Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT6| NeoGa.....NEOVISION!


Attack value still remains attack value. It's a part of the damage formula as always. It just doesn't have an additional part where the attack value of a weapon adds another modifier to it.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
NV sephiroth seems to do a chunk more damage than tifa, or it could just be that his dark damage is more effective on the raid boss.
Tempted to spend some lapis, but also more inclined to just keep this 16k lapis in the bank in preparation for halloween.

Still not sure if I should frag my extra Tifa, running dual NVA elena and dual NV louise has been great.


Sephiroth deals all of his damage in a single LB hit while Tifa's LB is multi-hit. He's generally easier to deal his capped max damage with whereas Tifa's has a higher damage potential because she's not constrained by the 9,999,999 cap.


Ouch, one of the few things they could do to get me back if they make any of them NV relevant. They say which characters are getting new NV units and which are getting NVA?

Id and Graf are getting the new NVs. Fei is getting an NVA. Billy and Emeralda are getting 7-stars from their 3/4-star status. Everyone else is getting upgrades to make them in-line with current 7-star/NV set-up, which can be quite good since they added Mastercards to let 7-stars use Vision Cards.

Id, Graf, and Fei are all Trance-style Brave Shifts, so powered up for a few turns when used. They get into their Gears for that. The Gears can only equip accessories and abilities/materia but they also get 800% attack when unarmed which is separate from the current 400% ATK cap from abilities.

Someone grabbed the animation parts from the stream though there aren't any effects at the moment.
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Pejo Pejo are you aware that tomorrow the new unit equip system goes live?
This means everything except your 1st party will become unequipped; including your friend units.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of reequipping literally everyone, you're best of saving several different parties and taking screenshots of your friend units.
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Pejo Pejo are you aware that tomorrow the new unit equip system goes live?
This means everything except your 1st party will become unequipped; including your friend units.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of reequipping literally everyone, you're best of saving several different parties and taking screenshots of your friend units.
I'll have to redownload. I still haven't done it yet, been busy with some other games. My equipment was so random and fucked, I don't mind if I lose that trash though. Anni should be coming up soon no?

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Sprite change update is live, immediately changed avalance tifa to ac tifa; nv rain's base sprite set as hyoh is also pretty cool, since his bs is also hyoh, it just looks like nv hyoh now lol.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Was saving for halloween, but 9000 lapis on the fragment banner so I can get ex2 tifa seemed like a great deal.
Pretty insane improvement going from ex1 to ex2, from 3800 atk to 5300 and her LB auto charges now.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Lol these bastards are dropping a Tomb Raider collab banner right before halloween.
I'll probably use some tickets, but my lapis is not going anywhere.


I saw that, is Lara any good?

JP has the anniversary event going and we're getting Dark Rain and President Raegen lol


I saw that, is Lara any good?

JP has the anniversary event going and we're getting Dark Rain and President Raegen lol
I love that after not playing this game for years now, I can still kinda guess how the main story is going based on the ridiculous alts for the main cast.


I love that after not playing this game for years now, I can still kinda guess how the main story is going based on the ridiculous alts for the main cast.

This is actually a side story. It's unrelated to the main Season 4 story which involves a whole new cast aside from a Rain and Roca (a season 3 character).

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Well the flower girls are finally getting their NVA's on glb, was a bit excited to get to use cleome, but then I realised I only had one copy...because they took so damn long to release them.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Halloween looking to be super anticlimactic... Some upgrades for ibara/lucius/grim sakura and replacing karten with a new nv karten; no nvas....

Might as well spend my lapis on lara now.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Not very lucky at all at lara, took the full 36k lapis (all I had lol) to get the pity for her; not one off-banner NV either.
At least they were generous and put 150 fragments of her in the vip/laracoin shops, so I got her to EX2
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