STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i've made profiles for my games before, it's like a 5 minute process at the most.

No it isn't. Not when you have mode-shifting, controller-deadzone/etc. etc. etc. menu options and you have no clue what works for you and you just want something that lets you use a 360 controller-like experience in games that don't have that function and could possibly work with it (see: Just Cause 1, The Witcher, etc. etc. etc. adventure games that aren't RTS or require massive mouse-pointer movements).

This comment thread on /r/SteamController also shows another problem (the parent isn't really related but you can "context" to see the parent thread). The games that do have thousands of options (Dark Souls 2 in your example) have a bunch that either simply don't work for your play style that are massively popular or none and you have no idea because there's no filters.

Throw in Big Picture Mode being a requirement to adjust configs (which they somewhat fixed AFAIK but still need to dive into Big Picture Mode in the first place to get the controller up/running) and other factors and it's really hard to recommend the Steam controller for someone that simply doesn't want to have to dick around for an hour and wants to get up and going within five minutes.



Return On Investment: Wings of Freedom?
No it isn't. Not when you have mode-shifting, controller-deadzone/etc. etc. etc. menu options and you have no clue what works for you and you just want something that lets you use a 360 controller-like experience in games that don't have that function and could possibly work with it (see: Just Cause 1, The Witcher, etc. etc. etc. adventure games that aren't RTS or require massive mouse-pointer movements).

This comment thread on /r/SteamController also shows another problem (the parent isn't really related but you can "context" to see the parent thread). The games that do have thousands of options (Dark Souls 2 in your example) have a bunch that either simply don't work for your play style that are massively popular or none and you have no idea because there's no filters.

Throw in Big Picture Mode being a requirement to adjust configs (which they somewhat fixed AFAIK but still need to dive into Big Picture Mode in the first place to get the controller up/running) and other factors and it's really hard to recommend the Steam controller for someone that simply doesn't want to have to dick around for an hour and wants to get up and going within five minutes.
I dont think this pad was ever sold as that, though. I wouldn't recommend this pad to a casual person looking to play controller games on PC, either. for that, i would push an xinput pad.

It really depends on what you want out of PC gaming. this isn't meant to replace the m&kb combo for those who still PC game in front of a monitor on a desk. It's really for people who love controller gaming and are willing to tinker around a bit to get it going on just about anything if it comes to that.

Lucky for me, nothing that i've played so far has required more than a couple of minutes of messing around, and that includes everything from games with zero controller support, games with limited controller support, and games with full controller support. I just haven't run into any hour long missions trying to get something to work but maybe I'm just not that picky about getting my configuration perfectly right?

I do agree that there needs to be a better filtering system for profiles but i'd say that 100% of the time you'll find something that works for you in the initial 3 or so configs that show up anyhow.

it almost seems like the things that are actually positives for the controller you view as negatives. and it's a weird sentiment, like i've said before the occasional hostility coming from some PC gamers regarding the Steam controller is really strange given that just about any PC gamer will tell you that they like the platform because it offers more options and is flexible compared to consoles and such. This controller doesn't hurt anyone by existing so seeing people out and out hate on it seems a bit much, even if you just think the pad isn't for you. PC gaming is better for another decent input option.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I dont think this pad was ever sold as that, though. I wouldn't recommend this pad to a casual person looking to play controller games on PC, either. for that, i would push an xinput pad.

Valve's whole initiative is to get "formerly console-only folks onto PC and make them comfortable." This means a Linux (er-"SteamOS" *gag at rebrandings*) fork that boots into Big Picture Mode (*gag*) automatically to make it similar to the X-box 720 or Playstation 4's menu/home-screen (good idea, but bad practice right now with the many issues of BPM. But that's another topic).

The Steam Controller is branded as a "bridge between console-games (Xinput) and PC-only titles (Keyboard and Mouse)." But it fails at that drawing in console-only or console-like experience users in having that "out of the box/ready to go" ability. That's where I (and Jshackles I guess) get completely turned off. Which leads to your next point:

It's really for people who love controller gaming and are willing to tinker around a bit to get it going on just about anything if it comes to that.

"It's for people that want to tinker!" So then it completely fails at what 90% (being generous on giving 9% to tinkerers) of consumers want: An out-of-box minimal configuration needed option to bridge the gap between console and PC like Valve hyped it to be. Hmmm.... *scratches imaginary beard* I wonder why some folks don't really recommend it despite trying it and hoping it would be what Valve said it'd be.

Note: That's not to say that the tinkering is bad. It's not. That's the beauty of the controller and I don't want to take that away from folks that enjoy that. But for Joe Sixpack consumer (which I'm lumping myself into because I don't want to have to dive through menus to find a comfortable config) it fails. But if you say that in so many words, you get defensive people like Grief that go "NO UR DOIN IT RONG" instead of seeing that there is issues with the controller.

Maybe I shouldn't be so hostile toward it, but it's one of the many numerous things that Valve has tried, throws out to the community and expects the community to pick up the slack. Which, for me, makes me pissed. I (and the community) shouldn't have to pick up the slack for their initiatives. Just IMO.


Honestly I CBA to setup something for every game I want to play. Sure its done once set, but me? Nah I will always change something or tweak something if given the chance. It is why I have 75 hours in Skyrim. 8 of those were playing.

I also CBA to shift through a bunch of pre-made by other people cause it sure won't fit me.

I can't even buy a steam controller here in my region


The Steam Controller worked just fine for any modern game I played without any tinkering. Something like AC: Syndicate didn't have support for it, but I just picked the third-person action game profile and it functioned perfectly.

Then, because it's a steam controller, I found a custom profile that made parkour work entirely with triggers which made playing the game 10 times nicer


trilogy doesn't even come with hitman 1

sooo okay to skip...?
Or do I buy a ps2 copy :x

Honestly, just play Hitman: Contracts instead - it's basically the first game on a new engine minus a few missions (and those missing are hardly the best).


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
it almost seems like the things that are actually positives for the controller you view as negatives. and it's a weird sentiment, like i've said before the occasional hostility coming from some PC gamers regarding the Steam controller is really strange given that just about any PC gamer will tell you that they like the platform because it offers more options and is flexible compared to consoles and such. This controller doesn't hurt anyone by existing so seeing people out and out hate on it seems a bit much, even if you just think the pad isn't for you. PC gaming is better for another decent input option.

I don't think anyone here is saying that we wished the Steam controller didn't exist. The PC platform is about options and finding something that works for you. A lot of people really love the Steam controller. But I agree completely with TheSeks on this one, it's being marketed as a "play all your games that don't support controllers!" without really letting people know that *initial configuration might take minutes or hours, depending on the popularity/obscurity of said game.

I also agree that it's difficult to recommend to people. Usually when someone here asks for a controller recommendation (like what kicked this convo off yesterday) I'll say something along the lines of "you might look into the Steam controller, a lot of people like it but it's not for everyone" and leave it at that.
trilogy doesn't even come with hitman 1

sooo okay to skip...?
Or do I buy a ps2 copy :x


Honestly, just play Hitman: Contracts instead - it's basically the first game on a new engine minus a few missions (and those missing are hardly the best).
this. The first game was really rough even when it came out and the series didn't take off until Hitman 2. Contracts takes all of the best mission in Hitman 1 and remakes them, along with a few new missions of its own. Just skip hitman 1, you really aren't missing much at all.


good morning peoples

i didn't know they made salmon empanadas, but here i am eating them

good news about enhanced steam+firefox

the old version works fine on firefox but it'd be nice to see some nice new things cos new stuff is nice

5 days to dark souls



Oh, I just checked Enhanced Steam and I've learned it's a browser addon. That's why you were ranting about the Steam Guard thing. I use the program whenever I want to buy or browse through Steam.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Oh, I just checked Enhanced Steam and I've learned it's a browser addon. That's why you were ranting about the Steam Guard thing. I use the program whenever I want to buy or browse through Steam.



Oh, I forgot! here are my 3 $10 off codes for the Consortium 2 crowdfunding campaign :)

Huh, I almost missed that this is a thing. Here are mine, as well:

up to $10 off of the $50 CONSORTIUM ROOK Bundle or higher by using single use codes in these links (their discount is applied in the second step of the pledge flow with an automatically selected discount Extra under the Bundle)


I'm pretty sure Enhanced Steam is the only reason I ever buy games off of Steam at all anymore. Otherwise I'd just get keys from third parties. Steam as a storefront is... lacking.


Honestly, just play Hitman: Contracts instead - it's basically the first game on a new engine minus a few missions (and those missing are hardly the best).


this. The first game was really rough even when it came out and the series didn't take off until Hitman 2. Contracts takes all of the best mission in Hitman 1 and remakes them, along with a few new missions of its own. Just skip hitman 1, you really aren't missing much at all.

Yeah see above, Hitman 1 just plain isn't worth the time

Thanks guys. Will either play the HD collection on my PS3 or just buy hitman 2 on PC, I think it's the only one I don't have on steam.

That'll be a summer thing though.
To the folks who were mildly curious about the Division's crafting changes (and subsequent outrage, particularly on reddit, which is more prominent than the game's own forums...)

Here are the accompanying changes:

  • Increase drop rates of High-End items on named NPCs (100% drop rate, actually)
  • Increase drop rates of Division Tech, to make it less of a bottleneck than it currently is
  • Modify loot tables for each named NPC, to make the hunt for loot more controlled
  • Increase conversion costs of lower quality materials to high quality ones, making it harder to convert low quality materials into high quality ones
  • Decrease construction yields, making it less interesting to farm lower quality items in order to obtain crafting materials, and because you’ll get more High-End items as a whole
  • Increase cost of crafting High-End items, because High-End materials will be much easier to come by

EDIT: Here's the actual link if you'd like to check it out. But be warned, that is one of the most eye-offensive fonts I've ever seen. I need a dim room and some Tylenol after that.
To the folks who were mildly curious about the Division's crafting changes (and subsequent outrage, particularly on reddit, which is more prominent than the game's own forums...)

Here are the accompanying changes:

  • Increase drop rates of High-End items on named NPCs (100% drop rate, actually)
  • Increase drop rates of Division Tech, to make it less of a bottleneck than it currently is
  • Modify loot tables for each named NPC, to make the hunt for loot more controlled
  • Increase conversion costs of lower quality materials to high quality ones, making it harder to convert low quality materials into high quality ones
  • Decrease construction yields, making it less interesting to farm lower quality items in order to obtain crafting materials, and because you’ll get more High-End items as a whole
  • Increase cost of crafting High-End items, because High-End materials will be much easier to come by

EDIT: Here's the actual link if you'd like to check it out. But be warned, that is one of the most eye-offensive fonts I've ever seen. I need a dim room and some Tylenol after that.

I can't parse that out because i haven't played the game but i'm guessing they either made the grind worse or made end game items harder to come by or both

They basically nerfed crafting all together meaning the grind to get High End is now more real than ever.

Fuck that.

most games soften the grind over time, it's kinda crazy that they intensified it instead.

I'm guessing that there are some microtransactions they want you to consider instead?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
They basically nerfed crafting all together meaning the grind to get High End is now more real than ever.

Fuck that.

I played for about 2 hours (thanks Redbox) and even in that amount of time I could already tell it was going to be a slog. I can't imagine trying to make it to the end-game content. I guess some people like that kinda stuff though.
I can't parse that out because i haven't played the game but i'm guessing they either made the grind worse or made end game items harder to come by or both

most games soften the grind over time, it's kinda crazy that they intensified it instead.

I'm guessing that there are some microtransactions they want you to consider instead?

Not really. They actually upped the rate for High End item drops by a ton. I'm guessing that's why crafting will be nerfed, since they want people to get High End stuff doing missions and killing bosses instead of just grinding a particular instance and using the materials from that to craft things.
Not really. They actually upped the rate for High End item drops by a ton. I'm guessing that's why crafting will be nerfed, since they want people to get High End stuff doing missions and killing bosses instead of just grinding a particular instance and using the materials from that to craft things.

well, on paper that sounds better. So what's the issue then?


I was looking up The Binding of Isaac and saw there were 2 versions. Is The Binding of Isaac worth getting or should I go straight for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth?

Go for Rebirth at this point. The only thing that the original has over Rebirth is that, for some inexplicable reason, they changed the soundtrack from the sublime DannyB (also known for Super Meat Boy and Crypt of the Necrodancer) music to some generic garbage in Rebirth. Some of the songs added in Afterbirth are a bit better, but I found the music to be a complete downgrade.
They basically nerfed crafting all together meaning the grind to get High End is now more real than ever.

Fuck that.

But with this, they're adding guaranteed High End drops from all named level 30+ enemies. Each person will have a set loot table, so you can farm guys that drop the specific pieces you may be missing.

Given how many of those named characters exist and how quickly they respawn in some areas of the Dark Zone, they seem to be swinging in the exact opposite direction. This appears to be too far and might render crafting basically obsolete.

I'll be swimming in High Ends since I'm at the point where I can solo a circuit of Level 31 enemies in the Dark Zone that takes me through 4 named bosses that respawn so quickly that, by the time I finish the 4th, I can start back on the 1st again.

well, on paper that sounds better. So what's the issue then?

The issue was the initial patch notes, which didn't include this updated information that I'm sure the devs totally didn't just pull out their ass as a stop-gap due to how badly received the changes were. Deservingly so. The changes were really, really fucking bad.


Quick giveaway from my Square bundle.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (zewone, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

QUANTUM CONUNDRUM -- MB-CBA13D8BC0813513 - Taken by Saty. 3 entrants total.



Such a shame Salsa got banned. Otherwise, I would post a screenshot of me finishing Enter the Gungeon just for bragging rights. But I'll just post it in the OT of the game.

Also, happy birthday zkylon.


Okay, HL2 Ep 1 is next on my list of short games until DS3 I guess.
*Might play through it today, I have a ton of hw I'm still suffering through.

EDIT: Here's the actual link if you'd like to check it out. But be warned, that is one of the most eye-offensive fonts I've ever seen. I need a dim room and some Tylenol after that.

It can't be that ba-

What the hell am I looking at

The official Dark Souls Twitter is learning from Sonics twitter i see.
In love.
But with this, they're adding guaranteed High End drops from all named level 30+ enemies. Each person will have a set loot table, so you can farm guys that drop the specific pieces you may be missing.

Given how many of those named characters exist and how quickly they respawn in some areas of the Dark Zone, they seem to be swinging in the exact opposite direction. This appears to be too far and might render crafting basically obsolete.

I'll be swimming in High Ends since I'm at the point where I can solo a circuit of Level 31 enemies in the Dark Zone that takes me through 4 named bosses that respawn so quickly that, by the time I finish the 4th, I can start back on the 1st again.


The issue was the initial patch notes, which didn't include this updated information that I'm sure the devs totally didn't just pull out their ass as a stop-gap due to how badly received the changes were. Deservingly so. The changes were really, really fucking bad.

Indeed. I'm glad that they didn't ignore the community's feedback on this, though their response time on a game breaking bug has been awful (the backpack bug, which has been affecting players since launch and won't be fixed until the 1.1 patch, probably because they don't want to cert two patches when they can just cert one)


I downloaded Enhanced Steam to try it and see how it is. It's okay I guess, not that I use the browser a lot for Steam.
Holly shit, Stardew Valley is 4€ in Russia!
I downloaded Enhanced Steam to try it and see how it is. It's okay I guess, not that I use the browser a lot for Steam.
Holly shit, Stardew Valley is 4€ in Russia!

Don't get too excited, we can't get stuff from Russia anymore :(

(unless you are Russian, of course)
But with this, they're adding guaranteed High End drops from all named level 30+ enemies. Each person will have a set loot table, so you can farm guys that drop the specific pieces you may be missing.

Given how many of those named characters exist and how quickly they respawn in some areas of the Dark Zone, they seem to be swinging in the exact opposite direction. This appears to be too far and might render crafting basically obsolete.

I'll be swimming in High Ends since I'm at the point where I can solo a circuit of Level 31 enemies in the Dark Zone that takes me through 4 named bosses that respawn so quickly that, by the time I finish the 4th, I can start back on the 1st again.


The issue was the initial patch notes, which didn't include this updated information that I'm sure the devs totally didn't just pull out their ass as a stop-gap due to how badly received the changes were. Deservingly so. The changes were really, really fucking bad.

Sounds like they are making it a little too easy to get gear now.


For whatever reason, the following DLC packs appear on Steamspy:

[*]Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening DLC Pack    189,048 ±10,338
[*]Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic DLC Pack       163,989 ±9,629
[*]Crazy Machines 2: Invaders From Space, 2nd Wave DLC         20,016 ±3,365
[*]The Secret of Tremendous Corporation: DLC          2,817 ±1,262
[*]Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO BattleMat Multi-Player DLC        10,972 ±2,491
But with this, they're adding guaranteed High End drops from all named level 30+ enemies. Each person will have a set loot table, so you can farm guys that drop the specific pieces you may be missing.

Given how many of those named characters exist and how quickly they respawn in some areas of the Dark Zone, they seem to be swinging in the exact opposite direction. This appears to be too far and might render crafting basically obsolete.

I'll be swimming in High Ends since I'm at the point where I can solo a circuit of Level 31 enemies in the Dark Zone that takes me through 4 named bosses that respawn so quickly that, by the time I finish the 4th, I can start back on the 1st again.

I'm.....not there. Sitting @ lvl 30 with a couple high ends. Dark Zone wrecks my shit regularly. Been doing the daily challenges with 3 randos, but even those take a long effing time due to basically everyone being a bullet sponge.

Crafting was all I had :p

The official Dark Souls Twitter is learning from Sonics twitter i see.



But with this, they're adding guaranteed High End drops from all named level 30+ enemies. Each person will have a set loot table, so you can farm guys that drop the specific pieces you may be missing.

Given how many of those named characters exist and how quickly they respawn in some areas of the Dark Zone, they seem to be swinging in the exact opposite direction. This appears to be too far and might render crafting basically obsolete.

I'll be swimming in High Ends since I'm at the point where I can solo a circuit of Level 31 enemies in the Dark Zone that takes me through 4 named bosses that respawn so quickly that, by the time I finish the 4th, I can start back on the 1st again.


The issue was the initial patch notes, which didn't include this updated information that I'm sure the devs totally didn't just pull out their ass as a stop-gap due to how badly received the changes were. Deservingly so. The changes were really, really fucking bad.

DZ is going to be full of rogues and hackers though. There's no reason not to go rogue anymore, not when the exp penalty is so low and everyone will have HE in their backpacks.

Plus you know there will be a lot of hackers because of the supply drops.

Best place to farm would be CM. Lexington or Russian Consulate.
To the folks who were mildly curious about the Division's crafting changes (and subsequent outrage, particularly on reddit, which is more prominent than the game's own forums...)

Here are the accompanying changes:

  • Increase drop rates of High-End items on named NPCs (100% drop rate, actually)
  • Increase drop rates of Division Tech, to make it less of a bottleneck than it currently is
  • Modify loot tables for each named NPC, to make the hunt for loot more controlled
  • Increase conversion costs of lower quality materials to high quality ones, making it harder to convert low quality materials into high quality ones
  • Decrease construction yields, making it less interesting to farm lower quality items in order to obtain crafting materials, and because you’ll get more High-End items as a whole
  • Increase cost of crafting High-End items, because High-End materials will be much easier to come by

EDIT: Here's the actual link if you'd like to check it out. But be warned, that is one of the most eye-offensive fonts I've ever seen. I need a dim room and some Tylenol after that.
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