JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

It's sometimes brought up that the way people act in Jojo is often weirder than the actual supernatural stuff. In this case, what the hell's up with the taxi driver? Did he know what was happening? If he didn't, did he really not care that much? Did Enigma have to scare him to fold him up, or was he just included as part of the taxi? Plus, Josuke and the others just happily used that same taxi after defeating Enigma, without even suspecting that the taxi driver could be another enemy.

Maybe the meter was still ticking while he was in the paper, he can deal with it as long as he makes mad bank.


never left the stone age
I suddenly find myself craving a nice cold beverage... Like say, a Pepsi ®


Recently, there've been two stands that would really suck to have. Not sure how I feel about a stand that you can't actually control on your own, but I guess it changes the dynamic of things. With how that guy was talking to his "Highway Star" stand and how Koichi sometimes talks to his, I'm not sure whether they usually have a will of their own or not. Or maybe it's something like the divide between the subconscious and conscious.

Fucking hell, just look at that face. Koichi going all "Notto disu shito agen"
I wish I knew what his plan was to scare Jotato.

Since he told the taxi to head towards morioh grand hotel immediately after the fight, it's safe to assume he was planning the same strategy that he used on Josuke.

So he would tell Jotaro he had Josuke and Koichi as pieces of paper and try to scare him from there.

I feel like Araki would have written it so that Jotaro has been scared often but he's just so stoic that his tell is ridiculously hard to spot.

It's subtle, but there's quite a few moments in SDC where Jotaro is freaked out at what's happening along with everybody else. Although obviously he doesn't have a 'tell'.


He'd tell Jotaro he had some dolphins folded up. Instant shock and fear.

Also, if Enigma's power only works when people are scared, how the fuck this guy folding up random shit like a shredder, and even if he could just go up to objects and do that. Motherfucker folded up electricity. And people still say he has a shit stand? That's useful as hell.

All this guy needs is to learn some more origami and dude's made.


I was hoping all week that the stand name was going to be Baby Got Back. Looked up the band Cheap Trick. So many good songs. My favorite part of JoJo is getting to find old music that I've missed. Good stuff.


I know very well at this point that it's part of Jojo's charm, but I can't help but find over the top exposition a bit too silly at times. Dude's getting electrocuted, yet he finds the time to very elaborately narrate out loud what is happening.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
To this day I still don't get how Highway Star managed to still remain intact after his user turned into paper.


Junior Member
I was hoping all week that the stand name was going to be Baby Got Back. Looked up the band Cheap Trick. So many good songs. My favorite part of JoJo is getting to find old music that I've missed. Good stuff.
I'm surprised that you didn't hear about them before, but I suppose it's better late than never.


Am I the only one who thought it was hilarious that Enigma uses a gun to try and kill Josuke?

It just seems so un-JoJolike. It's a practical usage in a show where impractical tactics are the norm.

"What's in the paper?" "A fucking gun."
This episode had some great shots in it. Enigma brings out some really cool and funny images in the manga and DP really nailed it.

Also, Pepsi Man is totally a stand.


I wish I knew what his plan was to scare Jotato.
Mail him a documentary about dolphins and starfish being killed.

Am I the only one who thought it was hilarious that Enigma uses a gun to try and kill Josuke?

It just seems so un-JoJolike. It's a practical usage in a show where impractical tactics are the norm.

"What's in the paper?" "A fucking gun."
Hol Horse's Emperor, the "I HAVE A GUN" stand.
Having Jotaro confront Terunosuke would have been mostly for humor as you know Araki would have made it so Teru gets increasingly frustrated at Jotaro's unbeatable poker face.


Can someone please explain to my why the hell he got turned into a book at the end?

That left me so confused.
Crazy Diamond did it. It's like the guy Josuke turned into a rock in the early episodes. I guess the paper came from a book originally and Josuke "fixed" it.


Can someone please explain to my why the hell he got turned into a book at the end?

That left me so confused.

I guess some of the paper he was using he'd ripped out of a book, so Josuke "fixed" him and the paper "together" like he did with Angelo and the rock and the result is... Dude Book?

That's the best I can do.
Josuke didn't actually turn him into a book, he's able to trap things into what ever he fixes. I guess the art shows it more like he got turned into a book (like the murderer who's in that rock) for a little humour. He does a simular thing at the very start by trapping a knife inside that mugger.


Crazy Diamond can actually fuse things together. It's related to the deformation objects get when Josuke's pissed so it's not something he can control, but he can do it.


I've heard that Araki designs each Jojo to be the "opposite" of the previous one in some way.

So Jotaro's unsocial and straight-forward compared to Joseph's sociability and tendency to scheme, and Josuke's eccentric and friendly where (SDC) Jotaro was stoic and angry.
Damn, this is just getting better and better. I've really enjoyed this season, but I've mostly felt like it hasn't come close to equaling or topping Stardust Crusaders. I'm starting to walk that opinion back. The recent episodes have just been so crazy, weird, and funny, and I've connected with this group as much as I did with Jotaro's gang.

From looking at the manga chapters that are still left to cover, it's almost over, though, right? It seems like 10-12 episodes worth of material are left.


Rohan: "Which photo could it be?"

Because it definitely couldn't be the guy wearing the guy wearing the tie with skulls all over it.


Maturity, bitches.
Rohan: "Which photo could it be?"

Because it definitely couldn't be the guy wearing the guy wearing the tie with skulls all over it.

"Killer Queen, I've just noticed something"
"What is it Kira?"
"Have you looked at my ties recently?"
"Your ties?"
"The design on my ties. Have you looked at them?
"What…no. A bit…"
"They've got skulls on them."
"Have you noticed my ties actually have little pictures of skulls of them?"
"I don't uh…"
"Killer Queen… Are we the baddies?"


Same principle as: Spot the protagonist syndrome.


I've always thought that any situation where the heroes are looking for an enemy stand user they haven't seen before in a crowd of people they should just immediately beat the shit out of anyone with a ton of holes in their clothes, shingles hanging from their jacket, a man wearing barrettes, and/or literally wearing one of Prince's concert outfits.
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