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Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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J.K. Rowling slamming Cameron on Twitter for not only the breakup of the U.K. but Scotland as well, since we all know what Scotland is about to do.

Going to go down as the biggest blunder by a PM ever. Especially if Scotland and Northern Ireland decide to leave the Union which is a real possibility based on how they voted.

I assume it's bad. Those UK Government subsidies are likely going to go, and it goes without saying that Creative Europe's money is into the wind. Lottery Funding will still exist, I guess....
This is terrible. A lot of that is what attracted major productions here which created a lot of jobs.

Cut UK subsidies asap. Dont allow free capital movement from UK to EU and vice versa. Tarriffs etc. Basically treat UK like a third state without a free trade agreement. And they should do it ASAP. 2 years of UK still enjoying common market rights will be detrimental

Basically declare war? Good idea.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Can't wait to read all the twitter complaints from the Brits that will have to jump through hoops to go to their favourite European holiday destinations.

All of this will probably take years, no? Can't imagine that they can dissolve all affected structures over night.
My mother and grandmother, life-long Democrats, are only voting on the down ballot races in November as of right now. I'm still trying to convince them to vote for Clinton to avoid stupid shit like this.

They don't like Clinton and they don't like Trump so they said they're voting for neither.

I'm with your parents on this one. Life-long democrat, not voting for Clinton or Trump, will be voting down-ballet democrat this election cycle.
If you have 2 very hated candidates, you have a higher chance at lower turnout. This result, tonight, 100% plays into Trump's hands if it causes a recession, because it'll affect the entire world.

Yeah, but this is what he wanted. He supports Brexit, so how exactly does someone that supported what is right now being called a disaster turn it into a net positive for himself? He's already the most hated candidate of all time, how does this help him?


Can someone tell me why people are losing jobs overnight because of this?
Well a company that's close to my family is deciding whether to float on the stock market. As this has happened they won't float or certainly won't float in the uk. Trade will now be more expensive to manufacture here and cheaper in Europe so I can see this place maybe going overseas or closing.
They might even be bought out. Which means "restructuring"


Wife crying. This is unbelievable for us. She will lose her job. We have to pick ourselves up from this.

I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sitting here waiting for my wife to wake up so I can tell her my career is at risk. I'm the sole earner in our house so it's really scary to be in this position. I haven't slept a wink all night.
if I had money, gold

Why would you do something to your 401k unless you're retiring soon? A one day drop of a few percentage points is no reason to completely change everything. In 3 months, we'll be back to where we were today.

Unless you're in LSE, maybe that's different but US markets should not be too hurt even in the medium term.




So is this going to get worse or stay where it is right now?


It's a case of them not even being able or willing to articulate a thought out position. Every time they've been confronted here they say "I don't have to explain myself", "We're making Britain great", "The rhetoric of the other side" or something very close to that. It's remarkable how similar they sound to Trump supporters, and god knows what their real motivations are.
It does remind me of that too and it's really quite sad. This is after reading over the entire event the last 5 hours online and from how people feel. Again, I really feel for the good people in the UK they have to put up with dipshits and will suffer the consequences of their actions.


The problem is they are getting no jobs. That´s the point.
Newsflash: Europe has a major immigration problem right now. Ignoring it and calling everyone but your mom a racist caused your country to leave the EU. Good job.
Ignorant arrogance caused one of humanity greatest projects to split. Really good job.

Please explain to me what this "major immigration problem" is right now?
All we've had so far is a few drive-bys gloating. I don't think any of them are interested in explaining why the currency is tanking and why a bunch of companies are announcing that they're leaving, much less explaining how those are good things.

At least it makes it easy to see who I need to put on my ignore list. Anybody who voted for this has to be a scumbag.

Another member of US-GAF offering my condolences. Stay strong UK-GAF.


Holy shit, my prediction 53/47 out 72% turnout (recorded on the spreadsheet wrong) is looking crazy close.

Fry's Turkish Delight an ironic winner.
Could Scotland become independent and then rejoin the EU?
Scotland can apparently trigger something that would delay Brexit for 10 years if we don't get a referendum. Something to do with us voting to stay in the UK guaranteeing us staying in Europe.

I think anyway.
As part of the Smith Commission? I don't think that's the case.
Scotland is far from having voted 'overwhelmingly' to stay in the EU. I can't see any justification for calling another referendum on their independence.
62% remain.
38% leave.

That's more 'overwhelming' than the indy ref result (55-45) or even the overall EU ref result tonight (52-48).

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Well, considering the fear of migrant (and therefore expats as well) I would hold off on becoming part of the nation either way, but then I don't live there. It should also not be necessary though, since a Dutch passport is basically a golden ticket in terms of global travel. So if the choice is there, I would pick that one based on the 'bug out' options rather than an arbitrary sense of nationality.
Je hebt gelijk. The Dutch passport is thing of value. Plus there is always a chance the referendum doesn't even happen.


Can someone tell me why people are losing jobs overnight because of this?

Capital is fleeing from the UK right now to other markets.

The world is not going to end, it will change, you can be angry but you cant argue with the democratic process, its not a case of just winning these people voted and their votes counted to more than the other side, ergo the "right" decision was made.

Sucks but thats what you get, gotta deal with it now and there is absolutely no use in insulting the other side or belittling them.

Alot of Gaffers woke up today for the first time having lost and not understanding why, and thinking they lived in a world where people believed their views, its a wake up call, this is how life works sometimes.

Nah, it is people like these:

This is fantastic news. What a night lmao. Can't believe we pulled it off, you magnificent 51% of bastards :)

Who will make all of the UK enjoy things like:


Brexit pros and cons:



Also, see above.


What happens if public opinion changes in the upcoming months? If the pound remains weak like this, if talks about Scotland wanting out of the UK would get more concrete again, ect leading more people come to realize that this might not have been a very smart move? Is there any chance the referendum could get repeated or that parliament decides to ignore the vote then (without risking a revolution :p) or is the decision definitely final with this referendum's result?


People freaking out is not really helping anything. This will take years and years and the new treaties between EU members and UK will most likely mimic the current EU cooperation. See EEA and EFTA.

Yeah this is true. We need to come to terms with the decision and hope that the right Honourable Prime Minister Johnson can negotiate a decent exit deal and do what we can to pull together and minimise the negative impact.


Just woke up to the great news!

The British people have told the Prime Minister and most of the country's MPs, not to mention most of the world's leaders to go fuck themselves, and it is glorious.
the sad thing about this is after awhile when some people realize they screwed up how many people would have already suffered from your great independence day

hopefully the UK avoids that and if they honestly think they can be better without the EU then go out of their way to prove it and save these people who are about to lose their jobs
The problem is they are getting no jobs. That´s the point.
Newsflash: Europe has a major immigration problem right now. Ignoring it and calling everyone but your mom a racist caused your country to leave the EU. Good job.
Ignorant arrogance caused one of humanity greatest projects to split. Really good job.

I agree to a point. The a lack of action regarding the immigration crisis really led to this.

If you want to know why 51% of people voted to leave and cited immigration as the main reason videos like this don't help.

In Calais.



So, that £19 billion we supposedly pay every year.

We're not getting the reinvestment and the rebate for the next two years, are we?

Nothing is going to change for the next two years (or more, that period can be extended if required), we have just entered the negotiated pull-out phase.

For all intents and purposes the UK is still in the EU and will be for some time yet.


In addition to tanking the economy, this will also embolden racist parties even more across Europe.

Expect front national, Danish people's party, gert wilders, Swedish democrats, and the rest of the racists to double down on their hate rhetoric and push for getting out of the EU in order to avoid those pesky "human rights" obligations

yepp, yepp and yepp.

Can anyone see the EU surviving this?

Maybe, I personally think EU can survive this but the problem is how the racist* parties use this to their gain.

*Lets not kid ourselves. Many of our countries have racists sitting in government. Fuck even the Swedish Democrats have outright Nazis and it doesn't matter what because they haven't said anything right out racist as of late and even if they do. Big deal, right?


Oh hell, does all of Europe want to emulate the fucking Balkans now? What were you even doing for the past 70 years, just putting on a feel-good show?

The French Neonazi party wants to emulate the British Neonazi party. That is all.

Nothing is going to change for the next two years (or more, that period can be extended if required), we have just entered the negotiated pull-out phase.

For all intents and purposes the UK is still in the EU and will be for some time yet.

Not even. The British parlement still needs to vote on this.
But the point I'm making is that people want to actually go out and vote against him. He rises that type of passion out of people. It's not like two candidates where you're indifferent to them.

Right, but Hillary also has historically high unfavorables. Just like Trump.

Look at the beginning of this thread. It's full of people that thought "Remain" would win because they live in liberal echo chambers like this forum.

Hillary *also* brings out hate-passion. Just like Trump. What will likely happen is that you'll have a bunch of people voting for the other candidate just so the other side doesn't win. OR... what I predict which is that you'll see very low overall voter turnout.

Trump's campaign is a disaster, but don't be like those people early in this thread who thought "Remain" was a shoo-in.
I'm with your parents on this one. Life-long democrat, not voting for Clinton or Trump, will be voting down-ballet democrat this election cycle.

I don't see how you can see stuff like this happen and still come to that conclusion. Hopefully you'll change your mind when you're making your choices!
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