Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Professional Schmuck
My dog woke me up to go outside. Oh look, it's past midnight!

15 tickets - got 2 Mercedes, 5 Charlottes, and 2 more Chiz, no Noct.

The biggest bummer - Still no lapis from my purchase a week ago. Fuck Gumi, I'm not spending another dime until that purchase is fixed and I get compensation.

Congrats to those of you that got Noct already, I really fucking want him, but I'm going to bed for now.

are you on r/ffbe? we need to raise a goddamned stink.


For the first day:
Daily - gold - Kefka
1st ticket - blue turns gold - freya
2nd ticket - blue - kefka
3rd ticket - blue - charlotte

Not disapointed to get Charlotte again, I want aegis shield on Refia and the more I get, the faster.

But day 1 failed in getting me a 2nd chorizo or Mercedes :(

Grats on the noctis guys!

And fuck, poor chrono :(

We should start some pool. We each give a few buck to that pool on PayPal and fund some poor fellow to get his base 5*. Once its done, we move to the next.


Professional Schmuck
Oh yes!

After troll Gaffgarion on Lightning banner I got him!


Also all banner units in 2 multipulls, rng paid off this time <.<

Well done! This is our 7th Noctis in the thread and I'm pretty sure the 4th junior dropping in out of nowhere to make people like me and Chrono feel terrrrrrrrrrrible

(j/k i'm happy for you)


How many Black Cowls one needs?
I have 3 Hayate's. If I get it right, I need 2?

Gilgy / L / CoD / Refia / Cecil as my goto party.

One for L
One for CoD


Did a disappointing multipull, nothing to see here.

22 pulls so far, not even a single Mercedes.

Oh boy. Almost ready to blow all my lapis and take a few months off the game lol.


Did a disappointing multipull, nothing to see here.

22 pulls so far, not even a single Mercedes.

Oh boy. Almost ready to blow all my lapis and take a few months off the game lol.

Take a break for now. You can pull again later. It's best not to go dumpster diving with everything in 1 shot


I am finally done after 288 pulls, with zero Rainbow crystals to boot... Guess it's really time to take a break from this game (I was about to do so when the first part of the Hanging Edge event became a chore). I can't believe the rates as I have never ever got a Rainbow crystal before :(
22 pulls and nothing much to show for it. ;___;


4* Vaan - Troll Gold
Miyuki #2

4* Sazh - Troll Gold >_<
Firion #3
4* Alma #3 - Troll Gold AGAIN
4* Cerius - SCREW THIS GAME!
Bartz #3

Xiao is brand new unit and a second Sakurafubuki will be handy eventually. For the rest, I just threw all those tickets and lapis down the drain. I couldn't at LEAST pull ONE freakin Mercedes or Chiz. T_T

I now have 16 Charlotte, btw.
After failing horribly at getting even a single non-troll gold, I did a reroll to see just how bad my luck would be if I had continued.

Ain't no way in hell I'm restarting though. So, if anyone (Anustart?) wants this I can give it to them.


Is there ever going to be a Miyuki banner? It's ridiculous that I still can't get a single one despite being a 3* base.


Well done! This is our 7th Noctis in the thread and I'm pretty sure the 4th junior dropping in out of nowhere to make people like me and Chrono feel terrrrrrrrrrrible

(j/k i'm happy for you)

Not really junior with this thread, I've been lurking for like 2-3 months again after initial posts before.

I really don't have time to post since BE is taking up all my time :p

Hopefully Chrono pulls Noct from a daily and laughs at the dolphins/whales (like me) who spend money on these damned pixels <.<


I fully leveled him up and equipped all of my best TMs on him. It's too bad I have no moonblade, but i'll make sure to waste every attack pot on him to get him a bit higher, and try to farm another seal of destruction.


Well done! This is our 7th Noctis in the thread and I'm pretty sure the 4th junior dropping in out of nowhere to make people like me and Chrono feel terrrrrrrrrrrible

(j/k i'm happy for you)

You can ask Shouta to make you a junior member. Hey for all we know, that could work :p


2 10+1 and 5 tickets
No rainbow, only Snow as a new unit, the rest were dupes (chizuru, exdeath, cecil, garland, miyuki), I even got a gold Shadow XD =(


I fully leveled him up and equipped all of my best TMs on him. It's too bad I have no moonblade, but i'll make sure to waste every attack pot on him to get him a bit higher, and try to farm another seal of destruction.

Moonblade is not his BiS. Excalibur or Deathbringer with Sakura+BM are his BiS.

Highest possible atk Noctis can get is 893 atk. Have fun.


Take a break for now. You can pull again later. It's best not to go dumpster diving with everything in 1 shot
but how? D:

did 30 pulls in total now,

the good:
3 Churizos, 1 Mercedes, noticable tm material Cecil, Terra, Ludmille, Miyuki
still got 12k Lapis for future dailies and/or 11 pull

the bad: 2 troll rainbows in a row, most of the units trash
only 5 tickets left and spirit completely broken

As a f2p player it could be worse, but these pulls certainly sting a bit right now.
I think I will concentrate more on TM for the next few weeks and skip events/banner as much as possible, then make a triumphant return with a solid tm geared Team, more tickets in the bank and hopefully a rainbow crystal guarantee on 5* base Units comming soon...


Did a disappointing multipull, nothing to see here.

22 pulls so far, not even a single Mercedes.

Oh boy. Almost ready to blow all my lapis and take a few months off the game lol.

Yeah. That's who I want to have...Mercedes. I hope I can get lucky in the next couple of days. Gonna save these cactaur from the Mog King in hopes that I get lucky sometime soon. If not, then I'll use them on this Chizuru I got today.

I see people are getting lucky and getting Noctis. Congrats, guys!


High priority TMs would be Hayate (Black Cowl), Locke (Rising Sun), Ludmille (Dualcast), Arc (Omnirod), and Shantotto (+30% MAG).

As a rule of thumb I keep max 3 of any unit I plan to farm TMs, because I hate doing singles. I usually do 3x and 2x of an unit in a TM party, for example my previous one was 2x Cecil, 3x Ludmille.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'll work on those then!

Sorry for the late reply, was mentally recovering from it all. :(

FYI, I spent 85 tickets and 45k Lapis, still no Rainbow :(

I have enought Charlottes to max her TM out thrice, and in the meantime, my Shadow, Penolo and Bediles TM are maxed too .. Chizuru is at 85%

:( :( :( :( :(
Sorry man. :/

Please tell me you're not fusing the multiple Chizuru into a single one. Her TM is useful on so many different units, you'll want as many as you can get (three would be great).

Today was a good but expensive day for me. Very, very good! :)
Congrats on...everything? Not sure what it was, but it sounds good!

Oh yes!

After troll Gaffgarion on Lightning banner I got him!


Also all banner units in 2 multipulls, rng paid off this time <.<
Congrats man. :)

For the first day:
Daily - gold - Kefka
1st ticket - blue turns gold - freya
2nd ticket - blue - kefka
3rd ticket - blue - charlotte

Not disapointed to get Charlotte again, I want aegis shield on Refia and the more I get, the faster.

But day 1 failed in getting me a 2nd chorizo or Mercedes :(

Grats on the noctis guys!

And fuck, poor chrono :(

We should start some pool. We each give a few buck to that pool on PayPal and fund some poor fellow to get his base 5*. Once its done, we move to the next.
Sorry for your pulls. Charlotte is definitely trolling the hell out of this banner. She must have learned from Fang.

As for me, I'm not even disappointed anymore. To be disappointed you need to expect something, and this game has literally taken all hope from me (not the character, I have three of him sadly). I'll just continue on following the routine. It means a lot that so many here were rooting for me, so I'm saddened to see all of your hope be mis-placed. I would have liked positive news for you. :(

Well done! This is our 7th Noctis in the thread and I'm pretty sure the 4th junior dropping in out of nowhere to make people like me and Chrono feel terrrrrrrrrrrible

(j/k i'm happy for you)
I'm happy when anyone here gets a 5* base, but you knew that I'm sure. ;)

ExviusGAF gets stronger! Congrats to you, juniors!

After failing horribly at getting even a single non-troll gold, I did a reroll to see just how bad my luck would be if I had continued.


Ain't no way in hell I'm restarting though. So, if anyone (Anustart?) wants this I can give it to them.
This is why I don't do alts. :(

I'd be up for this.

Eho wants to start?
It means a lot to me that this thing is even an idea, but I appreciate the sentiment behind it. Not required or expected at all, but it's nice to see ExviusGAF continues to be the amazing place it is. I'm sure my 5* day will (eventually) come, I'll just try to be patient and continue onwards.

Congrats again on your Noctis. :)

Not really junior with this thread, I've been lurking for like 2-3 months again after initial posts before.

I really don't have time to post since BE is taking up all my time :p

Hopefully Chrono pulls Noct from a daily and laughs at the dolphins/whales (like me) who spend money on these damned pixels <.<
Congrats again man.

It's disheartening for me, but I'm going to remain as positive as I can. Negative brings nothing but despair, and life is too short for that.


Moonblade is not his BiS. Excalibur or Deathbringer with Sakura+BM are his BiS.

Highest possible atk Noctis can get is 893 atk. Have fun.

Oh, in that case I have his BiS already equipped, the only thing missing is another seal of destruction other than the attack pots since I can't really get an infernal amulet.

Thanks for the heads up though.


Well Crono, Panther, looks like we're still in the no 5* unit group. I guess there's still time for something good to happen. I hope one of us gets lucky and pulls Noctis.
Added 10 slots for you guys. Soon to be 800 Noctis. I have all the my fellow vets already but for you blue bloods I will add you now. Noct will be 800 by the end of the weekend.


Why the hell doesn't the maze count as a vortex run for the dailies??

Got an lb pot on my first run!! Everyone out here doing pulls and I'm just excited for lb pots lol.


Eh, i did 100 pulls... not proud of it.

The first 10+1 pull was rainbow! I thought "hell, well finish early with this banner?!?!?"... was vaan D: (didnt take screenshot)

80 pulls later, another rainbow!!!


At least give me a GOOD one troll rainbow D:

Next 10+1... Two rainbows!

Please note the first rainbow... i was like "ASSDFDSAFDASF" but at least got him.

But, i didnt get enough chorizos.... eh, i already bought lapis, so lets do another 10+1

ok game, i understand! Ill stop now.


Ah well... Add me to the list...

Got him on my second 10+1 pull. First 10+1 was absolute garbage. No Chorizo or anything worthwhile besides a second Growth Egg and Kaiser Knuckles #3.

Got 2 Chorizos and Noctis now so I'm done pulling on this banner. More Chorizos would have been nice but the rate seems pretty bad compared to the flood of Charlottes I got from my ticket pulls.
I'm down to 240 Lapis anyways... >_>
Let's see if there's a good Christmas deal. :p


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Too man posts - congrats to everyone who got lucky - either with or without Noctis. And to everyone else...there is always a next time and we likely will get some nice events/bundles in the next weeks allowing us to pull a couple more times. Might have lost todays battle...but the war is still going on and ExviusGaf needs every soldier. ( okay that was bad...nvm)

Wow again Rainbow :D Lol.

\o/ But that Cecil. Man you break the curse and within same hour I did break my curse \o/

Yeah thanks man,
i just saw your pulls - pretty great...finally Zidane, also double Hayate and Mercedes - thats awesome. You got pretty much what you wanted.

Im so happy about Cecil - i dont really need to pull more but ill continue Dailies and hope for Mercedes. I already have to level Ex-Death 4* to 6* max level, now Cecil is here as well - though his leveling will be slower since ill have to get his LB up beforehand ...and after that i also have 6* Chiz waiting to get some exp love.

But yeah...pulling Cecil during Maze and potential LB burst pots, perfect timing.

At 4 Leos now - one more and i might need to look into his TM lol.
8 tickets+2 dailies
2 gold
1 clyne 1 mercedes :(

Edit: Gratz Rixa!
Zidane is a base 6* for sure
Not happy about Mercedes ?
Yeah, not going to give up!

Congrats on the Cecil. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure!

As for me, it's know that saying "get that monkey off of my back!"? It's kind of like that with me. The longer it goes on without a 5* base, the more empowering that feeling becomes. I know I have a solid box, especially after tonight (I got my second/third Zidane, second/third Chizuru and Gaffgarion), but it's still upsetting (for the reason you mentioned). I'll just log in daily, save up tickets/Lapis, and keep at it. I just hope the content doesn't become too unbearable for me, but thankfully I have ExviusGAF here to support me. <3

Yeah i know how you feel - even if you dont pull a base 5* unit now you know that with the weapons/gear you get from events and the TMs unlocked from the units you already are somehow already working in powering up your future base 5* you will pull at some point.

Just keep working on what you have and once you get lucky you will hit the ground running. Thats what i did...and it worked out well.
High five! I recently (finally) got a Cecil too -- after watching all my friends use him as a tank on events and watching them get him to 6*, and after all those LB Pots sit in my Unit List...
You are completely right - reading all these Guides and FAQs on Trials where Cecil is always mentioned as essential or gamechanger, made not having him even worse. I got somehow bby since i had Charlotte but 6* Cecil is on a whole different level.

And finally a Top Tier Unit with "Focus" - just while im leveling up my Ex-Death....good times ahead.
23 tickets, last one Gold > Rainbow

Fuck Yeah, Noctis get!

Also got Mercedes along the way!
Very nice - i expected nothing less from you. Another chess move lol.

You got who ? Hah...just kidding - congrats man !!


Eh, i did 100 pulls... not proud of it.

The first 10+1 pull was rainbow! I thought "hell, well finish early with this banner?!?!?"... was vaan D: (didnt take screenshot)

80 pulls later, another rainbow!!!


At least give me a GOOD one troll rainbow D:

Next 10+1... Two rainbows!

Please note the first rainbow... i was like "ASSDFDSAFDASF" but at least got him.

But, i didnt get enough chorizos.... eh, i already bought lapis, so lets do another 10+1

ok game, i understand! Ill stop now.

Curious how many Benz did you get?


Good stuff. Congrats.

Congrats to everyone else. I see Val got him even though he hasn't posted yet lol.

Chrono our time is coming I'm telling you!
Never give up believing!

Well Crono, Panther, looks like we're still in the no 5* unit group. I guess there's still time for something good to happen. I hope one of us gets lucky and pulls Noctis.
Let us hope. :(

Eh, i did 100 pulls... not proud of it.

The first 10+1 pull was rainbow! I thought "hell, well finish early with this banner?!?!?"... was vaan D: (didnt take screenshot)

80 pulls later, another rainbow!!!


At least give me a GOOD one troll rainbow D:

Next 10+1... Two rainbows!

Please note the first rainbow... i was like "ASSDFDSAFDASF" but at least got him.

But, i didnt get enough chorizos.... eh, i already bought lapis, so lets do another 10+1

ok game, i understand! Ill stop now.
What a story. Congrats (on that 2x Noctis, insane luck)!

Ah well... Add me to the list...

Got him on my second 10+1 pull. First 10+1 was absolute garbage. No Chorizo or anything worthwhile besides a second Growth Egg and Kaiser Knuckles #3.

Got 2 Chorizos and Noctis now so I'm done pulling on this banner. More Chorizos would have been nice but the rate seems pretty bad compared to the flood of Charlottes I got from my ticket pulls.
I'm down to 240 Lapis anyways... >_>
Let's see if there's a good Christmas deal. :p
Nice job, glad to see it worked out for you!

Yeah i know how you feel - even if you dont pull a base 5* unit now you know that with the weapons/gear you get from events and the TMs unlocked from the units you already are somehow already working in powering up your future base 5* you will pull at some point.

Just keep working on what you have and once you get lucky you will hit the ground running. Thats what i did...and it worked out well.
That's how I'm trying to look at things. It isn't easy sometimes, but I try to remain as positive as I can be (given the circumstances).
Chrono, I just realized the old No Legends club from OPTC is being reborn here. :(

It took me 446 days to get my first Legend in that game (then I got my second / only other one three months later). I really hope that isn't the case here
(and I actually got a Legend on my barrel tapping "Alt" way before I pulled one on my actual account so that mimics the reroll BS earlier)


Yeah thanks man,
i just saw your pulls - pretty great...finally Zidane, also double Hayate and Mercedes - thats awesome. You got pretty much what you wanted.

Im so happy about Cecil - i dont really need to pull more but ill continue Dailies and hope for Mercedes. I already have to level Ex-Death 4* to 6* max level, now Cecil is here as well - though his leveling will be slower since ill have to get his LB up beforehand ...and after that i also have 6* Chiz waiting to get some exp love.

But yeah...pulling Cecil during Maze and potential LB burst pots, perfect timing.

At 4 Leos now - one more and i might need to look into his TM lol.

Yup. Perfect timing for us with maze. I can (and prolly will) use some Lapis for nrg for maze to get Mercedes for 6* eventho Iam not going to use her in many weeks.
Now I just need one F1 for that second axe. But Iam ok if I don't pull it thru dailies.

Mission accomplished for us.
Now back to TM train *choo choo choo*

Btw. I have Leo TM in the backlog too...


Chrono, I just realized the old No Legends club from OPTC is being reborn here. :(

It took me 446 days to get my first Legend in that game (then I got my second / only other one three months later). I really hope that isn't the case here
(and I actually got a Legend on my barrel tapping "Alt" way before I pulled one on my actual account so that mimics the reroll BS earlier)
Some things never change, haha.

At least my first Legend in that game was Log Luffy, who was a great one. Here's hoping the same thing applies here!


Added 10 slots for you guys. Soon to be 800 Noctis. I have all the my fellow vets already but for you blue bloods I will add you now. Noct will be 800 by the end of the weekend.

I'll take your offer, add me please! 448.411.781, actually I have a few slots open. Kicked some inactives.


Sigh, used what little tickets I had left, and did a 10+1.

Still no fucking rainbow or a base 5*.

Fuck this game sometimes.
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