Alright then, given Nintendo's current position in the marketplace, having Mario appear at the Rio closing ceremony was a waste of resources. There's no question that a lot of people watch Olympic closing ceremonies but getting them to go from Olympic enthusiasts to Nintendo fans isn't a straightforward process. Because while Nintendo might have gotten some people hyped up today there's no outlet for that hype. As matter of practicality the NX might as well not exist, after watching Rio no one is able purchase a NX in store, the console can't even be pre-ordered at this point.
Uukhh. It is like talking to a brick wall. And another thing here i want to told u here which probably will make u surprise here.
The mass people don't know what is NX or even it's existence. The main target of this ads is to make people remember that Mario is still a huge thing.
The short tem effect of this promotion would be those casual people going to look for Mario experience and they can still get Mario from 3DS/2DS or Wii U so it is not like Nintendo don't had any consoles to sold here.
However, the most important will be the long term effect. As more people will remember Mario, the NX will be position on much better position vs when Wii U is launched(Wii is long dead and there is little hype for Nintendo product.) This time, Nintendo name is in rises. So, i totally can't fathom how u said this is a bad move.
What in good fuck is happening in here?
Nintendo is a mistake. E3 is bigger than Olympic. Everyone and their grandpa is waiting for NX. Nintendo had no consoles/handheld to sold to mass at all right now so they are doing all the wrong thing in wasting money for this promotion.
All in all, Nintendo is fcking DOOMED. DOOOMEEDDDDDDDD.