Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!


Unconfirmed Member
* Why is Nanaya Shiki so based?
* Is there a moon BEST for Rushdown and any Rekka characters?
* Why the OST so good?
No real hard correlation between moon and playstyle, but more characters' crescent and half moon styles are rushdown focused than full.

Ryougi and Kouma are rekka characters, and maybe someone else I'm forgetting.


It's not perfect - actually there are a bunch of typos and the translations are somewhat blunt and ignore lines sometimes (Like, you'll hear a character monologue for like 10~20 seconds and there's only "It's fine." in the dialogue box). Akiha, Warachia and Sion's names sometimes aren't consistent with the script either.

But it's not entirely inaccurate or anything. It could be much worse. Hopefully they'll patch it or something in the future.

Also end credits are not translated, though I guess they are hardsubbed on the picture


New Patch

ArcSystemWorks said:
The following issues have been addressed and fixed as of the current update:
- Added countermeasures to tackle the disconnections and incremental CPU usage during network play.
*We are continuing to work on these issues. We seek your kind patience while we work on these matters.
- Fixed issue where controller input constantly feeds the "up" motion, for certain specific controllers.
- Fixed issue where the game crashes when the user uses a specific command move of a specific character.
- Fixed issue where the game consumes more CPU processing power than it is supposed to.
- Fixed several instances of English text.

New features:
- The game now remembers the latest user's selection - Character/Style/Color and several others, for Network Mode.

We are also continuing our investigation for the following issues:
- Certain computer AI do not perform as expected.
- Tremendous lag in Online gameplay.


Unconfirmed Member
- Added countermeasures to tackle the disconnections and incremental CPU usage during network play.
Read this as 'incremental delay increase during network play' and got excited for a second.

Remembering user's last char selection is useful, though I wish they would just give you the option of backing out of a selection in the first place. Have had a couple of times where I got mixed up about whether I was p1 or p2 and quickly moved my cursor, accidentally selecting chars that I don't play at all and being locked in to that selection.


Do we have any official date on when CCCaster will be implemented officially for this now? Kinda got hit with a weekend of double shifts and missed a lot of stuff...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Do we have any official date on when CCCaster will be implemented officially for this now? Kinda got hit with a weekend of double shifts and missed a lot of stuff...

All we know is that they've talked to the CCCaster developer and are working out the details in regards to the paperwork. There is no ETA and it's not officially happening yet.
...Getting corner trapped is really fun...Good thing this is a single player only game, amirite?????

Ok, for real - Jesus tap dancing Christ, getting juggled into the floor in Tekken Tag 2 paled in comparison to the humiliation I've had in this game. Even Playing against SF vets renting SFV (I don't play SF at all) day 1 was a 50/50 shot. Nobody has any chill, not even at 2:40 am in the morning. Damn!

I love this game so much ;)


Anyone feel like the translation is a bit off? The official translation seems a bit too simplified.

MirrorMoon's Translation


Official Translation


irresponsible vagina leak
Didn't know they were still streaming games and only caught UNIEL's finals and Melty because of your post, thanks!

Those were some good matches as well!

Ada was great. She got thrown out by the Maids but still managed to put a great game


OK internet is working finally and I got to mess a little with the game.
Holy snaps this game needs more sprite filtering, really hope someone can find a way to add one.

Gonna watch vids and start learning Nero and maybe Powered Ciel.


Unconfirmed Member
This year's Trancendental Orchestra, a large Japanese community-run team tournament is happening now. If anyone is curious about what high-level Melty Blood looks like in 2016, they'll have it in spades. Japanese stream at and there's an English re-stream at
Man, was hoping to see some good Yuu (best sion player) footage but he was kinda sloppy in this tourney and got wrecked in most of his matches.
So, how DID this get localized anyway, voices and all?

I was under the impression the single greatest barrier to Type-Moon localizations were the apparently exorbitant licensing costs demanded by T-M up front, before even getting to the also exorbitant licensing costs for the 3rd party contributors work and seiyuus - And this is probably the single most niche of Type-Moon content available.

Nyoro SF

So, how DID this get localized anyway, voices and all?

I was under the impression the single greatest barrier to Type-Moon localizations were the apparently exorbitant licensing costs demanded by T-M up front, before even getting to the also exorbitant licensing costs for the 3rd party contributors work and seiyuus - And this is probably the single most niche of Type-Moon content available.

ASW is super buddy buddy with Japanese devs, especially doujin ones. This makes a huge world of difference.
Just started getting into this game, I was able to play with people yesterday in netplay but now everyroom I try it says my connection is to bad, any fixs?


Unconfirmed Member
If you're doing player matches, it's almost impossible to find a room currently because anyone serious about playing will set the connection requirement to 2 or 3+ (anyone actually serious is using cccaster), which means you need to be at most 1 or 2 states apart from them in terms of distance. If you don't care about playing in absolute garbage conditions, you can create a room and set your connection requirement to 0 and maybe someone will eventually join.

Once rollback netcode is implemented (est. 2-3 months) you should be able to get 0-1 frame delay from coast to coast.
If you're doing player matches, it's almost impossible to find a room currently because anyone serious about playing will set the connection requirement to 2 or 3+ (anyone actually serious is using cccaster), which means you need to be at most 1 or 2 states apart from them in terms of distance. If you don't care about playing in absolute garbage conditions, you can create a room and set your connection requirement to 0 and maybe someone will eventually join.

Once rollback netcode is implemented (est. 2-3 months) you should be able to get 0-1 frame delay from coast to coast.

Wow that will be awesome once it's in the game. This is the first fighting game I've really played other than a tiny bit of Street Fighter 4, what should I be doing to try to improve in this game? I picked up C-Aoko, and she seems cool.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow that will be awesome once it's in the game. This is the first fighting game I've really played other than a tiny bit of Street Fighter 4, what should I be doing to try to improve in this game? I picked up C-Aoko, and she seems cool.
Mostly just get used to the basics/mechanics first. There's a few good videos in the OP of this thread. After that work on a simple bread and butter combo until you can pull it off 100% of the time.

For C-Aoko an easy basic bnb is 2A 5B 2B 2C 5C 3C jump BC jump BC jump BC airthrow

C-Aoko is a pretty advanced character though, especially for beginners. F-Aoko is much easier to start with if you want to take a look at her. High damage with much simpler combos and setups.
Got a patch today.

The following issues have been addressed and fixed as of the current update:

- Fixed a bug where the CPU AI for Akiha Vermilion occasionally stalls.
- Fixed a bug where users experience hang-ups in Network matches during Character Select.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Does anyone know the frame data for vulnerable/invincible frames for air recoveries, ground techs, and the OTG state? I know ground techs have 3 frames of vulnerability but that's it.

Also it seems the game is 75% off for the summer sale. I picked it up
but since rollback apparently still hasn't been implemented I'm still playing the cccaster version ᑈ


Does anyone know the frame data for vulnerable/invincible frames for air recoveries, ground techs, and the OTG state? I know ground techs have 3 frames of vulnerability but that's it.

Also it seems the game is 75% off for the summer sale. I picked it up
but since rollback apparently still hasn't been implemented I'm still playing the cccaster version ᑈ
I'm doing this all from memory, so there's probably random inaccuracies:

The ground techs having 3 vulnerable frames was in older versions. IIRC in MBCC they reduced it to 1 in order to make tech trap setups more difficult (and making some setups no longer guaranteed).

Back and neutral air techs don't have any vulnerable frames -- IIRC, forward techs have one vulnerable frame for whatever reason. Trying to pressure people right after an air tech is a bit hairy, since you run the risk of eating an air throw if you're too close.

OTG state varies per character, and is generally tied to their wakeup speed. I do remember that Ryougi gets up the fastest (and had some OTG sequences that just wouldn't work on her, especially in older games) and Kouma is the slowest (and has some setups that only work on him, due to this).

As for rollback in MBCC... we don't talk about that. D:


I've been meaning to get around to playing Melty for a long time but I apparently drunk bought this during the steam sale. I'm actually very familiar with the source material, and I like fighting games, so your guess is as good as mine why I've never played MB.

I know there's a million versions of this game, what does this have in terms of a story mode?


I'm doing this all from memory, so there's probably random inaccuracies:

The ground techs having 3 vulnerable frames was in older versions. IIRC in MBCC they reduced it to 1 in order to make tech trap setups more difficult (and making some setups no longer guaranteed).
I was watching a MBCCAA EVO2014 stream and they said 3 frames so that's why I assumed that

OTG state varies per character, and is generally tied to their wakeup speed. I do remember that Ryougi gets up the fastest (and had some OTG sequences that just wouldn't work on her, especially in older games) and Kouma is the slowest (and has some setups that only work on him, due to this).
Do you have any examples, or know the average?

Thanks btw.
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