Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT6| NeoGa.....NEOVISION!


Man, new Halloween unit isn't bad, but what a boring kit. I miss the old style of GL exclusives that actually did interesting things like iNichol or Demon Rain. She's just a straight up 2 element mage. I don't even do DV so there's really no reason for me to pull on this banner other than the CG hooters, which just isn't enough.

On the other hand, my final weekly 10+1s got me NV Edel, who I kinda wanted. And just as her shard bundle drops out of the shop too, lol. I sure hope we get that shard dungeon someday.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Bunch of insanely terrible pulls for me, 40 tickets and one rainbow, and a bunch of worthless rainbows from the guaranteed slots after 20k lapis; ugh.


So if you act quick, you can just replay the final Story stage on Ibara's event over and over and get 400 event points per play, even if you skip, for 0 NRG. Get it while it's hot before Gumi patches it.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Yeah I noticed that, went to 35k and called it quits.

Managed to get Ibara today, I'll prolly still do one more multi so I can get the free one, but after that it's back into saving mode until christmas; I'm also interested in that Cleome from the "flower girls" that global skipped for some reason, I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly dropped randomly soon.


JP hit its 5th Anniversary and the producer Hirono gave out all 5-star/NV tickets for how many years you've been playing. Got a bunch of STMRs and a second NV Rain from it.


Looks like it's sakura and lucius for nva...
Yea I read it in the news this morning, what a bummer. Why on earth would they do Lucius instead of Lilith? Also, It's hard to believe that after this many years, I have 0 copies of GLS. I guess this halloween is a bust for me.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Yea I read it in the news this morning, what a bummer. Why on earth would they do Lucius instead of Lilith? Also, It's hard to believe that after this many years, I have 0 copies of GLS. I guess this halloween is a bust for me.
The more I think about it, the more it's clearly just about money.
Lucius and lilith were released together, but lilith gets benched? She's still a good hybrid tank, but there are so many that are better than her atm.
But lucius is just a damage dealer, and so is sakura...
Damage dealers get easily powercreeped, so gumi doesn't have to worry you won't summon for the next shiny new damage dealer.

Upgrade lilith to a NVA hybrid tank and suddenly summoning on future tanks becomes less attractive, since tanks and support units aren't replaced as easily as damage dealers.

You could probably get NVA lucius and sakura even if you have zero copies of them:
Their prisms are in the trust exchange, so you could:
Pick a unit with the sakura sweets
Awaken them with the prism
Use an STMR moogle
Buy the fragment bundle for 3k lapis.

OR if we get to pick two of each unit:
Pick the unit you want NVA twice.
Awaken them both with the prism and an omniprism
Get the STMR by fusing
Buy the fragment bundle for 3k lapis.

Another round of world revisit quests are coming, so that 3k bundle is essentially free, but I don't think I'd spend those resources, considering the other NV units I have; sakura's STMR is pretty tasty though :pie_thinking: .


The more I think about it, the more it's clearly just about money.
Lucius and lilith were released together, but lilith gets benched? She's still a good hybrid tank, but there are so many that are better than her atm.
But lucius is just a damage dealer, and so is sakura...
Damage dealers get easily powercreeped, so gumi doesn't have to worry you won't summon for the next shiny new damage dealer.

Upgrade lilith to a NVA hybrid tank and suddenly summoning on future tanks becomes less attractive, since tanks and support units aren't replaced as easily as damage dealers.

You could probably get NVA lucius and sakura even if you have zero copies of them:
Their prisms are in the trust exchange, so you could:
Pick a unit with the sakura sweets
Awaken them with the prism
Use an STMR moogle
Buy the fragment bundle for 3k lapis.

OR if we get to pick two of each unit:
Pick the unit you want NVA twice.
Awaken them both with the prism and an omniprism
Get the STMR by fusing
Buy the fragment bundle for 3k lapis.

Another round of world revisit quests are coming, so that 3k bundle is essentially free, but I don't think I'd spend those resources, considering the other NV units I have; sakura's STMR is pretty tasty though :pie_thinking: .
That's a good point. I'll wait to see if either of them are worth going after, but at least it looks like I can get a (free?) Sakura just to have, worst case scenario.


Tanks and healers/supports are generally harder to powercreep so that's part of the reason why you don't see as many NVAs and Native NV ones right now. Alim can easily do that with damage dealers to make more money and occasionally toss us a bone on those other unit types or do something like with Sabin and make a damage dealer bulkier for niche uses.


Tanks and healers/supports are generally harder to powercreep so that's part of the reason why you don't see as many NVAs and Native NV ones right now. Alim can easily do that with damage dealers to make more money and occasionally toss us a bone on those other unit types or do something like with Sabin and make a damage dealer bulkier for niche uses.
I don't like that this mega DPS era has basically funneled everyone into using 1 round KO strategies first and foremost. The numbers inflation is just silly at this point. I miss the days of the Gilgamesh trial where you had to balance mp usage and elemental usage to bind certain skills. That was peak FFBE for me, I was shaking when I beat him because it was so stressful, but it felt great. Now it's just use macros for perfect chains and 1shot everything with Tifa's LB. If they were going to use NV era as an effective "reset" button, I wish they'd have adjusted the damage formula while they were at it so I'm not looking at 15 billion damage every turn.

This sucks for me especially because I really enjoyed rolling for units that did role compression the best. Like tanks that were breakers, or supports that could chain, that kind of stuff. NV has taken that concept and said "NO, this is a damage dealer and that's all that they do!" I would have love to see Brave Shifts doing really interesting things instead of just switching between ATK damage and LB damage, and relatively lame stuff like that. I am still pissed that NV Elena didn't have one form as physical and one form as magic damage, at a bare minimum. They just took away all the interesting things from her 7* verison's kit and made the 2 forms both hybrid damage, one TDH and the other TDW. Wowee...


There's some good NVs that do multiple things. Locke is a breaker on top of his damage dealing. Gabranth does a bit of damage while tanking, Shadow is a Dodge Provoke Tank/DPS/Breaker, Sabin has a bit of everything, lol. Aerith is a healer/magic damage dealer as well.

It's pretty easy to pay attention to the new hot DPS but there's still some interesting stuff going on.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Well it looks like the halloween banner has really good rates.
4k lapis for a guaranteed on banner 5* limited, or a random off banner NV.
The rainbow rate is 35% and it's all on banner limiteds.
You also get a coin which you can exchange for a prism, so the banner is pretty much, at very least a limited 7* unit for 4k lapis.
And then we still have the sakura sweets exchange left.

With the world revisit quests incoming, there's almost no excuse to not summon on this banner at least once.
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Well it looks like the halloween banner has really good rates.
4k lapis for a guaranteed on banner 5* limited, or a random off banner NV.
The rainbow rate is 35% and it's all on banner limiteds.
You also get a coin which you can exchange for a prism, so the banner is pretty much, at very least a limited 7* unit for 4k lapis.
And then we still have the sakura sweets exchange left.

With the world revisit quests incoming, there's almost no excuse to not summon on this banner at least once.
Yea I did 3 summons and got enough GLS (I previously had 0) to get her to NVA. Can't +1 her yet, but I still have a ton of story to get through, so hopefully I can pull 1 more before the event's over. Made NVA Lucius just for the hell of it because I already had enough for him from past years. Not enough to EX+1 though.


Trying to lure me back again with NVA Kryla. I think I have a good 10 or 11 of her. I quit playing again though with the stipulation that at the very least the game needs a "Merge all 4* and below dupes" button before I return again.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Bunch of (ex)tickets and one multi got me:
2x kryla
2x christine
2x lucas
2x levinson
1x tiana
1x nv edel
1x nv elena
Gonna do the world revisit quests so I can do the other 2 multis, for the free one, hopefully get a few more kryla's for another copy of her STMR.

The real gift is the 1500 vip coins compensation though, got 70million gil and 150 max cactuars now; gonna awaken a whole bunch when half gil/amazing enhancement goes live again.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
I quit playing again though with the stipulation that at the very least the game needs a "Merge all 4* and below dupes" button before I return again.
Well, they are finally doing the thing, jp version 6.2.0+:
Multi fusion system:

  • Merges your units (1-4 star bases only)
  • It will use non TMR'ed units as a base and merge other copies into it
  • If unit reaches 100% TMR, another unit will be used as a base and process will continue
  • Locked units wont be taken into process


Well, they are finally doing the thing, jp version 6.2.0+:
Multi fusion system:

  • Merges your units (1-4 star bases only)
  • It will use non TMR'ed units as a base and merge other copies into it
  • If unit reaches 100% TMR, another unit will be used as a base and process will continue
  • Locked units wont be taken into process
Holy balls, they actually did it. Well, when this hits GL I will come back, man of my word etc.


JP has a lot of great updates coming potentially. Adjustments to auto-battle, reducing data size, a Skin feature (where you can use whatever sprite you want for your unit if you have it) and a bunch of other things, this is pretty good stuff.


JP has a lot of great updates coming potentially. Adjustments to auto-battle, reducing data size, a Skin feature (where you can use whatever sprite you want for your unit if you have it) and a bunch of other things, this is pretty good stuff.
Oh damn, you mean I don't have to use super glowy sparkle sprites for everything? Man how I wish they had this for years. There were a ton of 4* and 5* base units that I loved their first sprite. Not sure it matters much anymore with NV being the new "base" rarity.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
So this event has kalmia and nerine as enemies, yet we never got them or the others (cleome etc.) on global.
I wonder if this means we'll get them soon, but at the same time they'd be very much useless now unless they get some extra tuning to put them on NV level.


I assume they'll get buffed up for Global since you guys didn't get them. I actually like some of their designs even if the story kinda is wonky as shit.


Unit Fusing Quality of Life in JP just hit last night and it's amazing. I pressed a button and my inventory freed up 200 spaces.


Unit Fusing Quality of Life in JP just hit last night and it's amazing. I pressed a button and my inventory freed up 200 spaces.
Such an enormous QoL update that I'm surprised they waited so long to implement it. I'd say "hopefully global gets it sooner" but we all know Gumi's love of just copy and pasting code, bugs included. This feature seems mandatory for anniversaries.


so watching all these Neo visions I kind want to jump in again. When would be the best time to reroll? Is there an anniversary coming up on global?^^


so watching all these Neo visions I kind want to jump in again. When would be the best time to reroll? Is there an anniversary coming up on global?^^
Global anniversary is sometime in August, though I think last year they spread it out over like 3 months, lol. I have no idea what they have for new players right now, or if there are any big free roll events coming up, but probably your best bet is to wait until you see a featured banner for a NV unit you really like and just reroll until you get the unit at like NV EX+1 that you want.

In looking at FFBE wiki it seems like right now there are a bunch of OC duo NV units. Personally I feel like they do way too many duplicate/alternate version OC units in this game presently, and I hate the screen clutter of duo units. That's just my opinion though, apparently people like them if they keep making them.

I'm currently on a break from the game and will probably come back for a big free roll campaign or when they add the new 1 button fuse feature that Shouta Shouta was talking about to global.


Global anniversary is sometime in August, though I think last year they spread it out over like 3 months, lol. I have no idea what they have for new players right now, or if there are any big free roll events coming up, but probably your best bet is to wait until you see a featured banner for a NV unit you really like and just reroll until you get the unit at like NV EX+1 that you want.

In looking at FFBE wiki it seems like right now there are a bunch of OC duo NV units. Personally I feel like they do way too many duplicate/alternate version OC units in this game presently, and I hate the screen clutter of duo units. That's just my opinion though, apparently people like them if they keep making them.

I'm currently on a break from the game and will probably come back for a big free roll campaign or when they add the new 1 button fuse feature that Shouta Shouta was talking about to global.
Thanks for the info. Yeah that one button fusion feature sounds great. I remember how much of a hassle it was to make free speace because you had so many bad units over and over again^^

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
so watching all these Neo visions I kind want to jump in again. When would be the best time to reroll? Is there an anniversary coming up on global?^^
There should be a new event soon with a free tag team NV unit on monday, charlotte & physalis
News info
They are apparantly really good for a free unit, about on par with earlier NV units, so you'd miss out on them if you'd wait for the anniversary.
The lunar new year units will go live sometime in february, which will probably be your best time then to reroll and also get charlotte & physalis.


There should be a new event soon with a free tag team NV unit on monday, charlotte & physalis
News info
They are apparantly really good for a free unit, about on par with earlier NV units, so you'd miss out on them if you'd wait for the anniversary.
The lunar new year units will go live sometime in february, which will probably be your best time then to reroll and also get charlotte & physalis.
thanks for the info.

I just tried to install it on Bluestacks but it crashes all the time. Is there any way to play it on an emulator instead of my phone?^^


The game should run on Bluestacks so you might need to fiddle with the settings there to get it work.
it crashes in the tutorial when you enter the vilage. But it seems like the Amazon app version does work for some reason.

Also is there any Unit I should roll for? Looks like you get a 10+1 ticket and a NV ticket.

It looks like The unit tier list on exvius wiki is pretty outdated

I got Rufus Rufus (FFVII)
War Hero Reagen
Pyro Glacial Lasswell
Firion Neo Vision

You can get one out of these 5.

Dragon Arkstar

But I have no idea anymore what is decent or good XD
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this list?:

Or I can not find the units I got. I found the NV Versions. and when I go to all the stars it says will not be updated anymore.

Says defunct rankings.

I guess It does not really matter since the story is sooo long and nothing matter right now since the Neo vision alone is max leveled and makes like 30k dmg
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it crashes in the tutorial when you enter the vilage. But it seems like the Amazon app version does work for some reason.

Also is there any Unit I should roll for? Looks like you get a 10+1 ticket and a NV ticket.

It looks like The unit tier list on exvius wiki is pretty outdated

I got Rufus Rufus (FFVII)
War Hero Reagen
Pyro Glacial Lasswell
Firion Neo Vision

You can get one out of these 5.

Dragon Arkstar

But I have no idea anymore what is decent or good XD

If you're looking to get a unit that goes with your NV Firion, then do Cloud or Rain since they share a chain family on their main attacks, Stardust Ray/Earth Rave. A dupe Firion works as well though there's content where you can't bring two of the same unit so going with someone that has the same chain family is more important. Akstar has a different chain family while Sol is a magic chainer so you can't use them to chain attacks. The dupe Firion can always be used to move Firion up to EX+1 and unlock his second form but I would avoid that for now so you can have a number of compatible ones.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member

Or I can not find the units I got. I found the NV Versions. and when I go to all the stars it says will not be updated anymore.
If a 7 star isn't on that list, it's not very good at all, or it's a 7 star from zenaida and up.
Zenaida is early NV level, even if she's only 7 star, and a lot of 7 star released after her are also still pretty decent, if not very good for new players.
But the thing is, there were many free 7 star units from events, and there will be even more in the future, and -a lot- of these are better than a good chunk of older 7 star units.

So if a 7 star isn't on that list, check if it was released after zenaida, if it isn't, then it's trash until a possible NVA in the future.
The NVs on the list are generally all good, but if you want a nuclear bomb you'd prolly want to reroll until you get Terra or the current raegen and lasswell tag team.
Dragon Arkstar
They are all fine, Sol is good if you want to have a turn 1 Limit burst.


Lasswell/Reagen Tag Team is really good because they can chain on their own. You pick their skills and they're good to go which is really nice if you have a bunch of units that just do one big hit, heh.


If a 7 star isn't on that list, it's not very good at all, or it's a 7 star from zenaida and up.
Zenaida is early NV level, even if she's only 7 star, and a lot of 7 star released after her are also still pretty decent, if not very good for new players.
But the thing is, there were many free 7 star units from events, and there will be even more in the future, and -a lot- of these are better than a good chunk of older 7 star units.

So if a 7 star isn't on that list, check if it was released after zenaida, if it isn't, then it's trash until a possible NVA in the future.
The NVs on the list are generally all good, but if you want a nuclear bomb you'd prolly want to reroll until you get Terra or the current raegen and lasswell tag team.

They are all fine, Sol is good if you want to have a turn 1 Limit burst.
But dont you awaken them to 7 stars? Thats what it was before. You start with a 5 star lightning and then you get her to 7^^

Also I looged into my Old account and got Shoreline Fina & Daisy with my first pull. So I can awken her to a Neo Version?

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
But dont you awaken them to 7 stars? Thats what it was before. You start with a 5 star lightning and then you get her to 7^^

Also I looged into my Old account and got Shoreline Fina & Daisy with my first pull. So I can awken her to a Neo Version?
5 star base units awaken into 7 star yes, but some also awaken into neo vision, which are called NVA.
Shoreline girls are NV base, they start out as NV units, they don't awaken into anything.


5 star base units awaken into 7 star yes, but some also awaken into neo vision, which are called NVA.
Shoreline girls are NV base, they start out as NV units, they don't awaken into anything.
thanks for the info.

Well I guess I will play a bit on my old account to see how its going. I got a nice Pull with the shorline girls and Arkstar. Also forgot I already had Tifa on there. Storywise I am still in Capter 5 of the first Season so there is a lot to go there as well.

Lets see how its going XD
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Looks like cleome and akstar tag team might be up next on global.
They are visible on the art for the "farplane wanderers 2" challenge, so they should use dark fina and sol materials for their NV abilities.
I wonder if their banner will have the rest of the girls.
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Playing the festival of Visions feels like there are a lot of spoilers in here if you have not finished the sotry. And I am stil in Season 2....

By the way. The Visions Step up Banner is a good place to spend my gems or?
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Step-ups are usually good if you're looking to get units from that specific banner. So I'd do them if you're looking to try for units. They're usually a good deal

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Playing the festival of Visions feels like there are a lot of spoilers in here if you have not finished the sotry. And I am stil in Season 2....

By the way. The Visions Step up Banner is a good place to spend my gems or?
Kinda depends, the rates are much higher than regular banners, but it's a bit of a free for all.
So they are good if you are just starting out, but I personally skip most of these "general" step ups; I'd rather save my lapis for limited units.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
So it looks like the global team really want to have NVA's for all global original units, but they have to prioritise their resources.
This is also why there haven't been new enhancements or latents, so instead they are just going to straight up making the global originals stronger.
In april this is going to start with Esther, so she won't get an NVA, not for awhile at least, and they will make another one stronger every 2-3 months.

If this elevates global originals to zenaida and higher levels, it should be pretty nice for a straight up free buff.
It does make me wonder what the unit for Easter will be, I think most people would like NV Esther, but after Elena all global originals have been new units (halloween/winter/CNY).
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