I have decided to take a break.
I have decided to take a break.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
Good luck. Fucking gamblor is a Bitch.I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
0.0 you lived up to your name.congratsAfter spending an embarassing amount of lapis, I finally got him.
Im not even happy tbh... Fucking bullshit rng
So in the end, after spending about 90k lapis, I got a 5* cecil, a 5* alma and noctis.
I will check how many chizurus I got and tell you guys. I think I got about 4 or 5, and 4 or 5 mercedes too. Aka these rates are fucking shit
I got enough charlottes to get two of her tm. Lol
I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
True enough.I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
Good luck. Fucking gamblor is a Bitch.
0.0 you lived up to your name.congrats
Yeah, I'm done with 10+1 pulls until the new rules are implemented. Seen so many troll golds it defies description. Haven't seen a rainbow TO turn into a troll...
I'm good for awhile now. It sucks that I will have nothing to pull for Majin Fina, but at least I have the makings of a solid team for awhile. And after I finish the current group of TM's for Light going to have to start knocking out some of these dupes.
4 X Terra so Ultima should be quick
5 X Charlotte each at 10% so really quick
4 x Amarant so quick HP+30%
12 x Shantotto so a quick 3 MAG+30% - four for each
5 x Arc so quick Omnirod
I'll do the two five's first, then put DW into the queue with the 4 sets...
Going to knock those all out after I finish Light's current enhancements next week. ExDeath and Refia will be happy in a month or so...
Oh my God, I somehow have four Miuki as well, which can turn into two Katanas so Chorizo will not suck down the road. I drew three Mercedes, and I can't get to her TM any time in the next two months at the earliest...
So TM farming priority?
First finish Cecil, Gaf, and Max to get Light into the high 600's
Then the 5 Charlottes
Then maybe DW, BM, 2xMiuki, and finish Snow#1
Not enough time, and now not enough lapis either...
The arena is predictably ridiculous. First team I fought: Lightning, 2 Luneths, Greg, and Exdeath. I don't know how I won, but now I completely understand why people hate this mode.
Also, screw Arena Cecils.
I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
Surely not expecting Noctis on my acct, but hoping the rumored "new account bias" will help her out.
Praying for a Chiz finally on my main, and a Mercedes would be nice as well before the banner ends. Realistically, my expectations are set at only obtaining one of them at best.
These rates would be fine if a rainbow was a guaranteed 5* or guaranteed banner unit. But it isnt
These rates would be fine if a rainbow was a guaranteed 5* or guaranteed banner unit. But it isnt
I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
Wait I missed this : GL - Christmas Event Placeholders
Basically we're getting a Christmas Event that is very similar to the Halloween one.
So I am rerolling an account just to do some rolls to get the itch to go away while my regular account TM farms....this is the way to go.
I mean you feel miserable regardless really. You see everyone with their shiny new units, and while you're happy for them you're also just super disappointed that you can't get some of the luck yourself.This is exactly why you never chase the rainbow especially when the gatcha mechanics are still stupid as shit. You're not going to win 95% of the time and in the end, it's only going to make you feel miserable about it whether you get what you want or not.
the wiki used to have a summon simulator for every event, which was a GREAT reality check before losing your mind on a banner. the entire site is sadly in disrepair over the past 3 weeks or so, starting back when guy was asking for help on rankings.
https://exviuswiki.com/Summon <-- if it comes back that would be where to look. so useful.
Same with me .. 200 pulls earlier today, I gave in and bought 36k Lapis again .. 280 pulls total, zero rainbows.. I cannot imagine seeing a rainbow eventually for it to be a troll .. I have zero base 5* it's depressing me. Years of gaming and I suddenly remembered games are for fun![]()
This is exactly why you never chase the rainbow especially when the gatcha mechanics are still stupid as shit. You're not going to win 95% of the time and in the end, it's only going to make you feel miserable about it whether you get what you want or not.
We have known for month the current rates are complete and utter garbage and yet people continue to relentlessly bank everything on a single unit despite plenty of evidence showing how there's an extremely high chance you're not getting what you want.
The complaining afterwards is just icing on the game especially when people are just regurgitating the obvious.
Exactly why I'm f2p. I expect nothing and usually get nothing, therefore can't be disappointed. But when I finally manage my first rainbow (playing since day 1) and it does have a Noctis... Feels good. I certainly wasn't expecting him though.This is exactly why you never chase the rainbow especially when the gatcha mechanics are still stupid as shit. You're not going to win 95% of the time and in the end, it's only going to make you feel miserable about it whether you get what you want or not..
And yet, this is exactly what those company's want people to do. It'a shame so many solid mobile games are gacha games trying to play into peoples addictive tendencies.Honestly folks, seeing a rather alarming trend these past two pages.
And of course, the top 100 in the Arena have Noctis now, RIP if you wanna stay in top 3000.
Same principles as dealing with Lightnings
Status effects and Dual Cast spells
You guys will make due. Just have to shut down Noctis instead of auto piloting
It does suck just how massively good he is
Honestly folks, seeing a rather alarming trend these past two pages.
To be fair, it was Lapis I've been sitting on for 2 months+ I got from amazon at a Discount and wanted to celebrate doing well my finals. It's also been my first purchase.
I would also feel bad for saying what the other 6 characters were.
So I decided to use my first ever store bought Lapis, was saving it till they did insert the crystal change and did a 10+1 Summon
On the plus side, 5 Charlottes
Honestly folks, seeing a rather alarming trend these past two pages.
Dual cast meteor and aeto blitz almost wipes any team. Lol
Everyone add me 871151852 if ur name doesn't match GAF have GAF in messagr
So TM farm or Maze?
oh shin, just yesterday i believe your exact words were STAHP.![]()
They should do like Gran Blue imo. Once in a while you get an offer to buy on rare (SSR) character of your choice for like 30$. It kind of balances the addictive behavior. It's a gacha game you won't be able to get the unit you want all the time and of course the new character is obviously going to be good that's the way they attract people. What doesn't help is that you'll see people post that they got the character you wanted but it's kind of normal that with 10+ million people some will get the low odds characters.
Depends on what your goals are
Maze is great for raising up Units. Lots of XP, mats, and other bonus goodies like Star Quartz and LB Bots (but those are the most rare)
So unless you need to stock up on XP, mats and Crystals you should probably be TM farming
Well I do have Cod at 5 star , DKC and Chizuru that all need leveled.
Well I do have Cod at 5 star , DKC and Chizuru that all need leveled.
Personally, I'm running the Maze and saving all of the gigantuars I pull and use all of the other cactuars to level up some of the units I've been ignoring for a while (Bartz, Firion, etc.). That way I have a great stock of gigantuars next time I get a good pull and won't have to worry about the leveling game.
I'm also still doing some TM farming. I kinda' just keep alternating between the two, to be honest. Refresh NRG, run the maze, refresh NRG, TM farm then take a break.