Yes. Party up.
There you go: there a list of what drops from each strike chest? I have 1 skeleton key and I don't want to waste it.
Psn?I am searching for two people with whom to do Osiris before the weekly reset.
It's definitely a better roll for PvP, unflinching is a fantastic perk and HF ups AA. But if you're looking for a PVE sniper, then your 1000 yard will do you better. Triple tap and Mulligan are some of the best PVE perks.This looks neat.
Braced Frame vs Hammer Forged, AP Rounds vs Single Point Sling, Unflinching vs Triple Tap. My current 1KYS has Triple Tap, Explosive Rounds and Mulligan. Which one would you choose?
Get one more and I am downyes! I always forget to include this.
NEW TIME: 4pm CET (10 am EST) Everyone can still make it?
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)
6. Mindlog
Edit: Can you all add me on PSN. Not sure I have you all
If Dhruv can't make it, I'd love to fill in. I have all three classes between 365-367.
NEW TIME: 4pm CET (10 am EST) Everyone can still make it?
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)
6. Mindlog
Edit: Can you all add me on PSN. Not sure I have you all
If Dhruv can't make it, I'd love to fill in. I have all three classes between 365-367.I can make it but i don't think i have time for the monitors and puzzle solving
NEW TIME: 4pm CET (10 am EST) Everyone can still make it?
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)
6. Mindlog
Edit: Can you all add me on PSN. Not sure I have you all
NEW TIME: 4pm CET (10 am EST) Everyone can still make it?
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)
6. Mindlog
Edit: Can you all add me on PSN. Not sure I have you all
NEW TIME: 4pm CET (10 am EST) Everyone can still make it?
We'll be running monitors as well for the exotic quest
1. jayforone (Hunter 367)
2. Ambitious (Hunter 367)
3. Dhruv (Titan)
4. Zakalwa (Titan)
5. keakster (Titan)
6. Mindlog
Edit: Can you all add me on PSN. Not sure I have you all
It's definitely a better roll for PvP, unflinching is a fantastic perk and HF ups AA. But if you're looking for a PVE sniper, then your 1000 yard will do you better. Triple tap and Mulligan are some of the best PVE perks.
Looking to scrub around in ToO if anyone is interested.
PSN is greyblade.
Mercury HYPE!
Hunter cloak is pure sex.
Get one more and I am down
I'm so mad I'm working weekends. Game got me hooked again, I wanna play trials so bad. When does it finish? Monday?
I can play. Psn GunawiCool
Still searching for one more person with whom to do the Osiris challenge.
I can play. Psn Gunawi
Looks like you may already found your 3rd by now.
Im open for anyone who need 1 more for trial of osiris. Send me invite.
Good run deafmedal and everyone else, but I think I'm officially too old for this shit lol.
NF Anybody?
Mercury HYPE!
Hunter cloak is pure sex.
Mercury HYPE!
Hunter cloak is pure sex.
NF Anybody?
The fresh coat of paint is pretty nice 👌
Rank 20 in the record bookHow do you get that ship again? is it just in the kiosk?
Rank 20 in the record book
Not sure. I ran all of the missions on hard from the director while looking for siva fragmentsoh man rip I haven't even been trying to complete the record book.
does doing the daily story count as a hard mode story completion for the record book?
only bungie can get away with making year one cloaks relevant as 'new content' again.3