Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!


I still find it hard to believe Melty is getting localized.
It's been a long time since I last played one, I'm looking forward to this.
Maybe if that tier list didn't spoil just about everything in the entire Type-Moon mythos.

Nobody actually read and analyze a tier list that comprehensive save for the hardcore fans who have nothing left to be spoiled about, anyway.

Regardless, a block of text is easily skippable. An animated image is not.


Nobody actually read and analyze a tier list that comprehensive save for the hardcore fans who have nothing left to be spoiled about, anyway.

Regardless, a block of text is easily skippable. An animated image is not.

Fair enough.
(Emiya's still higher tier though.)


Can't wait to play as Shiki.
You know, the good one.


Better be the right one.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's a more up to date full tier list compared to the google doc for those interested


Don't take it at face value though, melty is relatively balanced and some of the highest tiers take a ton of work to draw out their potential.


Oh, by the way OP, I'm working with Magikarp on helping him out with big forum posts on Meltybread. I'll be posting those large posts in this OT soon, so if you want to add those, feel free.

He's using some old Melty CMVs to highlight what's changed and what's stayed the same in detail over the various iterations.

Melty Blood > Melty Blood React > Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. A / Melty Blood React Final Tuned > Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 > Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. B > Melty Blood Actress Again > Melty Blood Actress Again PS2 Ver. > Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

He'll be using videos from every version.


Wait there's Steam version?!

FUCK YEAH!! I've been playing alone for so long since act cadenza. Finally gonna be able to play against other people.


Courtesy of Magikarp and some editing from me:

In celebration of the much awaited STEAM release of MBAACC, I've decided to highlight some ancient MB CMVs and point out how things have changed and how things have stayed the same. Sadly, embedding videos doesn't quite seem to work here, so you guys will have to bear with my wall of text.

Here's a brief timeline of the various major versions of Melty Blood:

Melty Blood > Melty Blood ReAct > Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. A / Melty Blood ReAct Final Tuned > Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 > Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. B > Melty Blood Actress Again > Melty Blood Actress Again PS2 Ver. > Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

The game we play today was built upon the foundations of the ReAct era. Comparatively, the original Melty Blood was much more of a Type-Moon visual novel with fighting game elements. ReAct was a huge step forward in terms of design and balance choices for the series. Comparatively, the initial Melty Blood feels like an amateur MUGEN modification.

First up, MBR_MOVIE2 by M.O.O.N, circa MBR 2.008; besides the initial combo videos by veteran Guilty Gear player yukinose, this was one of the first MBR CMVs to surface.

0:17 – Note the height of Arc’s Airdash cancel! The minimum height was much lower, and only adjusted to modern standards in the Arcade release of MBAC
0:23 – OTG combos also existed, but the rules were quite a bit different compared to MBAACC
0:31 – Warc’s 5[c] used to be cancellable, and also comboable, without the need of specific moves like her Arc Drive
0:37 – Reverse Beat penalty did not exist until the Arcade release, as the extreme amount of Reverse Beat used in this combo illustrates
1:01 – Len’s Last Arc could be comboed off fairly easily
1:17 – Due to the extremely low airdash height, one could actually IAD cancel in the middle of a ground combo string and reset the ground normal previously used in the combo
1:29 – In MBR, the newest playable characters were Len and Satsuki, while Aoko and White Len were boss characters
1:34 – Meanwhile, Neco-Arc was a hidden character who was not usually accessible by the player
1:53 – Shield bunkers did not suffer from any reduced hit stun when done out of blocking, and offered a non-scaling combo starter to many characters
2:25 – Previously, VSion was only limited to one of each summon on screen, instead of one summon in total. She also had access to Sion’s whips and was much more of a clone than an alternate character
2:32 – Prior to MBAA, VSion’s last arc was a version of Riesbyfe’s current Arc Drive. It was heavily speculated that Riesbyfe was meant to be a cameo, and was not originally intended to appear. Her 623C super was also untechable for an extended period, and could be used in combos afterwards.
2:42 – AkaAkiha’s Last Arc used to be her current Arc Drive. Her old Arc Drive was largely similar to Akiha herself instead.

Next up, MBRMOVIE_12 by M.O.O.N, circa MBR 2.009a; a send-off combo movie for the end of the comparatively broken ReAct era as the new Act Cadenza arcade release was imminent.

0:30 – A shield and dodging montage showcasing the shield counters present in ReAct. Crouching Shield Counters were invincible command dashes for the Shikis
0:41 – Reversed controls were a Hisui-only property for the longest time, the dual reverse controls for Neco Arc were only added later on
0:54 – Arc’s j.66c followup was a long untechable wallslam that could be comboed afterwards, Her j.2b was also more akin to a dive kick than its modern incarnation, and would only be fixed after it was used in some infinite combos
1:16 – In ReAct, depleting your HEAT bar would put you at 150% magic circuit. Coupled with the enormous meter gain of many multi-hit specials, combos and loops were much easier to sustain
2:02 – Warc’s shield bunker is used as a untechable juggle to extend her combo here
2:20 – White Len’s boss properties come out on show… No minimum airdash height, EX Ice with minimal startup, and a lack of airthrow animation
2:50 – IAD combos remain in 2.009a, and a full string reset is achieved twice with both a IAD mid combo and a 5a whiff post wallslam to reset normal options.
3:08 – AkaAkiha’s dashing 2b5bb relaunch was a regular part of her gameplay plan in 2.009a
3:26 – … and her legacy Arc Drive is on display here
3:39 – Sion’s combo options were much nerfed come MBAC, but the origins of MBAA’s j.[C] loops can be found here. The sideswitch from 214b was a feature that was removed come MBAA
4:50 – While Ciel has already used shield bunkers to wallslam twice in this combo, this is the first instance of backairdashing cancelling air normal within a combo.
5:31 – The looseness of the OTG system in MBR is rather evident in this VSion combo. The 2c iad j.c whiff 2c bit of the combo is only loosely replicated in MBAACC with C-Nanaya’s 2c 22a 236c nonsense
6:00 – As absurd as it sounds, backdash cancelling was prevalent in ReAct and most heavily used on both Shikis
6:09 – Nanaya’s 214b did not have a close range wallslam variant nor jump cancellable properties, but functioned as a legitimate juggle when it crossed through
6:19 – Nanaya 623c loops have existed since the dawn of time and have probably inspired F-Nanaya’s DP loops in MBAA
6:54 – More OTG relaunches as well as one of the few rejump combos on video in ReAct
7:03 – Grounded Warakia 236a loops have also existed since ReAct, and the massive frame advantage it gives most likely inspired the loops possible on aerial opponents in MBAA
7:19 – In ReAct , Nero’s EX Crows was a near instant persistent 25 hit projectile that would trade with everything on wakeup. H-Nero’s EX Crow Rush is a pale shadow of this original incarnation
7:31 – Satsuki’s grabs didn’t allow for much complex looping in ReAct, as 623c was required for most followups to combo. Instead, 22c untechability was used for combo video combos
8:36 – Because Aoko was a boss character, she was lacking in a ground tech animation and was unable to ground tech unlike other characters. This allows most ground techable combos to be extended and still remain valid
8:50 – Count those EX Cactus hits… Even with all of its nerfs, the venerable cactus remains a strong set up tool today.
10:13 – A demonstration of the infamous Kohaku Drug-On Install into Another Arc Drive setup.

He'll be making another post in an hour.


I've waited to play this for YEARS. I even watched the Tsukihime anime to understand the story
and liked it
. I really hope we have a way to buy the OST legally.
What Tsukihime anime?
only kidding, old Internet joke, I'm sorry :p

My first real-life fighting game tournament that I attended was for Melty Blood Actress Again (the PS2 version, mind) so I owe this game quite a bit. Still quite a unique fighting game in amongst a very crowded genre - must be the "hit and run" style, conversion heavy gameplay. Reverse beating still pretty novel as well - being able to cancel heavies into lights to make pressure safe completely changes the way you go about mixup (and wakeup if you're defending). Also choosing a character is half the story - each of their moons (essentially grooves) changes their movelist and sometimes even their playstyle completely.

Definitely cannot wait... :3


always bet on anime

I've been meaning to get into Melty for yeeaaaars. You'd think as someone who got into VNs because of Tsukihime like 10 million years ago, and loves fighting games, I'd have done that already.
Hooray! Everyone should give this game a shot, it's great fun and feels great to play. There's a style for anyone, and all the characters feel different to play even among different Moons.

Kohaku <3


I'll be honest, a good portion of the reason why I'm so HYPE about MB is that we'll finally get Youtube match videos in something higher than 240p/360p. Banana Shiki is awesome but so freaking blurry.


Yo should I like post this thread?

Let not today be a day of sadness, let it not be of eternal sorrow.
For 5 years Mahvel 3 kept upon its brow the crown of being the King of anime fighters.
On this day, the year of our Lord Gabe 12 AS, Mahvel 3 leaves the FG Scene coil.

For the queen has arrived at long last to usher upon us the true anime fighting game esperience

Melty Blood with its out of this world crazy combos and setups, elevating anime fighters to a level of godly skills thought to never be experienced outside Japan now graces many corners of the world through Steam (and hey who knows maybe consoles will get it too, double awesome!)

So weep not for Mahvel 3, the pretender to the throne, rejoice at te return of the Queen.
All hail Melty
WHEN'S MELTY?!?!?!!?!?


Man times like these I wonder why some games are able to get pre-orders and others don't, I wants to give them mymoieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
and start learning how to get bodied :V


irresponsible vagina leak
Man times like these I wonder why some games are able to get pre-orders and others don't, I wants to give them mymoieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
and start learning how to get bodied :V

Gift me 5 copies while you're at it
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