
Avoid the Steam Controller with a 10 foot barge pole. It doesn't work out of box and any controller-enabled title that works with the 360 controller will make you go "why am I bothering with this instead of an Xinput controller" 10/10 of the time.

I think you just bashed your keyboard and those words came out but you didn't really mean any of that, right?


I've been playing the hell out of Nuclear Throne, love the game.

Now I've got a taste for roguelike games. Any recommendations?

Two that I don't think have been mentioned are :

Tales of maj'eyal ( which also has a free version on here with a lot of features ) which has a LOT of content. It does look janky but the depth this game has is seriously incredible.
I actually uninstalled after a dozen hours just to stop playing.

Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche which was a part of the last humble monthly. I have now clocked more than 4 hours playing this one (in 5 days).
It is a roguelike all about climbing higher on top of tetris-like blocks in order to stay alive and avoid the ever-ascending lava.
It has some pretty cool ideas as in having to deposit gold in-session in order to keep them afterwards and ends in you rushing to deposit as much as you can before the lava catches up with you.
If you don't already own this one, check out the B/S/T thread as you can find it for a couple of bucks.


Weird question, but I heard there's a no monsters mods for Soma? I'm a huge fucking sissy when it comes to horror games, but Soma's themes sound sweet enough. Anyone have experiences playing through it?

I didn't it play it with the mod, but I did finish the main game and felt that the monsters/jumpscares were a minor element of it and mostly felt out of place. It's mostly an exploration/narrative adventure game, but there's a few "danger" sections here and there that really break up the pacing in my opinion. They feel a bit like a particular section in Ethan Carter if you played it. So I feel this game would only benefit from a no jump scares mod in my opinion.

It's kinda funny, actually: as far as I'm familiar with people's impressions in the OT and elsewhere, the game attracted a lot of Amnesia style game fans some of who actually said all the story stuff was boring and there weren't enough jump scares, while the others (like me) really enjoyed it overall and actually hated the latter aspect. There are people who like the whole package too, I'm sure. I just think that leaving those scenes out would make the game better since they leave a weird impression, like an afterthought.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


So in my quest to never finish a game I've decided to get into Dark Souls again.
Does anyone know of a guide that recommends a build (I used to be way too heavy and roll super slow) , an order of tackling areas/bosses and such stuff?
Don't want the absolute best build/boss order/secret caves or whatever, I just want to feel a bit less lost.


that's a shame

hope they do better on fig then, maybe they'll get more exposure there

That's gotta be a joke, right?

Well they are asking for $150,000 less, right?


a boss just said "playtime is over!" to sonic

can't tell if intentional.

Why are you posting about superfluous dialog in a kid's video game?

And why haven't you stopped playing the dang thing until there are more compitent fan made mods for it?


Why are you posting about superfluous dialog in a kid's video game?

And why haven't you stopped playing the dang thing until there are more compitent fan made mods for it?

he's trying to appear cool as If he wasnt loving spending time in that furry wonderland <3


That's gotta be a joke, right?

idk, every new game on fig makes the news somewhere cos fig in general is news and there's like no competition there vs hundreds of games on kickstarter

like, it's anecdotal but i never heard of the kickstarter and i already know about the fig campaign
Yea! I got my Humble Account unlocked.
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I remember during the last Steam Controller update, Valve detailed that they wanted to add hubs for non-Steam games so players could upload their controller profiles.

Has that been implemented yet?
So, the 30 minutes or so I played of Enter the Gungeon were really solid. I can't wait to try out some of the other characters and see if their differing perks or guns affect the gameplay substantially. Beat the first boss, so that's a start.

Also, this year strikes again. Another musical legend dead, this time on his 79th birthday. RIP
Merle Haggard
I remember during the last Steam Controller update, Valve detailed that they wanted to add hubs for non-Steam games so players could upload their controller profiles.

Has that been implemented yet?

you can totally use steam controller profiles on non-steam game. you need to add the shortcut to steam i believe and that should do it, or at least it does for me.

edit: mind you, im talking about games that are on steam but youre not playing the steam version, like a uplay game for example

if yorue asking about stuff like adding support for games that are completely not on steam then im not sure that stuff has bared out


X-box controller or Playstation Controller with Xinput wrapper. Avoid the Steam Controller with a 10 foot barge pole. It doesn't work out of box and any controller-enabled title that works with the 360 controller will make you go "why am I bothering with this instead of an Xinput controller" 10/10 of the time. So that leaves the ones that aren't controller enabled which is a mixed bag.

A lot of people disagree with this.

I remember during the last Steam Controller update, Valve detailed that they wanted to add hubs for non-Steam games so players could upload their controller profiles.

Has that been implemented yet?

Yes. It even works with other softwares and emulators.
I want my elite steam controller, constantly switching between the elite and steam controller and the latter is so plastically and toy like, even in comparison to non premium controllers. Still love it though.


So in my quest to never finish a game I've decided to get into Dark Souls again.
Does anyone know of a guide that recommends a build (I used to be way too heavy and roll super slow) , an order of tackling areas/bosses and such stuff?
Don't want the absolute best build/boss order/secret caves or whatever, I just want to feel a bit less lost.
some general tips. nothing really spoilery but ppl are weird about dark souls

basic stuff:
- raise endurance a bunch, best stat in the game to raise since stamina is the most important thing in the game
- vitailty is also good since more hp is always nice
- choose if you like quick or slow weapons (like rapiers vs axes) and dump points into that.
- spears are pretty good newbie weapons, got good reach and pretty decent dmg/speed
- get yourself a 100% physical block shield whenever you can. the shield drpoped by the baldur knights at the church in undead burg is a great shield that can last you most of the game
- you can get the pretty op early game drake sword by shooting the tail off the drake in undead burg with arrows (you can do that from below the bridge). a lot of ppl frown upon using this but i think it's alright
- i'm not a huge fan of magic but pyromancies are pretty great and you don't need to spec for them at all, you'll get a pyromancy flame soon enough and you can upgrade it from firelink shrine. spirit within and iron flesh are the two big ones for boss fights

early game critical path stuff:
go up the stairs to undead burg, kill all the bosses you can there until you have rang the bell and gotten the key to the depths. look around the undead burg/parish until you find where the key belongs and go down that rabbit hole until you can ring a second bell.

that'll be a big chunk of the game, come back when you're stuck after that

idk about builds but bear in mind most stats are soft capped at 40 and if you want to pvp you should stop leveling at soul level 120 so i'd dump 40 into endurance, 40 into str/dex depending which weapon you want to use (look it up on darksouls wikidot, just look for the weapon type you want, find the one you like and check its stats) and then rest into vitality

i like to point some points into faith/int cos some characters won't talk to you if you don't meet the faith/int requirements, so maybe get each to 15ish?

attunement is only needed for more spell slots so if you're gonna be a spellcaster you should get some points there, resistance is useless.


Grief being Sony plant confirmed. /s

Why would such a large company like Microsoft hire a PR agency who would botch astroturfing here almost as badly as Microsoft botched UWP?

Don't want to piss any mods of, but wouldn't it be better to tag an astroturfer account with a "Official covert representative" or "Known astroturfer, disregard any posts" tag or something like that?


Well they are asking for $150,000 less, right?

No, it was in Canadian dollars on kickstarter (Canadian developer) and its now US dollars on Fig, it's the same amount.

But now that I've posted it ín this thread everyone here will back this
eliminating the need for a violent bloodbath.

Hm. I see they're sticking to flat terrain arenas. Hopefully they'll reveal more of the game-play changes. Speaking of spoilers, there's one for the first Banner Saga in the sequel's Steam page located in it's scrolling screenshots, heh.

The top comment on that youtube trailer is also a huge spoiler.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I think you just bashed your keyboard and those words came out but you didn't really mean any of that, right?

Nope. I mean it 100%. Every game I've tried with the Steam controller (Dark Souls, Dirt, etc. etc. etc.) that has Xinput support makes me go "why am I using this instead of the PS3 controller I have two inches away?"

The Witcher 1 is the only game that I've been impressed with Steam Controller support being put in for a "formerly Keyboard and Mouse" title but even then that could've been modded with Xinput support ages ago. Just Cause 1 should work but simply doesn't no matter what config I've tried.

It's probably the biggest regret purchase of 2015 for me. I drunk Valve's kool-aid on regards to them taking the living room seriously but when I have to spend 2+ hours to make a comfortable config for something that works with a 360 controller in five minutes... that's when the "initiative" fails.

A lot of people disagree with this.

Only evangelicals that think "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" if you don't like the controller after spending 20+ hours with it like I have.

Sorry, but it's not for me. And I'm not alone in that thinking, despite a lot of folks giving it a pass without trying it. I'm one of the few that did.

Mine is sitting in that pretty blue box it came with in shame. Maybe someday the Steam community will make configs that Valve uses as defaults for various genres so I don't have to dick around with it for hours until I give up and say "yeah that's not working." But that day isn't today.


some general tips. nothing really spoilery but ppl are weird about dark souls

resistance is useless.

Remember to investors as much as you can in resistance. I'd go as far saying its essential.

Huh ok thanks for the tips. But how good is resistance after all? (or are you just kidding?)

I have
rung the first bell for sure, I'm not so sure about the second one.
I've been to the depths for sure but can't remember atm.
I think the last boss I killed was the one in a dungeon/basement in an open area with some water and it had a lot of legs and a creepy face/mouth.
But I'll get my controller back and start playing again, thanks.


Would like to recommend you check out this thread from mattp which links to a gdc talk about game preservation, emulation, legality of emulators etc.
Really interesting stuff. Doesn't focus on the technical aspect or anything.

Unrelated question:
Viewing "my posts" doesn't really show all the posts I have made? Is there a filter or something or does it just take a bit for new ones to appear there?
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