STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Not even Resident Evil is doing it for me, it's horrible.

Resident Evil 6 is working pretty well for me, each chapter is about an hour long which is how much time I have for gaming most evenings now. It's taken a while (I just finished chapter 3 of the Chris campaign after finishing Leon's, played just about every day since it launched) but it works pretty well for shorter gaming sessions.


no offense to RE games (love them myself) but play something good instead.

I never realized how reliant I am on AAA releases. It's the main thing I like to play, yet right now it's a hell of a drought.

I guess I can poke at some random stuff and see if anything sticks.

Resident Evil 6 is working pretty well for me, each chapter is about an hour long which is how much time I have for gaming most evenings now. It's taken a while (I just finished chapter 3 of the Chris campaign after finishing Leon's, played just about every day since it launched) but it works pretty well for shorter gaming sessions.

I think I'm just more burnt out on RE6 than I like to admit. I beat it on every system it's been on aside from this new release. With having played it just recently as well before the PS4/X1 release.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I think I'm just more burnt out on RE6 than I like to admit. I beat it on every system it's been on aside from this new release. With having played it just recently as well before the PS4/X1 release.

Oh, that makes sense then. I've never played it before, and I'm really enjoying it. I mostly missed the PS3/360 era of consoles so I've never played 5. I wasn't a huge RE fan back in the day anyway, the only other one I've played is 4 on Gamecube and I didn't make it very far, and the first few bits of Revelations which was (mostly) totally lost on me, story wise.

Decided "why the hell not, I'll just dive straight into 6" and while I'm sure I'm missing some of the references to previous games, I'm having fun.


I never realized how reliant I am on AAA releases. It's the main thing I like to play...


Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Day of the Tentacle, we meet again. God I love this game so much


Oh, that makes sense then. I've never played it before, and I'm really enjoying it. I mostly missed the PS3/360 era of consoles so I've never played 5. I wasn't a huge RE fan back in the day anyway, the only other one I've played is 4 on Gamecube and I didn't make it very far, and the first few bits of Revelations which was (mostly) totally lost on me, story wise.

Decided "why the hell not, I'll just dive straight into 6" and while I'm sure I'm missing some of the references to previous games, I'm having fun.

Glad you're enjoying it. The releases they're doing for consoles will be a good way to play them all even in reverse order.

I give indies and everything else a fair shake. But it takes a lot for them stick with me. Quality Middleware has basically died at this point. Most developers just don't have the budget for the kind of games I really want to see.


I never realized how reliant I am on AAA releases. It's the main thing I like to play, yet right now it's a hell of a drought.

I guess I can poke at some random stuff and see if anything sticks.

Christ sakes man, broaden your horizons :/

So many more games out there better than aaa stuff.
I've had all the free time in the world yet haven't been able to muster playing anything for more than an hour.

I've been out of the groove too. Although in my case the end of the financial year means there's more work and time is limited. I've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening, which I'm really liking a lot, but you'd never guess that from how slowly I'm going through it.


Unconfirmed Member
Day of the Tentacle, we meet again. God I love this game so much

For someone with basically no nostalgia for that title, but a general like (not love) of Adventure games, do you think that game holds up? Like if I just want to laugh at the jokes should I use a FAQ or something?


like, I have my bed next to a 40inch plugged to a PC

id play any kb/mouse game from bed (except maybe fps') on my TV with the Steam controller

idk, adventure games, strategy, fuckin papers please?

I dont like moving a cursor with a stick, not to mention most games dont allow it, so that touchpad seems cool for that
Glad you're enjoying it. The releases they're doing for consoles will be a good way to play them all even in reverse order.

I give indies and everything else a fair shake. But it takes a lot for them stick with me. Quality Middleware has basically died at this point. Most developers just don't have the budget for the kind of games I really want to see.

what genres do you play
maybe its time for a change?


Christ sakes man, broaden your horizons :/

So many more games out there better than aaa stuff.
It's not that my horizons aren't broad, I'm just too picky with what I want. I giv every game a chance. Usually.

I've been out of the groove too. Although in my case the end of the financial year means there's more work and time is limited. I've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening, which I'm really liking a lot, but you'd never guess that from how slowly I'm going through it.
I started FE:if and just fell off of it for whatever reason.

what genres do you play
maybe its time for a change?

I do a bit of everything but action/adventure games are definitely what I stick to most. You won't see me complaining about a game being linear.


The last two games I've beaten are Amplitude and Tomb Raider Go.


I've had the opposite experience with the Steam Controller I guess. I've been surprised at how many games just work straight up with it. I love having the option of tweaking it though. Xbox controller did ok but if it felt "off" in a game there was really no way to fix it.

Some games are annoying to tweak because of how they read inputs though. Like Enter the Gungeon can't be in KB+M mode at the same time as controller mode, so to use Mouse Region (like I wanted) I had to rebind the whole controller to keyboard buttons instead of controller buttons. But if I wanted it to just function as a controller it did that straight up so it's really my fault for demanding perfection.


man i should've asked someone at nuuvem

dunno if it works outside of south america but 50 bucks for the deluxe version, could've saved me 10 bucks if i waited ;_;



It's not that my horizons aren't broad, I'm just too picky with what I want. I giv every game a chance. Usually.

I started FE:if and just fell off of it for whatever reason.

I do a bit of everything but action/adventure games are definitely what I stick to most. You won't see me complaining about a game being linear.


The last two games I've beaten are Amplitude and Tomb Raider Go.
Picky? Let's not a head of ourselves. After all, you love Dino Crisis :p

Go play Quantum Break


I've had all the free time in the world yet haven't been able to muster playing anything for more than an hour.

It's always like this when ALL your time is free. My best gaming sessions are usually those happening right after a long day at the office or maybe a particularly eventful night out.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So Beamdog are removing the gamergate joke from Siege of Dragonspear (but obviously not changing the transgender NPC dialog).

Did you read the article you linked?

We’ve received feedback around Mizhena, a supporting character who reveals she is transgender. In retrospect, it would have been better served if we had introduced a transgender character with more development. This is a lesson we will be carrying forward in our development as creators and we will be improving this character in a future update.

I think this is a perfectly reasonable response from them, and I applaud them for standing behind their writing staff amidst the controversy.


Did you read the article you linked?

I think this is a perfectly reasonable response from them, and I applaud them for standing behind their writing staff amidst the controversy.

I just meant they won't be changing it to remove the transgender part.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
For someone with basically no nostalgia for that title, but a general like (not love) of Adventure games, do you think that game holds up? Like if I just want to laugh at the jokes should I use a FAQ or something?

Absolutely. Admittedly I'm as full of nostalgia for this title as you could possibly get. The game released when I was 13, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever made.

It's still fun, but probably quite hard by modern adventure game standards? I don't know, I know the game by heart after a bunch of playthroughs over the years. It has some good puzzles, and the three-time dimension puzzles felt extremely fresh at release, and still feels solid.

To me it's one of the great classical adventure games, on the same shelf as Monkey Island 2 and Grim Fandango etc.


Day of the Tentacle, we meet again. God I love this game so much

There are so many great parts to that game. One of my favorite parts was trying to get the game to recognize my Sound Blaster clone card.

Good times.

Seriously though it's a great game.
Also, the part with the stamps was probably such a great eureka moment when I was a kid

Also, that PSN remote app for PC means you can play couch co-op with your friends without having to own a PS4.

You do need to own a DS4 though.


I never realized how reliant I am on AAA releases. It's the main thing I like to play, yet right now it's a hell of a drought.
Draught, lol. I stopped giving less of a fuck about AAA in the last few years. Adventure games and isometric RPGs are basically all I play these days,with a good amount of puzzle games thrown in. (And smaller 4h-ish indies)

The only giant exception comes in the form of Witcher 3, with emphasis on GIANT. After 90 hours I still feel like there is a ton of stuff to do and the main story is just now ramping up, not coming to close like virtually any other big ass RPG.


Draught, lol. I stopped giving less of a fuck about AAA in the last few years. Adventure games and isometric RPGs are basically all I play these days,with a good amount of puzzle games thrown in. (And smaller 4h-ish indies)

The only giant exception comes in the form of Witcher 3, with emphasis on GIANT. After 90 hours I still feel like there is a ton of stuff to do and the main story is just now ramping up, not coming to close like virtually any other big ass RPG.

I should say by draught I meant of AAA that appeal to me.

Jaw just go read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7

It has techincolor dinosaurs

Whatever happened to jojo coming to PC anyway?
I forgot to mention a while back, Deus Ex: Human Revolution has broken keyboard controls. Movment is designed for a stick, giving players the option to slooowly inch forward and sneak through dangerous, mine-laden areas. Keyboard players, meanwhile, can only move at max speed and will unavoidably trigger all mines. And instead of opting to include e a simple "sneak" or "walk" key to avoid this problem, they... well, left it as it is.

It's a bit of a bummer.


Dark Souls 3 is 35€ with the coupon at nuuvem....fuck this payment location detection thing ;(

I wonder how much money this website lost overall, it was getting a bit too popular I guess.


I should say by draught I meant of AAA that appeal to me.

Whatever happened to jojo coming to PC anyway?

I keep lurking steamdb in the hopes Eyes of Heaven shows up.
The game shipped around 100K combined in Japan+Asia I think, and really a Steam release would help it gain more sales.
Mind you the new game is more single player centric, but it's JoJo so you don't really need to worry about the gameplay long as it works/runs.


man i should've asked someone at nuuvem

dunno if it works outside of south america but 50 bucks for the deluxe version, could've saved me 10 bucks if i waited ;_;

Meh, season pass standalone is actually equally expensive to Steam? Pretty weird pricing.

Standard: 39€ vs 60€ Steam
Deluxe: 55€ vs 85€ Steam
Pass: 24€ vs 25€ Steam


Can we start some kind of petition for every game that doesn't allow manual saving to do what Hyper Light Drifter does and say the time since the most recent autosave as you're about to exit? That should be some kind of core game design feature forevermore.


I would probably like some AAA games, but niche games appeal to me way more, and I don't really feel like paying full price for them, hence why I've been playing a ton of The Division.


I forgot to mention a while back, Deus Ex: Human Revolution has broken keyboard controls. Movment is designed for a stick, giving players the option to slooowly inch forward and sneak through dangerous, mine-laden areas. Keyboard players, meanwhile, can only move at max speed and will unavoidably trigger all mines. And instead of opting to include e a simple "sneak" or "walk" key to avoid this problem, they... well, left it as it is.

It's a bit of a bummer.

Unless things have changed since I played with a keyboard at initial release, you can toggle CAPS lock to switch between run and walk speed.


Soooo did Quantum Break get a Quit option/button added to it?
Cuz Guilty Gear 2 just had one in its latest update :V
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