Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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I've never, ever seen a moogle standing anywhere inside the maze. Calling bullshit. It might be new, but it's definitely super random and would be exceedingly obvious if any of the thousands of us had ever seen it before. That's not exactly something that would pass us by.

I saw it today in like my 3rd run but haven't seen it since. He popped up in 2 different stages of the single maze.

Also, I wish the last stage of the maze was 3 gigantuars instead of 3 star quartz. I have them pouring out of me at this point


After seeing Noctis animation in person, I kind of want one too. But honestly, if I can finally get Chiz out of this banner, I'll be happy.
Zera - Cecil is at 85%, Max is at 75%, and Gaff is at 72%. Snow is only at 25%, and Chorizo replaces Garnet this morning.

No idea what to do after that, but I could probably knock out Charlotte in less than two days, as 4 of them are already at 10% TM - maybe even one day if RNG is with me. That is why I was thinking them first.

Focus on getting your atk up. Trust me. You will not regret it. Equip Heavy Shield while nice, does nothing for your Lightning. I just finished it up and gave it to my Refia, gained a lil more def. Not a priority compared to the other TM's you can work on. Get Chiz BM up and running ASAP and finish out those awesome TM's you have and you should be able to push 700 atk on your Lightning!


Spend Lapis to run ELT on King Mog event. I think you have 18h to do it. Then buy the awakening materials from King Mog. Aint cheap but can't see another way in near future.

Hmm I need

15x Calamity Gem
8x Calamity Writ
4x Prismatic Horn

I've never, ever seen a moogle standing anywhere inside the maze. Calling bullshit. It might be new, but it's definitely super random and would be exceedingly obvious if any of the thousands of us had ever seen it before. That's not exactly something that would pass us by.

As I said, the moogle was in the very next run of the maze for me. Promise, hand on my heart. It was just poking its head up behind the arch, so I went through that door and it was the one that advanced the maze.

Could it be random coincidence that the one door with the totally random moogle also happened to be the one that was the right one to continue the maze? Could definitely be the case. I'd need to try it a few more times to call this "true".


Yep was just noting how SQs are like candy at this point. Gonna see some equip coming that costs something like 300 I bet.

edit, I can see i'm a little behind -- trust moogles cost 300:

Yeah I can't imagine using anything else besides the TM. Everything else sorta stinks once you have a few sets of Earrings

Hmm I need

15x Calamity Gem
8x Calamity Writ
4x Prismatic Horn


Have you already bought the cheap ones? If not, then yeah it'll be easily doable today
Pulled Mercedes on my daily pull. Already have three chizurus, I really should not pull on this banner right?

There isn't a cheaper way to buy lapis than in the store right? Trying to. Figure out if everyone is just spending hundreds of dollars or if I missed something...
Cleaned my friend list a bit, so if you don't have me now it's the time : 464,761,570

Added you.

If anyone would like to add me, i'd like as many GAF players as possible!

ID is 874.578.971 , Sharing Noctis, only 603 atk for now, i'm farming TMs for more.


Also cleared a few spots for any Gaffers - I think I've wormed my way onto most of your lists but anyone else is welcome to toss a request. 713 attack CoD right now and for the near future until I can pull a big boy carry unit :p

My ID is 718,702,767 if you still have room

I threw one your way too.

I don't have anything special, just a Lightning with some alright stuff on.

Added you all. Still more room in the back pack guys, lets go!


Professional Schmuck
Yeah I can't imagine using anything else besides the TM. Everything else sorta stinks once you have a few sets of Earrings

Have you already bought the cheap ones? If not, then yeah it'll be easily doable today

I can imagine both man-eater and equip rod as useful TM-like SQ purchases tbh.


The troll rates are back. This is what I got with 5000 lapis i was storing away for a rainy day on my android device. Didn't even get a banner unit
This is pretty disheartening too. Keep posting these guys! You're dissuading me from ever buying Lapis or 11-pulling again with every one of these.


Got a vanille today as well, is her weapon worth getting before the event ends? I heard something about her being good at arena, is it just because of her limit or is there something else?
So I went ahead and did 5 pulls. Daily and 4 Tix. Garland (6th) Amarant (9th) Vivi (millionth) Snow (3rd) Charlotte (30th or so). I am okay with Snow and Amarant but otherwise...meh. Not bad for only 5 pulls though.
Used a moogle on Celes. Yeah, I know. Minerva Bustier get. TM farming team: Subarufuki, Excalibur 2, PoC, Genji Glove, BM. Have a second DW half-baked, but it's deprioritized.

After that, I suppose it's 5 Leo time, then all out for many Karls.
Jesus, I was ready to go all ham on this banner but this is the lowest success rate I can ever remember seeing in the thread and not even just Noctis either, a lot aren't even getting Chorizo. Normally a bunch of people get the big prize and post their winnings tempting the rest of us to try our luck. This was supposed to be a good banner to pull on :( I want Noctis really bad and unlike many here, I just don't have any of the top DPS units so I need a good one... I wish they'd just tell us what's coming up for the New Years banner so I can have no regrets. How early did we know about the players choice banner? I want to say pretty early on but I'm sure all they will reveal at the end of next week is a Christmas banner that just has xmas versions of the story characters....dammit, what to do!

I have roughly 30k lapis saved up and up in the forties in tickets but man if I didn't get him with all that and having no top DPS unit like Lightning, Luneth, Gilg, etc. to feel ok afterwards about I could conceivably rage quit.


Daily and 6 tickets down the toilet.

Charlotte #3
Charlotte #4
Exdeath #4

I'm sitting on 7k lapis and am considering an 11 pull for at least ChesseRyu.


Is there any reason at all to keep a unit with 100% TM that you don't care about otherwise? If not what do you guys do with them?
From what I hear you can get some good stuff taking them into a battle from the Trust rewards or whatever at the end of a quest. Stuff like the Roots or a Star Quartz.

Other than that, there's no reason to hold onto a unit with a maxed TM that you don't want


Professional Schmuck
Daily and 6 tickets down the toilet.

Charlotte #3
Charlotte #4
Exdeath #4

I'm sitting on 7k lapis and am considering an 11 pull for at least ChesseRyu.

the question is whether you'll quit if you get 3 more charlottes and 8 pieces of trash.


Really, Noctis in Arena makes really all too easy.

And im only using one, when i level up the other one and have the 2 in my party, all the fights will last as much 2 turns.


It feels so good TM farming with 3, 4 or 5 units of same units. At least my pulling frenzy for gilgamesh and lightning gave me some other benefits.

4 cecil
4 agrias
4 miyukis


Jesus, I was ready to go all ham on this banner but this is the lowest success rate I can ever remember seeing in the thread and not even just Noctis either, a lot aren't even getting Chorizo. Normally a bunch of people get the big prize and post their winnings tempting the rest of us to try our luck. This was supposed to be a good banner to pull on :( I want Noctis really bad and unlike many here, I just don't have any of the top DPS units so I need a good one... I wish they'd just tell us what's coming up for the New Years banner so I can have no regrets. How early did we know about the players choice banner? I want to say pretty early on but I'm sure all they will reveal at the end of next week is a Christmas banner that just has xmas versions of the story characters....dammit, what to do!

I have roughly 30k lapis saved up and up in the forties in tickets but man if I didn't get him with all that and having no top DPS unit like Lightning, Luneth, Gilg, etc. to feel ok afterwards about I could conceivably rage quit.

I am literally in the same exact situation except only 26k lapis and 60 tickets. I have no 5* as well. Was going to dump on this banner but now I am considering waiting for a Players Choice banner (that realistically may never happen) just so I don't rage quit when I inevitably don't pull a big boy


the question is whether you'll quit if you get 3 more charlottes and 8 pieces of trash.

If it's as bad or worse than my last 11 pull, then... I just might, or at least take a break. The RNG gods already blessed with me with a Lightning on her first banner, so I really shouldn't be too upset, but nothing but bad pulls since then feels bad. I can't imagine how those without any 5* base feel.

@Valentus, how many 11 pulls did it take for you get Noct?


Really, Noctis in Arena makes really all too easy.

And im only using one, when i level up the other one and have the 2 in my party, all the fights will last as much 2 turns.

I'm managing all 1 turn fights this time around. Delita meditates, 2x 6* Exdeath double cast I've lost once against a team with two Noctis', two Greg's and a didn't even take out one enemy unit.

...technically that was a one turn fight too though.
Not sure if I have you Zera. Have Sazh up at the moment but back to Delita soon. Have DW in 5%. 792,607,426


Jesus, I was ready to go all ham on this banner but this is the lowest success rate I can ever remember seeing in the thread and not even just Noctis either, a lot aren't even getting Chorizo. Normally a bunch of people get the big prize and post their winnings tempting the rest of us to try our luck. This was supposed to be a good banner to pull on :( I want Noctis really bad and unlike many here, I just don't have any of the top DPS units so I need a good one... I wish they'd just tell us what's coming up for the New Years banner so I can have no regrets. How early did we know about the players choice banner? I want to say pretty early on but I'm sure all they will reveal at the end of next week is a Christmas banner that just has xmas versions of the story characters....dammit, what to do!

I have roughly 30k lapis saved up and up in the forties in tickets but man if I didn't get him with all that and having no top DPS unit like Lightning, Luneth, Gilg, etc. to feel ok afterwards about I could conceivably rage quit.

If you really want him, spend say 10k lapis and a few tickets and see what happens. You never know.
The arena is predictably ridiculous. First team I fought: Lightning, 2 Luneths, Greg, and Exdeath. I don't know how I won, but now I completely understand why people hate this mode.

Also, screw Arena Cecils.
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