STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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is kagamin still mad at me for kicking him from the party and killing him in the dark zone the second the kick went through? :3


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Retro Game Crunch -- MB-04F5BDB6CBF43B12 - Taken by septicore
Fine Sweeper -- MB-E13CF81D13EA4A36 - Taken by GaussTek

That's genius. I need to make this config right now.

The Red Wizard: You can assign a different set of actions to a button/pad that activates when you input a command, like a button press or a trigger pull. In this case, select the right pad and enter mode shift. From there, you can select what action activates the mode shift and what the mode shift does to the right track pad.

Thank you.

In related news, it turns out that I forgot to pre-order Dark Souls 3 from The Game Collection. Who was selling it for $40?
I'm.....not there. Sitting @ lvl 30 with a couple high ends. Dark Zone wrecks my shit regularly. Been doing the daily challenges with 3 randos, but even those take a long effing time due to basically everyone being a bullet sponge.

Crafting was all I had :p

This should still help with that. The easiest progression, to me, was to do Hard Mode missions until you have all purples. Then start doing the Challenge Mode missions for Lexington and/or Lincoln Tunnel, since these are the easiest and give an HE for sure. You can re-run them over and over; it doesn't have to be the daily, which only gives an additional amount of Phoenix Credits one time. Those Phoenix Credits, by the way, seem to be heading toward the useless department with this next patch.

Get things with +armor on them, since mitigation is obscenely strong right now. I hit the cap. I let a got take free shots at me in the Dark Zone today while I wiped off the grease from Lays chips since I'm on this gnarly unhealthy kick right now, then I healed up and killed him.

It's not that it's OP, so much as it is the hard counter to what everyone is running: glass cannons chasing that really cool high DPS number you can upload to imgur and show off.

Sounds like they are making it a little too easy to get gear now.

That's how I feel. It's getting met with a lot of fanfare, so I might be wrong. This, to me, sounds more like a death knell then something to be celebrated.

If the draw is to obsess over min/maxing, it has to be accompanied with a sense of reward. Make the chase too hard and the payoff will never feel worth it. Make the chase to easy and the payoff becomes nonexistent.


The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya

About This Game
- What is "The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya"?
This is a romance game for women, with the famous Yoshiwara pleasure districts as the setting -- but with the roles of men and women reversed!

- The Story
Deep in the center of an island lies the Yoshiwara pleasure district. Never does its beauty, nor bustling activity, wane in the slightest.
Full of doubt and wonder, which courtesan will you have chosen by the end of a seemingly endless night?



it doesn't have like mindblowing good graphics but i love the look of the pathologic remake

lots of texture and personality in each object and i'm generally a fan of drab, brown and generally bleak art direction when it's this confident

also it feels like the game is in a super strong direction, i think i'm gonna try to up my pledge to contribute to them reaching their last goal before they set up production for good. like, lucid dreaming is just 3k away
By the way, new Endless Legend is out now with a 25% launch discount. Base game and all other DLC is on sale too. Whole package minus the Shifters expansion out today for a little over $20.

Might make a topic in gaming side when I get home.


i really wish steam would stop pestering me about VR this, VR that... It is getting annoying. Like my explore queue was all VR games.. geez..


So, I completed I am Alive and...I did not like it.
The game is not BAD, the idea behind is really good and unexplored, but there are just too many issues, expecially in the version I played (PS3):

-when you are in the dust, you see nothing. Zero. Nada. And later in the game, the background turns into a blurry mess, very very hard to navigate for me- The whole "walk around and climb on something to avoid to die" could be right, but it's just boring, expecially when you pass the same location for the forth time. Yeah, later the game will give you a mask, but it's too late when that happens, since the end of the game is like one hours away.
-backtracking. Man, how much backtracking in this game. Go here, do that, go back. Again and again. I was so tired to pass the same location.
-the fight system. Wait for a dude to come near you, kill him with your machete, point your gun to the other dudes if they have no firegun, otherwise take out enemies with a gun first, and kill the other people later. You get also a bow with ONE, I repeat, ONE arrow. During the end of the game you get ANOTHER arrow, but it's useless, since you managed to do well with one arrow until that moment. Fire an enemy with your arrow, take it from his body, repeat. Yeah, there are some enemies with armor, but they are slow so they can't really be a problem, just aim for their heads. Boring.
-saving survivors. Really, This is basically the collectible part of the game. Survivors are collectible, with the only purpose to give you a retry. But way too often you will die trying to save one, because maybe there's an ambush or something like that. So to save one dude you spend one retry just to gain another. Pointless. It's not always like this, of course, but often it is. Also in order to save them you need to spend your resources, making the game difficult.
-platforming sections. They are terrible. On PS3 controls sometimes screw up and the character won't jump, making you run out of stamina (the "charged" jump). If you didn't find a rock nail in some istances you are done, because usually when the game provides you one, you will NEED it. The layout is confusing too often, and the fact if you are running out of stamina your bar will decrease (and you need to spend items to make it normal again) is awful.
-the retry thing. If you run out of retries, you will need to start that chapter all over again. It didn't happen to me, I was near during the chapter in which you need to recover the medicine for the kid because I kept dying on a platforming section, but in the end I managed to do it. I just find stupid this mechanic, at least implement it only on the higher difficulty setting.
-the plot:
you pass the whole game looking for your wife and daughter. In the beginning you see a girl looking the video you recorded, so is that you daughter? I supposed so, but the game never clear that. Ok, I reach the end of the game and this girl is crying, turning off the video. I can see the stuff of my character on a table the bow, the backpack etc, so...what happened? Is the girl the daughter of my character, who died in some ways? Maybe turning old, since she is not a kid anymore? Is the girl a random girl who found my character, he died for some reasons, and she looked at the videos? The game tells you nothing. What a waste of time.
Game with a great potential turned into a mediocre product for dumb choices and the fact Ubisoft never patched out some issues, polishing the game.
Direct2Drive has a 30% off coupon active until tomorrow I believe


It doesn't work on every game (dunno which ones are excluded)....but it does work on The Banner Saga 2 to make it $12.59 so it's worth a shot seeing what else it works on


Man I suck at Valkyria Chronicles V_V

The levels at this point are taking me literally hours to complete ;_;
I'll never get this finished in time for DS3 on Tuesday =/


So, I completed I am Alive and...I did not like it.
The game is not BAD, the idea behind is really good and unexplored, but there are just too many issues, expecially in the version I played (PS3):

yeah, i think the game was underbudgeted and scaled down and it ends up in a weird spot of having too much budget to "just" make a this war of mine kind of thing, while not having enough to actually pull off what it's trying to do

but i'm with you on the ideas front, the game had a ton of potential

A shame that is the method that has the most revenue by far.

don't be mistaken, that's just a dumb survey

obviously ppl prefer the method that doesn't involve spending money

doesn't mean it's the most lucrative (it could be, but no info about that on the page)


Guys I'm trying to use my Steam controller with Mad Max, the mouse option does not work at the same time as the controller and the mouse joystick has doesn't allow me to up the sensitivity. Anything I can do?


Fallout 4 just won best game at video game BAFTAs


For as esteemed as the BAFTAs are, their taste in games has almost always been crap
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