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Destiny |OT43| Just What the Doctor Ordered

Lol I'm not this salty most of the time, I just love a good rant for the best and worst game I've ever played lol.

If anyone wants to do a fresh raid let me know, finally hit 365 light after finishing Trials and I got a nice nap in so I'm fresh B)

PSN Fakehound

If Bungie actually cared what we had to say (on NeoGAF anyway) I'd happily be more constructive. Rants without solutions don't really benefit the game or provide much stimulating discussion.

But here we are after 3 years and it's clear that while they are "listening", they're still going to do what they want anyway. So i'll enjoy my rants while they last because I happen to find their strategy and subsequent results thoroughly unsatisfactory in the face of overwhelmingly simple alternatives.

Let's get one thing clear though - at no point does Bungie set out to intentionally screw the fanbase over. There is never any ill will behind the changes they make. They're just very often terribly misguided. And of course that's why many of us are still playing - in the hopes that they'll one day get it right. If they just came out and said "we're doing this because fuck you" then I might have a different opinion.


Mrs. Harvey
I always run out of special ammo 20 seconds to a minute within the match. It goes fast. Also not a fan of heavy only being spawned in middle now during 3v3. If anything they should get rid of heavies in 3v3 altogether.


If Bungie actually cared what we had to say (on NeoGAF anyway) I'd happily be more constructive. Rants without solutions don't really benefit the game.

But here we are after 3 years and it's clear they're "listening" and still going to do what they want. So i'll enjoy my rants while they last.

Yeah if you've ever watched some of the podcast with the guys in charge of class and Crucible balance you'd see why I gave up on things making sense a long time ago.

They seem like great guys, but they have the mentality that their way is the right way and they 'balance' things according to usage and numbers, but leave out many things that are severely underused. There are so many archetypes of weapons that are just bad and don't even think about getting touched, then you have trash perks like Exumed and Danger Close which are so trash that no one can take them seriously because they have the range of like 5 feet which is literally useless. Lets not forget about the god-tier perk of all perks, Guerrilla Fighter :p

(speaking of rants why doesn't Battle Runner stack for every kill, that would make it my perk of all time!! D:)
Yeah if you've ever watched some of the podcast with the guys in charge of class and Crucible balance you'd see why I gave up on things making sense a long time ago.

They seem like great guys, but they have the mentality that their way is the right way and they 'balance' things according to usage and numbers, but leave out many things that are severely underused. There are so many archetypes of weapons that are just bad and don't even think about getting touched, then you have trash perks like Exumed and Danger Close which are so trash that no one can take them seriously, lets not forget about Guerrilla Fighter :p

If I can be arsed I'll make a longass post about why the sandbox team's logic is utterly baseless, but I feel like most of the responses will dismiss it on account of the game being "fine to them" or "Bungie being unbiased professionals" and frankly I'm just not interested in dealing with shitty opinions anymore. Sometimes the biased players actually know better. In fact, one of those biased players is now headlining the very same game!


Good run deafmedal and everyone else, but I think I'm officially too old for this shit lol. I've now spent literally about 10 hours in the raid, still haven't cleared it, gotten a single armor piece or primary weapon despite opening every chest and key chest, and none of the multiple Shotguns/Fusion Rifles/Rocket Launchers I have gotten have been LL upgrades. You guys are a blast to play with and I'm not mad at all (everyone was doing fine, the problem we were running into was baffling and unexpected), but I just don't have it in me anymore to stay up until 4 am and spend this much time on something that I'm getting literally nothing out of. I didn't even struggle this much on KF, and I was one of the very few people who was hating on that raid and Oryx in general week one, and I haven't even seen the goddamn boss of this one yet. No raid means no book completion so I'm not really worried about doing anything else at this point other than trying to grab the last few exotics, but if I'm actually on when you guys are next week I am totally down to play Iron Banana. Like I mentioned in my posts here before desperately looking for a group last weekend or today I have mandatory Friday through Sunday shifts and I work 5 nights a week, I was only off last weekend because I requested it off like 6 months ago, and I'm only off today because they literally fucked up on the schedule. So getting in a raid group going forward would require me to get either a GAF or LFG group at some sort of really weird hours, but even assuming I wanted to do that I can't even get Nightfall or other help most of the time.

It's honestly just mostly super crazy to me that half of this thread is talking about sub-hour clears and people have 20+ completions, and 10 hours in I haven't even seen the goddamn boss. I'm not mad, it's just a really stark and crazy disparity I wasn't expecting at all. I don't feel like there was anything even close to approaching this kind of rift with King's Fall, but that might be partially due to how the LL grind/leveling changed in RoI?


Mrs. Harvey
10 hours is nothing old man. Some people went longer. Knew someone who stayed up three days straight playing. Like how the hell is that possible. I'd be dead.


Good run deafmedal and everyone else, but I think I'm officially too old for this shit lol. I've now spent literally about 10 hours in the raid, still haven't cleared it, gotten a single armor piece or primary weapon despite opening every chest and key chest, and none of the multiple Shotguns/Fusion Rifles/Rocket Launchers I have gotten have been LL upgrades. You guys are a blast to play with and I'm not mad at all (everyone was doing fine, the problem we were running into was baffling and unexpected), but I just don't have it in me anymore to stay up until 4 am and spend this much time on something that I'm getting literally nothing out of. I didn't even struggle this much on KF, and I was one of the very few people who was hating on that raid and Oryx in general week one, and I haven't even seen the goddamn boss of this one yet. No raid means no book completion so I'm not really worried about doing anything else at this point other than trying to grab the last few exotics, but if I'm actually on when you guys are next week I am totally down to play Iron Banana. Like I mentioned in my posts here before desperately looking for a group last weekend or today I have mandatory Friday through Sunday shifts and I work 5 nights a week, I was only off last weekend because I requested it off like 6 months ago, and I'm only off today because they literally fucked up on the schedule. So getting in a raid group going forward would require me to get either a GAF or LFG group at some sort of really weird hours, but even assuming I wanted to do that I can't even get Nightfall or other help most of the time.

It's honestly just mostly super crazy to me that half of this thread is talking about sub-hour clears and people have 20+ completions, and 10 hours in I haven't even seen the goddamn boss. I'm not mad, it's just a really stark and crazy disparity I wasn't expecting at all. I don't feel like there was anything even close to approaching this kind of rift with King's Fall, but that might be partially due to how the LL grind/leveling changed in RoI?

Ah! PvE rant to mix things up ;)

I'd say relax a bit. The raid has been out for roughly a week. It's ok not to beat it on your first few attempts.

Next week, when your LL is a bit higher and everyone will have a bit more experience you'll probably beat it.

In a month it will seem trivial to you.
only bungie can get away with making year one cloaks relevant as 'new content' again.

not that i'm complaining about that. cloak of unflinching <3


only bungie can get away with making year one cloaks relevant as 'new content' again.

not that i'm complaining about that. cloak of unflinching <3

That's one that I don't mind, considering that they made most of the class items useless after Y1. I hated being confined to a few cloaks for an entire year.


Mrs. Harvey
The forge is a gold mine for year one class items. We've been through this many times. This is basically down time until Destiny 2. They know they screwed up with one in many ways and they will try their hardest to make sure certain mistakes aren't repeated in two. Problem is, they still have to take care of whatever is here now and no matter what position they take they cannot win.


Can't decide whether to replace my Harrowed Elulim's Frenzy with my Sound and Fury or not. Considering the reload speed of the latter, the lack of the Cocoon perk is no big deal. But the HEF has tracking, and the SaF soes not. On the other hand, the SaF has a bigger magazine.
And the HEF looks just amazing.


I can do it if you think we can do it in an hour-ish. I've done the raid like 8 times this week already, don't wanna struggle bus Aksis.

I'd like to do a full run with all chests and monitors. I don't think it can be reasonably done in an hour, more like 1,5-2 hours. And we need four more people to begin with.


Looking for experienced people to do an OP raid run (monitors) on my alt.

I'm in if we start in 40 min or so. I've managed to reach
Aksys phase 2
4 times but never managed to beat him, I know the mechanics like the palm of my hand though. I can bring my 372 Titan


SureShot IS sucks on Pulse Rifles. It may be good on Hand Cannons where kick direction isn't such a big deal, but switching from SureShot to MD Reflex on The Waltz is 100% better. The diagonal kick on SureShot is awful.


Monitors Raid Run - as soon as we have 6.
Experienced 370+ only, please.

1. Hzoltan969
2. GorillaJu ? - are you still in?
3. JJShadow


Monitors Raid Run - as soon as we have 6.
Experienced 370+ only, please.

1. Hzoltan969
2. GorillaJu ? - are you still in?
3. JJShadow

Eh I really don't need the monitors as I don't have the quest but if you guys need one I'd be down, 365 light, done every encounter but the first (which I've seen and looks like a breeze).

If not that's totally cool, I just want to run something that isn't LFG.


Eh I really don't need the monitors as I don't have the quest but if you guys need one I'd be down, 365 light, done every encounter but the first (which I've seen and looks like a breeze).

If not that's totally cool, I just want to run something that isn't LFG.

You actually get the quest by activating the monitors...


Posting again and still looking for 4 players

Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest

1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)

Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)

Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.

Please quote me and sign up.


Posting again and still looking for 4 players

Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest

1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)

Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)

Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.

Please quote me and sign up.

Would you mind a 365 raid newbie? It looks like my group won't be ready for a while and I really want to run it.



Posting again and still looking for 4 players

Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest

1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)

Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)

Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.

Please quote me and sign up.

Would you mind a 365 raid newbie? It looks like my group won't be ready for a while and I really want to run it.


Also a WOTM newbie Titan (368), PSN keakster
Posting again and still looking for 4 players

Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest

1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)

Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)

Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.

Please quote me and sign up.

I'd like to join too. Will only be available for 2.5 hours. The only thing i've done is kill aksis >_<

367 titan


We'll be trying to run it efficiently. If you don't mind it being spoiled for you then sure, join us

No worries about spoilers at all. I've had my share of blind runs, at this point I just want in to the end game.

I'll be good for as long as we need to run it.


We'll be trying to run it efficiently. If you don't mind it being spoiled for you then sure, join us

I'm okay with that. Spoiled most of it for myself already watching vids. Now to convince the wife there is nothing good to watch on TV at noon ...

Posting again and still looking for 4 players

Would like to do a ROI Raid at 6pm CET (Noon EST)
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest

1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)

Already ran the raid with all monitors activated but didn't beat Aksis last time (ran out of time since some had commitments)

Anyone 365+ is welcome. If you beat Aksis or you're 371+ that would be awesome.

Please quote me and sign up.
Is there somewhere that has the best rolls for each weapon type? I feel like there should be a website that you can input whatever weapon you have plus the rolls and it would grade your weapon and tell you what is good (or bad) about it and what could be better. Someone get on that.

Since I have no idea whats good...I have a But Not Forgotten sniper and I'm a PvE player. It's perks are Reinforced Barrel(or smallbore)/Snapshot/Spray and Play. To me that sounds good for a sniper rifle, but I dont really have a clue.


Despite really enjoying Crucible overall, I never actually tried Trials before. Never had a crew and was always a little anxious since I choke a little in 3v3. But I found a friendly- sounding game post on the100 for chill folks, and spent two cards just faffing about with others who made no promises of skill or wins. It was pretty great, I cleared all bounties and we even got to 3 wins - So if anyone feels it's out of their league, I say give it a whirl! At the very least you get 50 marks for bounties and a decent chance at 350+ gear drops (even for losses).

If any other Xboxen people need a third for Trials and don't stress so much about wins or flawless, please hit me up if I'm online! :)
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