Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT6| NeoGa.....NEOVISION!


So it looks like the global team really want to have NVA's for all global original units, but they have to prioritise their resources.
This is also why there haven't been new enhancements or latents, so instead they are just going to straight up making the global originals stronger.
In april this is going to start with Esther, so she won't get an NVA, not for awhile at least, and they will make another one stronger every 2-3 months.

If this elevates global originals to zenaida and higher levels, it should be pretty nice for a straight up free buff.
It does make me wonder what the unit for Easter will be, I think most people would like NV Esther, but after Elena all global originals have been new units (halloween/winter/CNY).
So they're buffing Esther? Her "enhancements" if you call them that were one of the biggest disappointments for me. I loved her and Sylvie, and their kits. They deserve NVA.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
So they're buffing Esther? Her "enhancements" if you call them that were one of the biggest disappointments for me. I loved her and Sylvie, and their kits. They deserve NVA.
Yeah they are going to straight up buff global originals, Esther is going to be the first one.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Shui Yu is pretty powerful, in bs form she has a 250x mod LB that also raises LB damage by 250%, and comes with 200% LB damage without any special gearing.
Because it scales off SPR, it still puts her below Ibara damage wise, but it's still pretty impressive IMO, especially since she can fire off those LBs while technically filling the support/healer role.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
GL sure keeps getting nice looking characters and sprites.
Yeah, though I think they kinda have to, since the release schedules aren't in sync, they still need to drain our lapis somehow, otherwise we'd just save for the next shiny jp unit or collab.
I think I'm gonna do one pull on akstar/cleome cause I've been looking forward to her, but it doesn't seem like we are getting regular flower girls any time soon.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Finally got 10 of those NV tickets and got my first (real) tag team unit with Dark fina and sol; should pair nicely with ibara/shui yu.


DFina and Sol are pretty strong as I recall. I never got them myself though so I don't know first hand.

I got NV Hawkeye from Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana in JP. I pulled two in fact and with the shards given out by the event, I have him at EX+2. I spent an STMR moogle as well so I have two 80% ATK and 75% LB damage materia now. The event also had farmable Duran and Angela shards so I got both to EX+3. All for 6000 Lapis and like 20 tickets. Granted, I had Duran and Angela from the previous time they ran the collab so that helped a lot, lol

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Some nice QOL updates on global today, no auto fusion yet, but being to automatically move units to "reserve storage" is pretty sweet alreaedy.
The new damage numbers, green magic buff and shields buff are great too.


They bundled a bunch of stuff in GL then, that's good. Even more QOLs should be coming soon.

On that note, they had a equipment set update in JP last night but in the final check they found a crash bug so they put it off for another Maint tonight. Back to Back 5 hour maintenances lol

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
SS raegen has arrived on GL and his modifiers look pretty damn strong; will try to get him to ex1.

Mazurka seems to have some insane finisher damage, but needs ex1 for that, so I'll just wait for aranea nva.


You should be looking forward to the FF9 event for NV Vivi and Steiner. It's the first unit combnation in a long time that synergize really well and give us a different way to deal damage. =o


This new global original from war of the visions about to drain all my lapis.
I'll never forgive Gumi for taking such beautiful art and character design and bastardizing it into whatever WotV is. I don't think I have ever played such an exploitative gacha in all of my life as WotV.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
I'll never forgive Gumi for taking such beautiful art and character design and bastardizing it into whatever WotV is. I don't think I have ever played such an exploitative gacha in all of my life as WotV.
Never played it, but I heard lots of bad things about it. Maybe they'll fix it in the future.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
6 blue tickets lol.
Already fragmented sol and locke, but I think double faris could be interesting.

Aside from that no luck on the wotv banner; drained all my lapis only to get cucked by nv physalis twice. Need 4k more lapis to get vinera guaranteed, hope I can get it before the banner ends.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Damn, that's a god-tier pull.

JP is getting another FF7r event soon with Sephiroth and new Aerith/Tifa units as well.
I would've expected yuffie instead to tie in with remake part 2.

Had a lot of s3 story left still, so it was kinda easy getting that 4k lapis, got vinera on the last pull.
So now with the 10 exchange coins I picked sterne leonis twice and stmr moogled x2 his awesome stmr; my raegen now has 300% LB boost.
I always want to have 1 stmr moogle, so my third sterne leone is going to have to wait until I get another stmr moogle.

Also used coins to get the lock's dagger stmr, it's kinda perfect for vinera since it puts her at 100% dodge without any other special gearing needed; I'll see what I'll do with the rest of my coins.
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Esther is getting her upgrade on thursday, every thing in her kit seems to be getting upgraded + she gets a magnus ability too.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Very quick look at Esther's kit, she feels like she's mid nva level now.
4k attack, 19k hp, decent mods, permanent triple cast. There's better options out there, but she's very usable again now.


New Tifa and Aerith are kinda nuts and they're coming on pretty generous banners that are running the entire month. 3000 Lapis per multi. We also got a free Aerith that we can get to EX+2 which is wild.

Sephiroth coming in a few weeks as well so let's see how crazy he is or if he'll just be underwhelming.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Got akstar & cleome of a green ticket, very nice surprise since I did chase them a bit.
Also got NV terra after some tickets on the NV noctis banner, so that's nice; still need some fragments to EX-1 her and turn her into a nuclear bomb, so faris is still gonna be my MVP for awhile.

New Tifa and Aerith are kinda nuts and they're coming on pretty generous banners that are running the entire month. 3000 Lapis per multi. We also got a free Aerith that we can get to EX+2 which is wild.

Sephiroth coming in a few weeks as well so let's see how crazy he is or if he'll just be underwhelming.
How did this turn out? I heard ppl were disappointed with NV sephiroth.


Got akstar & cleome of a green ticket, very nice surprise since I did chase them a bit.
Also got NV terra after some tickets on the NV noctis banner, so that's nice; still need some fragments to EX-1 her and turn her into a nuclear bomb, so faris is still gonna be my MVP for awhile.

How did this turn out? I heard ppl were disappointed with NV sephiroth.

They're all good for what they're doing. Their kits are pretty barebones but as limit break finishers, their buff. Aerith is the most interesting of the 3 units though because of her adjusted Holy. The spell now takes all of your MP but makes it the mod of your attack while still scaling with SPR. It lets you do some great damage if you reflect it as a finisher kind of like how Vivi works.


Dont really play this game but its cool to see Celes animated in 3D. Don't see that too often.

Oh man, that's something that could get me to return....but why does she wear some sort of yellow clownsuit instead of her trademark green leotard?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Oh man, that's something that could get me to return....but why does she wear some sort of yellow clownsuit instead of her trademark green leotard?

Cuz they're using her Amano concept art costume.


I agree its pretty bad lol but at least she gets the cool Rune sword.


The game implemented a sprite changing system so you can use her old sprite and in-game design when she comes out, probably. I'm definitely gonna try and get her myself.


The game implemented a sprite changing system so you can use her old sprite and in-game design when she comes out, probably. I'm definitely gonna try and get her myself.
Oh wow, that's actually awesome. I've been asking for that for a long time. I hated how glitzy and stupid most of the units became at 6 and 7*


Oh wow, that's actually awesome. I've been asking for that for a long time. I hated how glitzy and stupid most of the units became at 6 and 7*
I haven't used it myself but it looks pretty cool overall. They've been slowly adding to it because they do need to do a bit of programming work to make sure the units visually work properly with the skills.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
New CG NV unit from the elena/yoshikiri universe coming for the glb 5th anniversary; she looks pretty cool so I'll probably do some pulls.
Ling is also getting an NV unit and Elena is getting an NVA, would be pretty hilarious if she turns out to be better than NV Elena.

Aside from that it looks like glb is getting shafted with the 5th anni rewards, what I can gather from the reddit, people are pretty pissed off.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Got a bunch of NVs just from tickets, including totally-not-ironheart twice. Hope to stumble into a copy of NV Ling before the banners are gone.
NVA Elena is pretty interesting, loads of damage normally and her brave shift being pure buffing, makes both forms have a lot of value.


JP just put up a notice stating that they are getting rid of the damage formula they implemented 3 years ago where attack value on a weapon affected the damage of a weapon. In exchange though, they're nerfing Fixed Dice finally, heh.

This should be nice for newer players since it'll be easier to take on trials with starter weapons and defense based damage dealers won't have their damage hobbled. It apparently was getting in the way of them recreating certain characters as well so we might get some more interesting units?
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