JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


Corporate Apologist
I don't know, I always felt that Rohan pose was pretty weak. The pose from All Star Battle is far better


I guess that pose is slightly more Iconic, since its the cover page of the RPS kid arc.

I just watched American Psycho for the first time.

Patrick Bateman is just Yoshikage Kira, like holy shit they are so similar
I swear I called him Bateman when he first got revealed, only thing missing from Bateman is the hand fetish and Kira actually knows how to cook, which Bateman can't do.


Does Araki know English? I can't remember if it was him who I read in an interview telling that he liked English songs because he didn't understand the lyrics.

I would be inclined to think that he does...


Pretty lttp but I really enjoyed the latest episode. Didn't notice any production issues tbh. There was some cool shots and neat animation in there. They even had some slick transitions which we've been missing for a while.
Diamond is Unbreakable 33

A 4 parter, huh? Guessing that will be really uncommon outside of final boss fights. But I think most of next weeks episode will be focused on My Dad is Not My Dad and setting up the Kira finale. I don't think Cheap Trick is very long.

This episode was actually really, really good. Up to par with the first two cours aside from some off model shots.

I forgot what was in the piece of paper and almost choked to death laughing.


I can never not laugh when I see this dumb visual of Kira's dad lassoing a bird in the sky while cackling like an old villain. It's just so goddamn silly, and yet so jojo


The posing was so strong this episode. Koichi stays being a BAMF. Also, Rohan just got a man killed because he was being an overly curious jackass. Still best character.


A non-comprehensive list of canonical facts about Rohan Kishibe:
-Casually chooses to murder Koichi by slowly tearing his memories out instead of just inviting him over and reading them.
-“Fights” Josuke by forcing Okuyasu to set himself on fire (making him history’s greatest monster).
-Almost immediately tries to befriend Koichi like the whole murder thing wasn’t a big deal.
-Later pays his victim to hang out.
-Destroys a small child at rock-paper-scissors before he knows it’s a stand battle.
-Severs his own finger and sets his house on fire because he suspects Josuke is cheating at dice.
-Saves Josuke not because it is the right thing to do, but because it lets him be a jerk to someone else.
-Indirectly murders a man because he can’t control his curiosity.

Basically what I’m saying is that Rohan is the best.


Koichi is having none of your shit, paper man


Recently, there've been two stands that would really suck to have. Not sure how I feel about a stand that you can't actually control on your own, but I guess it changes the dynamic of things. With how that guy was talking to his "Highway Star" stand and how Koichi sometimes talks to his, I'm not sure whether they usually have a will of their own or not. Or maybe it's something like the divide between the subconscious and conscious.


My impression is that Highway Star is independent, but it's personality is very similar to Yuya, and he's more aware of what's going on than Koichi or Hazamada are with Echoes and Surface.


Neat trivia: Cheap Trick's line is translated as "let me ride on your back", but it's more like "gimme a piggyback ride", like what a kid would say.

Araki's mentioned that he thinks of Cheap Trick as more of a supernatural monster than a normal stand.

edit: also
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