Day 3 votes
sorian (1)
pop-o-matic 1934 (1993)
gryvan 2205
launchpadmcq (0)
ty4on 1990 (2178)
ty4on (1)
launchpadmcq 1939 (2031)
coppanuva 2288
coppanuva (3)
xamtheking 2030
ty4on 2178
absolutbro 2287
el topo (1)
ty4on 1989 (1990)
pop-o-matic 1993
karkador (0)
launchpadmcq 2031 (2169)
weemadarthur 2042 (2218)
camjo-z 2050 (2213)
gryvan (4)
launchpadmcq 2197
fireblend 2207
camjo-z 2213
weemadarthur 2240
Why did the owl like coding? Because of the bugs!(1)
8 votes are needed for majority!
sorian (1)
gryvan 2205
launchpadmcq (0)
ty4on (1)
coppanuva 2288
coppanuva (3)
xamtheking 2030
ty4on 2178
absolutbro 2287
el topo (1)
pop-o-matic 1993
karkador (0)
gryvan (4)
launchpadmcq 2197
fireblend 2207
camjo-z 2213
weemadarthur 2240
Why did the owl like coding? Because of the bugs!(1)
8 votes are needed for majority!