Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!




Developer: French Bread
Publisher: Arc System Works
Platform: PC
Genre: 2D Fighting
Release Date: April 19th, 2016

Where To Purchase:
Steam @ $24.99 (with a 20% launch discount)

Official Site:

Other Resources: (English wiki for the game) (searchable match video database) (game forums)


This is the full roster of playable characters in Melty Blood: Actress Again: Current Code. Click on a character’s portrait to be taken to their wiki page.









  • Controls


    MBAACC is a five-button game, although you only need to use four of them. A, B and C are attacks (escalating in strength) and D is to shield (similar to parries). E (or Q) is used as a shortcut button, which can be used instead of some multi-button commands for things like heat activation and throws.

    All inputs given are assuming the player is on the left (player 1 side), facing right.​
  • The Moon System

    Each character in MBAACC can be played in one of three moon phases, which change both the core system mechanics you play with (universally) and certain normals and specials (on a per-character basis). It's similar to variants in Mortal Kombat X, but the changes are even more drastic in Melty. The system descriptions below will explain the system mechanic differences between each moon phase.

    Crescent moon is the standard style, based on the mechanics of the previous Melty Blood games. Half moon is similar to Crescent but with some adjustments that were designed to make the game easier to play (by having to worry about fewer options), but it also reduces flexibility for characters in this mode (automatic circuit sparks in particular can be very hazardous). Examples of these changes include some mechanics, such as heat mode and circuit sparks activating automatically under certain conditions instead of being player controlled. Another would be the removal of EX Guard and instead giving the player a longer guard bar (easier for new players to deal with, but it can make certain guard break setups impossible to avoid). Full moon is a more drastic change, where even the chaining system follows a more conventional method (where you can only chain attacks into the same strength or a higher one) and offensive flow is more similar to what you would find in games like Guilty Gear or BlazBlue.

    For those of you that would like to see the differences in video form, Curbeh made a video going over the various moon phases Melty Blood uses, their features and their differences.​

Meter Mechanics
  • Magic Circuit

    Melty Blood's term for super meter, you accumulate this via interactions with your opponent and use it for various purposes -- things like EX mode, heat activations, arc drives, shield bunkers, and so on.

    Crescent and Full moon characters cap at 300% magic circuit, whereas Half moon characters start at 200%. Full moon characters can actually charge meter on the ground in neutral by pressing A+B+C.​
  • Max Mode

    When you reach your meter limit of 300% in Crescent and Full moon, your meter will be at Max. It then slowly starts draining, but any meter usage drains the Max meter instead of your normal magic circuit. You can also spend your Max meter and a portion of your magic circuit to do your character's Arc Drive. You also have the option of spending all of your Max meter and all of your magic circuit to Circuit Spark.

    Letting Max mode run out naturally returns Crescent characters to 200% magic circuit and Full moon characters return to 100% magic circuit.

    Half moon characters do not have Max mode.​
  • Heat and Blood Heat

    When at 100% magic circuit or more, Crescent and Full moon characters can activate Heat mode. This converts their meter into Heat meter, which acts like Max mode but you also regenerate life while in this mode. The heat activation is fully invincible, unblockable and will blow opponents away on hit so it can be used as a universal reversal. However, most characters have a very small hitbox so it can be easily baited (and it can also be clashed or shielded).

    Crescent moon characters regenerate life slowly when in Heat -- but the clock is stopped while Heat is active for Crescent and Half moon characters. Crescent moon characters also get a small damage and defense buff while in Heat and Blood Heat, because this game didn't have enough obscure mechanics. Full characters regain all of their life at once and their heat mode will not stop the clock.

    Half moon characters automatically activate Heat at 200% meter and automatically regenerate life (even in the middle of a blockstring or a combo, but not while being comboed).​
  • Guard Meter And Guard Quality

    While not a meter you can expend normally, it is important. Your guard meter functions like it does in most fighting games -- as you block, the meter drains and if it empties out, you are blown out of blockstun and are open to being hit. Guard quality is a mechanic unique to Melty Blood and dictates how quickly your guard bar empties. It’s denoted by the color of the guard bar (it goes from dark blue (normal) to dark red (4x guard damage)). Your guard quality goes down whenever you shield without catching an attack or when you dodge, and goes back up slowly over time.

    Guard meter regenerates by two ways: either by being out of blockstun for a period of time or by EX guarding while in blockstun. Half-moon characters can not EX guard but instead get a guard meter that goes down at roughly two-thirds the rate of other moons.​

Basic Mechanics

If you would rather see a lot of this information in a video, Curbeh made a video several years back explaining Melty Blood's basic mechanics. While it was originally made for the PS2 release of Melty Blood: Actress Again most of the information there is still applicable today.

  • Guard: ← (high and in the air) and ↙ (low)
    Same blocking system as you will see in nearly another 2D fighting game. Hold back to block high (for jump-ins and overheads) and hold down-back to block low.

    Air blocking works against all air attacks, but most grounded attacks will break your guard. Be careful when recovering in the air near opponents on the ground!

    This game does also offer cross-up protection, so you generally want to block opposite the way you are facing even on a very deep jump-in. However, this does not activate when getting up off the ground until you are up and some setups can defeat this protection.​
  • EX guard: Tap ← (high and in the air) and ↙ (low) right before you get hit.
    Similar to instant block in Guilty Gear, you will flash gold when this happens, recover slightly faster from blockstun (two frames), and you will recover some guard meter in the process (very important if you're about to get guard broken).

    Half moon characters can not EX guard, but instead have 50% more guard meter.​
  • Shield: D (standing), ↙+D (crouching) or D (in the air)

    This is a universal parry mechanic in the game, which will negate any attack and give you a small window of time to counterattack. The parries are the same, but what you can do after them varies depending on the moon phase you are using. Crescent moon characters can follow up with any normal or special, whereas Full moon characters can only do special attacks or a unique shield counter attack (only available after a successful shield), performed by inputting 214D after the shield is hit. Half-moon characters automatically counterattack after a small delay, but these attacks are more likely to be defensed due to the delay.​
  • Jump: ↖, ↑ or ↗ (ground or air)

    Air movement is extremely important in Melty -- so every character has the option to jump and double jump in the air. It also does not matter if you dashed in any direction beforehand -- you can still jump and air jump in any direction.

    Jumps straight up (neutral jumps) do provide for a small degree of directional influence (done by holding forward or back after jumping straight up), which allows for additional movement vectors.​
  • Super Jump: ↓, then ↑ or ↗ (ground or air (u/f only))

    Similar to jumps, except they go much further (at the cost of more initial startup) and they can not be done backwards. Up-forward super jumps can be done in the air, as well.​
  • Dash/Run →,→ or →+A+B (air and ground)

    Allows you to approach your opponent quickly. Some characters dash forward on the ground, some characters have a run instead. Some characters even change depending on the moon phase you pick. Everyone can dash in the air as well. Moves and jumps out of a dash/run conserve momentum, so they can also be used to extend ranges.

    Unlike most fighting games in the anime subgenre, air dashes are available even if you already jumped in the air.​
  • Back Dash - ←,← or ←+A+B

    Backdashes in this game have a ton of invincibility frames (they make SF4's backdashes look like SF5's), so they are useful for getting out of a bad spot. Not very effective in the corner, though. Air backdashes do not have invincibility.​
  • Dodge - ↓+A+B or ↓+E

    Similar to a stationary dodge in the Super Smash Bros. games or some KOF games, this lets you avoid stationary attacks. However, they do have a fair amount of recovery so they can not be used to avoid anything other than attacks with a ton of recovery. Dodges can be done in the air and carry a couple of interesting properties, as they will alter your current trajectory (but not completely negate it).

    Full moon characters can not dodge.​
  • Throws - →+A+D or →+E (forward) or ←+A+D or ←+E (backwards) (ground and air)

    Ground throws are quick but are relatively low damage and are generally used to help break an opponent's defense. Just be aware that they tend to have fairly short range. Most throws can have the direction the opponent is thrown in controlled, which is helpful for optimal positioning. Air throws always knock down, and if you did not combo into the air throw, you can actually follow up with a combo. (You'll know if this is the case as your character will flash gold.)

    Ground throws can be broken, but the timing window is very short (four frames). Air throws can not be broken at all.​
  • Recovery/Tech/Ukemi - Press A/B/C in the air, ←/↑/→ when touching the ground

    Air and ground recovery let you recover from hits in the air and avoid soft knockdowns when hitting the ground. When recovering in the air you can hold left or right to influence the direction of the recovery. Air techs are safe, but be aware that ground techs do have a point (exactly one frame) where you can be hit before you can start blocking, so ground techs can be baited and punished.

    This game does not have tech buffering -- you need to time them (or mash them out).​
  • Damage reduction -- Press A/B/C when being hit

    If you push a button the moment you get hit, you will reduce the damage done by that hit by about 30%. This can be done for every hit in a combo, but the timing window is tight. You will know you succeeded when you see "Success" and a blue flash in the low corner of your side of the screen, and a red "Failed" message if your timing was slightly off. There is no penalty for failing (other than not being able to reduce damage on that hit) and you should be pushing buttons in case your opponent mistimes an input.​
  • Shield Bunkers -- ↓↙←+D while in blockstun (cost 50 to 100 meter)

    These are similar to guard cancel attacks in other games, such as alpha counters or dead angles. In Crescent and Full moon they cost 50 meter but only have invincibility if the start-up of the bunker (which you see as a white flash, looking like a normal shield) catches an attack. Otherwise you can be hit out of it. Half moon characters have shield bunkers that cost 100 meter but are fully strike invincible and are even safe on block (but they can be thrown).​
  • Circuit Spark -- A+B+C or E while being hit or blocking (costs all Max meter (or 200% meter/Heat for Half))

    Melty Blood's equivalent of a burst -- they cost all of your meter but are very fast and are unblockable, so normal burst baits will not work. However, the effective range on them is rather small (especially in the air) so there are ways to bait them, either with hard reads (such as jump cancels and shield cancels) or setups (with projectiles, disjoint hitboxes, etc.)

    Half-moon has automated bursts. If you are in Heat and get hit clean (it does not activate on trades), you will burst automatically. This can be useful but it can also be a liability, since you can eat a stray air hit, end up bursting (and missing) and then getting thrown out of the burst recovery (which then leads to a full combo). You can also elect to burst at 200% meter if you reach that point while being comboed (you don't need to wait to go into Heat in that instance).​
  • EX moves -- most special motions + C (cost 100 meter)

    Similar to Darkstalkers games, you can get enhanced versions of moves at the cost of some meter. What changes is specific to the move, but they typically do more damage and give additional options on hit. They can commonly be used to extend combos and add damage, but some can also allow for additional zoning and space control options. It really depends on the character’s specific options and properties, so experiment.​
  • Arc Drive and Blood Heat Arc Drive -- ←↙↓↘→C (cost all of your Max/Heat/Blood Heat meter)

    This is a special super (the input is the same for everyone) that exists outside of a character's normal special and EX moves. Arc Drives can only be done while in Max or Heat mode, and Blood Heat Arc Drives can only be done while in Blood Heat. The damage and utility of each arc drive can vary greatly depending on the character.​
  • Last Arc -- Shield while in Blood Heat (costs all of your Blood Heat meter)

    This is a super that comes out when you shield an attack while in Blood Heat. These are fully invincible and generally do a ton of damage (although it does scale with the amount of Blood Heat time remaining), but are only possible during Blood Heat (which means people are going to look to punish shields more) and some can be evaded via other means (such as activating the move with an attack outside of Last Arc’s hitbox, or by canceling into an invincible attack upon activation).​



  • General Theory

    There's effectively two phases to a given round in Melty Blood. The first is in what is commonly called neutral, where neither player is either directly forcing a situation or is forced into one. There is a lot of maneuvering for position, trying to get into spaces and vectors that are advantageous for your character. This is due to how any single hit in the ground or in the air can possibly lead to a full combo followed by a knockdown, where the advantageous player then has additional leverage. In particular, any counter hit in the air results in a stun that is unrecoverable until you touch the ground -- it doesn't matter how weak the attack that hit you is. So you need to be careful in regards to your attack selection, but at the same time you have to get aggressive in order to get those hits in the first place. Remember, you have a lot of air movement options -- a forwards or backwards dash, a jump, and Crescent and Half can also dodge in the air. These, plus some more subtle things (such as momentum conservation in dashes, air attacks slowing down momentum, directional influence in neutral jumps) can give you a lot of possible approaches. You can get from nearly anywhere on the screen to nearly anywhere on the screen at any point in time -- you just need to know where you want to go and have the skill to put yourself in exactly the right position.

    Let’s take a look at this in a more practical example. You are going to spend a lot of time in the air moving around, but most characters have relatively few air attacks -- so you really should learn the properties of them. For an example, we are going to look at C-Kohaku’s air normals. Here these are the three air attacks, right before they start hitting and their first active frame. Green boxes are where you can get hit and red boxes are where you can hit other people (and the white box is for character collisions, so that people just don’t pass through each other constantly).

    Jump A (j.A):

    Jump B (j.B):

    Jump C (j.C):

    j.A is her fastest attack, but it clearly has the least amount of range. It’s generally something you don’t want to throw out unless the opponent is close, but it is cancellable into itself so it is somewhat spammable (whereas if you miss with the other moves, there’s going to be a fair amount of recovery). It’s practical range is extended a bit if you are using it for counter-poking, though (take a look at the extended hurtboxes on the other moves -- more on that in a bit). j.B has a sweet spot about two character widths away and above her, where the latter half of the broom and broomhead are. See all of that red with no hurtbox? If you can put yourself in a position where that is where your opponent is and you use that attack, you will win nearly every time. However, if the opponent is directly parallel to you, it’s possible to lose if they stick an attack out first, or if they have an attack with a disjoint enough hitbox to hit her without getting hit themselves. Her j.C looks like it would be good for hitting people below her -- and it is. However, the hitbox actually travels along the lower half of the broom’s arc, from her hip to the broomhead. So while it’s intended to hit below her,

    Ultimately, it’s about learning the properties of your attacks and what the best positions are for them -- and then being able to put yourself in the correct position. Here’s one example:

    This looks like it would have been a good position to user a j.B for the Kohaku on the left. And that’s understandable! However, it turns out she’s just a hair far away and because of that…

    The extended hurtbox becomes a problem and Kohaku on the left here ends up getting counter-hit. Welp. One other thing to notice is that the hurtbox is extended here a fair bit -- if she does absolutely nothing here, the other Kohaku’s j.C is not even going to come close to hitting her. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to really do nothing.
  • Pressure (and specifically, reverse beats)

    The free chaining system in Melty Blood is one of the core concepts that offense revolves around (for Crescent and Half moon characters, anyway). Unlike most fighting games that allow you to chain attacks together by having some strict restrictions, Melty Blood allows you to cancel any normal attack on hit or on block into any other attack. This effectively means that you can cancel the recovery of a heavy attack into with a lot of recovery into a much faster attack. However, French Bread’s designers are not stupid. While this can make nearly every normal attack in the game safe, it turns out that the attack data is set up in such a way that you are never actually at advantage (at best, both players recover at the exact same time). Furthermore, each attack in a chain can only be used once, so they need to let the moves recover at some point. So it turns out that the most straightforward way (although not necessarily the best the best!) to beat reverse beat pressure is to just mash on your fastest attack.

    So how do you beat mashing? (This game got called Mashy Blood at one point for a reason.) One property of Melty’s chaining system is that the cancel window on most normals are very, very loose -- much more so than most anime fighters. It’s closer to Dead or Alive than anything, if you are familiar with the strings in that game. So instead of just going from one attack to another instantly, you delay it a bit (or use a sequence that, even at max speed, has a gap) so that anyone who is mashing will have enough time to start their attack up but not enough time to actually hit you, and they instead get counter-hit. You’re basically creating a frame trap on the fly, except you can do it from most moves to most other moves. Doing this can take a bit of practice, because if you delay your attack by more than a couple of frames you do risk actually getting hit by a mashed crouching A attack, as they are rather fast.

    So now you have your opponent concerned with just straight mashing a bit and they’re holding down-back. Now what? If they’re attentive, they will let the short staggers go while still challenging obvious points where you need to recover and/or dash back in. You can try to bait a reaction by going for a much longer delayed string, but do be careful as this will lose to people furiously mashing. However, if you are able to mask your delays well the difference between a string with a long delay and a full-on reset can be very small, so you can make it less likely to be challenged.

    While you are at advantage when attacking, you still ultimately need to adjust your approach to what your opponent is doing, or you will not have much success. (Unless you have created a situation where you have minimized your opponent’s possible options to challenge a setup, but that’s character and situation specific.) The above does not take into account things like spacing (where someone might attack and miss because they’re too far away), movement (they try to mash with a low attack but you air dash over it), or setups (they’re stuck and can’t do anything because you threw half the zoo at them -- yes, this can happen).​





(Screenshots taken from’s preview of the game.)


Steam release trailer
10 Years of Melty Blood
Pools & Top 8 Finals @ Animevo 2015
Top 8 Finals @ CEOtaku 2015

There is also a ton of Japanese match footage to go through on MeltyDB -- it’s kind of absurd.


  • I just read the OT and my eyes glazed over. Do I need a degree to play this game?
    It is a lot to take in, and even compared to most fighting games, Melty Blood has a lot of rather random mechanics. Honestly, if you are starting out, don’t worry about it. Get some basic combos down (even everyone’s first Melty combo of ↓ABC C j.BC dj.BC air throw is fine to start with. Don’t worry about optimizing -- just get your damage and the knockdown.). Also try to remember your movement options and just go from there. Play a few games, think about your options, then play a few more games. Don’t try to take in everything at once -- you’ll go mad.​
  • I just get destroyed every time I get knocked down. What can I do to not get bodied?
    Don’t end up in that position in the first place.

    ,,,but that’s not entirely practical. While you are at disadvantage, you do have options: generally, you can either try attacking (loses to tighter staggers, but can beat some looser ones and string resets) or just try getting out of there (usually by jumping). If you keep blocking, your opponent will need to get back in with a dash at some point, and that is generally your opportunity to either challenge them or get out of there.​
  • What’s the tier list?

    From GAF’s resident Type-Moon grime lord, ponpo.
    it’s not actually ponpo’s, but he keeps posting it.

    Obligat-Kanata > Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) > Type Pluto = The Six Sisters > Type Venus > Arcueid (Full power) > Balor > Primordial Demons > True Demons > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Lancelot (F-15) > Gilgamesh (Vimana) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh (Kotomine) = Arcueid (30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker > Dark Berserker > 17th Roa (Elesia) > 4th Rider > Merem Solomon > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura/optimal) = 4th Caster (optimal) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster = 4th Caster (Ryuunosuke) > 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Arcueid (6%) = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Soren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R. Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa < Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven's Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsuhu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > Azaka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Gun God (unequipped) > Fake Shiki > Ryuunosuke > Tomoe > Keita San > Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

    (Characters appearing in Melty Blood in bold.)​
  • That answer didn’t make any sense.

    Welcome to the Nasuverse.​
  • Well, who should I play?

    Whoever is the cutest waifu or husbando to you.

    ...for a more serious response, I was going to say that such a review would be far beyond the scope of this OT -- and it kind of is. However, Butterfree, Breadsticks and Dogysamich have put together a rather thorough overview of all of the characters (and their moons!). They also discuss the playstyles and viability for each character, so you should help you find a suitable character.​
  • Is this the latest version of Melty Blood available?

    Contrary to nearly every other ArcSys on PC… it is! The last version of the game came out in 2011 and was last patched to address random bugs in 2012.​
  • What’s this business with cccaster? Will it work with the Steam version?

    CCcaster is a hack for the original PC release of MBAACC that adds rollback-based netplay. It probably will not work with the Steam release -- at launch, anyway as ArcSys is making some changes to the game. It’s currently unknown if an update will be made, as that is on the developer (Maidscientist).

    Update 4/21: Per Maidscientist (the cccaster developer), ccaster is going to end up being directly integrated into the Steam release! Crazy -- I never would have predicted that happening in a million years.
    Now hopefully ArcSys can put it in the rest of their releases.
  • v6b5gmP.png


Special thanks to:
  • Ultimate Trainer for doing all of the images and banners for the OT
  • Astarte, FACE and Anne for feedback on the OT text.
Can't wait for the steam version to come out. This will be a nice opportunity to become familiar with an old and niche fighter.


I'm still over the moon about this coming out on Steam. I can't wait! Never thought I'd see this happen.

Also I clearly need to brush up on Type Moon stuff since a number of the names in that ranking are new to me.


Uh... I assume they are localizing the story and text, right? This isn't a Touhou-scale snafu?
The game has a full English translation -- it's just the source I pulled the screenshots from had the text in Japanese. Take a look at the screenshots on the Steam's store page -- they're all in English. There's even a menu option to change the game's language between English and Japanese, so presumably it'll come with both scripts.


Unconfirmed Member
I've waited to play this for YEARS. I even watched the Tsukihime anime to understand the story
and liked it
. I really hope we have a way to buy the OST legally.


Uh... I assume they are localizing the story and text, right? This isn't a Touhou-scale snafu?

Every single Melty after the original/ReAct has had a way-trimmed down story, shouldn't be a problem.

The original was basically a visual novel spliced with fights every now and then, I don't think it's going to be an issue with the small amount of story that Actress Again Current Code has in comparison.


The game has a full English translation -- it's just the source I pulled the screenshots from had the text in Japanese. Take a look at the screenshots on the Steam's store page -- they're all in English. There's even a menu option to change the game's language between English and Japanese, so presumably it'll come with both scripts.

Good to know. Wonder how good it'll be...


I love type moon stuff and never had a chance to play this, very much looking forward to it
dammit why do so many great fighting games have to release near each other

Why can't we get a
fate fighting game


Nice OT!

I can't get the game right now but I have heard good things about it. Will be subscribing to keep up with everything.

Are there going to be When's Melty t-shirts now?


I love type moon stuff and never had a chance to play this, very much looking forward to it
dammit why do so many great fighting games have to release near each other

Why can't we get a
fate fighting game
I actually had a lot of fun with the PSP/Arcade fighter.


Wow, this is coming out already? Neat. Too bad it won't be using cccoaster, did they say if it'd be using something better than the original netcode at any point? I know it's not using cccoaster.


Will this have a midnight release?
It comes out at 7 PM PDT tomorrow.

Why can't we get a
fate fighting game
Hey! Fate/Unlimited Codes is fun... as long you're not getting juggled for 60 seconds at a time. Besides, it's better off broken -- it would be like trying to make something like HnK or UMvC3 fair and balanced.

Man, I forgot these were made... and they're almost six years old now. D: I'll add them to the OT.

Shouldn't the last character name be neco-arc and mech-hisui
Whoops. I derped when editing the images -- give me a few minutes to fix it.
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