Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Have to say, I was considering dropping money on lapis for Noctis, as I spent 10k for 2 10+1 pulls for Lightning and got nothing.

So glad I feel I don't have to spend anything now.


It means a lot to me that this thing is even an idea, but I appreciate the sentiment behind it. Not required or expected at all, but it's nice to see ExviusGAF continues to be the amazing place it is. I'm sure my 5* day will (eventually) come, I'll just try to be patient and continue onwards.

Congrats again on your Noctis. :)

Thanks. Don't lose hope on a base 5*, it'll come :)

Very nice - i expected nothing less from you. Another chess move lol.

Chess move, lol. Well, I really don't pull in one go. My 23 tix pulls is done in almost an hour. I pull 5 times, wait for 10 minutes, rinse repeat. Same with multipulls, If I can do it 2 or more times, I'll do 1 multipull per day lol.

Chrono, this just made me realize the old No Legends club from OPTC is being reborn here. :(

It took me 446 days to get my first Legend in that game (then I got my second / only other one three months later). I really hope that isn't the case here
(and I actually got a Legend on my barrel tapping "Alt" way before I pulled one on my actual account so that mimics the reroll BS earlier)

You were a member of that club? I thought your OPTC box is stacked. I rarely post their nowadays but I still lurk there. I'm approaching my 200 days in OPTC but have never pull a Legend
apart from the first 5 I got in the first 2 months :)





Chrono, I told our time was coming. It wasn't what I wanted but I'm happy none the less.

Just as I was about to allow the comfort of my pillow to absorb my 5* base-less tears. I'm glad I checked this thread one last time before I called it quits for the day.

Congrats! :)


Oh for fuck sake. Gilgamesh can wear any armour EXCEPT the Brave Suit. None of my physical attackers can equip it :(

I could equip it on Arc, my mage... but I'm going to replace him with Exdeath soon, who also can't equip it
You were a member of that club? I thought your OPTC box is stacked. I rarely post their nowadays but I still lurk there. I'm approaching my 200 days in OPTC but have never pull a Legend
apart from the first 5 I got in the first 2 months :)
OG Member. I rerolled for Ace + G3 at the start and have some good go-to RRs (3D2Y Zoro, 3D2Y Brook, SW Usopp, SW Franky, etc...) but only 2 Legends. I pulled IntHawk after 446 days, right after my phone broke and I recovered the account with support just in the nick of time to Sugo Pull using Droid4x. Then, I got Rayleigh in a multi-pull 3 months later.

I guess that also kinda fits here too, since I rerolled for Pecil at the start and have a stable of 3*/4* -> 6* characters. I just hope I don't have to wait until August 2017 to get my first non-troll rainbow (Golbez, Duane and Vanille were my only Rainbows thus far).
Just as I was about to allow the comfort of my pillow to absorb my 5* base-less tears. I'm glad I checked this thread one last time before I called it quits for the day.

Congrats! :)
Not in this thread nearly as often as I used too but it's sadly comforting seeing that you still haven't got a 5* base
,bc I haven't either sadly. But don't worry, we gone be ALLLRIGHT
Dump my lapis on one daily and a 11-pull. Down to my final 1,000 lapis to likely use on dailies.

Still yet to hit a single 5* base and playing since freaking soft launch. Still without a Chiziru as well.

Got Hope on the FFXV banner (figures), shadow, Charlotte and only new unit is Mercedes, but if I've been reading this thread right she is only worthwhile if I get her TM?

If so... figures. Been playing since soft launch and only have one whole TM, which costed me all my saved up Moogles.

This games rates are such utter trash, and I thought Brave Frontier rates were bad. How does one play since launch and still have yet to gain a single 5* base? Heck, if not for finally pulling a Zidane last week for the first time I would also be without a dual wielder as well.

Excited to see how well I do if they buff up content (Hi 2-H Dragon!) going forward to factor in everything I've been unable to obtain in all this time thus far.
So who wants to hear what ol Rob pulled this morning with 8 tickets?

Daily - Gold!! Chorizo sausage! (my 2nd)

1. GOLD. Snow! (new)
2. GOLD again! Warrior of Light (new)
3. Edge
4. Locke
5. Exdeath
6. Cyan
7. Gold again! Rosa (2nd)
8. Edge

So yeah. No Noctis or Mercedes but a damn fine morning


Dump my lapis on one daily and a 11-pull. Down to my final 1,000 lapis to likely use on dailies.

Still yet to hit a single 5* base and playing since freaking soft launch. Still without a Chiziru as well.

Got Hope on the FFXV banner (figures), shadow, Charlotte and only new unit is Mercedes, but if I've been reading this thread right she is only worthwhile if I get her TM?

If so... figures. Been playing since soft launch and only have one whole TM, which costed me all my saved up Moogles.

This games rates are such utter trash, and I thought Brave Frontier rates were bad. How does one play since launch and still have yet to gain a single 5* base? Heck, if not for finally pulling a Zidane last week for the first time I would also be without a dual wielder as well.

Excited to see how well I do if they buff up content (Hi 2-H Dragon!) going forward to factor in everything I've been unable to obtain in all this time thus far.
I'd give you a chizuru if I could.

But yeah I'm in the same boat. Played since soft launch and I've still not seen a rainbow crystal never mind a base 5 star.

I also have no dual wielder.
I need to rebuild my stash incase we get that 10k pull that Japan had. I've barely touched the missions thus far (did up to the first island's Castle and the newer stuff after they launched). How much lapis is to be had there? I may rush through for another 11-pull if it's a huge amount.


Gratz to everyone got who noctis, and thanks to all the people who congratulated me.

I hope the ones who didn't manage to pull him get lucky before the banner ends, good luck to you all <3


Did 19 pulls, 16 Tix, 1 daily and 2 500 pulls(by excited accident)
First pull was a Mercedes. Other than that what was worth it..
Another Chizuru(6th...Wtf)
Cecil(3rd dunno what to do with it)
2x Leo
4 or 5 Charlotte's which I merged immediately
Miyuki(Finally and most happy about this)
2 Jains(merged)
4 star asshelm

Not great but that Miyuki TM will make things skyrocket for me


I have 20k lapis that I was saving Eileen, but after getting Ramza it's in my head that I could have had Noctis. Do I risk it all?


Gratz to everyone got who noctis, and thanks to all the people who congratulated me.

I hope the ones who didn't manage to pull him get lucky before the banner ends, good luck to you all <3

Yup. I really hope that those who are after / hope for Noctis gets him.
I did get almost everything I wanted. I didn't want Noctis nor was hoping to get him.
Wow, without TMs Mercedes is straight up trash compared to Chiziru.

We have a high physical damage dealer who gets no AOE except for their limit which of course has to be elemental and then gives magic? MAGIC?

This game...

This is why I will never give them a dime. The ROI just wouldn't be worth it as knowing my luck I'd dump $100 and walk away in the same boat I'm in now.

*cries in corner*
The Noctis bug bit me. So I did an 11 pull and dropped my 18 tickets on this banner.

No Noctis. Did finally get Chiz. No Mercedes either. Like 8 or 9 Charlotte's. That's crazy. To bad her TM isn't exciting.



Did daily and 17 tickets, other notables were Miyuki and 2 Zidanes somehow (fed all my moogles to one so he's at 85%). Still no Chizuru or Mercedes, but IT'S PRINCE TIME!!!!!


Ok I lied, I was already angry as fuck and rage pulled more. After more than 100 pulls I just swore to my life that I'm done.

What I got that could be considered interesting:
Another Gilgamesh
7 Mercedes
9 Chorizos
6 Cecils
1 Hayate
1 Firion
2 Miyukis
Enough Charlotte for 2 TMs

I'm calm already and I have conscience that this was one of the biggest financial mistakes of my life. This was money burned and thrown in the gutter. I can get it back operating in the stock market but it won't change the fact that I just lost almost R$2,000.

I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.

Love y'all.


Spent all my tickets and got :

Miyuki (new!)
Agrias (new!)
Terra (new!)

Overall I'm happy about this, even though those are off banner :lol


Yup. I really hope that those who are after / hope for Noctis gets him.
I did get almost everything I wanted. I didn't want Noctis nor was hoping to get him.

If only I was half as content as you I would live a much easier life x-x.

To be fair though, noctis right now is my 2nd favourite ff character after zidane(who will never get a 6 star , and if he did i bet all he will get is an aoe steal).

It feels nice for a change to actually have an op char that you really love in your party with some actual use.

I'm glad you got almost everything you wanted though :p.


I have 20k lapis that I was saving Eileen, but after getting Ramza it's in my head that I could have had Noctis. Do I risk it all?
Dont. This banner rate is horrible. A few friends of mine did 3, 5 and 7 10+1 pulls and the quantity of banner units like chizurus and Mercedes they got is ridiculous. You will be swarmed with Charlotte.

I thought about doing one 10+1 pull for chiz because I need a second one and I won't even do it, let alone for Noctis.


I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.
I mean this makes significantly more money for SE doesn't it?

It's no wonder they have the rates so low. People are already interested so they don't need to incentivise people to keep playing and paying.


I'm calm already and I have conscience that this was one of the biggest financial mistakes of my life. This was money burned and thrown in the gutter. I can get it back operating in the stock market but it won't change the fact that I just lost almost R$2,000.

I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.

Love y'all.

Damn my dude, sorry to hear that. Take the time you need man. But do come back, you're one of the most active posters on here.


The Noctis bug bit me. So I did an 11 pull and dropped my 18 tickets on this banner.

No Noctis. Did finally get Chiz. No Mercedes either. Like 8 or 9 Charlotte's. That's crazy. To bad her TM isn't exciting.
Charlotte's tm is great. Keep 5 and fuse the others. Easy equip shield for your healer.


that puzzling face
I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.

Love y'all.

Ironically from RK OT2 OP

- THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB IS: Never, ever pull relics (especially with cash) with the intent of getting a specific item.



Dont. This banner rate is horrible. A few friends of mine did 3, 5 and 7 10+1 pulls and the quantity of banner units like chizurus and Mercedes they got is ridiculous. You will be swarmed with Charlotte.

I thought about doing one 10+1 pull for chiz because I need a second one and I won't even do it, let alone for Noctis.

Yeah I managed to refrain. I was about to click the button and decided against it. I know you shouldn't chase a unit but Eileen is an important part of the team I'm trying to build, and I've been saving for her since the FF3 banner. I can't be swayed, even if I feel like I could have had Noctis (damn it Ramza! Lol).


Just woke up, and congrats to the new Noctis owners! Going to do my dailies then pull. Wish me luck!

Alkez and Celegus special congrats on pulling a 5* base!


Yeah I managed to refrain. I was about to click the button and decided against it. I know you shouldn't chase a unit but Eileen is an important part of the team I'm trying to build, and I've been saving for her since the FF3 banner. I can't be swayed, even if I feel like I could have had Noctis (damn it Ramza! Lol).
Good choice.

I don't know, its nor good or bad I think. There's two ways to see it.

If on a lightning, gilgamesh, luneth or noctis banner you use two or three 10+1 pulls and don't get any of them, you've been screwed pretty bad.

If you use all of those pulls for one specific unit, your chance of getting her increases. But yeah, you could also be screwed badly.

Its straight up gambling, and I believe they're doing it the wrong way with the pull rates in the last banners. You want to encourage people pulling, not discourage them.


Good choice.

I don't know, its nor good or bad I think. There's two ways to see it.

If on a lightning, gilgamesh, luneth or noctis banner you use two or three 10+1 pulls and don't get any of them, you've been screwed pretty bad.

If you use all of those pulls for one specific unit, like let's say 10+1 pulls, your chance of getting her increases. But yeah, you could also be screwed badly.

Its straight up gambling, and I believe they're doing it the wrong way with the pull rates in the last banners. You want to encourage people pulling, mot discourage them.
It's the debate of whether making whales spend more is better than everyone else spending a little bit more.

Sadly they seem to believe the whales are more profitable.

Which sucks. I'm much more likely to spend money if I feel like I'll get something out of it. But as some one who has played since soft launch and got no base 5* or rainbow crystal it just makes you question spending any money. Nothing worse than spending more than the cost of a full price game in gacha pulls and get absolutely nothing out of it.


that puzzling face
Orlandu banner will be HELL

Orlandu and Alphinaud banners are probably going to make as many people quit as the original Sephiroth and Lightning banners.

It's the debate of whether making whales spend more is better than everyone else spending a little bit more.

Sadly they seem to believe the whales are more profitable.

Generally speaking, I've noticed that the larger a game's playerbase, the more it skews towards casual monetization vs concentrating on the core group of big spenders. See: Mobius vs Granblue.



Did daily and 17 tickets, other notables were Miyuki and 2 Zidanes somehow (fed all my moogles to one so he's at 85%). Still no Chizuru or Mercedes, but IT'S PRINCE TIME!!!!!

Gratz and Welcome to the 5* Club :)

Ok I lied, I was already angry as fuck and rage pulled more. After more than 100 pulls I just swore to my life that I'm done.

What I got that could be considered interesting:
Another Gilgamesh
7 Mercedes
9 Chorizos

6 Cecils
1 Hayate
1 Firion
2 Miyukis
Enough Charlotte for 2 TMs

I'm calm already and I have conscience that this was one of the biggest financial mistakes of my life. This was money burned and thrown in the gutter. I can get it back operating in the stock market but it won't change the fact that I just lost almost R$2,000.

I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.

Love y'all.

100 pulls and you got all that,. To me, it's quite a haul.

But yeah you're right, that's around $500 down the drain.

I hope you don't quit on us. Enjoy your break and we'll see you again :)

11 pull and got Ramza, what!
Will get my remaining 7k lapis in case of new year bundle.

Gratz, Ramza's a very nice pickup for just 11 pulls.


Good choice.

I don't know, its nor good or bad I think. There's two ways to see it.

If on a lightning, gilgamesh, luneth or noctis banner you use two or three 10+1 pulls and don't get any of them, you've been screwed pretty bad.

If you use all of those pulls for one specific unit, your chance of getting her increases. But yeah, you could also be screwed badly.

Its straight up gambling, and I believe they're doing it the wrong way with the pull rates in the last banners. You want to encourage people pulling, not discourage them.

Yeah most definitely. I made my peace with it though and have been mentally prepared that even with 40k lapis I may not get her. It would suck but that's the game we play, I'm willing to take that risk to try get her.

I got lucky and have a single Firion who functions in a similar role (being able to use all weapons) and is pretty strong after enhancements so I have the backup unit if my luck is poor on the day.

I think the thing I take away from this is I have pulled almost everything good off banner lol. Went for Ramza on his banner, get him now. Got Chizuru off banner, exdeath off banner, Zidane off banner. I'll probably go for Eileen and get Noctis lol.


If only I was half as content as you I would live a much easier life x-x.

To be fair though, noctis right now is my 2nd favourite ff character after zidane(who will never get a 6 star , and if he did i bet all he will get is an aoe steal).

It feels nice for a change to actually have an op char that you really love in your party with some actual use.

I'm glad you got almost everything you wanted though :p.

O yeah. My favourite character is Rikku. Its almost same as my real name and best char in FFX. I haven't played FFXV so no ties to Noctis or other names there.

What I mean, the 10+1 I got is just great. My first Zidane (over 500 pulls made), 2 more Hayates, one Benz. 0 trash 3* units (I consider 3* trash those units that dint't have 5* originally). Only 2 Charlottes diluting the pulls. Perfect stuff for me.

Here is the pull I made earlier:


If I can wish & hope from this banner is to get one more Formula One for the second axe. Yesterday my daily was Chizuru (my 2nd) so I don't need more Chorizos, I don't mind if I get more. That just means faster Blade Mastery

Future plan is to have party:

"Gilgy & Funky bunch"

Gilgy: Genji Glove + BM * Sakurafubuki & Enhancer
Lightning: BM * Sakurafubuki & Excalibur / StQ (depends resists)
Formula One DW * Viking Axe & Viking Axe (or something else if I don't get 2nd F1)
Refia: Dual Cast + Camouflage + 2x Guardian's Authority * Lordly Robe
Cecil: Dual Cast + some tm's * Aegis Shield

Got 2 Snow's (2 Champion's Belt) & 4 Gaffgarions (2 Bracers) in the pipe and other TM stuff.


It's the debate of whether making whales spend more is better than everyone else spending a little bit more.

Sadly they seem to believe the whales are more profitable.

Which sucks. I'm much more likely to spend money if I feel like I'll get something out of it. But as some one who has played since soft launch and got no base 5* or rainbow crystal it just makes you question spending any money. Nothing worse than spending more than the cost of a full price game in gacha pulls and get absolutely nothing out of it.

I'm with you. I'd have no problem shelling 50-75$ a week on a good banner to be able to get the unit I want. With the rates we have now, I wont ever make the mistakes I did on the Gilgamesh and Lightning banner ever again. Thank god I got them, it could of been even more terrible. So for some players like me, they will be losing money.

But if they feel that the whales spending a few thousands on this game is better than thousands of players shelling less money, it could very well be true about their financial problems.
Caved and did 2 11 pulls

Scored a bunch of goodies!

Got a troll rainbow on the second pull though OUCH

At least it was another Chizuru

Oh and I snagged the Benz so Ill probably play around with a bunch of my new units.

I might use the 5 Star Chizzy to turn to 6 star since all the hard work is basically done already lol


damn the temptation to buy gem is freaking strong in this one.
but then again i keep thinking, i have already got the unit i need(Chizuru)
and seeing all those Charlotte i gotted.

It is best to stop being stupid and disappointing later.

PS. the Lapiz price is ridiculous T_T


Ok Noctis is totally a Lightning-killer in arena.

His hybrid skills not only bypass cover but also ignore evade skills, like it would be a magic attack.

i told that 2 noctis in arena + golem staff = fuck you all. And the true is more horrifying than fiction.


Yeah most definitely. I made my peace with it though and have been mentally prepared that even with 40k lapis I may not get her. It would suck but that's the game we play, I'm willing to take that risk to try get her.

I got lucky and have a single Firion who functions in a similar role (being able to use all weapons) and is pretty strong after enhancements so I have the backup unit if my luck is poor on the day.

I think the thing I take away from this is I have pulled almost everything good off banner lol. Went for Ramza on his banner, get him now. Got Chizuru off banner, exdeath off banner, Zidane off banner. I'll probably go for Eileen and get Noctis lol.

It would suck indeed, let's just hope your plan works :)
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